Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (2024)

Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (1)

Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (2)



An Introduction

December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas. It is 12:29 a.m. and I am in the middle of case managing a disaster from the inside out and the outside in. The case is organized crime combined with organized government crime layered in terrorism. It is not the fault of one particular government agency or one particular person. To various degrees, we are all at fault, we could all be arrested and we could all be out of business. However, the people that are the underlying cause of these crimes have yet to be brought to justice.

It is really a disaster. I do not work for the federal government, but somehow I got sandwiched in the middle between a bunch of government agencies. Some of these agencies are good guys; some of them are not such good guys. The framework surrounding all of us is what I refer to as system failure.

The good news is, we have identified problems and are working quickly to fix them. Some of us. Other people are causing more harm. The bad guys would rather not have rotten eggs in their face, admit mistakes and correct the problems; therefore they are working against the cause the rest of us support. To understand the madness, realize that one federal government agency does not have the authority or control over another agencies affairs. Sure, these agencies have a lot of meetings together and they make adaptations at the level of Headquarters, but policy sometimes is ignored in our own back yard. The culprit of this crime is in the field.

In July of 2010, I spoke with a very nice and professional Senior Special Agent at FBI Headquarters in Washington D.C. He told me their office, wants to know everything; events, situations, problems, people involved and so forth. While the request seems simple enough, how we all got in this mess is a twisted series of events.

There is not one way to tell a story, but a lot of ways to tell a really bad story. In the spring I started writing it, paying attention to every grammatical detail, word phrasing and so forth. It took me hours to manipulate a small concept into a writing masterpiece. I was up to chapter three, when I was victimized again and the files were taken in theft. It was not just regular theft, or a cut and dry easy crime. I was subject to a triple layered, multi layered conspiracy theft of a personal computer that ultimately left me out on the streets of Las Vegas Nevada for three days.

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Three people who know the situations long term told me to leave town. One was a Detective and his team of Officers who work under the Department of Homeland Security, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. The second was a legal advocate with Safe Nest Center for Domestic Crisis, a local domestic violence shelter. The third person was a jack of all legal trades, good humor attorney who works with a good number of clients facing domestic violence.

I made it as far as Phoenix Arizona. I left Las Vegas with very little. At the time of this writing, I have even less. I was railroaded again very hard in another triple-layered conspiracy. Property and money was taken, I was almost kidnapped by the Mexican Mafia and for a while, no one in Arizona was taking the situation seriously.

A victim of domestic violence always has one weapon, using voice to raise hell. That is what I did on a local, state and federal level within the jurisdiction of Arizona. Some of these people got the concept right away, some with persistence, and some are still not getting the point at all, which includes most of the people within the States of Nevada, California and Arizona.

Recently, I voluntarily resigned from direct nursing practice after fifteen years; massive identity theft and misuse of my fingerprints. After making an assessment of the situation, and identifying causation, it was the right thing to do. I used to save people’s lives for a living in the Intensive Care Unit and the Emergency Room. I used to market and provide education for a global medical technology company. I used to have a nursing continuing education business. To summarize that disaster in relation to the matter and hand, not all is lost.

The short stories developed from the 911Reloaded Series are true. Relatively true to the best of the knowledge and information I had at the time it was written. All of these situations really happened. The people are real and the events are real. I do not have access to classified information. Therefore, I take the punches as they come and role with it.

In June of 2004, I called a family friend with law enforcement experience for advice. He connected me with the Las Vegas Division of the FBI. I made a report to Agent Darren Murphy. Months later he transferred the case to Agent Chris Buyers in the terrorism unit. In March of 2005 I received this phone call, “Hi this is Senior Special Agent Peter Lazaro with the Department of Homeland Security how are you?” The next day SSA Lazaro and Detective James Bozek were over at my apartment, discussing terrorism at my dining table, during my son’s afternoon nap.

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The 911Reloaded Company by design is an education and consulting company for the everyday person like myself. The framework is centered around short stories such as the one you are about to read. These stories are written for coffee shop reading and discussion, on the go people who need quick entertainment, and for the person who wants to learn more about crime and terrorism. The interactive core expands into social networking. Projects in areas of law, crime prevention, and politics can be found online at little to no charge. Innovation and real world experiences are emphasized.

The design of the 911Reloaded Company is not a strict academic framework such as what you may find through an accredited university degree program. Rather, the company is portrayed in a freestyle form for this reason. What you are about to read ranges from a Seinfeld episode, to an Indiana Jones movie, to an extremely serious global problem.

People have told me to give up, sit back and get out of the way of events. I cannot do that. I can only make a comparison to my practice as a nurse. What I know now, that I did not know many years ago is how big of a problem it really is. It would be as if I was ignoring the patients I cared for in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). In the ICU, if a nurse ignores a patient’s medical problems, they…you can figure that part out. Therefore my hope for you is to find your own niche in the admixture of existing problems. Based on your own experience and abilities, choose to become part of the solution.

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For Adrian

March 9, 2004---Missing Overseas

Human Trafficking Victim Astrological Sign: Pisces

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Adrian is the property of the U.S. Department of State who holds first order federal jurisdiction over his affairs. The State Department refused to intervene on his behalf or recover him from danger. They ignored an advocacy letter dated August 5, 2010 from United States Senator John McCain of Arizona. They did not return my phone calls. Adrian is also the federal property of the Las Vegas Division of the Federal Bureau of investigation who holds second order federal jurisdiction.

U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have a very strong position on the issue of human trafficking, illegal criminal aliens, terrorism and human rights. Unfortunately, they hold third order federal jurisdiction over Adrian.

In December of 2009, I was advised by attorney Randy Roske that United States Senator Harry Reid could become involved on a federal level. Randy told me I could approach Senator Reid’s office myself. In my letter I asked for an investigation of my situation, highlighting briefly the major issues I faced. In the subject line of the letter, I placed this phrase:

Re: Victim of Crime/Federal Protection—State Department

The response letter dated March 11, 2010 from ICE/DHS Headquarters in Washington D.C. is priceless. I call it the all-purpose letter. It is great for legal cases, marketing, and verification of insanity to the other people and agencies. The letter contains names of rather high-end people within the government, Majority Senate Leader Harry Reid, Chani Wiggins, Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich, Elliot Williams, and the little person, Susan Knisely. The letter has the official address of ICE Headquarters in Washington D.C., and it is stamped on ICE stationary with their government logo. A copy of the letter was mailed directly to me.

The catch phrase in this letter, “problems,” is an umbrella of problems and catastrophes long term. Many of these problems could have been prevented, had my son and I been enrolled in the Victim of Crime and the Federal Witness Protection program. Two of the many problems existing are the fact we were never enrolled. Period not enrolled and there is no legal argument to contest in private discussion or in Court. At the very least, ICE DHS and I have made the same conclusion; enrollment in these programs under the U.S. Department of Justice would have been helpful.

In September of 2010, I filed a legal Complaint against the U.S. Department of Justice in Phoenix Arizona. Immediately after filing the Complaint in person at the courthouse, more problems occurred. After leaving the Sandra Day O’Conner federal building, I was approached by an undercover agent who told me the Sherriff of Maricopa County Arizona was working with the Mexican Mafia to take me out.

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This undercover agent was not kidding about the mafia. I was repeatedly victimized everywhere I went; property and money theft, a near miss kidnapping at a Wells Fargo ATM on Central Avenue, and victimization within the Chrysalis Domestic Violence Shelter. In the shelter, my ipod touch was taken in another triple layered conspiracy causing me to inconvenience the Cyber-Security division of DHS Headquarters with a report. Officer Jack of the City of Phoenix Police Department told me they did not have the information in their system about a man named Paymon Safavi. Officer Jack cited fault of the Las Vegas division of the FBI. One night, the Phoenix Police Department left me a hint in the parking lot where I live. It was a police van. The words on the side of the van said, “Crime Scene Investigation.”

Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich has proven himself to be nonproductive. I reported him to the Washington D.C. Bar Association for investigation. The matter at hand is more than the eye may perceive; organized crime, organized government crime and terrorism. The way things look today is the U.S. Department of Justice at its highest level in Washington D.C. would rather not correct the situation. However the Department of Justice in the field has a different viewpoint. Fraud, intentional and contributory negligence is already known to them. United States Attorney Daniel Bogden’s office in Las Vegas Nevada already knows what happened in the matter of Paymon Safavi. Therefore, if the U.S. Department of Justice files a case against me, the case would be fraudulent.

The short tail you are about to read is a real court filing in the Clark County Nevada District Court. The case name is, Asset Acceptance LLC, Citibank verses Susan Knisely, case number A529439. A high end intellectual property attorney and friend suggested I place my life story as a Response to a Writ of Execution. My story would explain why I have no assets for the creditor Citibank to collect upon. My friend told me I have to respond to the Court to clear up the legal matter. He told me to write out everything. It made sense, but everything is a heck of a lot for one simple court filing to clear up a single financial issue.

I attached a filing from a United States Attorneys case to my Response. His filing was a Response To Petition For Writ of Habeas Corpus, (Nevada District Case Paymon Safavi vs Department of Homeland Security, case number 2:05-cv-01004-JCM-PAL). When I printed out the filing from my PACER account, I could feel the vibes off the page. I have to wonder if the U.S. Attorney’s office in Las Vegas Nevada was thinking the same thing I was when they had to Respond to this garbage court petition from Paymon Safavi. My thoughts were this,” I have to Respond to this bunch of *******************************************************?!??!!!??!”

When I wrote it, I really did not care how it was written. I wrote it to clear up the legal matter, period, nothing more. It was an inconvenience more than anything to me at the time. After being subject to repeat victimization by the system, the last thing I was going to give the system was free intellectual property. The case hits the high points in brief of the last six years and is an interesting mystery within itself. Until further Notice of a real life Court hearing, sit back, relax and have a cup of coffee while you enjoy this entertaining real life tail of: “BAIT, Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program.”

Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (8)

Join our interactive puzzle online at . Become part of the quest as we solve the riddle of the sphinx. Look for the 911Reloaded logo and join in!

Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (9)










I !


















Susan Knisciy

7582 Las Vegas Bh'd, S,»236


Defendant, /'«,S>



Asset Acceptance. LLCCitibank



Susan Knisely


Case No.; A529439Dept No.: 7



I. Susan. Kniseiy being duiy sworn, state thai:

! am the Defendant in the above-entitled action and have received a Notice of Execution

regarding an attachment or garnishment of my wages, money, benefits, and/or property. These

wages, money, benefits, and/or property are exempt by law from execution for the following


(Check all that apply)

Money or payments received pursuant to ih« federal Social Security Act (NRS

21.0900Xy) and 42 U.S.C. § 407(ai).

O Money or payments for assistance received from the Division of Welfare and

Supportive Services of the State of Nevada (NRS 422.29! and 422A.325);

Q Money or payments received as unemployment insurance benefits (NRS


D Money or compensation payable or paid under NRS Chapter 616A and 616D

(worker's compensation/industrial insurance) (NRS 6I6C.205),

?• CMl IMV Self-HrJp' Page ICiork Coun!\, \?vadis

Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (10)

1 D Money or payments received as Veteran's Benefits (38 U.S.C. § 530!),

2 D Money or payments received as retirements benefits under the Civil Service

3 Retirement System (CSRS) or Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) (5

USC § 8346).

O Seventy-five percent (75%) of my disposable earnings are exempt- "Disposable

6 earnings" are defined as those earnings remaining "after the deduction , , . of any

7 amounts required by taw to be withheld." NRS 2! .Q90(gX i). These "amounts

8 required by Saw to be withheld" are federal income tax. Medicare, and Social

9 Security taxes.

! 0 D Check here if your disposable weekly earnings do not exceed $327.50 or

11 50 times the federal minimum wage (50 x $6,55 • $327,50), in which case

! 2 ! ALL of your disposable earnings are exempt (NRS 21.090( i Kc)).

13 O Non-exempt income cannot exceed 25% or your weekly disposable

14 earnings under NRS 31.295. Check here if your disposable weekly

15 j earnings are between $327.50 and $436.65. In this case, your exempt

16 j income is always $.327.50 and your non-exempt income is, your disposable

17 earnings minus $327.50. Put amount of non-exempt income

S H here: .

19 i Money or payments received pursuant to a court order for child support or||

20 alimony, including any arrearage (NRS 21,090( I )(s) and 21.090( 1 >(t)}.

21 n Money derived from the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (E1TC) or similar

22 Nevada program (NRS 21.090(I KaaV),

23 $1.000 or less of my money or other persona! property. .

24 which is not otherwise exempt under NRS 2i .090 (MRS 21.090( 1 >;

25 Money. $500,000 or less, held in a retirement plan in accordance with Internal

26 Revenue Codes, including, hut not limited to. an !RA, 401k. 403b, or other

qualified stock bonus, pension, or profit-sharing plan (NRS 21.090(1 )(r))-

28 u All money, payments, or benefits derived in anyr way from a life insurance policy.

Page 2

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if the arinuai premium does not exceed $i 5,000. If the premium exceeds that

amount a similar exemption exists which bears the same proportion to the money.

benefits, privileges and immunities so accruing or growing out of the insurance

that the $ i 5,000 bears to the whole annual premium paid (NRS 21.09W i Xk».

D Money or payments received pursuant to NRS Chapter 286 (The Public

Employees Retirement Act) {NRS 286.670).

D A homestead filed pursuant to NRS ! 15.010 in a dwelling (house, condominium,

townhome, and land) or mobile home where my equity does not exceed $550.000

<NRS2I.090(lX!)andNRS H5.010).

D My dwelling house and land where the amount of my equity does not exceed

$550,000 (NRS 2!.090(m)).

D Check here if the debt is based on a medical bill. Your primary dwelling

and land, including a mobile or manufactured home, is exempt from

execution regardless of the equity (NRS 21.095).

• • • ; vehicle does no! exceed $ 15,000. or

!6 >| I will pay the judgment creditor any amount over $15,000 in equity (NRS

17 i 2I.OW;>.

«'heck hr-

mobility for j ou or \ our dependent and either you or your dependent has aj

: •i


i! prescribed by a physician or lientoi ior me or my j

- -• ! <••>(« ". »

My private library, works ol M »

value (21,090(1 Wa»-

Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (12)




























exceed $ 12,000 in value (21,090( 1 Kb)).

it is requested that these D wages, D bank account. D benefits, D other accounts/funds,

Q personal or real property be returned or released to me within 5 days of receipt of this

Affidavit in accordance with NRS 21,112,

DATED this [jX, day of _Mg , 20JO_.

Pursuant to NRS 53.045.1 declare under penalty ofperjury that the foregoing is true and correct.


I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the" I Q ~ day of ' f T,20 iO, I

placed a true and correct copy of te foregoing AFFIDVIT CLAIMING EXEMPTION

FROM EXECUTION in the United States Mai!, with first-class postage prepaid, addressed to

the following:

PlaintifPJudgmem Creditor .Asset />cce?tai^ejLI:<L .

Citibank 6/p

V^j-iyTi r -1 Ji

and to the foiiowing:

O Sheriff or D Constable

Pursuant to NRS 53,045,1 declare under penalty ofperjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Defendant, Pro Se

•C Cm/ Lav Seif-Help Ctnlrrounty, N

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Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (13)

Response to Writ of Execution:Defendant, Susan C. Knisely, Pro Se

Case No.: A529439Citibank, Asset Acceptance LLC vs. Susan Knisely


The Defendant, Susan C. Knisely, comes before this Court to answer to this Writ of Execution, after

halting six years of abuse, exploitation, theft and endangerment by individuals within the federal


Many Federal agencies became involved after a 2004 report I made to the F.B.I, in Las Vegas Nevada

concerning the suspicious actions of an Iranian man whom I had dated. An F.B.I. Agent with Homeland

Security/I.CE. told me I was a Victim of Crime, a C.I.A. Operative working with the State Department

told me I was under Witness-Protection. This same C.I.A. Operative told me there would always be a

F.B.I, case on me to ensure I wasn't dating any more Middle Eastern men. However, what no one ever

told me over the last six years is that I too was considered a terrorist worldwide; purposely being placed

in an active terrorist database without any supporting evidence. Placing me in this database is clearly a

massive violation of my civil rights and allowed for a long series of negative events to happen to me and

to a minor child, my son.

