1956 AMC Hudson Sales Managers Letters Boston Zonehudsonterraplane.com/tech/1956/1956-57ManagersLettersSalesBoston... · AMC - Hudson Boston Zone 1956 Manager Letters (Sales) -----Business - [PDF Document] (2024)

AMC - Hudson B o s t o n Z o n e


M a n a g e r L e t t e r s ( S a l e s )

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B u s i n e s s M a n a g e m e n t M a n a g e rM e r c h a n d i s i n g M a n a g e r

S a l e s P r o m o t i o n M a n a g e rZ o n e M a n a g e r

1956 Managers Letters (Sales)

(Boston Zone)(Filed by Department Head Name)

Page Name & Department

5 Dillaway, R. W. - Zone Manager Jun 1 - NADA Reports Jul 27 - Letter to C. Ashton Cox vis advertising allowance Dec 26 - Forms and Procedure for placing Ramblers In Driver Training Dec 27 - Sales Objectives for January 1957

12 Fenerty, H. F. - Merchandising Manager Jan 6 - Retail Sales Quota for 1956 Jan 6 - Letter to C. A. Cox Re Sales Meeting at Dealership Mar 9 - Sales Points Not to be Overlooked Mar 9 - Revised Contest Quotas for March, April and May Mar 22 - Sales Tally for For February 1956 Apr 12 - Letter to W. MacDonald re “Name the Construction” Contest 20 Jun - Comparison Hudson vs Cadillac, Imperial & Lincoln Jul 10 - Dealer of the Month, Jun 1956 Jul 23 - Hudson Family Magazine Aug 20 - Used Car Auction Aug 20 - Incentive Program for Salesmen Aug 23 - Signing Up; Long Range Planning for 1957 Aug 27 - The Growing Boom

28 Klaluer, F. J. - Sales Promotion Manager Nov 7 - Hudson Dealers of the Month for October Nov 20 - Interest in demonstration Ride; Letter to C. A. Cox, Hudson Sales Dec 20 - 1956 Sales Club’s Awards

32 Olinto, A. E. - Business Management Manager Jun 30 - 1956 Quarterly Survey

To: All Hudson Dealers Boston Zone

Subject: NADA Reports


Thanks to the dealers who are supporting us with theirNADA Reports each ten-day period as they have mode it possibleto reverse the trend in the resale value of our Hudson cars,For the first time the June NAPA. Official Guide lists ourHudson Hornet and Wasp at up to $50.00 MORE than the MayNADA Official Guide books This is a complete reversal ofthe usual downward trend of all cars and indicates as much asa $100 advantage over a 1955 Pontiac for instance.

We sugest that you use this information in yourcontacts with the public when fighting competition for sales.No longer can they say that the used Hudson has no resalevalue.

Again, we can continue this trend if you continue tosend us your NADA Reports regularly. Now that we have theadvantage mentioned above, be sure that we continue to maintain this edge.

Very truly yours,

HUDSON DIVISION American Motors Sales Corp.

R. L. Dillaway Zone ManagerRLD:fm6/1/56Dealergram #87

July 27, 1956

Mr. C. Ashton CoxC. A. Cox Hudson Sales & Service 60 Beale StreetQuincy, Massachusetts

Dear Ash:

When we discussed the advertising allowance with youthat we are giving to help move the large cars, severalthings were required that by now you might have forgotten.So we can process your credit as quickly as possible, wouldyou please support your advertising request as follows:

1. Duplicate copies of paid invoices.

2. Tear sheets from newspapers.

3. Radio scripts.

Our agreement was that we would duplicate the amountyou spend up to $600 as our contribution.

Very truly yours,


R. W. Dillaway Hudson Sales Managerfm

December 26, 1956

To all Nash and Hudson Dealers:

Some time ago, Mr. Roy Abernethy sent out a brochure containing theforms and procedure used in most states to place our automobiles inDriver Training. Some states further subsidize this worthwhileproject and our company has offered a most liberal allowance of $125per unit on any 1957 CUSTOM Rambler now placed in such use.

With the second semester rapidly approaching, we urge you to checkwith your respective school authorities. We feel certain that thesecaptive demonstrations will pay off in future sales. Dual Controlunits are available on order for Rambler models, and we trust thatyou will make the most of this program as it is also one which willlend itself to local publicity.

Yours very truly,

Zone Manager

December 27, 1956


Subject: Sales Objective for January 1957

Enclosed you will please find a display card giving you yoursales objective for the month of January 1957. We wouldappreciate your hanging this card in a prominent place to remindyou of this objective, and to stimulate your salesmenin an effort to make that extra sale.

You will note there is space on the right side of this cardfor your convenience in recording your total sales by each10-day period.

This sales objective is based on the monthly percentage ofthe agreed yearly figure as discussed between you andMr. Goodyear at our recent refranchising meetings.

We sincerely trust you will endeavor to exceed these objectivesin order that we collectively as a zone can exceed our quota.

Yours for good selling in January!!

R. W. W. Dillaway,RWD-W Assistant Zone Manage



Attached is your retail sales quota for 1956.You will notethat Hornet, Wasp, Rambler and Metropolitan have been set with separatequotas to help you with your sales projections.This should helpyou materially with your long range planning.

