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Note: This page is continually updated as new transcripts become available. If you cannot find a specific segment, check back later.

December 15, 2018

•What Does Cohen Sentencing Mean For Trump?; Was What Cohen Pled Guilty To Not A Crime?; Is Biden Best Candidate For Democrats In 2020?; Do Dems Need A Fresh Face?; Interior Secretary Zinke To Step Down; Parent's Nightmare: Priest Criticizes Teen's Suicide At Funeral; U.S. "Entering Dangerous Period"; Babe Ruth, The Baseball Legend. Aired 9-10a ET

December 08, 2018

•"Baby It's Cold Outside" Offends #Me Too Supporters; Jail Sentence Recommended for Cohen; Meek Mill Calls for Prison Reform. Aired 9-10a ET

November 24, 2018

•When The Majority Doesn't Rule; Biden: Dems Strongest Candidate To Defeat Trump?; Franken: "I Will Continue To Listen And Learn" About #MeToo; Report: Climate Change Will Shrink Economy And Kill Thousands; Why Are We Backing The Saudis?; Social Media Malaise; New Study: Social Media Increases Depression; New Push For Compassionate Prosecutors. Aired 9-10a ET

November 17, 2018

•I Voted Illegally; New Congresswoman on Freshman Week in D.C.; Lewinsky on the Clinton Affair; Would Lewinsky's Story Be Seen Differently Today?; Why Do Cities Give Big Companies Tax Breaks?; Will Hillary Clinton Run Again?. Aired 9-10a ET

November 10, 2018

•The Florida Election Mess; Florida Voting Results Still Uncertain; What's The Deal With "Mr. Kellyanna Conway"?'; Conway's Husband A Fervent Critic of President; Should Dems Bet On Beto, Despite Senate Loss?; Interview With The National Constitution Center CEO Jeffrey Rosen. Aired 9-10a ET

November 03, 2018

•It's Not America - It's Congress; Do Democrats Have A Chance In Key Senate Races?; Stone Emails Reveal Contact With Trump Campaign About Wikileaks; Roger Stone On His Alleged Role In Wikileaks; Cohen Accuses Trump Of Racism; Where Is The Economy Heading?; Why Is It Difficult To Vote?. Aired 9-10a ET

October 27, 2018

•Suspect Arrested In Package Bomb Mailings; The Bomber And The Political Divide; Serial Bomber Arrested, FBI Says "Not Hoax Devices"; What's Next In Serial Bomber Investigation?; Megyn Falls On Her Face; Was Megyn Kelly Always Doomed At "NBC"?; Report From Key Swing County As Midterms Loom; Interview With Author Ben Bradlee Jr.; Interview With General Stanley McChrystal. Aired 9-10a ET

October 20, 2018

•Saudi Chokehold On U.S.; The Impact Of Siding With Saudi Arabia Vs. Iran; To Combat Opioid Epidemic, City Seeks Injection Site; How Will DOJ Prosecute City's Proposed Injection Site?; Democrat Blue Wave Or Fired-Up Trump Base?; Students For Fair Admissions Verses Harvard. Aired 9-10a ET

October 06, 2018

•Congress More Divided Than The Nation; Senate All-Nighter Before Kavanaugh Vote; Kavanaugh Confirmation All But Certain As Collins, Manchin, Flake Pledge Yes Votes; Sen. Merkley On Kavanaugh Confirmation; Record Low Unemployment Rate, Record High Dow Jones; Wins On Kavanaugh, Jobs Report, Trade Agreements; China: Next Target In Trump Trade Wars?; Reshaping The U.S. Foreign Policy; Interview With Former Secretary of State John Kerry. Aired 9-10a ET

September 29, 2018

•What Was Missing: The Search For Truth; What Will Scope Be Of FBI's New Kavanaugh Probe?; Can New FBI Probe Make Definitive Conclusions?; Does Kavanaugh Calendar Corroborate Ford's Claim?; Deciphering Kavanaugh's 1982 Calendar Entries; What Will Kavanaugh Fallout Be For GOP?; ; What The Kavanaugh Hearing Reveals About Gender Roles; Our Digital Paper Trails. Aired 9-10a ET