Change in power with the new Presidential Administration in 2009 also placed me on the list of

Terrorists facing prosecution. The problem was this; the U.S. Attorney's office in the District of Nevada

could not construct a case, because simply, I am not a Terrorist, therefore, no case evidence exists to

proceed as such. The open question that remains is this; who is the individual(s), group or Federal

Agency that listed me as a worldwide Terrorist?

Exhibit A: March 11, 2010 Letter from Elliot Williams, Director, the Department of Homeland

Security/I.C.E. to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid:

"You wrote on behalf of Susan Knisely, concerning her problems with the Victims of Crime and Federal

Witness Protection Programs we determined that Ms. Knisely's request is within the purview of the

U.S. Department of Justice, (DOJ)."

The action of considering me a terrorist gave them the authority to control and manipulate surrounding

circ*mstances and my friends and family in relation to the FBI case. Many problems existed from the

inaction of the FBI to properly protect me and my son and centered around two issues. The first issue

was I made the initial report on the Iranian man to the FBI in 2004, placing me at risk for retaliation. The

second issue was he told me he was planning to take "his son" to the country of Iran and there was

nothing I could do to stop it.

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Response to Writ of Execution:Defendant, Susan C. Knisely, ProSe

Case No.: A529439Citibank, Asset Acceptance LLC vs. Susan Knisely

Many of the responsibilities and expenses relating to protecting me and my son were on my own or paidfor by my family and friends. My mother sold one of her homes to come out to Las Vegas and assist; she

also mortgaged a second home to pay for expenses. My brother helped with moving expenses. My

family became angry over all the mishaps and we have not communicated in years.

I was constantly looking for alternatives through other sources; advice and assistance throughattorneys and other government agencies. I honestly spent more time trying to protect us than I should

have had to. I was always supposed to have an Agent to directly communicate with at the very least. It

was only now in 2010 that I sought the answer I was looking for; the abuse, mishaps, direction and

misdirection was due to me considered a terrorist, not by all people but by at least some people.

Other individuals and government entities came forth over the years to look out for the best interest of

my son and me, in lieu that the F.B.I, and possibly other people within their Department were not

handling affairs as they should have. These people kept us safe and sought justice for us during the sixyears of injustice. Some of these people are:

The offices of the Nevada Secretary of State, the Nevada Governor, the Nevada Attorney General, the

State Department, the Department of Homeland Security/I.C.E., Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and

his offices in Las Vegas and Washington D.C., the City of Las Vegas, Randall J. Roske Esq., and at least oneindividual C.I.A. Operative.

Situational Events

In compounding all the information and evidence, it would be easy for one to see the following. In

reference to the U.S. Attorney's response to the Iranian man's Writ of Habeas Corpus, he entered the

United States through Brownsville Texas. He committed crime in Texas, was convicted of these crimes

but did not serve the entire sentence. He was in immigration removal proceedings as a result of hisconviction. Now what happened between or after that I do not know, but appears that he was somehow

lost or overlooked.

I met him in Las Vegas Nevada under a completely different name than in the U.S. Attorney's case many

years later after the events in Texas. I thought he was legit then years later suspected that may not be

the case. I made a report to the FBI, and later I was told this man is an Iranian terrorist. The FBI might

have never discovered this if I had not made the report in 2004. Also, what I do know is that my son and

I were dragged down a hard dirt road for trying to help federal law enforcement keep this country safe.

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Response to Writ of Execution:Defendant, Susan C. Knisely, ProSe

Case No.: A529439Citibank, Asset Acceptance LLC vs. Susan Knisely

In 2004 the Iranian man's behavior became very bizarre, he talked about him dying, and he claimed to

be meeting people at various locations at strange times of the day in Las Vegas and southern California.

Years later into our relationship he told me he was an illegal alien in another name. Also concerning was

he had a Nevada driver's license under the name in which I met him, and for many years was doing

mortgage loans in Nevada under that name through a reputable firm. In putting all of this together, I felt

that something was not right about him, but I did not know what that thing was, other than perhaps an

immigration violation.

One night, he came into my house in the middle of the night without warning. He pinned me down on

the bed; I thought I was going to die that night. He told me our relationship was over and that he

planned to take his son to Iran within the next six months. Thankfully for my son's safety purposes, he

was still in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and well guarded. Later, through internet research I learned

a good deal from the State Department's website on the issue of Iranian child abduction. I contacted

the State Department and they opened a case for my son.

I called my family friend, an undercover drug detective in Ohio for advice. He said to me, "Susan, how do

you know that he is not a terrorist? Wouldn't you feel bad if he is a terrorist and something happens

again like in 9-11?" I felt that was possibly taking it to the extreme. My friend did not think so. He

explained the concept of "cells," or "sleeper cells" to me. He wanted me to make a report to the Las

Vegas FBI and let them do an investigation.

My friend certainly knew more about this type of thing than I did given that I am a Registered Nurse and

he is law enforcement. I made the report without question, to the Las Vegas FBI in June of 2004. My

sickening thought after was perhaps this man whom I believed to be a legitimate business man, dated

for years, and had a son with, might have been using me as some sort of cover to blend in with society. I

subsequently took all the steps I needed to do to keep my son and I away from him. In the years to

follow it became clear that I had more people against us than just him.

Initially, the FBI offered some but minimal assistance by providing information to me. Later they became

resistant to my phone calls and my request for information and assistance to keep my son and I safe. I

do not know why or what happened; timing suggests that it was some point after I was interviewed by a

F.B.I. Agent with Homeland Security/I.C.E. and a Las Vegas Metro Detective with the Joint Terrorism

Task Force. This same F.B.I agent later on was pushing me away by saying to me, "You are a Victim of

Crime, why don't you go to the District Attorney's Office for help." At the time, it did not make sense to

me why he would say that type of statement, this situation was a federal case. It did not make sense to

my private attorney either.

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Response to Writ of Execution:Defendant, Susan C. Knisely, ProSe

Case No.: A529439Citibank, Asset Acceptance LLC vs. Susan Knisely

The FBI never took the needed steps to offer my son and me official protection within their office or

within the Department of Justice. Therefore I was given assistance by my friends, my family, the State of

Nevada, private agencies, and other federal government agencies including a C.I.A. Operative, Whether

that was the fault of the FBI in Las Vegas, higher up within the FBI or within the Justice Department itself

is unclear to me right now. What is clear is that the Justice Department's U.S. Attorney General

Guidelines for Victim Witness Assistance, which includes handling creditor issues, was not followed by

those within and/or underneath the Department.

In my extensive research on federal protective programs, real criminals were given far better treatment

than my son and I. My son and I are legal U.S. born, non-criminal citizens. I have always been on the

side of the United States, but I was treated as if I was not. My son, a mentally retarded special needs

child was used for bait, and physically abused. I, a non-criminal good citizen Registered Nurse was used

as bait, listed as a terrorist without supporting evidence, and all my personal and business property and

assets were destroyed.

I believed and still believe, I did the right thing by making the initial report to the FBI. I remember

months later calling the FBI Agent I made the report to; he told me he was no longer handling the case,

it had been transferred to the Terrorism Unit. I was shocked, but in a bizarre type of way, confirmed to

myself that I did the right thing by reporting. I was shocked again after when I received a phone call from

Homeland Security wanting to interview me. Through the subsequent interview I felt I was helping

federal law enforcement seek justice. The FBI Agent confirmed the man had Felony charges. Again I

confirmed to myself that I did the right thing by reporting. However, I placed my son and I at risk for

retaliation by making that report to the FBI in 2004. In lieu of gratitude or protection, we were

subsequently demolished and frequently used and manipulated by the federal authorities in many ways

to support their own interests.

After I was interviewed by the FBI and the Metro Detective in March 2005, what began was the start of

many undercover individuals being placed in my life for I assume various reasons. Many appeared to be

undercover law enforcement; I grew up next to such a person so I had some idea how they acted on the

job. In addition, I began to recognize patterns in conversation and actions that allowed me to pick up on

them more easily. One man was later known to me as a C.I.A. Operative, confirmed through an attorney.

This Operative, after doing his own investigation, realized the situation was being mishandled, and he

did not approve. It was this Operative who provided witness-protection for me and my son, and was

working in some conjunction with the State Department I was told.

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Response to Writ of Execution:Defendant, Susan C. Knisely, ProSe

Case No.: AS29439Citibank, Asset Acceptance LLC vs. Susan Knisely

Undercover Abuse: One small example

In May of 2005, I met a man through an upscale business style dinner club in Las Vegas. Later this mantook me out on a date on the Las Vegas Strip. He got me intoxicated and made a series of attempts tosee how far he could go. This man also took pictures of me, (this man was not the C.I.A. Operative).

In the following months, this same undercover agent was persistent in persuading me to steal Valium forhim from the hospital. He stated he needed Valium for the airplane ride back to New York. I explainedto this man that first of all, I am not a criminal and I don't steal. Secondly, Valium is a controlledsubstance and that if he requires Valium to travel then he needs to obtain a written prescription fromhis own physician. These were phone conversations.

In addition, this same undercover agent kept trying to persuade me to spend time at his apartment inwhich I could talk about all of my troubles over the years. I never had that conversation with him. Ithought it was strange for him to say that since we had only known each other for a short period of timeand were not in a serious relationship. In the times I went to his apartment I noticed that it was alwaysimmaculately clean, and there was very little food in the cabinets or in the refrigerator. It was like noone ever lived there. Also, the decor of the apartment did not seem to match the personality of thisman.

Years later, I told my third family law attorney about this man and the above situations. My attorneyasked me what I told the F.B.I, when I was interviewed by them in March 2005. I told my attorney that Itold the F.B.I, things I knew including that the Iranian man told me he was a illegal alien. I also gavethem a lot of papers including printed emails and websites that I pulled off the Iranian man's computer.These papers were in Farsi, I couldn't read them but I told them I thought it might help their case insome way.

My attorney asked me if I had an attorney present with me during the interview. I told him I didn't, andthat I didn't know I was supposed to have one. Even if I did know that, I couldn't have afforded oneanyway; my son and I were on the Nevada Welfare System at the time of the interview. What would Ihave done if I knew? Give my monthly Welfare cash or food stamps to an attorney?

Plus, I grew up next door to an undercover drug detective with the local police force in Ohio. He hasbeen a lifetime friend to me and my family. In other words, why would I have any reason not to trust theFederal Law Enforcement Agent, (F.B.I.) or the Las Vegas Metro Detective that was with him in theinterview? My attorney replied:

"Whatever information you gave them must have been GOLD or they wouldn't keep trying to dig up

more GOLD, They are using you,"

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Family Court in Nevada and California: The third enemy

There was a long series of events in the Family Court System in Humboldt County California Clark County

Nevada that suggested both systems were not really looking out for the best interest of the child; they

were more concerned about the best interest of the father.

The first major issue was the child abduction threat. In pro per, I included the information I received

from the State Department. Prior to the first hearing, my mother paid for an attorney to be retained.

Minutes before the hearing, my attorney said to me that the court will grant the father visitation, as she

put it, it is his child and he has rights. I reminded her that my motion said no visitation due to the child

abduction threat. I told my attorney exactly what to say to obtain the no visitation order. After a few

minutes in arguing about the rights of the father, she followed my direction. She told the court exactly

what I told her to say and a temporary no visitation order was granted.

The second major legal issue was the validity of the paternity test the father requested. Biologically, the

test was 99.9% positive that the Iranian man was the father. However, I physically went to the Humboldt

County Child Support office, he never provided any type of identification when he took the test. I

explained to office staff that this man was appearing in court claiming to have no assets, money or a job

yet was appearing down the hall in this same building under another name for a traffic ticket. This ticket

was under the name I met him in Las Vegas originally. Under this name, he had a Nevada driver's

license, a Nevada mortgage loan officer license; he had been working as a loan officer in this name. His

speeding ticket in Humboldt county California was in a high end, Nevada plate BMW 540i and he did

provide a Nevada driver's license to the officer. I know because I went to the traffic court and pulled the


I took this information to my retained attorney. She did not take it seriously. In addition, she did not

take it seriously that I reported the Father to the FBI in Las Vegas. She was always in pursuit of

considering the Father's rights. This was very concerning since this attorney was married to the District

Attorney in Humboldt County California. I fired this attorney mid-case.

Subsequent hearings in both California and Nevada for custody were very suspicious for some type of

foul play. The first suspicion was that the California Court was trying to keep the case in their county to

cover the evidence of the mistake in properly identifying the father for child support assets. The second

suspicion was the FBI realized this California Court did not pay attention to detail, was a small town

court and could be easily manipulated. It was also believed that the FBI wanted to keep me in contact

with the Father. They knew I would not do so on my own. Therefore, they used two courts in two states

to try and obtain orders requiring that my son and I stay in contact with him. In addition, the Humboldt

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County and the Clark County Child Support Offices let the father go in arrears. I reported both offices to

the federal regional office but the issue of arrears was never resolved.

I was not going to break down. It was my son's welfare at stake and I certainly was not going to place

him at risk. The courts tried to manipulate me under the premises of being a happy but split family. The

courts financially impacted me and Judges humiliated me. A Judge in Nevada gave the father legal

advice to go to California and obtain custody of his son, referencing talking to the Judge in California.

I called the Las Vegas FBI to report that my son's father had filed for custody in California and I did not

know if they knew because I did not know who was handling his case. I gave the lady FBI representative

his name. It sounded as if she was looking him up in the computer. She gasped and told me, "I will let

the unit that is handling him know."

The Judge in California threatened me with a Judgment that he said "I would not like," if I chose not to

agree with the Father in a second mediation. After the hearing, the court mediator came to me with the

mediation date. That date was, September 11th. I asked the mediator who picked that date? He replied,

"The Judge."

When I returned to Nevada I debated the court case. Was it possible that the Judge was on my side? I

was not sure. The date of mediation appeared to be a hint; however I had no way of knowing if it was a

bluff. Too many mistakes had already happened. After carefully considering the situation I decided that

my son's life and welfare was not worth the risk of me being wrong. I could not make a decision based

solely on evidence of the Judge's choice of mediation date. I was in a no-win situation it seemed, until I

played a wild card and called the State Department.

There was evidence supporting an immediate situation in which my son may be taken to Iran by his

father with the help of the family court system in two states. The father had filed for full custody, child

support and no visitation for me in the California Court. My son and I lived in Nevada and were under

the Secretary of State's Confidential Address Program issued under Nevada Law. This California court

was the same court in which the father said years ago, "I intend to take my son to Iran as I am his father

and I invoke my parental right to do so."

I wrote a letter to the State Department concerning the problems with the two family court systems, the

FBI involvement and also gave them names of three personal contacts who could also call them if

something happened to me. After faxing the letter, I called them as well. The State Department asked

what the F.B.I, was doing about this, I replied, "That is a good question." I told them they really needed

to look into the situation because I almost went to jail in California for being assertive towards the

Judge. The State Department said, "Ok, I better get all of this in the computer,"

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The Operative

In 2005, a long term friend in Las Vegas purchased a home and subsequently advertised a room for rentpublically. I called her one night to join my friends and I at the Voo Doo lounge at the Rio Hotel andCasino. She agreed and asked if she could bring her new roommate, I told her he was more thanwelcome to join. When I saw her new roommate, something about him suggested that he was anotherundercover agent. However, women's intuition told me that he was different; I felt that if anythingnegative ever happened he would be the one to get me out of it.

From that night on, there was intermittent communication with this man. Most of the communicationcentered on me developing a romantic relationship with him. I refused. I was not going to let anotherone of them take advantage of me in that way. However, I was curious as to what and why he wassomehow placed in my life. Therefore, I kept in contact with him but I never disclosed anything aboutthe situation with his father, the FBI, or the State Department to him until much later.