Needless to say, it takes adequate manpower in each departmentto get the job done.That is your responsibility.We rill, however,assist you in every way possible to help you achieve your sales goaland make 1956 a profitable one for you.

Your aim should be to increase Hudson registrations in yourarea 10% this year.If you start NOW you can do it.

Yours for better SELLING.

Very truly yours,

HUDSON MOTORS Division of American Motors Sales Corp.

H. F. Fenerty Merchandising ManagerHFF:mfDealergram #3January 61 9 5 6

P. S. Hornet and Wasp quotas are interchangeable.

January 6, 1956 Mr. A. CoxC. A. Cox Hudson Sales and Service60 Beale StreetQuincy, Massachusetts

Dear Ash,

I appreciated being invited to hold a sales meeting at your dealership last Tuesday evening and I hope that the things we covered were helpful.

You have two excellent potential salesmen and with propersales direction there isn't any reason why they shouldn't be top producers.You must, however, realize that a salesman needs tools just as much as a mechanic does if he is going to do a good job.

You have fine facilities for merchandising both new and used cars, you also hold an excellent reputation with your public, and people liketo do business with you. I would, however, like to make a few suggestions thatI feel would help you and your men do more business.

First: selling is a full—time job and you need someone to workfull time at it and to direct your part—time salesmen so that their effortsare spent without waste. I realize good sales managers are hard to find butthey are needed in order for a dealership to be successful.

Second: you need an up—to-date list of the 1955, 1954, 1953,1952, and 1951 owners in your sales area for your salesmen to work with.This list should also be used to purge your Family Magazine mailing.

Third: you need a registration list of owners in your areafor selling used cars, mailing, telephoning, etc.

Fourth: I would suggest that your salesmen have a telephone for night use at their desk as part of the sales plan involves its use.This ismost essential in bad weather.

Fifth: I also suggest that as soon as you do the above that each salesman should average the following daily: ten — would you takes, ten -post cards, five — phone calls, One - demonstration.

Sincerely yours, HUDSON MOTORS Division of American Motors Sales Corp.HFF:mfH. F. Fenerty — Merchandising Managerc.c. Mr. R. W. Dillaway Mr. E. L. Lodge



Have you ever heard the song, "Count Your Blessings"? Have youever stopped to think how fortunate you are to have a car like the Rambler to sell? Sometimes we are so close to the WOODS re can't see the TREES.

Here are a few sales points that you shouldn't over look or fail to tellyour customers about.

a. Lowest priced American made four door sedan.b. 38' turning circle.c. Deep coil springs for smoothest ride of any car.d. Reclining seats — only car in its price field to have them.e. Greatest economy of any standard caref. Lowest repair cost per mile.g. Highest trade in value as per NADA reports.h. Tires cost less to replace.i. Only car in low priced field with a safety roll bar called "Fashion Safety Arch". The hot rodders will know what you're talking about*j. Power brakes as standard equipment on all 1956 custom models.k. More visibility than any competitor in its price class. You can see all four fenders from driver's seat — appeals to women drivers.l. Only car for the price with single unit construction. (To be copied by others, including Cadillac next year.)m. High level fresh air intake.n. Easy access to engine and headlight assembly. Cuts repair and maintenance costs.o. Four Quarts of oil instead of five — more savings.p. Windows open with fewer turns of the handle — especially appealing to women drivers.

I'll bet you and your salesmen have discovered many other advantages.Let's hear from you so that we can pass them on.

Very truly yours,

HUDSON MOTORS Division of American Motors Sales Corp.

H. F. Fenerty HFF:mf Merchandising ManagerDealergram #35March 9, 1956



Listed below are your new revised Contest quotas for March, April,and May.

Take a good look at them.They make sense. There isn't any reasonwhy everyone couldn't be a winner.

How about getting your salesmen and all of your selling tools sharpenedup and ready to operate. Oh yes – don't forget those demonstrators.You're going to need them to WIN:

March April May


Very truly yours, HUDSON MOTORS Division a American Motors Sales Corp.

H. F. "Hal" Fenerty Merchandising ManagerHFF:mfDealergram # 36March 9, 1956


To: All Hudson Dealers Boston Zone

Subject: February Dealer of the Month


Hats off to the following for an excellent sales job for February.

Metropolitan Urban Area Hartford - 120% Saugus - 200% Amesbury - 500%

Also, congratulations to the following:

Area Watertown - 100% St. Albans - 100% Brimfield - 150%No. prove - 100% W. Townsend - 100% Hallowell - 150%Conic - 100% Berlin - 100% Greenfield - 150%Norway - 100% Fayville - 100% Keene - 150%Presque Isle - 100% Needham - 100% Auburn - 166%Winslow - 100% Henniker - 133% Sanford - 200%Bennington - 100% Canton - 133% E. Jaffrey - 200%Newport - 100% Winchester - 150% Gardner - 200%No. Adams - 100% Attleboro - 150% Orleans - 200% Amesbury - 500%

UrbanLawrence - 100% New Bedford - 120% Exeter - 140%Portsmouth - 100% Feeding Hills - 120% Willimantic - 150%Quincy - 100% New London - 120% Saugus - 200%


Hartford - 120% District Manager Frank Primeau, heads the list with eleven ofhis dealers with 100% or better, followed by N. B. Libby with nineof his dealers with 100% of quota or better.