September 22, 2018

•Trump's Last Chance To End Mueller Probe?; Will Trump Use Nyt Story To Fire Rosenstein?; Dershowitz: Trump Can Ask Rosenstein To Rescue Himself; Dershowitz: Kavanaugh Should Be Investigated; How Are Women Viewing The Ford-Kavanaugh Standoff? What Would Jury Selection For Kavanaugh Trial Look Like?; Biden's "Anita Hill Problem"; Kavanaugh's Friend Tries To Blame Assault On Another Classmate; Cosby's Sex Assault Sentencing Amid Kavanaugh Allegations. Aired 9-10a ET

September 15, 2018

•Death Toll Rises To Seven As Florence Lashes Carolina Coast; Letter Accuses Kavanaugh Of Sexual Misconduct When In High School; Turley: Dems "Bulldozed High Ground" With Kavanaugh Letter; Is FDA Crackdown On Vaping Politically Timed?; Brandt: Vaping Boom "A Slow- Motion Train Wreck"; Do E-Cigarettes Encourage Smoking?; Seven Dead As Florence Lashes Carolina Coast; How Social Infrastructure Aids Recovery From Natural Disasters; Paul Manafort Pleads Guilty, Cooperating With Mueller. Aired 9-10a ET

September 08, 2018

•Hot, New Literary Hangout; Has The Job Left The President? The Hunt For Anonymous Anti-Trump Op-Ed Writer; Sorkin: Trump's Election Rebuke Of Elites Who Caused Crash; Is Wall Street "Too Big To Fail" Again?; Sen. Warren Breaks Silence On Native American Controversy; Boston Globe: Sen. Warren's Ethnicity Not Factor In Career; ; "New Yorker" Disinvites Steve Bannon; Have We Forgotten About Al-Zawahiri?. Aired 9-10a ET

August 25, 2018

•The Immunity Bombshells; Longtime Trump Money Chief Granted Immunity To Testify; What Do New Immunity Deals Mean For President?; Can A Sitting President Be Indicted?; Congressman To Trump: Resign Or Be Impeached; Johnson Ad: "Fiscally Responsible And Socially Cool"; Libertarian Presidential Candidate Jumps Into NM Senate Race; The Latest Church Abuse Scandal; Pennsylvania Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal; License Plate Fetches $410,000 At Auction. Aired 9-10a ET

August 11, 2018

•Does Media Coverage Help Or Damage Trump?; Ingraham: 'The America We Know And Love Doesn't Exist Anymore'; Should Midterms Affect The Mueller Probe?; Interview With Former Presidential Candidate Jill Stein; Does Endless Coverage of Trump Help Or Hurt The GOP?. Aired 9-10a ET

August 04, 2018

•The Sarah Jeong Twitter War; Secret TSA Program Spies On Ordinary Americans; Is False Sandy Hook Conspiracy Free Speech?; Teens On Ballot in Kansas Governor Primary; My Visit To The Secret Cold War Bunker. Aired 9-10a ET

July 28, 2018

•Florida Stand Your Ground Law: Today is the Funeral for African-American Man Shot Outside Convenience Store; Mid-terms on the Horizon; Michael Cohen's Claims About President Trump; President Trump Delivered on 4 Percent GDP Growth; Allen Weisselberg, CFO of the Trump Organization was Subpoenaed This Week; Pennsylvania Middle School Teacher Moonlights as Nazi Wrestling Villain. Aired 9-10a ET

July 21, 2018

•Michael Cohen Taped a Conversation with Trump - Can Mueller Use This Information in His Investigation? Trump's Makes Changes to Scripted Speech. Aired 9-10a ET

July 14, 2018

•The President's One-On-One Summit With Vladimir Putin In Helsinki Still Happening On Monday; On Friday, Rod Rosenstein Announced Special Counsel Mueller's New Indictment Of A Dozen Russian Nationals For The Hack Of The Democratic National Committee, Are Sacha Baron Cohen's Stunts Exposing Truth Or Just Pushing An Already Polarized Company Farther Apart, President Nominates Brett Kavanaugh To Replace Anthony Kennedy On The Supreme Court. Aired: 9-10a ET

