Advantages and Disadvantages of Marginal Cost-Plus Pricing (2024)

A company's pricing strategy is never permanent. Business managers must continuously evaluate their pricing plan and make adjustments to changes in consumer wants, competitor actions and the economic climate.

An effective price strategy has a selling price high enough to cover all of the company's fixed and variable costs while producing an adequate profit.

But, what if this isn't always possible? What if a company has too much inventory on hand at the end of a selling season? Or, what if a new competitor has entered the market with lower prices?

The answer could be to adopt a marginal cost-pricing strategy.

What is Marginal Cost Pricing?

Every business has two types of costs: fixed and variable. Fixed costs are expenses that must be paid regardless of the number of sales. Examples of fixed expenses are rent, insurance premiums, administrative salaries, accounting fees and licenses.

Variable costs are those expenses that vary with the level of production. Typical variable costs include the direct labor of production, direct material costs and direct supplies.

A typical pricing strategy has a selling price that makes a contribution to covering fixed costs, paying variable cost and providing a profit. Marginal cost pricing is the practice of setting the price of a product at or slightly above the variable cost to produce an extra unit of output.

Marginal cost pricing only covers the variable costs of production and does not consider fixed costs. It is only used as a short-term strategy and is not intended to become part of a long-term pricing plan.

How to Find Marginal Costs

Let's take the Hasty Hare Corporation for example. Hasty Hare sells one model of sneaker, the Fleet Foot, and has the following production and operating costs:

  • Direct labor costs -$30/pair
  • Direct material costs -$45/pair
  • Selling price -$125/pair
  • Fixed overhead costs -$620,000

The variable cost of production for the Fleet Foot sneaker is $75 per pair ($30 in direct labor plus $45 in materials).

How to Apply a Marginal Cost Pricing Strategy

Let's start with the formula for calculating a company's breakeven sales volume: Fixed costs/(Selling price - Variable costs).

The break-even production volume for Hasty Hare is as follows: $620,000/($125 - $75) = 12,400 pairs of sneakers. At $125 per pair, the company's break-even sales volume is $1,550,000 ($125 X 12,400 pairs). The company makes $0 profit at this volume.

Now, since the company has reached its break-even point, suppose Hasty Hare wants to establish its market share, so it becomes more aggressive by reducing its selling price. Using a marginal cost pricing strategy, the company could, for example, reduce Fleet Foot's price to $95. At this price, the company sells an additional 3,000 pairs and makes a profit of $60,000 ($95 selling price less $75 variable costs times 3,000 pairs).

After selling more pairs of Fleet Foot at $95 and firming up the brand name, the company could gradually increase the selling price back to the original target price of $125.

Advantages of Marginal Cost Pricing

Marginal cost pricing has the following advantages:

Earn additional profits - A company can earn additional profits by attracting extremely price-sensitive customers with occasional offerings of low prices.

Increase market penetration - Marginal cost pricing can be used to initially gain entry into a new market by attracting new price-conscious buyers.

Increase accessory sales - In some cases, a company can sell a product with a lower price from marginal costing but still earn more profits by selling related products that have higher profit margins to the consumer.

Eliminate excess capacity or inventory - Marginal cost pricing is useful to move excess inventory or capacity quickly.

Smooth fluctuations in demand - If demand slows down, a company can temporarily reduce prices to attract bargain hunters.

Stay price-competitive in the short-term - Marginal cost pricing is a valuable tool to use when competitors lower their prices in an attempt to gain market share.

Disadvantages of Marginal Cost Pricing

The disadvantages of marginal cost pricing are as follows:

Ignores current market prices - Marginal cost pricing does not consider prevailing market prices. It is strictly based on variable costs.

Does not build customer loyalty - Customers who take advantage of marginal cost prices are usually price-sensitive and will not become loyal, long-term purchasers.

Not sustainable for the long-term - At some point, the company will have to sell enough product at sufficient price points to cover fixed expenses and produce a profit.

Could be difficult to raise prices later - Consumers can come to expect lower prices and resist raising prices at a later date.

May shift higher-paying customers - Customers who are used to paying normal prices may shift to the discounted price market and become reluctant to return to regular prices. Price markets should be separated to prevent this from happening.

A marginal cost pricing strategy is an effective tool when used in the short-term. It can help a company maintain its marketing position but sacrifices profit and will not be effective in the long-term.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Marginal Cost-Plus Pricing (2024)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.