Keep up the good work.

Very truly yours, HUDSON DIVISION American Motors Sales Corp.HFF:fmDealergram #393/22/56 Hal Fenerty Merchandising Mgr.



At our first Sales Meeting the interior room) windshield width andturning diameter of the Hudson Hornet versus the Cadillac, Imperial, andLincoln was discussed. The comparison figures are listed below:


HIP ROOM, FRONT 65.0" 64.3" 62.5" 61.8”

HIP ROOM, REAR 64.5 65.2 62.0 63.8

SHOULDER ROOM, FRONT 61.5 59.5 58.3 59.4

SHOULDER R00M, REAR 61.25 59.4 58.3 58.4

HEADROOM, FRONT 37.5 35.8 35.1 35.4

HEADROOM, REAR 36.0 35.1 35.0 34.1

ENTRANCE ROOM, FRONT 30.5 30.1 29.5 29.6(Top of cushion to windcord)ENTRANCE ROOM, REAR 29.25 28.6 28.0 27.0

LEG ROOM, FRONT 42.5 43.3 45.7 44.8

LEG ROOM, REAR 40.1 46.3 45.7 43.9

FRONT SEAT DEPTH 18.5 18.0 18.1 18.3

REAR SEAT DEPTH 18.5 17.8 17.8 17.9


ADJUSTMENT, FRONT SEAT 5.0 4.0 5.0 5.0

As you may have noted) with the one single exception of Cadillac's rearhip room which is seven-tenths of an inch wider, Hudson has more seating space inboth the front and rear seats than any other.

Very truly yours, American Motors Sales Corporation

HFF:mf Dealergram # 96 H. F. Fenerty June 20, 1956 Sales Promotion Manager,

July 10, 1956

Hudson DealersBoston Zone

Subject: Dealer of the Month June 1956

Congratulations to the two dealers winning the June Dealer of the MonthAwards: They are —

Area League Urban League

M. Handley 200.0 % Frank's Auto Life 120.0 %

There will be no Dealer of the Month Award in the Metropolitan League.

"Hats Off!" to the following dealers for doing a good job —Area League

Dealership % of Attainment

Alario Hudson Sales & Service 150.0C.F. Chase Co. 125.0Airport Garage 100.0Carman Motor Sales 100;0Holland Bros., Inc. 100.0McKenney's Garage 100.0Park View: Inc. 100.0Valley Motor Sales 100.0

Urban League

Dealership % of Attainment

Wentworth Motor Co. 112.5Cottage Street Garage, Inc. 111.1Mendel Motor Sales Co. 111.1Fairview Garage 100.0

District—wise it's District 11 leading the Zone with an attainment of80.9 %.

Very truly yours,

H.F. Fenerty Sales Promotion Manager

HFF:cn# 98

July 23, 1956

Hudson DealersBoston Zone

Subject: Hudson FAMILY Magazine

In talking with one of our dealers the other day I learned ofan interesting experience he had recently. While waiting ina dentist's office he was browsing through some magazines andfound several magazines from his competitive dealers. Thiswas quite a shock to him. Needless to say, he immediately addedhis dentist to his Hudson FAMILY Magazine mailing list.

In discussing this incident with the dealer the thought occurredto us that perhaps many of you are not getting the most out ofyour magazine mailings. Listed below are a few suggestions thatmay help you get more for your money -

1. Purge your mailing list annually; add newnames and cut out dead wood.

2. Doctor's office, beauty parlors, and otherplaces where people wait should definitelybe on your FAMILY mailing list. Remember,your magazine is your "silent salesman."

3. Approximately 10 copies should be mailed inbulk to your showroom for your salesman'suse.

4. Good prospects can be added to your list atanytime during the year. (Names of your newcar customers are added automatically.)

5. One copy should go directly to your home asa mailing check.

Take advantage of your "silent salesman." Bring your FAMILYmailing list up-to-date and keep it growing.

Very truly yours,

H.F. Fenerty Sales Promotion ManagerHFF: cn

August 20, 1956

All DealersAmerican MotorsBoston Zone

Subject: Used Car Auction

Are you loaded with used cars? If you are and would like to getrid of them try an auction - it may be just the thing to movethat used car stock that has built up because of your new carvolume sales.

The people who really know how to run a top-notch; fast-moving,profit-bringing auction are Spencer Company, Inc, This companydoes get results - Town Line Motor Sales, American Motors dealerin Brookfield, Massachusetts, will tell you so,

Spencer Company recently ran an auction'for Town Line, Accordingto John Skiffington, owner of Town Line, the auction brought verysatisfactory results. More than 800 people were in attendance.Thirty-one cars were run through and 17 were sold within a veryshort time, Mr. Skiffington said he would be more than pleased togive any of Our dealers first hand information if they would callor write him. His dealership is:

Town Line Motor SalesBoston Post RoadBrookfield) MassachusettsTelephone - Volunteer 7-3526.

So if you do have a lot of used cars on hand why not contact eitherMr. Skiffington or the Spencer Company directly. Spencer Company'saddress is P.O. Box 507, Longmont, Colorado.