July 07, 2018

•Trump to Announce New Supreme Court Nominee on Monday; Obama's Legacy Being Obliterated by Trump - Is it Happening? Concerns of the Mental Stability of the Stranded Boys Soccer Team is Examined. Aired 9-10a ET

June 30, 2018

•Largest Container Ship Christened in Philly Today; Tarriffs: Helping or Hurting Our Economy?; Supreme Court Justice Kennedy's Exit and Its Ripple Effect; The Disappearance of White America: What the Studies Show; Comedian D.L. Hughley' Book Combines Humor with a Serious Message. Aired 9-10a ET

June 23, 2018

•The Immigration Crisis; Mueller Investigation Losing Steam in Public's Interest; The Dangerous of Partisanship; Public Discourse Losing Civility; Rob Reiner Interview on movie "Shock and Awe"; Does Drug Illegalization Play Role in Immigration Crisis?. Aired 9-10a ET

June 16, 2018

•Discussion of IG Report of Comey Actions; Reviewing the Trump- Kim Summit; Race and College Admissions Examined; John Gotti Movie Discussed. Aired 9-10a ET

June 09, 2018

•Recent Celebrity Suicides Reinforce New CDC Data About Increase In Prevalence Of Suicide Rates in U.S.; Experts Share Their Viewpoints on Suicide Causes and Effects in the U.S.; President Trump's G7 Interactions Causing Controversy; Details Being Attended to in Preparation for the Singapore Summit; Trump is Tardy for G7 Summit; Miss America Pageant to Discontinue Swimsuit Competition. Aired 9-10a ET

June 02, 2018

•Trump Tweets About Double Standard On Rosanne VS Samantha Bee; Jobs Report In, Unemployment At An All Time Low; New Book Tailspin Talks About Making America Great Again; Students Punished for Freedom of Speech; Philadelphia 76ers Basketball President of Operations Twitter Scandal; New Study Shows Political Divide and Partisan Issues Affect Decisions on Consulting Experts. Aired 9-10a ET

May 26, 2018

•Smerconish's New Book is Released June 1; Timing of Release of Mueller Investigation Results; NFL National Anthem Ruling; Commencement Speaker Protocol. Aired 9-10a ET

May 12, 2018

•President's Foreign Policies; Trump Appoints a Record Number of Appellate Court Judges; Michael Hayden Discusses the Current Russia Investigations; DNC Chair Perez Discusses Momentum Building for November Election; Racial Incident at Yale University. Aired 9-10a ET

May 05, 2018

•Rudy's Firestorm; The Long And Winding Probe; Is Guiliani Working For Trump Or Against Him? Can Stormy Daniels Case Imperil Trump's Presidency? Unemployment Rate Hits Lowest Rate Since 2000; Facebook Post On Racial Fears Goes Viral. Aired 9-10a ET

April 28, 2018

•Music Celebrities Shania Twain and Kanye West's Comments This Week Were Analyzed; MSNBC Host Joy Reid's Alleged Hack was Discussed; North and South Korean Talks; Trump Getting Credit for Talks; Joy Reid hom*ophobic Blogging; MSNBC Host Joy Reid, Hack Victim or hom*ophobe?; Online Family Tree Helps I.D. Serial Killer. Aired 9-10a ET

April 21, 2018

•Announcement Released From North Korea's State News Agency; President Has Just Tweeted About Michael Cohen; Starbucks Has Announced That All 8,000 Of Its American Stores Will Be Closed On May 29th So That Its 175,000 Employees Can Receive Anti-Bias Training; Model Janice Dickinson Testified That Cosby Drugged And Raped Her Back At Lake Tahoe Back In 1982; Three Women Dominated Headlines For Achievement, Not At Casualties; Aired 9-10a ET

April 14, 2018

•Syrian Missile Strikes Analyzed; The Pentagon Press Conference Shared Details of the Strike; Importance of Having Congressional Approval of a Declaration of War. Aired 9-10a ET

April 07, 2018

•Could James Comey's Book Tour Backfire on Mueller Probe?; Vaping Now an Epidemic Among High Schoolers; What Really Happened at Chappaquiddick?; Bill Cosby Retrial in the #MeToo Era; Aired 9-10a ET