One day he took my son and I to a mutual friend's child's birthday party. In conversation he told methat he had formally been in the Navy supporting the Navy Seals as a diver. He told me that he wentthrough Seal training but was never a Seal. He said he was given an honorable discharge from the Navydue to injuries. He said after he left the Navy he was heavily recruited by various federal agencies due tothe type of training he had in the military. He said he was recruited by the FBI but he did not want towork for them. He told me his father had been in the air force stationed at one time in Dayton, Ohiowhile he was growing up. He also told me that his long term goal was to be an engineer, and was inpursuit of that type of formal education.

His statements were too much of a coincidence. I grew up in Dayton Ohio and took many field trips inschool to Wright Patterson Air Force Base. My ex-husband was an electrical engineer. I rememberedtelling the FBI that our divorce was centered on an immature marriage on both ends and that my ex-husband was generally speaking, a good man. At this time I was not sure what this undercover manreally wanted from me but I decided to at least keep him in the circle of things for the time being.

After the July 2006 hearing in California and contacting the State Department, it occurred to me that Iwould have no idea if the State Department was really going to intervene on my son's behalf or not. Idid not know if there was something I needed to do. In addition, I needed advice on real worldstrategies to best protect myself and my son. I also felt I needed a series of self defense classes. I couldnot think of a better person to advise me on all these situations than my friend's roommate, the Navydiver with combat training.

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I invited him over for a class in self defense. He agreed to come over after work. In my living room I

asked him what he knew of my situation. He claimed he did not know anything. I said to him:

"Don't give me that crap, I picked up on you right away that you were some kind of undercover agent.You need to tell me what is going on here." He still claimed to not really know, but his non-verbal

expressions told me that he was indeed in somehow undercover. He also told me he did not have theability to arrest me. I was relieved of that fact as it allowed me to speak more freely.

Not really knowing at the time if he was on my side, I gave him little information. I wanted to see whathe would come back with. I told him that I reported my son's father to the FBI, and his father was

planning and had threatened to take him to Iran. I also gave him his father's I.C.E. alien number that myson and I creatively received upon pleas to the immigration courthouse clerk. I mentioned nothing to

him about the State Department being involved. He told me he knew of some retired FBI Agents and hewould look into it through them.

A day or so later, he came back to me and said, "You really know how to pick your boyfriends." I said, "Ididn't know he was some kind of terrorist. If I knew that I wouldn't have dated him in the first place, I

am not desperate. Also, what the heck are you guys doing letting an Iranian terrorist file for custody ofmy son in California!" He told me, "You misfiled the case in Nevada." I told him my attorney and I did

not misfile, there was a minute order by the Judge transferring Jurisdiction to Nevada. Now the Judgehere in Nevada for whatever mysterious reason chose not to acknowledge that fact of Order. Inaddition, did I say anything in my written motion back to the California court or in oral testimony that I

wanted the case back in that state? No I did not. What I did do was give every reason why the caseshould be in Nevada which includes my son and my protection under the Nevada Secretary of State and

Nevada Law. California was trying to steal my son and give him to a terrorist.

A few days later, the Operative came back and said this to me, "You're smart, you're too smart. Wewere going to deport him but you had to call the State Department, now we have to do everything bythe book." I replied, "Don't give me that crap. I went to the I.C.E. office and spoke with an immigration

officer. She told me you were never going to deport him because the U.S. does not have relations with

Iran, therefore they can't do so until that situation changes. In addition, this officer and another man inthe office enrolled me in the I.C.E. victim-witness notification program and they were shocked that I was

not in the program prior to that day. So before you come here and accuse me of doing wrong, why don't

you do the right thing and check."

I continued, "I flew from Las Vegas, transferred to another plane in a California airport then flew upnorth for the California Court hearing. My plane almost crashed into the Pacific Ocean. I find that rather

coincidental. Are you sure there wasn't a plan to prevent me from making that hearing?"

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A few days later, he came back to me and said, "I think you are getting the raw end of the deal." He toldme that he looked into my situation with his contacts in the Justice Department and through other

federal sources. He told me my situation was very serious and that I needed to file for Termination of

Parental Rights immediately.

I told him that I have been trying to terminate his rights but I can't get beyond the custody issue. TheseFamily Courts are a joke and only seemed concerned about keeping me and my son in contact with his

father. He was persistent that I had to file for termination and I could do so here in Nevada.

I told him I would have to check on that and also find an attorney which is difficult given the nature of

the situation. Most attorney's want me to be in a nice happy relationship with the terrorist. There wasone attorney I had spoke with long ago, he could not help me at the time because the case was in

California. I told him the attorney's first name but I couldn't remember his last name at the time. His

office was on Charleston and he worked with a lot of clients within the local domestic violence center. Ialso said to him that all the father has to do is show up for court and the Judges favor him.

He said to me, "What if he doesn't show up?" I said, "I have heard that before, he won't be there forcourt. He was in custody here in Las Vegas and then you guys let him out of jail without telling me. I wasso scared. My attorney had me file for a protective order. The only good that did was letting him know

that I was the one who reported him to the FBI."

The Operative told me this: "Look Susan, I have looked into everything. Your situation is very serious.Listen to me, if you don't file you could lose your son. I can help you. I have contacts within the Justice

Department. I will get my father involved; he has a lot of pull in National Security. I'll get my brotherinvolved if I have to. We also have to make sure he is not coming after you. I need you to write down all

the information you can think of that he knows about you." I told him that I would, but given the fact hedid the mortgage for my house, he has all my personal information anyway. He still told me to make a

list of these things which I did give to him.

I was still upset about another filing another court case, I wasn't convinced that the Judge wouldn't givehim my son regardless, they are more concerned with his rights than my son's safety. In addition, courts

always favor the criminals and the victims always suffer. He told me, "Perhaps in many situations thatcould be true, but not this one, not this time. Also, we will not be able to communicate until this isover." I asked why not. He said, "It is because communication is not allowed. Susan, if you file and do

what I tell you to do, I can guarantee that he won't be there, and that you and your son will be safe."

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Events occurring during the time of this civil case.

May 2006:

The Father files for full custody, child support and no visitation by me in Humboldt County California

after the legal advice of the Judge in Clark County Nevada.

In these court papers the Father said he hired a private detective to find me. Luckily the C.A.P. program

was effective; the addresses he used for the court papers were from Carson City verses our real location

of Las Vegas. (Exhibit B; Authorization card for the Nevada Secretary of State's Confidential Address

Program, C.A.P. dated October 6, 2005.)

I called the CAP program. They told me I have to address the court despite being in the program. They

told me if I ignored it, the California court could give a default judgment. Then the California court would

send the U.S. Marshal to CAP, and then CAP would have to go to the Nevada Supreme Court. The

Supreme Court would determine if CAP should disclose the address to the U.S. Marshal to enforce the

California court order. They said it is a mess and I could still loose custody despite being in the CAP

program. I certainly did not want any of that to happen.

June 2006:

I prepared my motion to address the California court. This court had a problem with misplacing my

motions in the past and favoring the Father's motions only. Also, I was suspicious the Father was having

a personal relationship with an attorney that worked for the court. Plus, I had fired my first attorney

who was married to the District Attorney; this was a small town atmosphere with a lot of gossip.

Therefore, I flew on a commercial airline to Humboldt County just to file the motion myself, also

ensuring that it made it to the court file, at least initially.

July 2006:

I flew another commercial airline to Humboldt County California to appear in person at the court

hearing. My plane almost crashed into the surrounding woods of the McKinleyville airport. The plane

would have slid into the Pacific Ocean given its speed and the close proximity. Thankfully the pilots

caught the problem in time, and uplifted the plane at high speed at a sharp angle.

I thought to myself, that is strange, is someone trying to ensure that I do not show up for court? This

was quite a coincidence. Surly my plane crashing into the ocean might give the Iranian man a default

judgment. The car rental lady at the airport said she witnessed the plane mishap. She said, "Yea, it


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August-December 2006:

Plans were being discussed, prepared and executed by myself, the C.I.A. Operative and my private

attorney to prevent my son from getting into the hands of the Terrorist and to prevent my son from

going to Iran and to protect both of us.

There were other large events happening at this time. I had to participate in the California Court

Ordered mediation and close this California Case. All subsequent hearings were phone appearances. My

son became ill with pneumonia and was a patient in Sunrise Children's Hospital in Las Vegas. I also had

to take a new contract nursing job as well as relocate my son and me to a new location.

I helped my attorney gather evidence for the Termination case. I went to the Federal building in Las

Vegas and obtained a certified copy of the U.S. Attorney's Response to a Writ of Habeas Corpus. Also

while at the Federal Building, my attorney directed me to go to the U.S. Attorney's Office and the U.S.

Marshal's office to see if they were planning any more cases on him in the future. Both offices told me

they had no plans for any cases or otherwise. I went to the Homeland Security Office to try and obtain a

copy of an I.C.E. warrant but they would not give that to me. I also worked with the clerk's office in

Harris County Texas and they helped me match dates from the U.S. Attorney's case with criminal doc

records for additional evidence.

My attorney filed for Termination of Parental Rights in December of 2006. This same Chief Judge in the

Clark County Nevada Family Court gave my attorney a really hard time for what it seemed like ridiculous

reasons. My attorney was shocked after the first hearing. He said, "It is a really good thing he didn't

show up for court today. If he would have shown up the Judge would have given him your son, and he

doesn't even have the judicial authority right now to award custody."

He asked me what happened the last time I was in his court room. I told my attorney that the Chief

Judge gave the Iranian man legal advice, he said spoke to the California Judge and told him to go back to

California to get custody. My attorney asked me if I went to the Judicial Review Board with an attorney

over the situation. I told him no, I went to the Nevada Governor's office and the Nevada Attorney

General instead.

My attorney wanted to know why I did this, as it was very apparent in court that the Chief Judge was in

some way reprimanded for the legal advice he gave. I explained to my attorney that I seemed to have a

lot of enemies. I told him how my well educated friends and I have spent many evenings hashing out

every discrepancy that has occurred to date. Our unanimous conclusion has always been that were

being used as bait by the FBI. We also suspected that something was very wrong with our Family Law

Case, perhaps being rubber stamped in the back end by the FBI as well.

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Therefore, I needed people in high levels of government that were at the very least, looking out for the

best interest of my son and hopefully me as well. I wanted the Governor and the Attorney General to

know in case child abduction really happens; I knew I wouldn't get help from the FBI. I needed someone

in power to call Washington on my son's behalf in the event of an emergency or set up an amber alert,

or whatever they could do that the FBI wasn't doing. I told my attorney that I lost trust in their ability to

protect me and my son when they did not inform me prior to him being released from the North Las

Vegas Detention Center.

I told my attorney that I notified the State Department of all the happenings and what I have done to

protect my son to date. I apologized to my attorney because I thought they told him the bigger picture,

apparently that was not the case, since court was a disaster. I said, "Look at the bright side, we have a

lot of people in the loop on this who would much rather be proactive than reactive."My attorney and I

spent the rest of the afternoon figuring out what to do next.

In the following months, court papers and evidence were lost, (i.e. intercepted more than once) through

the U.S. Post office, through the court courier service and in the Family Court Clerk's office.

August 2007

I left Nevada with my son in August 2007, when I suspected his father or possibly family had tracked us

down. I called my family friend in law enforcement in Ohio. He told me that I had to call the F.B.I. Agent

that interviewed me as he would have jurisdiction over me. I did not understand how he would have

jurisdiction over me since he told my second attorney in October of 2005, that he was no longer

handling the case. However, I called him, but I had already crossed the Nevada State line when I made

the call. This F.B.I Agent kept me on the phone for a good period of time while I was driving.

My high school friends in Ohio knew I was coming. One of them was a lady I had listed on my letter to

the State Department as a point-of-contact. My friends put my son and I up in a extended stay hotel, not

really knowing what was going on and if it was safe for my son and I to stay with them. After a few days,

my friends had a meeting with the bathroom of my hotel room while my son was sleeping on the


My friends said to me, "I can't believe we are doing this but here it goes. Susan, you and your son are

going to get a new life when this is over..." They cushioned this whole, "You're going to get a new life

scenario." They told me, "I would have to change my name and my whole identity. I will have to be on

welfare for a while, I wouldn't be able to be a nurse but they, (the Federal Authorities) would help me

get a new job " and so forth. They also told me to read the book WITSEC, about the Federal Witness

Protection Program. My friends also told me that I needed to go back to Nevada and finish the

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Termination of Parental Rights case reminding me that if I didn't have custody of my son, there is not a

legal order in place to protect him.

Note: I have read the book WITSEC in its entirety multiple times. I have also researched

identity change at various levels of government. On a Federal Level, the government has

the ability to change my identity, keep all of my education the same and 1 would still be

able to work as a Registered Nurse; I have an associate's degree, a bachelor's degree and

credits towards my M.B.A. Therefore it is very concerning that people within the federal

government would change my identity into a person who is uneducated and needing to

live on welfare. There is extensive literature and research in the areas of domestic

abuse/domestic violence showing that dumbfounding and financial imparting a person or

a "victim" is a very easy way for an abuser to maintain control over another individual.

This was a second time an identity change was brought up. A month prior, in July of 2007,

a well established bankruptcy attorney 1 retained talked to the Trustees of the Federal

Bankruptcy court here in Clark County Nevada. The Trustees told my retained attorney

that 1 did not need to file bankruptcy; 1 am going to, "get a new life instead." I called my

family law attorney and asked him if he had heard of this from anyone and he had not. It

is concerning that the authorities would use third party resources to relay such

information rather than discussing it directly with me and my attorney who is familiar

with such types of programs. It is now May 2010 and I am still me.

I returned to Nevada with my son. My attorney and I were still having problems with evidence being

intercepted. We decided to use another option. We suspected the F.B.I or anyone else might not be

able to intercept Federal Express, (FedEx), a private corporate mailing service.

We used FedEx and our evidence did not get lost. We locked our returned evidence in a safe and later

hand carried the evidence to court. We gave the evidence to the Chief Judge of the Eighth Judicial

District Family Court in person at the hearing. A case that could have been completed within a few

months took a year to finish. In the final hearing, I gave this testimony under oath:

Attorney: Have you been advised by Homeland Security that he is a risk to you and your son?

My reply: Yes.

Attorney: Have you been advised by the State Department that he is a risk to you and your son?

My reply: Yes.Page 14 of 37

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The father did not show up for any of the court hearings to contest the motion. Termination of Parental

Rights was Granted and Signed in November 2007.

November 2007

Immediately following the Termination of Parental Rights case, I was told that I needed to leave town

with my son, change my son and my identity, and find another state for us to live in. There was concern

that the Iranian man would return to Las Vegas and attempt to retaliate legally or otherwise.

I was not informed of this ahead of time. I had very little money saved and I had no plan. However, I was

really scared for me and especially for my son. I packed what I could in my Honda Prelude and my son

and I left Nevada.

The first night, we stayed in Kingman Arizona at a abuse shelter. The next day, the director of the

agency wanted to know my situation. I told her everything. She said something about my situation was

not right. She told me her father is a retired agent with National Security. She was going to have her

father look into the situation.

A few days later she came back to me and said that I needed to keep moving. She said her father had

looked into my situation calling it insane. She gave me the contact information of an underground legal

firm on the east coast that would help me with a complete identity change for my son and I. She said

that once I got to my final destination, I needed to call them and they would help us. I packed my son

and my things and we kept moving. We sought refuge in many domestic abuse shelters throughout the

United States until I reached my friends home in Virginia.

I mailed (FedEx) my apartment keys to my attorney's secretary and told her she could have everything in

my two bedroom apartment including garage items. I thought that was a better idea than the apartment

complex auctioning my property off. She told me that I could have my things back if I ever returned to

Las Vegas.

In Virginia, my friends paid a licensed private investigator near Washington D.C. to "sweep my car for

tracking bugs," (my Honda Prelude). This investigator dodged our efforts to obtain a written report of

the work done yet collected my friends money for the work he claimed to do. His motives and actions

remain unclear. There were hangings on the office walls that reflected him working in part with the

C.I. A.