Very truly yours,

H.F. Fenerty Sales Promotion Manager


August 20, 1956

All Dealers American MotorsBoston Zone

Subject: Incentive Program for Salesmen

In the near future plans will be consummated for the 1957 New CarShowing to the dealers. Naturally, your salesmen would like toattend this prevue.

We would like to pass on to you two interesting sales incentiveprograms that have been initiated by Boch Sales and Service, Inc.and Woonsocket Nash Co.

At Woonsocket Mr. Dumais, the dealer, has set up a Salesman'sKitty. For every new car sold by one of his salesmen $25 goesinto the Kitty of the salesman making the sale) $10 is added forevery used car sale. When a salesman's Kitty reaches $200 he isentitled to attend the 1957 New Car Showing and to bring his wife.

Ernie Boch of Boch Sales and Service has set up monthly quotas foreach of his salesmen. As an incentive he has sent a $100 check,unsigned, to each salesman's wife, The two top salesmen will goto the 1957 New Car Showing and Ernie will sign their wive's $100 checks.

Why not start your incentive plan now

Very truly yours,

H.F. Fenerty Sales Promotion Manager


August 23, 1956

All DealersAmerican MotorsBoston Zone

Subject: "Signing Up"

Now is the time to do some long range planning for 1957. With ournew merchandise, the best in the industry, new advertising plansshould be made well in advance.

Today you have to TELL people about your dealership, about your personnel, and about your product. And you have to KEEP TELLINGthem over and over again.

One of the best ways to keep your name in front of the public isto "sign-up." Use your dealership name on signs on your demon-strators.

In your 1957 Announcement and Promotional Materials Kit you willsee a Car Top Poster Frame - designed to fit any car. And youwill find that Bumpa-Tel Sign Division of Warren Hastings MotorCo., Inc., Mounds, Illinois makes excellent signs for both newand used car advertising.

Let's plan to do something in the way of "signing up" those '57cars. Take action NOW! You will find that signs pay dividends.

Very truly yours,

H.F. Fenerty Sales Promotion Manager


August 27, 1956

Hudson DealersBoston Zone

Subject: The Growing Boom

Sometime next Spring there will be 170,000,000 people in theUnited States. This means that in a little less than three anda half years we have added 10,000,000 to our population. Prev-iously it took more than four years to grow from 150,000,000 to160,000,000.

What do these figures mean to you?

They should mean MORE BUSINESS - providing you are seeing to itthat your business growth is keeping pace with the market.

In 1965 the population will reach 190,000,000, The family boomis on again. Households are being formed at the rate of a milliona year. This means more car owners. You) as a dealer, shouldmake long range plans to obtain your share of the market.

Stand back - take a look at your business - are you doing thethings you should to create more business? Ask yourself thefollwing questions:

Yes No

Is your Parts and Serviceoperation taking care of its share of the load?

Do you have good officemanagement?

Is your sales staff adequate?

Are you holding regularsales meetings?

Are you furnishing your salesmen these tools:Owner Lists Prospect Cards

- continued -

Hudson Dealers — Boston ZoneAugust 27, 1956Page Two

Yes NoAre you furnishing your salesmen these tools:

Sales Quotas Demonstrators Proper Advertising New and Used Car Inven- tory Controls

Are your used cars ready for sale — Appearance—wise Price—wise Mechanically Are you using the "Personally Endorsed" plan? Is your lot well lighted? Is your lot well signed?

If the answers to the above questions are YES you are well on the way to success. IF WE CAN HELP YOU TURN ANY NO ANSWERS INTO YES ANSWERS PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL ON US.

Very truly yours, H. F. Fenerty Sales Promotion Manager


To: All Hudson Dealers Boston Zone


The following dealers have been named Hudson Dealers of the Month for October:


The Henley Kimball Company — 180%380 Forest AvenuePortland, Maine


Milton Motors, Inc. — 366%184 South StreetPittsfield, Mass.


Arthur R. Daigle — 300%124 Main StreetFort Kent, Maine

Very truly yours,


F. J. Klauer Sales Promotion Manager fm11/7/56

November 20, 1956

C. A. Cox Hudson Sales & Service60 Beale St.Quincy, Mass.


Stockholders of this company were recently forwarded a copyof Mr. Romney's talk "In League with the Future" and a businessreply card. The card invited interest on the part of stockholdersfor a demonstration ride.

Listed below are the names and addresses of those stockholderswho have expressed interest in a demonstration ride, together withother pertinent information.

Mr. Harold F. Page76 Clement TerraceN. Quincy, Mass.

It will be appreciated if you will follow through and let us know whether or not any sales resulted from this activity.

Very truly yours,


F. J. Klauer Sales Promotion Manager


December 20, 1956



Please let this serve as a notice to you, your salesmen, and your bookkeeper thatthis is the last call for sending in your Honor Club Reports for the year 1956.

"Binoculars" have been selected as the Sales Club Membership Award for 1956.

Members of the "100 Car" Nash Sales Honor Club and the Hudson Triangle Club willreceive a pair of Thorobred, Zeiss Style Binoculars. These 6 x 30 binocularsare of outstanding quality, with center focus and coated lenses. They come withgenuine leather trim, plastic eye covers and pigskin leather cases....binocularsthe winner will be proud to own and cherish as evidence of his outstanding sales accomplishments.