March 31, 2018

•Trump's Poll Numbers Rise with GOP and Independents; Trump Attacks Amazon as Bad for American Business; The Tale of Tiger Woods; Ex-Justice Stevens Advocates Repeal of Second Amendment; Aired 9-10a ET

March 24, 2018

•Facebook in Crisis Over User Data Harvest; Interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger; How is Melania Trump Weathering the Stormy Daniels Story. Aired 9-10a ET

March 17, 2018

•The Late Friday Night Firing of Andrew McCabe Was Analyzed; Michael Isikoff Discussed Donald Trump's Relationship with Vladimir Putin both Personally and Via Their Business Contacts; Michael Galloway Shares His Opinions About the Importance of Busting Up Large Tech Companies Such as Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Apple, and the Positive Impact That Would Have on the Economy; George Freeman Discusses the Recent "60 Minutes" Interview by Anderson Cooper with p*rn Star Stormy Daniels About Her Alleged Affair With Donald Trump and the Legalities Surrounding Her Non-Disclosure Agreement. Aired 9- 10a ET

March 10, 2018

•Michael Avenatti Discusses the Contractual Agreement Between Stormy Daniels and President Donald Trump and It's Legalities and Execution; Art Laffer Discusses the Effect of Imposing Tariffs on the U.S. Economy; Dr. Anthony Carnevale Discusses the Importance of Considering Career and Technical Education as a Viable Option For Many Students; Panelists Discuss the Recent News from the White House Including Trump's Scheduled Meeting With Kim Jong-un, Midterm Elections, and the Stormy Daniels Allegations. Aired 9-10a ET

March 03, 2018

•Trump's Chaotic Week; Tariff's on Steel and Aluminum; Lehigh University Honorary Degree Rescinding; Ryan Seacrest Sexual Harassment Allegations. Aired 9-10a ET

February 24, 2018

•Michael Smerconish Evaluates the Root Causes of the School Shooting in Florida and Discusses if it was an Issue of Gun Control/Availability or Lack of Data Dissemination; Amy Chua Explained the Premise of Her Book and the Fact that Humans are Tribal in Nature and Compared that to National and Political Identities; Sue Jeffers and Andy Cilek Discuss Freedom of Speech Regarding Dress at Polling Places. Aired 9-10a ET

February 17, 2018

•Robert Mueller Indicts 13 Russians for U.S. Election Meddling; FBI's Failure on Florida School Shooting; Teachers in the Line of Fire; National Enquirer Killed Story of Trump and Playboy Playmate; Aired 9-10 ET

February 10, 2018

•Trump Blocks Democratic Intelligence Rebuttal of the GOP Nunes Memo; Will the Olympics Help Ease Political Tensions Between South and North Korea?; Are Voters More Loyal to Parties Than to Issues?; Judge in Brock Turner Assault Case Being Recalled; Aired 9-10a ET

February 03, 2018

•The Nunes Memo and the Christopher Steele Dossier Were Discussed and the Facts Evaluated and Compared to the Watergate Scandal of the Nixon Era; A Radical Picture of Obama?; Bob Costas Came to Mutually Agreeable Decision with NBC to Not Host Super Bowl LII Pre-Show; #ReleasetheMemo Vs. the Actual Nunes Memo More Politically Potent?. Aired 9-10a ET

January 27, 2018

•Donald Trump's Cooperation in the Mueller Investigation and the Possibility of His Using His Fifth Amendment Right; Judge Rosemarie Aquilina's Courtroom Statements are Examined and Discussed. Aired 9- 10a ET

January 20, 2018

•Tump Blames Democrats for Shutdown; First Year with Trump. Aired 9-10a ET

January 13, 2018

•Donald Trump Reportedly Makes Controversial Statements about Immigrants; Interview with Scott Adams; Federal Judge Rules Gerrymandering in North Carolina Unconstitutional; President Trump's Lack of Dog Ownership Examined. Aired 10-11a ET
•President Trump Tries to Defend Comments About ****hole Countries; Apple Asked to Address Problem with Kids' and Smartphones. Aired 9-10a ET