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\ called the underground legal firm and sent them all of the court information. The attorney was

questioning the validity of the Termination Order saying that California should still have custody

jurisdiction. She also told me she was not familiar with Nevada law. I told this attorney that California

does have custody jurisdiction, however, Nevada has jurisdiction to terminate parental rights. I

explained that if she read the laws in Nevada, she would understand this.

I further explained that if she read the California Orders, I have temporary full physical and legal

custody, the father has no visitation, and I also have full physical and legal custody and the father has no

visitation i.e. any rights to my son in Nevada by default of termination of rights. The attorney seemed

confused. I could not understand why. This was rather strait forward to me. I ceased my contact with

this underground law firm.

In Virginia I realized that day care center hours did not fit the work shifts at the hospitals. I could not find

a private babysitter as well. I had no other choice but to return to Las Vegas, Nevada; day care centers

are open 24 hours, 7 days a week. In addition, I called the Operative for advice.

The Operative was perplexed that I was in Virginia. He said no one advised him of this. I told him what

happened including the "bug sweep of my car" situation. He encouraged me to come back west. He told

me he would protect me and my son from his father and every other mishandling. He was looking to

transfer to Arizona but then later decided on Las Vegas. He also kept me on the phone for a good period

of time while I was driving back west on a daily basis.

When I returned to Las Vegas a few weeks after leaving, I had a lot of trouble getting my apartment keys

back from this secretary. When I finally entered my apartment, the reality hit; everything literally

everything was gone including many collectable items that cannot be replaced. All of my suits, my son's

toys, our bedroom sets, window treatments, all furniture, were gone.

The items that were left included scrap pieces of various toy sets, my childhood photos and albums, a

old laptop computer that they must not have seen and a lot of trash. The secretary said she was letting

someone live in my apartment while I was away. The secretary did give me a few small items back but

not so voluntarily; what items I did get back could easily have been replaced at a discount store. The

value of the loss of my personal property is extensive.

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The Operative came over to my apartment upon my return to Las Vegas. He was very angry at the

situation. Not so much at me, but at the constant misdirection and mishandling. A few days later he

came back to me and said:

"Susan, I have set up the situation in which I am in control of you and your son with all of these other

agencies. If any of these other agencies inquire about you, I am to be notified immediately. Also, if any

of these agencies contact you directly, you need to notify me immediately." I was in full agreement.

The Operative also told me that we were in a witness-protection scenario. He explained concern by the

State Department that my son's father might try to return to Las Vegas and quash the Termination

order, or retaliate against me for obtaining the order in the first place. He also said that "we," meaning

more than one person that he would not disclose. "We" are going to help you financially rebuild from all

of this.

He told me that I needed to work a lot of days at the hospital for a number of reasons. First was I had

debt to pay off. Second he said was to set up a savings plan which included a college plan for my son. He

also said down the road we would work on investment accounts. He reminded me that he used to work

for a high end investment firm many years ago. He also said I would need money saved in case my son's

father tried to come back and quash the default termination order or in the event we may need to move

again. He said all of the plans are laid out on excel spreadsheets and that he would show them to me


The Operative asked me if I had a bank account. I told him I didn't as I had one bank account with

Nevada State Bank that I needed to correct due to a automatic withdraw mistake. I closed my second

account with Wells Fargo when I left town. I explained that I have excellent credit with Wells Fargo with

a flawless mortgage history and a business account. Therefore opening an account should not be a

problem. The Operative told me I could not reopen an account at this time but would not explain why.

He told me in lieu of that, he would need to have my paychecks and he would deposit them in his Bank

of America account.

The Operative and I had a very long discussion on this issue of me giving him my money. I explained that

I have never given my money to anyone including my ex-husband as we had separate accounts. He was

persistent with me giving him my money. I was resistant. I told him it's not like he is my boyfriend or

that we are in a personal relationship, he was my "spy guy" so to speak. In addition to that, I said I was

sure he had other legal identities so if he disappeared I would be unable to find him to collect my money


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He then told me he was taking a risk by helping me. I didn't understand why so. He would not explain.

He told me he could get into a lot of trouble for all that he was doing for me. I still did not understand

this. He finally said, in addition to all the other troubles I have (that he would not explain), it would be

my money that would ultimately keep us together. He said I was going to have to trust him on this and

that he could not explain everything to me. He cited that fact that he had been trustworthy in the past,

and had never steered me wrong before. I agreed with that, given what happened with my Family Law


He also told me that he "routinely checks on his status," meaning my son's father's status. He also said

he checks to see, "what our friends are doing." Our friends mean the FBI. I reminded him that they were

his friends and not mine; they have done too much damage over the years for me to consider them my

friends. He did not comment. He told me there would always be a F.B.I case on me to ensure I wasn't

dating any more Middle Eastern men.

He also said I would have to live, "under the radar," for a while but did not tell me how long of time. He

said to "keep everything close to your chest." He told me I was not allowed to pay any bills as those

would be taken care of later. He also told me that I can't communicate with any friends from the past, at

least for now. He told me that he would also help me take care of my son, citing that he is good with

children and my son needs a father figure in his life. I agreed. He told me all I had to do was work and he

would take care of the rest. I began working, slave type of hours 60-84, at various hospitals through a

daily staffing company.

I mentioned his work with the agency, (CIA). 1 told him I learned that they hire nurses by looking at the

website. I said the job description sounds rather boring as I am a critical care and emergency room

nurse, and occupational health is too easy for me. I thought it would be interesting for us however to

work for the same company so to speak. My image is tainted however because I dated a man who

turned out to be a terrorist. I mentioned how I knew that I met the minimum requirements; (bachelor's

degree in nursing, over 10 years of experience in intensive care or in the ER, multi-state practice

privileges and so forth). He said to me," I know you do, I have researched your life completely and I

know everything about you."

He took my car into his mechanic. After that, he told me I could not pay off the pay day loan I had on it,

even though by that time I could have paid it off in full. I asked him if his mechanic found any tracking

bugs. He did not answer. My Honda Prelude was repossessed in January 2008. After that, the Operative

took me to work and my son to daycare on a daily basis.

In February 2008, he moved my son and me out of our apartment but would not let me pay off the

remainder of the lease. He placed our excess things in storage and rented a room in an extended stay

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hotel under his name, but he did not live there himself, I continued to work excess hours at the

hospital; my son went to day care and to a special needs program through the Clark County School


The Operative told me not to be in compliance with the Nevada C.A.P. program but would not give a

reason as to why not. There was discord on this issue as I explained the CAP program was very effective

in the past and I considered it a blessing that I had such a program in place. Also, by me not complying, I

was afraid I would be in violation of Nevada law which I did not like doing that.

In the spring of 2008, the Operative asked me if I ever considered giving my son up for adoption. My first

reaction was if my son's father was starting trouble again. He did not give a direct answer.

My son has a significant medical history related to premature birth and a record of developmental

delays that are well documented in California and Nevada. He was in a special needs program in

California, and in Nevada he was in the Early Childhood Intervention program by the State and the Child

Find Program in Clark County. He was tested by the Clark County School District who deemed he was

borderline mentally retarded.

In June of 2008 my son was physically abused by someone, I do not know who the abuser was. My son

was taken by Clark County Child Protective Services, (CPS). I explained to CPS and to the Las Vegas

Metro Police that what was very concerning to me is that my son is mentally retarded and would not be

able to properly identify who abused him. I explained that my son could barely say his first name, let

alone have the intellectual capacity provide any type of situational information to me or to them.

The Clark County District Attorney's office opened a court case. I relinquished the rights to my son. I did

so on July 3, 2008 in an open area within the Family Court house making it easy for the relinquishment

to be videotaped. Court proceedings happened very quickly, and it is noted in the Court record that the

Assistant District Attorney found it unusual.

There was not sufficient time for a detailed investigation. I was told by a court appointed attorney for

me that the District Attorney wanted to close the case quickly so they could move my son through the

legal system. Therefore, the District Attorney I was told, had no other option but to charge me with child

abuse which they later reduced to a charge of "improper supervision." That charge was given without

evidence to support that I was supervising my son at that time. The evidence shows that I was working

at the hospital. I do not feel that bringing charges of any kind against me was the right thing to do,

I was told that my son would live in foster homes and would not be adopted for two years.

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The Operative told me he was leaving to pursue other assignments. He told me that he would continue

to help guide me financially and emotionally and help me recover from the negative events of the past.

He did not want me to open a bank account of my own at this time. Therefore he opened a checking

account with Wachovia Bank. He was the primary account holder and I was the secondary account


He wanted me to continue working at least six days a week, citing financial goals he had set for me as

the reason for the amount of shifts. I asked him what would happen if I could not get six nursing shifts a

week. He said he would have to look at the effort I put forth relative to the bigger picture. He never

would tell me the bigger picture.

He also gave me my laptop computer back that he had placed in storage when he moved us out of my

apartment. He told me he took it to a computer friend who installed updated software. He said a new

operating system was installed as well to handle the programs.

He told me I had to email him on a daily basis. Once in the morning to let him know what hospital I was

working at that day. A second time at night I was to submit a daily journal of all my activities for the day.

He wanted to know my events of the day, what kind of food I ate and any other issues or questions that

needed to be addressed. He also created a spread sheet in Excel recording all my expenses. He cited the

budget sheet was training for me to learn how to better handle my finances. He also gave me a budget

to live on; I was only allowed so much money to be spent in various categories. I was only allowed to

keep a very small amount of cash on me. He said I had to use a debit card for all purchases. He was

withdrawing the money I deposited out of the account.

He gave me a car to drive in his name only. He also gave me a yellow armband to wear. It was a Lance

Armstrong, "live strong" band. He told me to wear it all the time as a symbol of strength.

I did everything he requested for months. In October of 2008 when the world economy fell apart, I had

trouble getting nursing shifts. There was many emails demanding for me to get work, and my responses

back were all the efforts I was making to try and do so. I was very frustrated.

I emailed him about if I was still going to be moved after the vacation he mentioned at the end of 2008.

His email reply to me was all would depend on the results of the Presidential Election. In my efforts of

keeping up with the election race and current events, I did not make the coloration. I could not figure

out how the election affected my life or any plans he was speaking of.

After the election was over, the Operative told me that plans would be delayed for now but he would

look into the spring timeframe in relation to the bigger picture. He referenced a trip to Paris France. He

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still would not tell me what his plans were. He told me to continue doing what I was doing, emails,

deposits, working as many shifts as I could.

In March of 2009, he disclosed to me by email the plans he had been making. He told me I needed to

wait until July for him to pick me up in Las Vegas. Through email he told me he was going to take me on

a trip around the world that he was paying for, "I can't wait to show you the itinerary."

Something about that trip around the world did not make sense to me. I was not sure if I was going to

be dumped off in a foreign country, left alone to fend for myself. It was more of an instinct that

something was wrong with this world trip but I was not sure what that was.

There was a theft violation to our joint Wachovia account. The debit card number was taken by

someone and three attempts to use the debit card number occurred. One withdrawal attempt was

successful for withdraw of about $350.00 from an ATM machine on Martin Luther King Drive in Las

Vegas. The Operative sent me an immediate email on this. I called Wachovia and obtained all the

information on the three attempts and emailed the information back to the Operative. In addition, I

completed the forms required by Wachovia to open a Federal Investigation and faxed them back to the

bank. I never heard any further response back from Wachovia on the case. The Operative told me to

stall the payment of the extended stay hotel until I received my new debit card. He told me to still make

my required deposits of my earnings.

In April of 2009, through email the Operative seemed to be both hesitant and persistent on certain

issues. The Operative was mad because I was withholding money from the account. The money I was

withholding was my earned money. There were many emails of discord. I asked for explanation on

everything, he would not disclose. Finally I gave in a made a large cash deposit into the account. The

last email communication from the Operative was on April 31st 2009.

Civil Case Note: The Writ of Execution in this civil case was filed on May 6,

2009; six days later after losing contact with my C.I.A. Operative who was

handling my creditors, finances and other affairs which included the IRS; the

IRS started sending me letters of collection shortly thereafter

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May 2009

I continued to email him, however not every day. I was rather tired of being put off and the Operative

making promises that were not kept. He never went into any detail as to why things were not changing

as he promised they would.

I emailed him on what to do with the renewal of my driver's license. He had told me not to be compliant

with the C.A.P program. He never responded to my emails requesting how to handle the renewal

situation. Therefore, on my Nevada renewal I placed the mailing address as the post office box he

helped me set up and my permanent address in Carson City as the CAP program had set up for me. I did

not know any other way to handle the situation.

There was a man living in my hotel that I was suspicious of for being another undercover agent. He lived

next door and was always following me when I left, trying to again, "date me." I never went on a date

with him. I had gone to see a movie, "Angels and Demons." Shortly after, the man caught me outside

and started conversation.

He told me that he knew of middle eastern man who he was sure was in some sort of sleeper cell and

had been in the U.S. for around seventeen years. I said to him, "If you are that suspicious of him, why

don't you report him to the FBI?" He did not answer. He went into detail on how much he knew about

religion and cited that he had read the Koran in full. He started a in-depth conversation on religions of

the world. I found it very unusual that this man, who displayed himself to be a gardener, was so well

educated. I told him nothing of my situation.

There was a second man in my hotel who claimed to be a computer expert. One day I said to him this,

(displaying the Operative as my boyfriend for conversation purposes):

"My boyfriend installed a second operating system on my computer. Do you know why someone would

do that?"

The computer man said to me:

"The only reason someone would install a second operating system on a computer was if they were

uploading the contents to a secure server." I was furious. I sent the Operative an email telling him I did

not appreciate the computer violation citing the issue of trust.

The next day the computer man approached me and said that my boyfriend really didn't know what he

was doing. I replied, "No, he knew exactly what he was doing." Or at the very least I thought, he should

have known.

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I ceased using this computer and purchased a new one. The Operative over drafted the Wachovia

checking account.

The Operative did not show in July of 2009 to move me or for the vacation he promised.

Traveling: Outside the United States and to Washington D.C.

July 2009

It was clear to me that I had been left to rot in a lower end extended stay hotel since 2008. The car that

was given to me was no longer drivable; there were mechanical problems plus the registration expired. I

had not heard from the C.I.A. Operative in months and attempts to contact him failed. I was also

convinced that he escaped with all the money I earned working 60-84 hours a week over the last two

years; money I was earning to re-establish myself financially. My credit was shot. Wachovia had closed

the checking account due to the overdraft. I was not going to fix the joint bank account as fixing it would

have allowed for more money to be taken from me. I had no close friends to talk to, as I was told I was

not allowed to have any friends because I was, "living under the radar." I was very depressed. I thought

of suicide. I had lost everything, my son, my personal and business assets, and all my friends and family.

It became clear to me that following the rules was not getting me anywhere in life so I decided to do

something different. What were these rules? I never saw them in writing. I didn't have anyone around

anymore to tell me what to do. No one was contacting me to explain the situation.

The Operative told me in many emails that he planned to take me on vacations when he picked me up

in July 2009. He had a copy of my passport application and a headshot photo of me that he said he

wanted; sent to him through email. Then months later he never showed up. I decided to apply for my

U.S. passport on my own at that time. I received it without problems. I felt that taking a vacation would

lift my spirits and prevent my thoughts of suicide from turning into action. I was under a lot of stress.

August 2009

1 flew on a commercial airline to Miami Florida and went on a seven day Western Caribbean Cruise. I

met a man on the cruise who said he had been following me for a couple days before he talked to me.

On the banks of Cozumel Mexico, he scolded me for taking a vacation outside the United States. I told

him my opinion on the situation. He told me that I was going to be talked to when I got back. I said,

"What is someone going to do, arrest me?" He said they could to scare me. I said "Well if I get arrested

they better have supporting evidence, because since when is it illegal to take a vacation?" He did not

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reply. At the end of the cruise, I was gently and creatively scolded by I.C.E. when I re-entered the United

States. The I.C.E. Officer in Miami Florida said in reference to me living in Las Vegas and working as a

nurse there; "Have you ever worked at Sunrise?" I told him yes I have worked extensively at Sunrise


I called my third family law attorney explaining I was having problems with Homeland Security but I did

not understand why it was happening. I also told him that my friend with our family law case was

supposed to pick me up in July and he never showed up.