Members of the "50 Car" Nash Sales Honor Club will receive 5X pocket binocularswith leather carrying cases.

Please exert every effort to make this an outstanding sales month, and be cer-tain that your Honor Club Reports are in this office by January 15. This isthe deadline! Our reports must be complete by this date and mailed to Detroit.

Let's close out this year with a good sales effort, and start of 1957 with a"bang."

Very truly yours,

F. J. Klauer Sales Promotion Manager


TO: All American Motors Dealers — Boston Zone

RE: N.A.D.A. — 1956 Quarterly Survey, June 30, 1956


We all look forward to the Quarterly Business Management Surveythat is prepared by NADA. Every well—managed dealer devotes considerabletime studying this report. Here at the Zone office we compare the GuideFigures with our dealer and Zone averages, making full use of this importantmaterial.

Every quarter you are invited to complete the Business ManagementSurvey to give you, and all dealers, the opportunity of reporting the resultsof your business efforts. It is now time to complete the second quarterlyreport for this survey, and, because the material is so beneficial to you, itis expected that all will promptly and thoroughly respond. As businessmen youshould welcome every opportunity to compare your averages with reliable guidesprepared by experts from the industry. It takes so little time on your partto obtain so much in return.

If you need any assistance in completing these NADA BusinessManagement forms, please do not hesitate to seek our assistance.

Very truly yours,

American Motors Sales Corporation

Arthur E. Olinto Business Management Manager


AMC - Hudson B o s t o n Z o n e


S a l e s M a n a g e r L e t t e r s

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C a r D i s t r i b u t o rZ o n e M a n a g e r

1957 Manager Letters(Boston Zone)

(Filed by Department Head Name)

Page Name & Department

38 Connelly, W. V. - Car Distributor Apr 9 - Upholstery Trims Depleted Dec 18 (57-123) - Self-Adjusting Brakes on Rebels, Ambassadors Dec 18 (57-125) - Fleet Sales, Model 5825, 5818 Dec 18 (57-126) - Air Ride System

44 Dillaway, R. W. - Asst. Zone Manager Apr 3 - Article in Apr. 3rd Boston Herald re Louis Wolfson Apr 10 - Sales Leaders for March 1957 Jun 24 (57-110) - N.A.D.A Reports

53 Powers, A. V. - Zone Manager Apr 2 - Top Volume Dealers, February 1957 Jun 10 (57-102) - Rambler Business is Good

April 9, 1957

No. 57-79


Please note that upholstery trims as listed below have been depleted -

Trim 743 - Red Leather with Black ClothModels 5715-2 - 5725-2 - 5729-2

Trim 771 - Red Leather with Black ClothNash Models 5765-2 - 5787-2

Trim 795 - Red Leather with Black ClothHudson Models 35785-2 - 35787-2

Please change your records accordingly.

Very truly yours,

W. V. ConnellyWVC/tf Car Distributor


December 18, 1957

TO: All Dealers

RE: Self-Adjusting Brakes on Rebels and Ambassadors

Effective in production beginning January 20, 1958, self-adjusting brakes will be available as optional equipment on the Rambler Rebel and theAmbassador. Prices are as follows:

List $6.95Dealer Net 5.30E.O.H. .50Total Dealer Billing 5.80A.D.P. 7.45

This new feature, introduced for the first time in 1958 model cars, is one that should appeal to just about every buyer of a Rebel or an Ambassador.

The brake is so arranged that every time the car is driven in reverse, ifthere has been any wear on the brake lining the position of the shoe isautomatically adjusted to give more efficient braking performance. Thisadjustment remains in effect until further wear takes place, which againautomatically generates further adjustment as required.

When ordering for the last ten days of January, and for subsequent months,you should include your requirements of this item. At the price quotedabove, the demand should be tremendous.

Very truly yours,

W. V. Connelly Car Distributor



December 18, 1957

TO: All Dealers

RE: Fleet Sales - Model 5825, 5818

The following prices have been released to cover the 1958 Rambler Rebel V-8Deluxe four door sedan, model 5825 and 1958 Rambler "6" Deluxe four doorCross Country Station Wagon, model 5818 for Fleet use only:


5825 5818

Dealer Base Billing $1556.90 $1701.20E.O.H 161.00 175.00Total Dealer Billing 1717.90 1876.20


Suggested Factory List 1996.00 2181.00E.O.H. 161.00 175.00Retail Delivery Charge 20.00 20.00A.D.P 2177.00 2376.00

Shipping Weight 3287 3056

Interior trim for model 5825 and 5818 is the same as that used on model 5815.

Very truly yours,

W.V. Connelly Car Distributor



December 18, 1957

TO: All DealersRE: Air Ride System

Effective in production on January 20, the new air ride system will beavailable as optional equipment on the Rambler 6, Rebel V-8 and Ambassador.

Basically, this consists of a pair of air springs working inside and inconjunction with a pair of low rate rear springs. A constant ride heightis maintained by a leveling valve mounted on the car body and actuated bya ring connected with the rear axle. A reservoir supplies air to the valveand is pressurized by an air compressor. Because of our superior frontsuspension, no air cushions are used with the front springs.

Among the benefits provided by this rear air ride system are the following:

1. Constant riding height at the rear of the car regardlessof load. This height is lower than a production car with-out passenger load. This also means the headlamp aim doesnot vary with load.