January 06, 2018

•The War on ISIS is Discussed; Melissa Rivers Weighs In on the #MeToo Movement and the Golden Globes; Michael Wolff's Book Discussing President Trump's Mental Health Is Evaluated; The Responsibilities of Legalizing Marijuana Were Examined. Aired 9-10a ET

December 23, 2017

•President Trump's First Year in Office; Interview With the Investor of Blank Box. Discussion Regarding Tech Gadgets Using Microphones to Eavesdrop on Conversations to Pair Advertising to Goods and Services. Aired 9-10a ET

December 16, 2017

•Tina Brown Discusses Her New Book and Weighs in on the Lack of Women in Higher Management Positions; Emily Dufton Discusses Her Book, "Grass Roots, the Rise and Fall and Rise of Marijuana"; Robert McDowell Explains the Net Neutrality Law. Aired 9-10a ET

December 09, 2017

•Roy Moore Denies Allegations of Dating and Sexual Misconduct with Younger Girls; Former Alabama GOP Chair Marty Connors Defends Roy Moore; Al Franken May Have Left Foot in the Door to Remain in the Senate; FBI Agent Peter Strzok Removed from Mueller Investigation over Anti-Trump Tweets; Trump Criticizes the FBI; The President and Others Attacked the Not Guilty Verdict of an Undocumented Immigrant in the Death of Kate Steinle. Aired 9-10a ET

December 02, 2017

•John Brownley Discusses General Flynn's Admission; Arthur Laffer Discusses the Laffer Curve; Smerconish and John Corvino Discuss the Rights of Bakeries That Refused to Bake Wedding Cakes for Same-Sex Couples; Mark O'Mara Weighs in on the Steinle Case Verdict; James Carville's 1992 Comments Were Compared to Modern Governmental Policies and Practices. Aired 9-10a ET

November 25, 2017

•Smerconish Highlighted the Rise in the Economy; Scott Adams Shared a Concern that Any Good the Trump Administration has Accomplished has Been Brushed Off and How Much Influence the Obama Administration had in those Accomplishments; David Litt Drew Attention to the Disconnect Between Trump's Words and Actions; The Incarceration of Rapper Meek Mill Was Examined; The Issue of a Disproportionate Number of African-American Males Incarcerated Was Discussed; Thrush to Judgement, Trump Packing Courts with Conservatives. Aired 9-10a ET

November 18, 2017

•Interview With Author Naomi Wolf On Sexual Misconduct; Alabama Political Hard Hitters John Merill and Marty Conners Weigh In on Judge Roy Moore's Campaign; Pentagon Approves Payment for Soldier's Sex Reassignment Surgery; Dr. Christine McGinn Volunteers Her Surgical Work Free of Charge; Articles of Impeachment Have Been Filed Against President Donald Trump; Tom Steyer, Billionaire Environmentalist, Financially Supports Campaign for Trump's Impeachment. Aired 9-10a ET

November 11, 2017

•Report: Moore Denies Corfman's Sexual Assault Claims; Texas Church Shooting: Should The Video Be Released Or Not; NFL Players Brain Damage; Medical Marijuana Solution To Opioid Crisis. Aired 9- 10a ET

November 04, 2017

•Russian Probe: Listen To Facts, Not Noise; "Dilbert" Creator On Trump's Power Of Persuasion; Why Trump Thrives In Accelerated News Cycle; Why Is Democratic Party In Decline?; What Can Trump Accomplish In Asia?; Are Trump's Hostile Tweets To North Korea Good Or Bad?; Is Trump Running Government Like His Company?; Trump In Asia: What Can Possibly Go Wrong?. Aired 9-10a ET

October 28, 2017

•Robert Mueller's Investigation Continues into Russian Meddling Charges; Renato Mariotti Discusses His Predictions for Indictment In the Russian Meddling Investigations; Details of the Zaapruder Video and Its Importance in JFK Assassination Files is Examined. Aired 9-10a ET

October 21, 2017

•President Trump's Condolences of Fallen Soldiers Questioned; Conspiracy Theories in Oliver Stone's Movie About the JFK Assassination and Actual Events; President Donald Trump's Decision to Make Sealed Documents Regarding the Kennedy Assassination Publically Available; Speculation About President Trump's Visit to North Korea; Brooke High School in WV is Accused of Displaying a Racist Sign During a Football Game Against Opponents Pittsburg Perry High School; New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez's Defense is Discussed With Attorney John Brownlee. Aired 9-10a ET