My attorney told me that he knew of a C.I.A. Operative that got in some trouble and was in jail and that

is why I was not picked up. I told my attorney that the story was very convenient since the C.I.A.

Operative has a couple hundred thousand dollars of my money,

A short time after the cruise this same man I recently had met, told me not to take another vacation

outside the United States. He told me especially not another cruise but he would not give me an

explanation as to why not. Instead, he told me that I needed what he called a wing man. I asked him

what a wing man was. He went into a very long and colorful description about how a wing man would

be beneficial in my life. He said nothing specific related to any of my past events. He also repeatedly and

creatively told me he had National Security Clearance. I told him that I already have a wing man, but I

do not know what happened to him. He did not reply to my statement.

September 2009

I remained confused and depressed. I needed another vacation. I flew a commercial airline to Cancun

Mexico. My bags were searched by Mexican Authorities at the airport. I enjoyed a week in the Riviera

Maya visiting the Mayan Ruins It was such a great feeling for someone who had been victimized for so

long to be standing in front of one of the historical wonders of the world, the great pyramid in Chitzen

Itza.. I felt like a real human being. No one contacted me on my return to Las Vegas.

October 2009

Taking vacations was a great therapy option for me, the trips made me feel normal. I also felt that the

United States really hated me but I didn't understand why. All I wanted to do was leave my abuser

which I felt at the time, was the entire United States.

I flew a commercial airline and took another cruise out of San Diego California over my favorite holiday,

Halloween. I met a man who claimed to do business with the FBI, and the Las Vegas Metro Police.

Months later he told me I should go to the FBI to recover my money from the people who have it. That

didn't make sense to me; the F.B.I uses me and my son as bait.

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December 2009

Additional information was received and relayed to me in December 2009 by my attorney. Apparently,

the C.I.A. Operative got in trouble with his boss for what he said; the Operative was "being too nice to

me." I didn't understand that because the Operative always acted professionally and appropriately andtold me that my son and I were under witness- protection. My attorney told me that his boss is Leon

Panetta, the Director of the C.I.A. He asked me if I had done anything wrong as the C.I.A. usually only

does this type of thing to bad people. I said "no, of course not."

I said, "Mr. Attorney, are you telling me that the Director of the C.I.A. is responsible for this? That

doesn't make sense to me that someone in that type of position would do this type of action. Did he

research the whole situation? How did his boss find out?" My attorney explained that in the spy

community, spies watch spies.

I continued, "The Operative has been around for years, way back in our family law case. Taking my

money is not something that just happened overnight. Plus I never gave it to him under the presumption

that I would not get it back. He was holding it for me so to speak to protect me. There is a long paper

trail including emails, bank records and so forth. Plus they installed some sort of spy program on my

computer." My attorney said, "Your computer has a K-898 (something to that effect) program on it. It's

not just uploading the files, it is recording every key stroke and move of the mouse."

I said, not happily, "Well that's nice. Ok. Well why do I keep getting harassed and followed on all the

vacations I am taking?" He said, "Do you think that you might throw up some red flags when you do?" I

replied, "I don't know, Mr. Attorney, what kinds of red flags are thrown up? I don't have access to

classified information or the files they have on me."

He said, "Well, you did date a guy that is a terrorist." I said, "I didn't know he was a terrorist when Idated him. They didn't know either. When that started to come to light, for me and also them, I got

away from him and they know that. That does not make me a terrorist, and if that is what these people

think that is something within their own sick minds." I then said, "Ok, what are our options here?"

My attorney told me our options. One was to go to the F.B.I, here in Las Vegas as they would have

Jurisdiction over the case to recoup my money. 1 told my attorney that I did not want to do that as the

FBI would do nothing. They use me as bait plus they hate me because I called the State Department on


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The second option was to bring the director of the C.I.A., Leon Panetta here to court in Las Vegas. I

thought to myself, that sounded intriguing, me against the C.I.A Director. I liked that. Now we can see

who is more intelligent in this situation.

I was still having trouble believing that it was the Operative's boss. I said to my attorney that I can see

the CIA doing bad things to the enemy, but not to an employee of theirs and not to me under witness-

protection. My attorney said that is not always the case, surprisingly.

He explained his prior experience with winning a case over a past C.I.A. Director many years ago. He

said, "The C.I.A. hired a foreign national to set off bombs for them. He went to the other countries and

did his job. Then he went to Central America. He got knocked unconscious and woke up in a hospital inJapan with one eye. It was traced back to the Director of the C.I.A. and I brought him to court here in Las

Vegas and I won the case." I said, "Interesting."

I thought to myself that in addition to all the paper trail of information I had, the Operative would have

more information. The Operative told me he had researched my life completely and he knew everything

about me. He told me that he was in charge of me and my son with all these other federal agencies.

That would also indicate he would have been copied their official files on me. That is great evidence if I

needed to proceed with any type of court action.

The third option was to go to Senator Harry Reid's office. He explained to me that the Senator could

open up a federal inquiry which would circle around to all these federal agencies and could land in the

hands of the Justice Department. Then they could do an investigation and prosecution if that was

warranted. He said that the Senator is very nice and has helped his clients in the past. He said, "I can

hear the Senator now, 'this is going on in my state?'" He told me I could go to the Senator myself, and

he would get involved if he had to.

I said, "You want me to tell the Majority Leader of the United States Senate this crazy story? Are you

kidding? I don't even know if I believe it, let alone convince him of this. Well let me think it over. Do we

have any other options?"

My attorney said, "If all else fails, this could be the start of a very good book. Here you are a non-

criminal nice little nurse who was only trying to help the federal government and you got screwed

repeatedly over the years."

I said, "Yea, and that is probably the only way I am going to recoup my losses. When I do write it, I

guarantee it will be a best seller."

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I called my old girlfriend in Ohio, J. It had been a long time since we spoke. She knew the situation up to

a certain point as she was a point-of-contact I had listed on my letter to the State Department, years

before. I brought her current to the situation at hand. Over the next week or so she tried to convince me

that this story with the C.I.A Director was true.

I said, "Do you really think he got in trouble with his boss? I don't understand this. He was protecting me

and my son. Why is that such a crime? Does this guy know how many issues were involved?" She said,

"Yea he got into trouble, big trouble. Really big trouble. It was such a large amount of money as well.

Maybe the Director was concerned that you might use the money for terrorism or something." I said,

"What! That is really insane now. Good grief."

I continued, "Well if that is true that he thought in this way, he never looked for evidence. Also, who

told his boss? My attorney told me spies watch spies. Now shouldn't a spy be concerned with more

important things like real criminals? The only motive I can think of is that someone got jealous for

whatever ridiculous reason people do. Jealousy, I have never understood that emotion."

I said, "Men don't care about such things, but women can be quite the opposite. Maybe someone he

worked with liked him and wanted to keep him away from all other women. Who knows? We might as

well throw in the jealous spy chick scenario; we have everything else going on here. This entire situation

is out of hand and I feel like I am caught between the X-Files and a Scooby Doo Mystery."

I then said, "Ok, but J, there is a paper trail of all of this and it has been going on for years. The

Operative helped us with the family law case before he was even the Director. Plus does this Director

understand that I have bills to pay off? This is why I worked so hard to earn all this money. I am going to

try and go to the Senator, but I suspect that he will have trouble. It's just an instinct. Something tells me,

I can't place my finger on it, but something tells me that this entire situation has something to do with

me changing my identity. It is a very good thing I am somewhat psychic or I probably wouldn't have

made it this far over the years."

I continued, "Which the identity change as we know is a complete scam from what happened in the

years before. I will have to work on this though. I don't really get it. Also, if my Operative got in trouble

for protecting my son and I, that is not right. He was doing the work that the FBI was not doing."

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"My attorney said that the FBI is looking for the terrorist himself and the U.S. Attorney's office wants to

bring him to court. I can't believe the FBI can't find him. Somebody already lost the terrorist a long time

ago in Texas, way before I met him here in Vegas. You could say it was in a time before he was a known

terrorist to everybody. Don't tell me they lost him again."

My friend said, "I bet you somebody knows where he is."

I liked the idea of going to the Senator to start with. My thought was to see if this could be worked out

through constructive conversation. I was concerned that in the circle around the federal agency part of

it, the Senator might not get the right information for the situation to end up at the Justice Department.

This disaster plus all the events over the last six years need to be opened and investigated. Therefore, I

wrote a letter to the Senator and explained what I have been told over the years by Federal Authorities

and the C.I.A. Operative.

I faxed the letter to the Senator's office in Las Vegas. I called them to explain further, I wanted an

appointment. I talked with staff over the phone. I wanted them to go after my money that the Operative

had. I convinced them to look into it. I also sent them pictures of the car the Operative gave me.

I didn't hear back from them. I was not sure what was happening, if anything. I remained confused and


January 2010

I flew on another commercial airline back to Florida, and went on another cruise. I met a good number

of people from all over the country who were well versed in politics. These people repeatedly brought

up the name Senator Harry Reid in conversation but didn't go into any type of detail about anything in


I also didn't understand why I kept getting tagged in various ways on all the trips I was taking. No one

was talking to me in Las Vegas or correcting whatever problem existed that left me in the situation I was

in. The only thing apparent to me was that someone or some groups of people wanted me to do

something about a problem, but wouldn't tell me what the problem was. I figured it must be far deeper

than just the problem of a missing C.I.A. Operative who has my money. There also seemed to be a great

effort taken to push me towards Washington D,C.

Prior to the cruise, I had already researched the best way for a small little everyday person like me to get

an appointment with the Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate. That way was to attend his weekly

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breakfast he holds for all Nevadans visiting D.C. While I was on the cruise, I decided that I better plan a

trip to D.C. immediately, and talk to Senator Reid and try to get answers.

Washington D.C.; Senator Harry Reid

Mid January 2010

I flew a commercial airline direct from Las Vegas to Washington D.C. There I met a Capitol police officer

who was explaining to me all the commotion outside the Capitol; FEMA and Homeland Security were

setting up for the President's State of the Union Address. I told the officer I didn't even realize that was

happening as I was so focused on what I needed to talk to Senator Reid about which was Healthcare

Reform; I explained to the officer that I was a nurse and I felt I needed to give the Senator my pitch for

nursing during the reform process. The officer told me in response to my statement that the Senators

are really powerful and all of these government agencies really listen to them.

The following day I attended Senator Reid's breakfast at the Capitol. I introduced myself to Senator Reid

as a nurse in Nevada and told him I really supported Health Care reform, (very true). I then pulled him

away from other people and told him,

"Senator, I am a Victim of Crime and I really need you to help me."

My attorney was right; the Senator is very nice and helpful. I had a professional photo taken with him

and Senator Ensign, in the Capital building. Senator Reid's office gave me the V.I.P red carpet treatment

while I was in D.C. His interns took me on a personal tour of the Capitol and I also rode on the Senate

train underground to the Senate building.

After my meeting with the Senator and touring the capitol, I met up with an old friend supporting spy.

He asked me, "Would you be willing to change your identity if they made you a nurse?" I bluffed and

said, "Yea, what's the big deal, it's only a name. I am still me. It has taken a long time for them to come

up with this though. I am sure they have plenty of identities already made up. All they have to do is pull

up the next one out of the queue and give it to me." Identity change, I knew it, but why?

The following day, I enjoyed a tour of the White House, compliments of the Senator's office. I received a

kind and gentle scolding from the Secret Service Agent at the White House gait; I still didn't understand

why I kept being scolded everywhere I went but I did pass the background check to get in the White

House. The scolding was more of a, we know you are here situation. On the White House entrance list,

the Secret Service Agent said I was on the list twice, once as Susan, the other as Suz which is a nickname.

The Agent let me proceed through the gate.

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Case No.: A529439Citibank, Asset Acceptance LLC vs. Susan Knisely

I was very lucky during my visit to the White House. The lady Secret Service Agent that gave my tour was

excellent and well versed in history. While inside the White House, I saw President Obama leave on his

Air Force One helicopter. I really enjoyed D.C, and it definitely lifted my spirits and gave me a renewed

perspective on the U.S.; I no longer felt that my own country hated me.

Before I left D.C., I went to the Lincoln Memorial. While I was there, I said a prayer to President Abraham

Lincoln; I asked his spirit what he thought of my situation. His reply in spirit to me was this: Susan your

situation is disgusting and a disgrace to this country. Your civil rights have been violated repeatedly. This

is not what the United States was founded upon.

End of January 2010

When I visited the Senator, I gave him contact information for the Operative, a friend in Nevada and my

phone number. The day after I returned from D.C., I met my friend out for conversation and dinner.

My friend said to me, "Well you got the Senator to call me." I said, "Huh? Why is he calling you and not

me, well anyway what did he say?" He said that the CIA doesn't know you and that your Operative

doesn't exist. It seems you were scammed."

I was furious. I really blew my whistle. I said, "What! Are you kidding me? That is insane. Tell me that

again?" He repeated his statements. I said, "Oh my God the CIA just lied to the Majority Leader of the

U.S. Senate, our Senator Reid! Are you serious? Correct me if I am wrong but didn't the CIA get in

trouble for lying to Congress before. You would have thought they learned their lesson. I guess not. It's

not like I totally did this on my own, my attorney told me to do this and also he knows my situation."

My friend said, "Well that is the story." I was even more furious. I thought to myself, who the hell is lying

to the Senator and trying to ruin my reputation in Washington. I said to my friend in so much anger this:

"Ok friend, you need to call the Nevada Elite and tell them that the CIA just lied to our Senator. They all

know me because I have raised so much Cain over the years on other issues. You need to ask them to

please call the Senator on my behalf. They don't have to get involved per say but they could give the

Senator a push."

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"Also, you need to tell all these big boy casino buds of yours who drop a ton of money into the Senator's

campaign to call him for me. And now who do you have a meeting with in the morning?" He told me. I

said, "Great, they need to know all of this as well and ask them to call the Senator on my behalf. I am a

productive member of society helping the community by saving people's lives in our local hospitals and I

am getting screwed over by the CIA. This is a conspiracy!"

I continued, "In addition, if you could remind all of them that a few years ago I wrote an article for the

Nevada Nurses Association that was sold and published on a major corporate business website. I gave

the State and these casinos a lot of good free press. So friend, can you do all of this for me?" He said,

"I'll try." I said, "Friend, try really really hard."

It was a very intense discussion we had. If the scene had been in a movie I guarantee we would have

won an Academy award. I was so disgusted and furious I had to go home and calm down after that

before I had a stroke.

Shortly after. Senator Reid called me. It appeared that he was getting stuck but he very much wanted to

help me. Therefore, my attorney and I provided him with a lot of additional supporting information to

my original letter.

February 2010

I went to the F.B.I, office in Las Vegas and asked them to help me recover my money from the C.I.A.

Operative, explaining to the Duty Agent that I cannot find him. The Duty Agent told me to file a civil

case. I told them that the Operative is difficult to find because as a spy, it is likely that he has many

different legal identities given to him by the C.I.A and also he could be located anywhere in the world.

Finding a C.I.A. Operative is beyond the scope of what I am able to do. In addition I wouldn't even know

who to file a civil case against. The Duty Agent told me he would not help me recover my money.

The only thing the Duty Agent was interested in was how to get a hold of the C.I.A Operative that was

protecting me from the Iranian man I reported to them in 2004. I told them what I knew.

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March 2010

The letter I received displayed in exhibit A is the response to my original letter to Senator Reid's officeexplaining that the C.I.A. Operative has disappeared with my money. I was not allowed to pay my billsand I have lost all assets and my son because of his direction.

Correspondence letter from Elliot Williams, Director, U.S. Department of Homeland Security,Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, in response to SusanKnisely's request:

"....concerning her problems with the Victims of Crime and Federal Witness Protection Programs....wedetermined that Ms. Knisely's request is within the purview of the U.S. Department of Justice, (DOJ)."