2. Increased control in severe bumps.

3, Increased stability during cornering. This results in betterrear-end control.

4. In Station Wagon models an excellent boulevard ride thatapproaches standard sedan quality. Characteristics of thisride are not affected by variance in load. The load carryingspace of the station wagon can be more fully utilized withoutthe necessity of heavy rear springs which adversely affectride qualities.

- 2 -

The price of the air ride system is as follows:

Ramb. 6 and Reb. V-8 Amb. V-8

List $ 91.80 $ 91.90E.O.H. 6.70 6.60A.D.P. 98.50 98.50Dealer Base 69.75 69.85Total Dealer Billing 76.45 76.45

On all 8-cylinder cars which you order with air ride you must also specifypower steering, which will be billed at its regular option price.

The public is well aware of the advantages of air ride, which should helpyou in your promotion of this item. Please place your orders with yourDistrict Manager on his next contact.

Yours very truly, W.V. Connelly Car DistributorWVC/tf


April 10, 1957



Beginning with the month of March, you will note that we have taken theliberty of dividing the dealers in the Boston Zone into four groups, Thebasis for this segregation was the sales objective for each dealer involved.We believe this is a much more fair way of determining the operations,doing the best job as they are compared to dealers of like size.

Business was very good during March with both large and small dealers alike enjoying profitable selling. Our congratulations to the following groupleaders and their organizations on their performance for this successful month.

Group #1 Boch Sales & Service - Norwood, Mass. 126%

Group #2 Viking Motors - Newport, R.I. 156%

Group #3 Wm. J. Smith - Danielson, Conn. 183%

Group #4 Temple St. Garage - Whitman, Mass. 167%

No wonder our business is good. Month after month, and year after year ourRambler registrations have been steadily increasing. The proven acceptanceof this car recommends that in your local advertising and in your dealership you should strongly identify yourself with Rambler to pull more and moretraffic in your showroom to increase your selling opportunities. For theperiod between October 1, 1956 to March 31, 1957, Rambler sales are up 22%.This trend is definitely in the right direction. Let's send it even higherin April.

R.W. Dillaway Asst. Zone Manager


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Boch Sales & Service - Norwood, Mass.C & S Mortors - New London, Conn.Springfield Nash - Springfield, Mass.Lipman Motors, Inc. - Hartford, Conn.Boston Nash Co. - Boston. Mass.The Henley-Kimball - Portland, Me.Zarren Motors - Belmont) Mass.Fred G. Marion, Inc„ - Holyoke, Mess.Kelley-Chandler, Inc. - Worcester, Mass.Stadium Motors - Providence, R.I.Wentworth Jennings - West Newton) mass.Finn Motor Sales - Worcester, Mass.

Viking Motors - Newport, R.I.Mendel Motor Sales - Chelsea, Mass.Robert O. Mace - Auburn, Me.Burke's Garage - Rutland, Vt.Pettengill Motor Sales - Stoneham, Mass.M. J. Vagge - Nashua, N.H.Syl's Auto Sales & service - Southbridge, Mass.Poulin's Garage - Winslow; Me.Louis Motors - Springfield) Mass,Lowell Nash Sales Co. - Lowell, Mass.Gagrier Nash - Providence, R.I.Arlington Motor Sales - Arlington, Mass.Coleman Nash -- Portsmouth; N.H.Paquette Motor Sales - Berlin, N.H.Woonsocket Nash, Woonsocket; R.I.Carignan Bros. - Laconia, N.H.Paul's Auto Sales & Service - Middleton, Mass.P-T Motors, Inc.- Manchester Center, Vt.Nash North Adams - North Adams, Mass.Wentworth Motor Co. - Exeter, N.H.Pearl St. Garage - Braintree, Mass.Miner Nash Co. - Willimantic, Conn.Ell-Bern Motors - Dorchester, Mass.Whiting & Reicker - Brockton, Mass.Lincoln Motors, Inc. - No. Attleboro, Mass.Rigazio Bros, Inc. - Somerville) Mass,Twin sales Corp. - Bridgewater, Mass.Joy Sales & Service - Mexico, MaineMcNamara motors, Inc. - Lebanon, N.H.Berkeley Motor Co. - Middletown, Conn.DePalma Motor Sales Co. - Feeding Hills, Mass.Boland Motors - Manchester, Conn.Sherman Motors - Providence, R.I.Aubin Motor Sales Co. - Malden, Mass.Gene Brown Motors, Inc. - Newton Center, Mass.Elm Motors - New Bedford) Mass.Cottage St. Garage - Brockton Mass.




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GROUP #2(Cont'd)



Milton Motors - Pittsfield, Mass.Don's Garage - Revere, Mass.Frank's Auto Life - Saugus, Mass.H.J. Goudreault - Haverhill, Mass.Anderson-Wills Co. - Lawrence, Mass.Gagnon Motors - Sanford, Mass.Rockwood Bros, Inc. - Wellesley, Mass.Jim Adams, Inc. - Bangor, Me.