October 14, 2017

•President Trump's Tweet War With Senator Bob Corker Examined; The Possibility of Trump Being Removed From the Presidency Based on the 25th Amendment as Outlined by Corker; Harvey Weinstein's Sexual Harassment Charges May Thwart the Continued Achievements Women's Rights; Ripa Rashid Identifies the Racial Divide in the Workplace in Regards to Male-Female Worker Interaction; David Axelrod Shares His Insights on the Attack on President Barak Obama's Legacy; Ellen Byron Discusses Millennials and Retailers; Michael Smerconish Debates at The University of Pennsylvania The Topic of Political Polarization. Aired 9-10a ET

October 07, 2017

•Interview with Ken Starr; Interview with Senator Chris Coons; Interview with Oscar Goodman; America's Electoral College Problem; Aired 9-10a ET

September 30, 2017

•Russian Meddling In 2016 Presidential Election; Bob Costas Talk About NFL And Other Sports. Aired 9-10a ET

September 23, 2017

•Russian-Sponsored Political Facebook Exposed Ads Analyzed; Trump Contends the Facebook Political Ads Are a Hoax; Scott Shane Investigates Fake Facebook Profiles and Their Pre-Election Posts; John Villasenor UCLA Professor and Senior Fellow at Brookings Institute Discusses College Students Perceptions of Freedom of Speech; Oxaca, Mexico is Hit b a 6.2 Magnatude Earthquake. Aired 9-10a ET

September 16, 2017

•Trump Reaches Across Aisle; Angers DACA Supporters. Aired 9-10a ET

September 09, 2017

•Hurricane Irma In Key West Florida Tomorrow; Irma Continues To Batter Cuba; Price Gouging Issue In Florida; Scott Announces State Of Emergency. Aired 9-10p ET

September 02, 2017

•Hurricane Harvey Wreaked Havoc in Texas; Harvey's Damage Still Being Tabulated; President Donald Trump to Return to Texas. Aired 9- 10a ET

August 26, 2017

•Does criticizing Trump avoid deeper problems in the US?; "Catastrophic" flooding predicted as storm lashes Texas coast; ESPN removes broadcaster named Robert Lee

August 12, 2017

•Is Trump's "Fire and Fury" Best Approach to North Korea?; How Likely is Threat of N.K. Missiles Hitting U.S.?; Will Obama's Return Help Democrats?; More Americans Identify as Independent than Dem or GOP; Trump Takes Aim at GOP Leadership. Aired 9-10a ET

August 05, 2017

•"Hyperventilating" Over Mueller Grand Jury?; Trump Getting Things Done Despite The Chaos?; Why Does Mueller Need Protection From Firing?; Can President Trump Take Credit For Strong Economy? Aired 9- 10a ET

July 29, 2017

•Analysts Examine President Trump's Management Style; Reince Priebus Resigns as White House Chief of Staff; President Trump Announces U.S. Military Will Not Accept Transgender Recruits; Psychologists Debate Application of Goldwater Rule to President Trump; President Trump's Poll Numbers among Conservative Base Hold Steady. Aired 10-11a ET
•Reince Priebus Resigns After Sean Spicer; President Trump Continues To Pledge To Let Obamacare Implode; Prospective Blue Collar Workers Are Blocked Due To The Drug Epidemic. Aired 9-10a ET

July 22, 2017

•President Trump Appoints Jon Huntsman as Ambassador to Russia; Newsmax Media CEO Chris Ruddy Examines President Trump's Approval Rating; Hedge Fund CEO Analyzes Meeting Between Donald Trump Jr. And Russian Lawyer; Arnold Schwarzenegger Discusses California's Commitment to Paris Climate Accords. Aired 10-11a ET
•Sean Spicer Quits, President Shakes Up Legal Team; Is Kaepernick's Image Blocking Him From NFL?; Interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger; O.J.'s Parole and the Bronco Chase. Aired 9-10a ET