It took a lot of time to figure out what was really going on in my situation. The federal government must

have to explain to these other countries, the White House, and the authorities in D.C. why the United

States had no legal basis to deny my entrance to these places or otherwise detain me within the

country. The FBI has jurisdiction over cruise ships that involve a port controlled by the United States. I

went on seven cruises out of U.S. ports. I guess they did not like that; well I don't like being used as bait

and having my entire life destroyed either, due to a FBI case. The question remaining was, how was the

FBI getting away with using me as bait? I took a hard look at everything that was said to me and all the

unusual events over the last six years.

I called my friend J, one of my friends listed on my letter to the State Department. I had compiled inrelation to this letter.

I said to her, "I am listed as a real terrorist?

She replied, "You know Susan, you never should have been on such a list."

I replied, "Yes, J, I realize that fact." I didn't exactly use those words.

I then said to her, "My U.S. Attorney had me on a terrorist prosecution list?"

She replied, "Susan, you never should have been on that list either."

I replied, "I know that. It is not his fault; he was only following direction from his boss. However, it does

hurt a lot to know this was the impression of me. That is not who I am."

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I continued, "Ok, I am done letting the boys play spy games with me. If anyone tries anything else to

bring me down, or play any more spy games, I am going straight to my attorney. This letter is a very

good letter. Also, the Justice Department is a very good place for all of this to be.

J said, "Now what are you going to do?"

I said, "Well, I have a huge mess to clean up. I had problems already as everyone normally does. Now I

have to fix the problems that they created. I don't want to hear anything more about living under the

radar, terrorists or any other garbage. If the Operative has a hold of the guy somewhere in the world, or

at least has the information, the bad guy is contained why I sort this mess out. I think I need to relocate.

Not because I don't like Las Vegas, but rather I think a change of scenery might do some good for me.

However, I am clearing up every disaster before I relocate."

I continued, "Healthcare Reform just passed. Wow, that is incredible. I gave up on my nursing project

last year. I realized after many years of research that the project would not coincide with the way the

current health care system was, and would never work. Now it looks like the system is going to change.

Perhaps I need to dust off some of my work and relook at this again. Plus, I feel somewhat responsible

for this Healthcare Reform bill."

"I wrote a few arguments many years ago on why I believed that the federal government should develop

a third insurance for people who do not fall under Medicaid or Medicare. This type of plan would help

people who are denied coverage through private insurance due to pre-existing conditions. My life and

my computer have been tapped for years. Well, now I guess I better do my part and make sure all of this

works and that nurses are in the forefront of it. I am going on a two week cruise, to clear my head and

figure out how to correct my problems and move forward."

My friend J said, "I know you wrote and said these things, we had many conversations about it through

the years. How do you feel now that the bill has passed?"

I said, "It makes me feel like I can do really good things."

I went on my Caribbean cruise. On the ship on noticed a board referencing the nightly entertainment.

The board said, "Las Vegas Headliners Performing; the Scintas." I thought, the Las Vegas Scintas who

played at the Rio Hotel and Casino are performing on my Caribbean cruise tonight? You have got to be

kidding. I always wanted to see their show but never had a chance to do so. I also thought, maybe they

have a message for me.

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In a monologue, they said if you don't have the people in your life you care about most, nothing else

really matters. I thought to myself, where I have heard that before. The last song of their show was,

Circle of Life, from the Lion King. When I graduated from nursing school in 1995, the song, Circle of Life,

was the entrance processional. The Operative was right when he told me he had researched my life

completely. He really does know everything about me.

On my return journey home from the cruise, I was stopped by a TSA Agent at the San Juan, Puerto Rico

airport. He pulled me aside and had me place my hands out why he cotton swabbed them. I said, "What

are you doing, fingerprinting me?" He told me to wait a minute why he placed the cotton swabs in a

machine. The machine gave a beep indicating a test was complete. He said, "That was a test to see if you

are a terrorist. It came back ok; therefore you are not a terrorist." More correct, I was no longer

considered a terrorist. I am glad that problem has been worked out. I carried on home without any

further problems to Las Vegas, Nevada.

Conclusion of Situational Events

This unusual situation is the reason why it has taken me a good deal of time to address this Court.

Unfortunately, due to this mess, I have very little left. I cannot get a bank account. I don't have a car. I

live in a weekly rental hotel. What personal property I have left consists of a couple suitcases of clothes,

a few books, music, and an untainted lap top computer, I think. I have no idea if I will ever see the

Operative again, or recoup my money from him.

Those under the Justice Department never placed me in any type of Victim of Crime Program nor the

Federal Witness Protection Program officially in writing like they should have done. These statements

were told to me by a FBI Agent with Homeland Security and the CIA Operative. In lieu of an official

contract under the Justice Department, someone listed me as a terrorist for the purposes of their cases.

They have used me over the years and brought me down in every way possible. Not all of them, but

some of them; there is always a few rotten apples on every good tree.

Therefore, there are additional issues that I will need to address with the Justice Department:

Issue #1

The statement of, "There will always be an FBI case on me to ensure that I am not dating anymore

Middle Eastern men," was correct because I was listed as a terrorist giving them the opportunity to use

me as bait for their case. However, it is a violation of my civil rights to list me as such without evidence

and then use me for their case.

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Response to Writ of Execution:Defendant, Susan C. Knisely, ProSe

Case No.: A529439Citibank, Asset Acceptance LLC vs. Susan Knisely

Issue #2

The statement of, "You are a Victim of Crime," was correct. The criminals in my situation were those

within federal government who were using and manipulating me repeatedly. It is also a violation to

have my money withheld from me due to the actions of C.I.A. Director, Mr. Panetta. I believe the right

term is conspiracy to commit crime.

Issue #3

The Operative was providing witness-protection for me and my son from an Iranian terrorist, his family,

a serious child abduction to Iran threat, and the behind the scene FBI-bait case. Any type of

prosecution, charges, or reprimands is unacceptable. He was acting in accordance with the U.S. Attorney

General's Guidelines for Victim-Witness Assistance while battling other federal individuals within various

departments who were not. However, I still lost all personal and business assets which should not have

happened if I was in an official program by the Department.

It is plausible that there may be FBI agents and National Security Agents or even others who were

assisting the Operative in protecting me and my son unofficially. If that is the case, these people on an

individual basis do not deserve any type of adverse action towards them either. I will not tolerate any

repercussions towards individuals who were working in a positive manner for my son and my behalf.

Issue #4

The U.S. Attorney in the district of Nevada in conjunction with the Las Vegas FBI is in pursuit of the

Iranian man I reported to them in 2004 for prosecution. It appears that I will have to execute a safety

plan myself in lieu of having my Operative around to direct me; that issue is due to the C.I.A director Mr.

Panetta's order that he cannot communicate with me.

That is very concerning. I am a key witness to a FBI case and again I have to handle and execute safety

plans at a time when I should be the most protected by the FBI. The Operative is and has been a key in

my safety and my son's safety over the last few years. One thing I do know about the Operative is that

he will not risk my safety at the expense of an FBI case.

Issue #5

How is the United States going to clear my name internationally and especially with the fifteen countries

I have already visited?

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Issue #6

I do not recall their being an outstanding creditor issue with Citibank. I believe it is a violation of Federal

Law to allege an account exists, write off the alleged loss to the Internal Revenue Service, file a civil

lawsuit on the alleged account, obtain a Judgment plus interest and attorney fees on the civil actionthen attempt to collect all of it through a Writ of Execution.

Civil Case Conclusion

I believe there are discrepancies in and around this civil case which correlates to the mishandling of my

affairs. In addition, I have no assets for this Writ of Execution to collect upon.

I apologize to the Court if I do not use the correct legal terms or procedures. In 2001,1 was studying for

the Law School Admissions Test; I was distracted from pursing law school by a man who turned out

years later to be a terrorist. He talked me out of being an attorney; therefore I never took the entrance


Therefore, I do not know if this Court requires anything further. If that is so, I ask the Court to please

offer direction and I will make the appropriate legal filings.

Pursuant to NRS 53.045 I declare that the forgoing is true and correct.

C i I c ta »-» f~ Digitally signed by Susan C. KniselyJUDC I V-. DN: cn=Susan C. Knisely, o, ou,

[emailprotected], c=USDate: 2010.05.12 16:12:57-07'00'

Susan C. Knisely, Defendant Prose May 12*, 2010

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Response to Writ of Execution:Defendant, Susan C. Knisely, ProSe

Case No.: A529439Citibank, Asset Acceptance LLC vs. Susan Knisely

This page has been left blank intentionally.

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Office of Congressional Relations

U.S. Department of Homeland Security500 12th Street, SWWashington, D.C. 20536

^ U.S. Immigrationand CustomsEnforcement

MAR 1 1 2010

The Honorable Harry ReidUnited States Senator333 Las Vegas Boulevard SouthSuite 8016Las Vegas, NV 89101

Dear Senator Reid:

Thank you for your February 9, 2010, letter to Chani Wiggins, Assistant Secretary,Office of Legislative Affairs for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). You wrote onbehalf of Susan Knisely, concerning her problems with the Victims of Crime and FederalWitness Protection programs.

After reviewing your correspondence, we determined that Ms. Knisely's request is withinthe purview of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Therefore, we are forwarding your letterto the following person for appropriate handling:

Ronald WeichAssistant Attorney GeneralOffice of Legislative AffairsU.S. Department of Justice950 Pennsylvania Avenue, SWWashington, D.C. 20530

Thank you again for contacting ICE. Please do not hesitate to contact my office if youhave additional questions.


Elliot WilliamsDirector

cc: Susan Knisely

Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (51)

U.S. Immigrationand CustomsEnforcement

500 12tn Street, SW, 11th FloorWashington, D.C. 20536



sS$ I $00.889 |

03/12/2010 *f i ̂

o Mailed From 20743


Susan Christine Knisely7582 Las Vegas Boulevard, S. #236Las Vegas, Nevada 89123

•—••_• A .j.

Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (52)

Authorization Number

0025206Date of Issue


DEAN HELLERSecretary of State


Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (53)






























Susan Kniselv(NAME)

7582 Las Vegas Blvd. S #236(ADDRESS)

Las Vegas, Nevada 89123i CITY,:STATE. ZIP)702-785-7031


Defendant Pro Se



Asset Acceptance, LLCCitibank


vs.Susan Knisely


Case No.: A529439Dept.No.: 7


Defendant(s), Susan Knisely , Pro Se, hereby submits this Answer

to the Complaint on file herein, and alleges and avers as follows:

1. Answering paragraph(s)

of Plaintiff s Complaint, Defendant(s) ADMITS each and every allegation contained therein.

2. Answering paragraph(s)

of Plaintiff s Complaint, Defendant(s) DENIES each and every allegation contained therein.

3. Answering paragraph(s)

of Plaintiff s Complaint, Defendant(s) state(s) that Defendant(s) do(es) not have sufficient

knowledge or information upon which to base a belief as to the truth of the allegation contained

therein and therefore Defendant(s) DENIES each and every allegation contained therein.

4. Answering paragraph(s) Affidavit Claiming Exemption From Execution

of the Plaintiffs Complaint, Defendant(s) STATE(S) Agent Chris Buyers of the Las Vegas

FBI is responsible for the coordination of this civil action including bringing it to Judgement

and the Writ of Execution. The Defendent claims this is a conspiracy between Agent Chris

Buyers. Citibank, Asset Acceptance LLC. and Attorneys' Reynolds and Callister.

-D-3001 Page 1

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2 1. Defendant(s) hereby incorporate(s) by reference those affirmative defenses

3 enumerated in NRCP 8 as though fully set forth herein, as applicable upon discovery. In the

4 event further investigation or discovery reveals the applicability of any such defenses,

5 Defendant(s) reserve(s) the right to seek leave of court to amend this Answer to more

6 specifically assert any such defense. Such defenses are herein incorporated by reference for the

7 specific purposes of not waiving any such defenses.

8 v . Accord and satisfaction.

9 . Arbitration and award.

10 . Assumption of risk.

11 v . Contributory negligence.

12 . Discharge in bankruptcy.

13 . Duress.

14 . Estoppel.

15 Y . Failure of consideration.

16 / . Fraud.

17 . Illegality.

18 . Injury by fellow servant.

19 . Laches.

20 . License.

21 .Payment.

22 . Release.

23 . Res judicata.

24 _/_. Statute of frauds.

25 . Statute of limitations.

26 S . Waiver.

27 2. All possible affirmative defenses may not have been alleged herein insofar as

28 sufficient facts were not available after reasonable inquiry upon filing of this Answer. Therefore

x-D-3001 Page 2

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Defendant(s) reserve(s) the right to amend this Answer to allege additional affirmative defenses

and claims, counter-claims, cross-claims or third-party claims, as applicable, upon further

investigation and discovery.

y Towards but not limited to, the parties attached to this Answer.

WHEREFORE, this Answering Defendant prays that this Honorable Court will:

1. Dismiss the Complaint with prejudice or grant Plaintiff a reduced amount based upon

the admissions, denials and affirmative defenses, if any, as alleged above herein;

2. Award Defendant(s)'s costs; and

3. Award Defendant(s) such other and further relief as the Court deems just and


DATED this 2 day of June , 2010


I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the '"~? " day of W/r^_^ 20 IQ I~t7~placed a true and correct copy of the foregoing ANSWER in the United States Mail at Las

Vegas, Nevada, with first-class postage prepaid, addressed to the following:

ccnvK^ LLC


Page 3

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Answer: Supporting Information Defendant, Susan C. Knisely, Pro Se Case No.: A529439 Citibank, Asset Acceptance LLC vs. Susan Knisely

This civil Judgment is one of the many tactics used by Agent Chris Buyers of the Las Vegas FBI. In

addition to this civil case, Agent Chris Buyers used me and my son as bait and violated my son and my

rights under federal law. The violations include, but are not limited to following the Justice

Department’s, Attorney General Guidelines, enrollment in Victims of Crime and especially enrollment

under the Federal Witness Protection Program. He also listed me as a worldwide terrorist without

supporting evidence.

Agent Chris Buyers used tactics to persuade other individuals to partake in his endeavors. These people

include but are not limited to, the Family Court and their respective Judges and Hearing Masters in Clark

County Nevada, the Family Court and their Judges and Hearing Masters in Humboldt County California,

the Las Vegas Metro Police division of Abuse and Neglect, Attorney Aaron Grigsby, the District Attorney

in Clark County Child Support and Juvenile divisions, the District Attorney in Humboldt County California

divisions of Child Support and Crime and to the Department of Health and Human Services, Region 9

division of Children and Families. While the Defendant recognizes the underlying cause of the events is

due to Agent Chris Buyers, the people he persuaded had a fiduciary responsibility to me and my son, not

to Agent Buyers or the Las Vegas FBI.

Mr. Leon Panetta, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency had a responsibility towards his

employee to investigate the situation prior to taking action against him. As a member of the American

Nurses Association and the American Association of Critical Care nurses, I cannot recommend

employment with the Agency to any nurse until issues with the CIA are adequately resolved.

Therefore, the Defendant intends to seek legal resolution for the massive destruction of events. If those

individuals and government agencies believe they would have performed actions differently if they were

not persuaded by Agent Chris Buyers or the FBI, we can settle the matter through alternative dispute

resolution or otherwise. The legal action the Defendant is taking includes but is not limited to the




Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (57)

Answer: Supporting Information Defendant, Susan C. Knisely, Pro Se Case No.: A529439 Citibank, Asset Acceptance LLC vs. Susan Knisely Attachments to this Answer:

1. Department of Homeland Security/ICE to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid 2. Nevada U.S. Attorney’s Response to a Writ of Habeas Corpus, Paymon Safavi 3. Nevada Mortgage License, name under which I met my son’s father, Roozbeh Kamaie 4. Confidential Address Program issued under the Nevada Secretary of State, Dean Heller. 5. Department of State, website information: International Parental Child Abduction, Iran 6. Central Intelligence Agency, job description for Occupational Health Nurse 7. My Curriculum Vitae 8. Photos of Washington D.C. and my Southern Caribbean Cruise 9. Document of the Scintas performing during my same cruise ship. 10. Documentation of my destroyed business assets

Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (58)

Office of Congressional Relations

U.S. Department of Homeland Security500 12th Street, SWWashington, D.C. 20536

^ U.S. Immigrationand CustomsEnforcement

MAR 1 1 2010

The Honorable Harry ReidUnited States Senator333 Las Vegas Boulevard SouthSuite 8016Las Vegas, NV 89101

Dear Senator Reid:

Thank you for your February 9, 2010, letter to Chani Wiggins, Assistant Secretary,Office of Legislative Affairs for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). You wrote onbehalf of Susan Knisely, concerning her problems with the Victims of Crime and FederalWitness Protection programs.