Wm. J. smith - Danielson, Conn.Crepeau Nash Hudson Sales - Biddeford, Me.Adams sales & Service - E. Providence, R.I.Parent's Sales & Service - Cranston, R.I.Fix-It auto Body - Leominster, Mass.Wright's Garage - Carolina, R.I.Airport Garage - Brunswick, Me.Sunapee St. Garage - Newport, N.H.DeCormier Motor Sales - Manchester, Conn.Wm. D. Maier - West Roxbury, Mass.Smith Motors of Lowell - Lowell, Mass.Cavanaugh Bros. - Manchester, N.H.Price's Garage - Ipswich, Mass.Fairview Garage - Burlington, Vt.Dover Nash Co. - Dover, N.H.Drewett's Garage - Warren, Me.Granite City Auto - Barre, Vt.Busy Bee - Lincoln, R.I.E.P. Fournier - Pawtucket, R.I.Bemis Nash, Inc. - Brattleboro, Vt.James Motors - E. Providence, R.I.EImer's Auto Sales - Rockville, Conn.Williams Auto Co. - Westfield, Mass.DeLuca Bros. - Cranston, R.I.Nash Milford Co. - Milford, Mass.Freddie's Motor Sales - Mechanicsville, Conn.Bristol Hudson Motors - Bristol, Conn.Ward Nash - Framingham, Mass.Dan's Service Station - Westboro Mass.Ed's Auto Sales & Service - Billerica, Mass.Town Line Motor Sales - Brookfield, Mass.Monroe Motors - West Yarmouth, Mass.Hoyt Motor Sales - Newburyport, Mass.Osgood's Garage - Bellows Falls, Vt.Nash Northampton - Northampton, Mass.Springfield Nash, Inc. - Springfield, Vt.Papa's Sales & Service.- New Britain, Conn.Batchelor's Garage - Keene, N.H.




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GROUP #3(Cont'd)



V.A. Crossley - Watertown, Mass.Jose's Garage - Augusta, Me.Kelley's Garage - Milton, Mass.Alder's Garage - Plymouth, N.H.J. Mossoff - Fall River, Mass.C.F. Chase - Auburn, Me.McKenney's Garage - Newport, Me.Imperial Motors - Waterville, Me.C.W. Roew, Inc. - Henniker, N.H.Carman Motor Sales - St. Albans, Vt.Shelton Motors Corp. - Portsmouth, N.H.Robar Motor Sales - Thompsonville, Conn.LaPolla Motor Sales - Cranston, R.I.C.A. Cox - Quincy, Mass. -Petrin Motor bales - Greenfield, Mass.Callahan Hudson Co. - Northampton, Mass.Stanley Motors, Inc. - Attleboro, Mass.Tufano Body Co. - New Britain, Conn.Belchertown Motor Sales - Belchertown, Mass,Cape Ann Auto Sales - Gloucester, Mass,Hamlin Motor Sales - Watertown, Mass.Manny's Truck & Hudson Sales - Fall River, Mass.Caramos Motor Sales - Taunton, Mass.Karman Motors, Inc. - Pittsfield, Me.Mace Motors - Lancaster, N.H.Cook Nash - Needham, Mass.Gardner Hudson - Gardner, Mass.Tarbox Motors - Allenton, R.I.Pawtucket Nash - Pawtucket, R.I.Hi-Way Motor Mart - Westport, Mass.Capitol City Motors - Montpelier, Vt.

Temple St. Garage - Whitman, Mass.Fairfield Garage - Keene, N.H.Boeske Bros. - Maynard, Mass,:tally's Motor Sales - Chepachet, R.I.Hayes Super Service - Presque Isle, Me,Jaffarian's Service - Haverhill, Mass.John O. Ouimette - Clinton, Mass.Chas. L. Haggerty - Winchester, Mass.Pelkey Motor bales - Topsham, MaineM. Handley - Somersville, Conn.Hayes Motor Sales - E. Jaffrey, N.H.Holland Bros, Inc. - Woburn, Mass.Leonard's Motor Service - Oak Bluffs, Mass.Seavey's Garage - Woodsville, N.H.Deoss Motors, Inc. - Concord, N.H.Burbee's Nash - Claremont, N.H.




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GROUP #4(Cont’d)


Franco's Motors - Southington, Conn.Sheffield Motors - Sheffield, Mass.Alario Hudson Sales - Leominster, Mass.J & S Motors, Inc. - Whitinsville, Mass.Brimfield Garage - Brimfield, Mass.Pisaturo Motor Sales - Providence, R.I.Gonic Garage - Gonic, N.H.Medway Hudson Sales - W. Medway, Mass.Daniel Motors - Greenfield, Mass.Wheeler's Garage - Berlin, N.H.Valley Motor Sales - Valley Falls, R.I.Wheaton Motor Sales - Attleboro, Mass,Lawrence's Garage - Dartmouth, Mass.MacFarlane Motors - Kingston, Mass.Bay Path Motors - Norwell. Mass.Middle St. Motors - Plymouth, Mass.Stanley's Garage - Rockland, MaineMichaud's Garage - Amesbury, Mass.Seavey's Nash - Candia, N.H.Aldrich's Motor Co. - Norway, Me.Bellingham Auto Sales - Bellingham, Mass.Ivaldi Motors - Canton, Maas.R.C. Muirhead - Needham, Mass,Irvine Bros. Inc. - Hopkington, Mass.Pat & Syl's Nash - Westerley, R.I.Sears Auto Sales - Sandwich, Mass.Shaw's Motor Sales - Caribou, Me.Arthur R. Daigle - Fort Kent, Me.Rowell Motors, Newport, Vt.Rodden Motors - Skowhegan, Me.Williams & Bugbee - Bennington, Vt.Wellesley Hills Garage - Wellesley Hills. Mass,Ted's Auto Service - Fayville, Mass,Mansfield Garage, Inc, - Mansfield, Mass,O'Connor's Garage - Saxton's River, Vt,



April 3, 1957

No. 57-77


In an effort to improve your business, we are attempting to release from time to time publicity regarding Mr. Wolfson and his association with American Motors.