July 15, 2017

•Analysts Examined Russia Practice of Obtaining Compromising Information on Public Figures; Analyst Examines Leftwing Media Sources of Fake News; Roger Waters' Tour Includes Anti-Trump Political Imagery and Messaging; Analyst Examines Trend of Adult Children Living With Parents in Large Numbers. Aired 10-11a ET
•Roger Waters Tour Blasts Trump; Do Fans Want to Hear Politics from Showbiz Idols?; Has U.S. Meddled in Other Countries' Elections? Aired 9-10a ET

July 08, 2017

•President Trump Attacks CNN Through Tweet; President Trump Finally Met President Putin; No Negotiations with North Korea Could Lead to Nuclear Catastrophe; Interview with Bill Richardson; The Fight for Charlie Gard's Life; Trump and China's Xi Meet Amid North Korea Threat. Aired 9-10a ET

June 24, 2017

•Interview with General Michael Hayden; Interview with Jill Stein; What Would Costs Be of Cosby Retrial?; Could Supreme Court Finally Address Gerrymandering? Aired 9-10a ET

June 17, 2017

•Could Trump be Charged With Obstruction?; Alex Jones Leaks Megyn Kelly's Interview PromisesCosby Jurors Deadlocked Over Assault Charges; My Caller "Frank from Palm Beach". Aired 9-10a ET

June 03, 2017

•President Pulls US Out Of The Paris Climate Accord; Comey To Testify This Week About Trump And The Russia Probe; Hillary Clinton's Blame Game For Her Election Loss; Tiger Woods Arrested On DUI Charge. Aired 9-10a ET

May 27, 2017

•"The Washington Post": Kushner Proposed Secret Line to Kremlin; Leaks from Government Officials Reaching their Limit; Congressman Body Slam; Media Bias is Negativity. Aired 9-10a ET

May 20, 2017

•My Legal Advice for Trump; NYT Reporter on Latest Comey Firing Revelations; How Presidents Prepare and What can go Wrong; The Navy SEAL Who Shot Bin Laden; What Cosby Revealed to Me. Aired 9-10a ET

May 13, 2017

•Letters That Played Significant Roles in FBI Director Comey's Termination Were Strangely Dated On The Same Day; When Donald Trump Suddenly Fired Fbi Director James Comey This Week, Did He Harm The Credibility Of His Presidency Or Firm Up His Base?; Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Upset That White House Made It Sound Like Comey's Termination Was All On His Recommendation; Former Senior Advisor To President Nixon Comments About White House Tapes; Interview with Senator Gary Peters of Michigan. Aired 9-10a ET

May 06, 2017

•Eight Frat Brothers Charged with Manslaughter; France's Centrist Candidate Claims He was Hacked; GOP Could Lose 20 House Seats in Midterms; Did Comey Letter Lose Election for Clinton?; Will Trump Allow Release of JFK Files?. Aired 9-10a ET

April 29, 2017

•Trump Admits Missing His Old Life; Interview with Sen. Chris Coons; The Effect of Trump's Tax Cuts; Interview with Rep. Lou Barletta. Aired 9-10a ET

April 22, 2017

•Interview with Carter Page; Infowars Host a Performance Artist?; How Hillary Clinton Lost; Mega-Brewers Chugging Craft Beer Brands. Aired 9-10a ET

April 15, 2017

•MOAB a Message to North Korea?; Should American Foreign Policy Be Consistent?; Is It Good or Bad That the Trump White House is Run Like A Family Business?; Should United CEO Lose His Job?; PR Nightmares for United, Spicer, O'Reilly. Aired 9-10a ET

April 08, 2017

•Did Dems Filibuster on Gorsuch Backfire?; Advertisers Flee O'Reilly Over Sex Harassment Claims. Aired 9:30-10a ET
•Interview with Senator Rand Paul; Where Does Trump Stand on China? Aired 9-9:30a ET

April 01, 2017

•Flynn: Good Dirt Or Good Lawyer?; Is Internet Privacy Dead?; Corby's Fly Problem; President Takes On Freedom Caucus; Nunes Denies WH Gave Him Intel; Prosecutor: Use Cosby Joke, Memoir As Evidence; Need Some Privacy?; Rachel Dolezal's Journey to "Trans-Black"Ness. Aired 9-10a ET