After reviewing your correspondence, we determined that Ms. Knisely's request is withinthe purview of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Therefore, we are forwarding your letterto the following person for appropriate handling:

Ronald WeichAssistant Attorney GeneralOffice of Legislative AffairsU.S. Department of Justice950 Pennsylvania Avenue, SWWashington, D.C. 20530

Thank you again for contacting ICE. Please do not hesitate to contact my office if youhave additional questions.


Elliot WilliamsDirector

cc: Susan Knisely

Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (59)

U.S. Immigrationand CustomsEnforcement

500 12tn Street, SW, 11th FloorWashington, D.C. 20536



sS$ I $00.889 |

03/12/2010 *f i ̂

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Susan Christine Knisely7582 Las Vegas Boulevard, S. #236Las Vegas, Nevada 89123

•—••_• A .j.

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Authorization Number

0025206Date of Issue


DEAN HELLERSecretary of State


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International Parental Child Abduction Iran

DISCLAIMER: The information in this flyer relating to the legal requirements of specific foreign countries is provided for general information only. Questions involving interpretation of specific foreign laws should be addressed to foreign legal counsel.

The Office of Overseas Citizens Services has taken an active role in almost 80 cases of children taken to or wrongfully retained in Iran. To our knowledge, the majority of these cases have not been resolved. However, in a number of cases, the left-behind parent has kept open the lines of communication, negotiated with the abducting parent, and eventually persuaded the other parent to travel out of Iran with the children.

The United States severed diplomatic and consular relations with the Government of Iran on April 7, 1980 as a result of the events surrounding the seizure of our Embassy in Tehran, Iran on November 4, 1979. In April of 1980, the United States Government formally asked the Swiss Government if it would assume diplomatic and consular representation of the United States in Iran. The Swiss agreed to perform specific consular and administrative functions on behalf of the U.S. Government.

One of their responsibilities is to provide consular services to children who have been taken by one parent to Iran without the other parent's knowledge or consent. In this regard, Swiss officials are permitted to ascertain the child's welfare, process applications for U.S.passports and to inform appropriate officials if there are allegations of child abuse. However, the Iranian government has placed strict limits on the ability of Swiss diplomats to intervene in such cases because they do not recognize the concept of dual nationality and therefore, when one parent is an Iranian citizen, consider the children involved to be Iranian citizens only.

Swiss diplomats in Iran do not have the authority to take custody of and return a child to the United States, just as foreign diplomats in the U.S. cannot remove children from this country. Such an action would be considered kidnapping under local law.

If you are concerned about a potential abduction, one of the first steps you should take is to notify the Department's Office of Passport Services by entering your child into the Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program . If the child's father is an Iranian citizen, the child is considered an Iranian citizen under Iranian law and could travel abroad on an Iranian passport. There is nothing the Department of State can do to prevent the issuance of an Iranian passport by the Iranian Interests Section of the Embassy of Algeria.

You may wish to notify the Iranian Interests Section that you would object to your child receiving a passport without your consent. At that time, you could ask whether they have already issued a passport for the child. The address and the telephone number of the Iranian Interests Section of the Embassy of Algeria are: 2209 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., Washington D.C. 20007; (202) 965-4999. Unfortunately, it has been our experience that a parent encounters little or no difficulty obtaining travel documentation from the Interests Section for a dual U.S.-Iranian citizen child, despite the existence of a U.S. court order barring departure without the court's consent.

As you may already know, a custody decree issued by a court in the United States has no force or effect in a foreign country. When a child is abducted by a parent, the deprived parent must usually initiate legal proceedings in the foreign country to regain custody of the child or to enforce visitation rights. However, the difficulties in recovering a child from an Islamic country without the full support and consent of the father can be insurmountable.

It is the Department's understanding that in Iran, all matters concerning family law are governed by the religious courts. While you would be free to seek legal custody through the Iranian religious courts, you should be aware that Islamic courts rarely, if ever, grant custody of children to a parent who will not raise them as Muslims, does not plan to remain in Iran or has remarried. Islamic courts attach great importance to having children reside near their father so that he can visit frequently and oversee their upbringing. Even if the mother is granted custody, (The children would still need his permission to leave the country).

Currently, the only treaties which have any application to abductions of children from the United States are the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and the extradition treaties which the United States has with individual countries. Iranis not a party to the Hague Convention, and since the U.S. and Iran do not maintain diplomatic relations, there is no bilateral treaty in effect which would cover parental child abduction.

The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Act was recently reformed by adding a Section which addressed the issue of child abduction. Under its provisions, which became effective June 1, 1991, a left-behind parent can, upon presentation of a custody decree, ask the Department of State to exclude an international child abductor from the United States. If you have further questions about this procedure or other aspects of child abduction, please contact the Office of Children's Issues at 1-888-407-4747.

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Career Opportunities

Occupational Health NurseWork Schedule: Full Time and Part TimeSalary: $59,088 - $79,352Location: Washington, DC metropolitan area

The CIA has exciting and diverse full time and part time opportunities in occupational health for experienced nurses who enjoy a varied practice in travel medicine, OSHA programs, acute employee health care and health promotion. Salary is negotiable depending on experience and education. Resumes are being accepted from individuals in the Washington, DC area only.

As an occupational nurse you will be responsible for identifying and assessing complaints caused by work environment, plan interventions to prevent occupational illness or injury, and handle work-related medical problems. Candidates perform various medical screening and tests; use comprehensive knowledge and skills in emergency medicine and first aid. You will also provide health education and counseling to individuals on disease prevention and health promotion.

Minimum requirements include a Bachelor of Science in a health related area. The candidate should be registered as R.N. in one or more states and have recent hospital experience in clinical nursing practice or occupational health nursing. Critical care unit or emergency room experience is desirable but not required.

All applicants must successfully complete a thorough medical and psychological exam, a polygraph interview and an extensive background investigation. US citizenship is required.

To be considered suitable for Agency employment, applicants must generally not have used illegal drugs within the last twelve months. The issue of illegal drug use prior to twelve months ago is carefully evaluated during the medical and security processing.

Important Notice: Friends, family, individuals, or organizations may be interested to learn that you are an applicant for or an employee of the CIA. Their interest, however, may not be benign or in your best interest. You cannot control whom they would tell. We therefore ask you to exercise discretion and good judgment in disclosing your interest in a position with the Agency. You will receive further guidance on this topic as you proceed through your CIA employment processing.

To Apply:

Make a note of the position(s) that interest you, as you can apply for up to four positions in one application. DO NOT submit multiple applications; this will only slow the review of your application, and delay processing. Please read the Application Instructions carefully before you begin the online application process.

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Application Instructions

An equal opportunity employer and a drug-free work force.

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Susan Christine Knisely, B.S.N., R.N.

7582 Las Vegas Boulevard South #236 Las Vegas, Nevada 89123-1060

(702) 785-7031 [emailprotected]

Professional Summary

Healthcare Marketing and Education

Diverse skilled professional with 15 years in the healthcare industry. Marketing experience includes education /consulting on wound care and pulmonary products for a global medical technology company. Clinical experience includes over a decade of Critical Care and Emergency Room Nursing from large university teaching hospitals to small rural facilities; contracted in 23 hospitals throughout the United States. As a published author, works include advancing nursing practice and patient safety. Prior nurse management experience in long term care.

Kinetic Concepts Inc., (KCI) 8023 Vantage Dr

San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. 78230

(210) 225-6000

Clinical Consultant *Field based position in Las Vegas, Nevada (2002) *Marketed company pipeline at national medical and nursing conventions; direct collaboration with corporate executive management and the corporate marketing team during these conventions. *Direct Marketing to local healthcare providers through a certification campaign *Consultation to local healthcare providers on use of company products in patient specific situations. *Performed small and large group in-servicing sessions including, “lunch and learn” *Able to effectively incorporate complex medical information with product specifications to the health care provider and the customer. *Compiled data and created reports for evaluation of sales goals in the assigned territory. About the Company: Kinetic Concepts, Inc. (KCI) is a global medical technology company. The Wound V.A.C.®, Triadyne,® and BariAir®, are some of the most recognized wound care and pulmonary products in healthcare.


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Susan Christine Knisely, B.S.N., R.N.

7582 Las Vegas Boulevard South #236 Las Vegas, Nevada 89123-1060

(702) 785-7031 [emailprotected]

Clinical Experience: Critical Care and Emergency Room Nursing; Includes Contract, Per Diem and Staff Positions in 4 states Acute Care Hospitals

Type Years Areas Worked Level of Care

Contracted Companies

St. Rose Dominican (CHW) 3 Hospitals Henderson, Nevada

Contract, Per Diem

2001/2009 Intermittent

ICU/ER Community HRN, Global, Maxim Healthcare

Valley Health System 4 Hospitals Las Vegas, Nevada

Per Diem 2001-2009 Intermittent

Surgical and Medical ICU, ER

Tertiary Global, PHS, Nurses R Special

Sunrise Health System 3 Hospitals Las Vegas, Nevada

Contract, Per Diem

2000-2008 Intermittent

Trauma, Neuro, Surgical, Medical, Cardiac ICU, ER

Tertiary Travel Nurse Across America, PHS

University Medical Center, Las Vegas, Nevada

Per Diem 2001-2002 Intermittent

Trauma ICU University Maxim Healthcare

North Vista Hospital Las Vegas, Nevada

Per Diem 2001-2002 Intermittent

ICU Community Nurses R Special

Boulder City Hospital Boulder City, Nevada

Per Diem 2008 Intermittent

ICU Community Global

Health South Las Vegas, Nevada

Per Diem 2001-2002 Intermittent

ICU Long Term Acute Care

Maxim Healthcare

Kindred 2 Hospitals Las Vegas, Nevada

Per Diem 2001-2002 Intermittent

ICU Long Term Acute Care

Maxim Healthcare


Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (80)

Susan Christine Knisely, B.S.N., R.N.

7582 Las Vegas Boulevard South #236 Las Vegas, Nevada 89123-1060

(702) 785-7031 [emailprotected]

Acute Care Hospitals

Type Years Areas Worked Level of Care

Contracted Companies

St. Joseph Eureka, California

Contract 2004 ICU Community Travel Nurse Across America

Rex HealthCare Raleigh, North Carolina

Contract 2000 ICU Community Medical Express

Duke University Medical Center, Durham North Carolina

Direct Employee Staff Nurse

1999-2000 Trauma Surgical Transplant ICU

Level 1 Trauma Center, Top 10 University Teaching Hospital, Magnet Designated by AACN


Wake Med Raleigh, North Carolina

Direct Employee Staff Nurse

1998-1999 Neurosurgical ICU

Level 1Trauma Center


Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus, Ohio

Direct Employee Staff Nurse

1997-1998 Surgical, Medical Neuro ICU

Magnet Designated by AACN


Heartland Victorian Village Columbus, Ohio

Direct Employee, Manager, Staff Nurse

1996-1997 Managed Long Term Care Unit, Bedside Care on Skilled Nursing Unit

Skilled Nursing


Bethany Lutheran Village, Dayton Ohio

Direct Employee, Staff Nurse, Certified Nursing Assistant

1994-1996 Skilled Nursing Unit as a R.N., Long Term Care/Alzheimer’s Unit as a C.N.A.

Skilled and Long Term Care



Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (81)

Susan Christine Knisely, B.S.N., R.N.

7582 Las Vegas Boulevard South #236 Las Vegas, Nevada 89123-1060

(702) 785-7031 [emailprotected]


Professional Affiliations:


Knisely, S. C. (2008). Be Your Own Boss. Retrieved 2008, from

Knisely, S. C. (2007, August 1). Be Your Own Boss: Get Paid For What You Do Best. (Nevada Nurses Association, Ed.) RNFormations , p. 12.

Knisely, S. C. (1994). Understanding Medications. The Clarion , Sinclair Community College Press.

Editorial Board: Nevada Nurses Association RN Formations American Association of Critical Care Nurses: Ambassador American Nurses Association Nevada Nurses Association Co-Chairman: Student Nurse Association, Sinclair Community College

Bachelor of Science in Nursing University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio Graduation: 1996 RN-BSN Program Associate of Applied Science in Nursing Sinclair Community College Dayton Ohio Graduation: 1995 Basic Nursing Program *Some course work completed towards Masters of Business Administration


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Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (83)

CRUISE COMPASSDAYS Serenade of the Seas'

ST. CROIX, U.S.V.I.Monday, April 5, 2010


"Welcome to the beautiful, unspoiled St. Croix! This haven is filled with gentle hills, endless is:turquoise waters and white sandy beaches. Beyond St. Croix's natural beauty is an island richin culture and history. Distinct architecture in the towns of Christiansted and Frederiksted

I reflect the seven flags that have flown over the island — Spain, the Netherlands, England,France, Malta, Denmark and the United States.

EXPLORATIONS! E PORT INFORMATION - The majority of the tours for St. Croix will meet on the pier just off thegangway. From there you will be escorted to your tour. Be sure to check with the Explorations! Desk for remainingavailability on today's shore excursions. If you've already booked a shore excursion, make sure you check yourtickets for departure times and locations. And, as always, don't forget your SeaPass card and picture identificationwhen going ashore.

PORT & SHOPPING INFORMATION-Welcome to St. Croix! Take the $12 round trip shuttle bus to Christianstedfor the best St. Croix has to offer. Don't forget your maps, VIP cards, and Port & Shopping Club Book when

^j. going ashore. Visit your Port & Shopping Guide on the gangway before you leave the ship.



Las Vegas Headliners

The ScintasBringing music, comedy and impressions

i to Ae Serenade of the Seas Si

Tropical Theatre, Decks 5,6Showtime for Second Seating Dining 7:00 pro (Pre-dinner)SShowtime for Main Seating Dining 9:00 pm(Please refrain from using your cellular phone during the performance)(No children under the age of 12 attoiaed in the first three rows)

$500 GUARANTEED ROYAL RINGOOne game only with a guaranteed cash prize of $500!

Cards on sale, 8:00 pm, Game begins, 8:10 pm, Tropical Theatre, Deck 5

70'S SINGERS SETStarringJulie and Robfrom our Royal Caribbean Singers.

10:30 pm, Centrum, Deck 4


Main Seating - 6:00 pm

70'S STREET PARTYJoin your Cruise Director Dennis and his Staffas we step back in time to the days of platforms& polyester.

10:45 pm, Centrum, Deck4

Suggested Attire: Casual/70's attire

Second Seating — 8:30 pm

6:12 am NEXT PORT-OF-CALL6:32 pm Basseterre, St. Kitts

ARRIVAL 8:00 amALL ABOARD 5:00 pm


• Suggested attire for tonight's diningis Casual/70's attire.

• The Gangway Location will beon Deck 2, Centrum.

• SeaPass Card - Don't forget tobring your SeaPass card and pictureidentification with you today whenyou leave for St Croix. \bu will notbe allowed on or off the ship withoutit A security checkpoint will be set upat the gangway for your safety.

• Early Departure - Guests withconfirmed flights before 11:00 amon Saturday must register with GuestServices before noon on Thursday.Please bring your flight confirmationto Guest Relations Desk, Deck 4.

• Airport Transfers - Guestswishing to purchase transfers fromthe ship to the airport must do sobefore noon on Thursday. $16.75per person.

• Deadline for Prepaid GratuityPackage - Beat the rush for cash byprepaying your gratuities at theGuest Relations Desk, Deck 4. Thedeadline for prepaid gratuities is11:00 pm on Thursday. Personalchecks are not accepted for gratuities.