The Boston papers this morning, April 3rd, carried a very revealing and hard-hitting article regarding the continued production of the Nash and Hudson lines.

For your perusal and use as a sales tool we are attaching a copy of this release.

Very truly yours,

W. Dillaway,RWD-W Assistant Zone Manager

From The Boston Herald, Wednesday, April 3, 1957



New York, April 2 (AP) - Financier Louis E. Wolfson said today that "pruning" of the Nash and Hudson operations of American Motors is not on his program. He said he is "in basic agreement" with President Romney of American Motors that the company should continue to make Nash and Hudson cars. Wolfson, largest single stock-holder of American Motors, referred to some published reports which he said had "indicated" that the Nash and Hudson models might be dropped. The reports were based on informal conversations with theFlorida financier following yesterday's annual meeting of Merrit-Chapman& Scott Corp. of which he is president and chairman. He said these reportsconstituted a "completely erroneous interpretation." Wolfson said his remarks "could not logically be interpreted as suggestingthat pruning of the Nash and Hudson operations of American Motors is on eitherMr. Romney's program or mine. "At no time did I make any specific recommendations for American Motors.Let me reiterate that Romney and I are in basic agreement. Mr. Romney hasstated that the company's 1958 program is largely tooled and that it provides for compact cars and larger senior cars. Mr. Romney further states AmericanMotors expects to increase its penetration of the low-priced and medium-priced markets, and its Nash and Hudson cars are continuing."

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June 24, 1957


We have recently received a report tabulating the number of N.A.D.A. reports sent in by American Motors dealers for the month of May 1957.It was very disappointing to see that in the Boston Zone area only51.7% of the dealers are reporting the sale of their used cars to N.A.D.A.

I am sure you will agree that it behooves each and every one of us to see that these reports are in on time in order to maintain the high resale value of our Rambler car in particular. We as zone management againrequest your wholehearted cooperation in submitting N.A.D.A. reports on time.

R. W. Dillaway Asst. Zone Manager


April 2, 1957


Subject: Top Volume Dealers - February 1957

We are very proud to announce that Mr. Morris Lipman is our top volume selling dealer for the month of February in theBoston Zone with 88 units sold, closely followed by -

1. Lipman Motors, Inc., Hartford, Conn.

2. Boch Sales & Service, Inc., Norwood, Mass.

3. Boston Nash Co., Boston, Mass.

4. Robert O. Mace, Auburn, Maine

5, The Henley-Kimball Co., Portland, Maine

6. Pearl Street Motors, Inc., So. Braintree, Mass.

7. Springfield Nash Motor Sales, Inc.,Springfield, Mass. Kelley Chandler, Inc., Worcester, Mass.

Our most sincere congratulations to you dealers and your salesmen.

Very truly yours,

A. V. Powers,AVP-W Zone Manager.

June 10, 1957

No. 57-102



We are very pleased to announce that total retail sales in the nationamounted to 4,816 in the last ten days of May, bringing the month of May'stotal to 12,656. This accomplishment makes May the largest Rambler salesmonth in the corporation's history. The dealers in the Boston Zone standfourth in the current national sales contest ending June 30th, withalmost 1,300 sales in May.

May I congratulate all of you, and at the same time request that an allout effort be made during the month of June to capture business. Keepthe same momentum and add to it your individual stretch drive effort.We are confident that Boston can top all zones in the country with 1,600sales during the month of June.

Stories of record breaking sales in May will be told in advertisem*ntson Monitor June 8th and 9th, and on Disneyland June 12th. Also the newspaperad of the week of June 17th is released to further indicate our Ramblerposition for May. Automotive News will also carry this message on June 10th.

Because success is contagious we suggest that each dealer run ads in hislocal market,if your performance warrants it, to further attest to the jobbeing done across this nation on Rambler sales. Many, many dealers in thisNew England Zone are quite eligible to indicate the percentage of retailsales increase for the past six months, and it is time right now to stop"hiding your individual lights under a bushel".

If you cannot be included in this category then we very seriously suggestyou analyze your sales effort, your staff, your inventories, and yourtrading habits, because identical outstanding sales jobs are being donethroughout the six states in this zone - perhaps in the next town.

Analyze your performance, because as we have said before - RAMBLER BUSINESSIS GOOD - particularly in the New England market.

Very truly yours,

A. V. Powers,AVP-W Zone Manager.

1956 AMC Hudson Sales Managers Letters Boston Zonehudsonterraplane.com/tech/1956/1956-57ManagersLettersSalesBoston... · AMC - Hudson Boston Zone 1956 Manager Letters (Sales) -----Business - [PDF Document] (2024)
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