March 25, 2017

•Republicans Pull the American Health Care Act Before it Goes to Vote; Rep. Devin Nunes Says Some of President Trump's Campaign Staff May have been wiretapped as part of incidental collection; How the GOP Changed the Shape of America; Going to 11 with Harry Shearer. Aired 9-10a ET

March 18, 2017

•Legendary Investor Bogle on the Economy; Passing Basketballs or Passing Grades?; What "Socially Conscious" NCAA Brackets Look Like. Aired 9-10a ET

March 11, 2017

•Interview with Glenn Greenwald; Trump 's Modus Operandi, Changing the Subject; Pope Open to Married Men Becoming Priests; Pope: Always Give to Panhandlers; Schwarzenegger Viral Video Criticizes Congress. Aired 9-10a ET

March 04, 2017

•Interview with Senator Ben Cardin; Interview with Nicholas Burns; Interview with Thomas Friedman; What Was Russia's Involvement in U.S. Election?; Farewell, Coach Pettine. Aired 9-10a ET

February 25, 2017

•Democratic Party Brand New Leadership; Tom Perez Named As New Democratic Party Chairman; Trump Won't Attend White House Correspondents' Dinner; America's Public High Schools Dragged Into Polarized National Politics; Racial Equality Should Not Be Left Or Right; Oscar Weekend; Oscars All Awards Season; Rush Limbaugh criticize CNN's Smerconish Statement. Aired 6-7p ET
•What's Fair Media to Trump?; Can Democrats Unite Versus Trump?; High School Civil Rights Seminar Stirs Controversy; The Politics of Oscar Night. Aired 9-10a ET

February 18, 2017

•President Trump addresses what he calls a campaign rally in Melbourne, Florida. Aired 6-7p ET
•President Holding Rally Four Weeks Into Term; Insider Leaks Versus Russian Ties; Mother Forced to Take Refuge in Denver Church; Roommate Ads Include "No Trump" Clause. Aired 9-10a ET

February 17, 2017

•Fixing the Divide; Trump: "I Didn't Divide this Country"; The Role of Polarized Media; The Role of "Dark Money" in Politics; How New Voting Maps Twist Democracy; Two Americans: Cracker Barrel Vs. Whole Foods; Can the Future Be De-Polarized?; Can Millennials Break the Political "Gridlock"? Aired 9-10p ET

February 11, 2017

•Can Trump Salvage Travel ban; Both Parties Sinking in Partisan Swamp; Interview with Thomas Perez; Interview with Joe Piscopo; Essay Contest on White Privilege Sparks Controversy. Aired 9-10a ET

February 04, 2017

•President Trump Tweets Federal Judge Halting Travel Ban Means "Big Trouble"; 48 College Heads Write President Trump a Protest Letter and Eight Institutions Have Joined a Lawsuit to End It; Is President Trump Throwing a Bone to Evangelicals by Vowing to Destroy the Johnson Amendment Because Ivanka and Jared Kushner Dialed Him Back on Anti- LGBT Stance?; Is the Super Bowl Getting Political. Aired 9-10a ET

January 28, 2017

•Trump Bans Refugees For 120 Days; Opposing Views on Trump's Presidency; Accuracy of Campus Rape Statistics; Doomsday Bunkers For The Super Rich; Headline Change For Calling Melania Sexy. Aired 6-7p ET

January 21, 2017

•Trump Prays, Visits CIA, Counts Heads; Spicer Claims Biggest Inauguration Audience Ever; Massive Rallies Against Trump; Trump Still Campaigning; Arquette and Moore on Anti-Trump Marches; Massive Crowds March Against Trump; Interview with David Axelrod; Trump Tells CIA He's Behind Them, Then Turns Political. Aired 6-7p ET

January 14, 2017

•Widow of Poisoned Russian Spy on Life Under Putin; Ex-Spy Who Prepared Dossier on Trump and Russia in Hiding?; Interview with Michael Mukasey; Interview with Lanny Davis; DOJ Report Rips Chicago PD for Excessive Force, Bad Training; How White House Turns Over in Six Hours on Inauguration Day. Aired 9-10a ET

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.