• For the well-being of our guestsunder the age of 18, RoyalCaribbean International has put intoeffect a curfew of 1:00 am.

• Explorations! -We have selectedthe best tour operators offering thebest experiences in the Caribbean!Relax and let us take care ofeverything for you.

• Onboard Airline Check-in -Guests flying with AmericanAirlines, Delta, Continental, JetBlue, Northwest, United Airlines,US Airways or Airtran to UnitedStates domestic destinations areinvited to participate in our OnboardCheck-In Program. \bu can beat thelines at the airport, please enroll atthe Guest Relations Desk, Deck 4before 11:00 pm tomorrow.

Get ready for fun! Check out theDaify Planner for each day's activities.

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Be your own boss: get paid for what you do best.(District/State News)By Susan Knisely | August, 2007

Nevada RNformation

Quit complaining and start making solutions. Nurses historically spend too much time battling corporate executives for moremoney, better benefits and improved work conditions. Change the scenario by learning how to become your own boss byowning a business. Nurses in Nevada have direct access to experts to teach them how to own a successful nursing business.The State of Nevada has the best laws in the country that support business owners. Famous companies such as Amazonand Microsoft have increased their wealth simply by taking advantage of Nevada's corporate laws. Every Nurse has theopportunity to increase their own wealth by doing the same. This article also addresses a new conceptual framework fornursing practice called Expert RN. The Expert RN philosophy encourages nurses to bring their practice to the level of aexpert. When nurses reach this level, they need to make money from their hard work by directly charging for what they dothrough their own business. The time has passed for nurses to make corporate executives rich through their work. Nursesneed to learn about business, have their own business, and finally get paid for what they do.

Quit complaining. Nurses do too much of it. Nurses have faced too many challenges historically by playing the wrong gameand complaining about it. The majority of nurses are employees. Nurses spend a great deal of energy battling the employee-employer relationship rather than learning alternative methods for getting what they really want. Simply stated, if this soundslike you, you are in a cycle that is going no where. If you really want to see a change in your own career you need to learnhow to win the game. You need to do something different.

Nursing has progressed tremendously over the years. We now have documentation of our practice through care plans. Wehave well educated nurses in advanced roles. We have research to show that nurses improve patient outcomes. Thequestions that remain are, with all the work that has been done in nursing, why are there still so many unhappy nurses? Whyis there a critical nursing shortage?

About seven years ago I was standing in front of the Bellagio admiring and observing the entire Las Vegas Strip. I wasamazed that the concept of Vegas; the fact that such a fantastic city was placed in the middle of a desert. The Las VegasStrip is a success. The people visiting the strip are happy and there is a endless supply of things to do. It is very obvious thatthe casinos are making a lot of money from all of their efforts and hard work. I asked myself, what exactly are these casinosand their owners doing that nurses are not doing.

Quite simply, the casinos have an established business that allows them to do and have everything they want, and mostnurses do not. A casino owner controls what he/she does everyday; nurses allow themselves to be controlled by everyoneelse. The key here is to own and control your daily activities so that you can have the same benefits from all your hard work.You need to establish your own business.

If a nurse could have a minute fraction of the resources these casinos have, they would be financially secure. If a nurse coulduse the same strong business skills used by casinos that bring people to them from all over the world, they too could have abusiness that would not fail. If more nurses were in business for themselves, they could raise the nursing standard. Mostimportant, the healthcare industry would quit walking all over them, and corporate executives would no longer become rich bythe work of a nurse.

The State of Nevada has superior laws that favor a business owner to establish their company in Nevada. Top companiessuch as Amazon, Intuit, Microsoft, and Porsche have established their company in whole or in part, in the state of Nevada.Nevada provides significant tax savings and legal protection to businesses. If you live in Nevada, the opportunity for you toestablish your own successful business is right outside your front door. Throughout the state there are experts who assist

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companies, big and small to be successful in business. The best part about Nevada business laws is that they are foreveryone! You don't have to be a big like Amazon; your business can be just you. You can also have a business in Nevada,and not live in Nevada, so your business can be portable. (Garrett Sutton, Esq., 2001), (Nevada Corporate Headquarters,Inc., 2004)

Nurses generally turn the corner when they hear the word, "business." Nurses associate business people with uncaringattitudes and money hungry personas. On more then one occasion, I have heard nurses express their burnout frustrationswith uncaring attitudes. Just about every nurse I have met wants, feels deserving of, and fights their employers for moremoney. Common threads between business people and nurses are very similar. The difference is business people are inbusiness and reaping the rewards. You are not. Here is a great example of why you should begin to learn about business.

Previously, I had a position with a company called KCI, the company that produces the WoundVAC. The company'sheadquarters is located in San Antonio Texas. I represented the company in a field position based in Las Vegas.

If turning back time was a possibility, I believe the concept behind the Wound VAC was probably first thought of by a nurse.Historically, nurses have been the primary clinicians involved in wound care. The majority of the time, wound assessment anddressing changes are done by nurses. It would make logical sense for a nurse to create a top wound care product, such asthe Wound VAC, based on extensive experience. However, a nurse did NOT create the Wound VAC. It was founded byphysicians. That nurse, simply missed the boat.

Countless times, I have heard nurses express brand new fantastic ideas on nursing services and products. These ideas, ifthey materialized, would improve clinical outcomes, improve the healthcare process, and even improve their colleagues. WhatI see happen is that a nurse will come up with a fantastic idea, but the idea stops there. This happens because nursesgenerally don't know how to take their idea to the next level. Most nurses do not even know where to begin.

In order for nurses to see their idea materialize, they would have to learn the fundamentals of business. Yes, that wordagain, business, the word nurses hate. However, having your own business is the key to you developing, selling, and makinga living off of your great idea. KCI, Baxter, Gentiva, The Studer Group (Nursing Bundles), and even Joint Commission,(JCAHO), are all successful healthcare businesses The only difference between you and them, is that you stop your greatidea from going forward, by not knowing how to pursue it. These other companies find solutions to make a great idea work inthe real world. Do not let your good ideas go to someone else.

For this very reason, I felt it was mandatory for nurses to begin incorporating the fundamentals of business into their career.If every nurse could have at the minimum, a starting point, these great ideas would not be thrown by the wayside. Therefore,I created a concept called Expert RN, and its subsequent business curriculum.

The Expert RN conceptual framework involves focusing your career goals and activities in a manner that brings you to thelevel of an expert in your field. When that is established, you make your expertise into a workable business. A true Expert RNhas her/his own business based on what they are really good at doing. A true Expert RN is not under the control of anothercompany. Essentially, by becoming an Expert RN, you also become the boss. When you're the boss, you are free to doreally, whatever you want. Go ahead, give yourself a title, CEO, President, Executive, "big wig," CEO has a much nicer ringto it than "staff nurse," agreed?

In order for nurses to begin to carry out this process, I created a business curriculum that is nurse focused. This continuingeducation, (CEU), course addresses fundamental business concepts that are workable in the real world. It also addressesthe endless excuses that prevent nurses from starting a business. Business types include a home health care agency, anurse in private or independent practice, and an urgent care center, to name a few. The possibilities are endless.

Also, there is no restriction by any Board of Nursing, including Nevada, which prohibits a nurse from starting their ownbusiness. Essentially, you could be the owner of an urgent care center and be the boss of a physician you employ. By law,you only have to follow the orders of a physician when you are working in clinical practice. If you are the owner of an urgentcare, you might not be in clinical practice at the same time you are an owner, (you do not have to be). All of the sudden, youhave control over the physician by being a business owner of the urgent care. What gave you this power is your ability to turnthe tables and change the scenario. Very smart indeed! (S.C. Knisely, GP, 2007)

Healthcare is a business. You are a nurse working in healthcare. For that very reason alone, you need to become moreeducated about the type of environment you're working in. Repeat the following to yourself three times true:

Do not get any smarter, more educated, become "certified," or be a better nurse until you know and understand conceptsbehind business.

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As a nurse in Nevada, you have direct access to the top people in the country that can help you start your own business.Don't miss your window of opportunity when the resources are at your front door. Remember, a nurse will make excuses; anExpert RN makes solutions to a problem, and lands at the top.

Susan Knisely, R.N., is a graduate student obtaining her Masters in Business Administration, (M.B.A.) degree. She carries anextensive background in critical care, emergency room nursing, management and consulting. Susan is the founder of CriticalNursing Science, LLC, a company dedicated to the professional growth of all nurses through the world of business. She canbe contacted through her website,

COPYRIGHT 2007 Nevada Nurses Association Reproduced with permission of the copyright holder. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibitedwithout permission.

Copyright 2007, Gale Group. All rights reserved. Gale Group is a Thomson Corporation Company.

NOTE: All illustrations and photos have been removed from this article.

Copyright © 2010 Entrepreneur Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy

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Business Entity Information

Status: Revoked File Date: 7/20/2005

Type: Domestic Limited-Liability Company

Entity Number: E0466132005-6

Qualifying State: NV List of Officers Due: 7/31/2008Managed By: Managers Expiration Date:

NV Business ID: NV20051519398Business License


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Registered Agent resigned

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Officers Include Inactive Officers Manager - SUSAN KNISELY

Address 1: 7231 S. EASTERN AVE. B-126 Address 2: City: LAS VEGAS State: NV

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Status: Revoked File Date: 12/23/2005Type: Domestic Limited Partnership Entity Number: E0878652005-6

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These unusual events really happened. You are hearing it first from the everyday little person who is stuck in the middle of a huge classified mess. Many private and public individuals and businesses have their own story to tell. Therefore, this author will let them come forth on their own merit in time. Some people are criminals, other people are white knights. Regardless of the enemy, together we will solve this interwoven puzzle; the modern day riddle of the sphinx.—Susan Christine Knisely

Works Cited Response To Petition For Writ of Habeas Corpus, 2:05-cv-01004-JCM-PAL (United States District Court,

District of Nevada October 6, 2005).

Asset Acceptance LLC, Citibank verses Susan Knisely, A529439 (Clark County Nevada District Court May, June 2010).

Central Intelligence Agency. (n.d.). Career Opportunities, Occupational Health Nurse. Retrieved June 6, 2010, from

Critical Nursing Science LLC, Susan Knisely Manager. (n.d.). Trade Journals: Nevada RNformation. Retrieved June 7, 2010, from Entrepreneur:

Nevada Department of Business and Industry, Division of Mortgage Lending. (n.d.). Licensee Records . Retrieved May 8, 2010, from Mortgage Lending:

Nevada Secretary of State, Critical Nursing Science LLC, The Pineconesolutions Limited-Liability Limited Partnership. (n.d.). Business Entity Search, Entity Details. Retrieved June 7, 2010, from Nevada Secretary of State:

Royal Caribbean International. (2010, April 5). Cruise Compass. Cruise Compass, Day 3, Serenade of the Seas, St. Croix, U.S.V.I. At Sea, Southern Caribbean: Royal Caribbean International.

State of Nevada, Dean Heller Secretary of State. (2005, October 6). Authorization Card, 0025206. Confidential Address Program. Carson City, Nevada, United States of America:

Susan Christine Knisely, B. R. (2010, May). Curriculm Vitae. Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America.

Susan Christine Knisely, Officer Steve Capitol Hill Police, U.S. Majority Senate Leader Harry Reid, U.S. Senator John Ensign, Interns Senator Harry Reid's Washington D.C. Office, The Scintas Las Vegas Nevada. (Assembled 2010). Collage Photos, Assembled May 2010. Response to Writ of Execution, Clark County Nevada District Case, Asset Acceptance LLC, Citibank verses Susan Knisely; A529439. Respective of Individual Corporate Authors.

Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (90)

U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs. (n.d.). International Parental Child Abduction Iran. Retrieved May 25, 2010, from

U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (2010, March 11). Response to Majority Senate Leader Harry Reid, Susan Christine Knisely. Washington, D.C., United States of America: U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Extra Special Thanks

Advocate Package: Letter & Envelope, Courtesy of U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, Headquarters, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Headquarters, Washington D.C.

To learn more, please visit their websites:

National Security Agency, Central Security Service, Department of Defense

To learn more, please visit their websites:

Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (91)

Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (92)

Bait! Life Outside the Federal Witness Protection Program - [PDF Document] (2024)


Do people ever get out of the Witness Protection Program? ›

Witnesses are permitted to leave the program and return to their original identities at any time, although this is discouraged by administrators.

Can you live a normal life in witness protection? ›

While witnesses may only require protection until the conclusion of a trial, in particularly extreme cases, some witnesses are provided with new identities and may live out the rest of their lives under government protection.

How much money do people in witness protection get? ›

As of May 24, 2024, the average annual pay for a Witness Protection Program in the United States is $39,683 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $19.08 an hour. This is the equivalent of $763/week or $3,306/month.

How to find someone in Witsec? ›

The only ways to find out if someone is in witness protection would be to find a way to receive the information from a federal worker in the protection section or if the protected witness told you. The first would be a felony by both of you and would cause such an investigation that you'd wish you were never born.

Can people in witness protection see their family? ›

The most important rule of the program is that witnesses must not make contact with former associates or unprotected family members. They also must not return to the town from which they were relocated. According to the Marshals Service, no witness who has followed these rules has ever been killed.

Do people in witness protection get a free house? ›

Witnesses and their families typically get new identities with documentation. Witnesses may initially receive financial assistance for housing, subsistence for basic living expenses the witness with becoming self-sufficient.

What is the death rate for the witness protection program? ›

The U.S. Marshals Service reports that no one who has participated in the Witness Protection Program has been harmed or killed while under federal marshal protection, providing that person and their families follow the program's guidelines.

Can you tell people you are in witness protection? ›

Because of security concerns regarding the witness and his/her family, a witness's pending or actual participation in the Program is not to be publicly disclosed without the prior authorization of OEO.

Can you have social media in witness protection? ›

In 2019, entering the witness protection program is more than simply changing your name and moving to a new place. It requires a disconnect from the online world so people don't accidentally expose their true identity.

Do people in witness protection need to work? ›

Protected witnesses are expected to become self-sufficient as soon as possible after acceptance into the Witness Security Program. The USMS will endeavor to assist the witness to find employment, but the witness is expected to aggressively seek employment.

How many people are really in witness protection? ›

The Witness Security Program has successfully protected approximately 19,000 participants – including innocent victim-witnesses and cooperating defendants and their dependent family members – from intimidation and retribution since the program began in 1971. >

How to tell if your neighbor is in the Witness Protection Program? ›

How can you identify if a family living next door is in the witness protection program?
  1. Sudden relocation: Witness protection program participants are often relocated to a new area. ...
  2. Unusual behavior: Families in the witness protection program may exhibit certain behaviors that could be indicative of their situation.

What happens to people in WITSEC? ›

Essentially, witnesses in the program start new lives with new identities that allow them to avoid being detected by those interested in harming them. Through WITSEC, witnesses also receive 24-hour protection when they actually give testimony at trial or when attending any other "high-threat" event or court proceeding.

Where does witness protection send people? ›

The U.S. Federal Witness Protection Program, also known as the Witness Security or WITSEC Program, tries to stash you where you'll blend in, whether that's Portland, Oregon, Portland, Maine, or anyplace in between. Thriving cities and sunny beach towns are definitely possibilities, depending on who you are.

What qualifies you for witness protection? ›

The California Witness Relocation and Assistance Program (CalWRAP) provides protection of witnesses and their families, friends, or associates who are endangered due to ongoing or anticipated testimony in gang, organized crime, human trafficking, or narcotic trafficking cases or in other cases that have a high degree ...

How long do people go into witness protection for? ›

People can remain in the Witness Protection Program for their entire lives as long as they don't commit a crime. According to United States Now, there is a 17% recidivism rate for witnesses in this program.

Do people really go into witness protection? ›

Since 1971, it's provided more than 8,600 witnesses and 9,900 of their family members with new identities. Most of the witnesses who've entered the program are members of mobs, gangs, cartels or terrorist rings who testify against their fellow members in return for reduced sentences or dropped charges.

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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.