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  • Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering· electrical and electronic engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering Imperial College provides undergraduate courses


Undergraduate Syllabuses_2005–06 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering This publication refers to the session 2005–06. The information given, including that relating to the availability of courses, is that current at the time of going to press, October 2005, and is subject to alteration. © Imperial College London 2005 For details of postgraduate opportunities go to

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Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering· electrical and electronic engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering Imperial College provides undergraduate courses - [PDF Document] (3)

Undergraduate Syllabuses_2005–06

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

This publication refers to the session 2005–06. The information given, including that relating to the availability of courses, is that current at the time of going to press, October 2005, and is subject to alteration.

© Imperial College London 2005

For details of ppoossttggrraadduuaattee opportunities go to

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering· electrical and electronic engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering Imperial College provides undergraduate courses - [PDF Document] (4)

electrical and electronic engineering

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Imperial College provides undergraduate courses leading to the BEng degree after three years of study,the MEng degree after four years of study, and postgraduate courses leading to the Diploma of theImperial College (DIC) and the MSc degree. Graduates are also accepted for research leading to thehigher degrees MPhil and PhD. Some 160 students are admitted annually onto the undergraduatecourses in the Department. There are also 160 or so postgraduate students, 60 of whom are studying onone-year courses leading to the MSc and DIC, whilst 100 are registered as research students workingtowards MPhil or PhD degrees.

There are a wide range of research activities in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial, manyin collaboration with high technology industries, mainly in the following fields: communications andsignal processing; intelligent and interactive systems; optics, semiconductors and micromechanicalsystems; digital and analogue circuits and systems; control engineering, electrical machines and powersystems. The range of expertise is utilised extensively in the planning and presentation of theundergraduate and postgraduate courses, especially in the third and fourth years of the undergraduatecourses and project work.

Details of postgraduate opportunities can be found in the online Postgraduate Prospectus

Undergraduate coursesThe Department runs three and four-year courses leading to a BEng or an MEng degree. All courses givea firm foundation in the first two years combined with an unrivalled degree of specialisation in the thirdand fourth years. There are seven degree courses to choose from but the initial choice is betweenElectrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) and Information Systems Engineering (ISE).

Electrical and Electronic EngineeringA unified undergraduate course offers the choice of (i) a three-year course of study leading to the BEngdegree, (ii) a four-year course, leading to the MEng degree, in which attention during years three and fouris focused on technological subjects (T stream), (iii) a four-year course, leading to the MEng degree inElectrical and Electronic Engineering with Management (EM), in which attention during years three andfour is focused on industrial and business studies, alongside technical studies, and (iv) a four-yearcourse, leading to the MEng degree, in which the final year will be spent at a university-level institute inEurope (EY).

The first two years of the course are common to all students and binding decisions about laterpatterns of study are not made until the end of year two. Advice on choice is given at the end of year two.Entry to year three of any four-year stream is restricted to students with good academic records.

Information Systems EngineeringThis course offers the choice of (i) a three-year course of study leading to the BEng degree, (ii) a four-year course, leading to the MEng degree, or (iii) a four-year course leading to the MEng degree, in whichthe final year will be spent at a university-level institute abroad.

The ISE course is for those who want a balance of electronics and computing. This combinationhas become of greater significance as computers have become components of many fields in theelectrical and computing industries requiring engineers to be able to cope with both software andhardware design. It combines the more practical half of the computing course as taught in theDepartment of Computing with electronics and communications drawn from the Electrical and ElectronicEngineering course.

The first two years of the course are common to all students on the ISE stream and binding decisionsabout later patterns of study are not made until the end of year two. Advice on choice is given at the end of year two. Entry to year three of any four-year stream is restricted to students with goodacademic records.

All Electrical and Electronic Engineering courses are accredited by the Institution of Electrical Engineersand the Institute of Measurement and Control; the ISE courses are also accredited by the BritishComputer Society.


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126 undergraduate syllabuses

Students entering the first year must normally have satisfied the general University entrancerequirements and the course requirements, normally through passes in a recognised GCE examination.For the last two years, the average attainment of entrants has been midway between three As and two Asand a B at A level. Three A grades are expected in Mathematics and Physics, and a third scientific subjectwhich is left to the candidate to choose. Further Mathematics is particularly recommended. Applicantsalso require a qualification in English, i.e. C grade in GCSE or its equivalent.

The course consists of lectures with supporting study groups, practical work involving set laboratoryexercises and project tasks. A personal tutorial scheme is organised. Students are encouraged andassisted to obtain industrial experience during the vacations.

Details of the individual courses in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering programme are givenbelow and the examinations are listed on page 145-6.


Electrical and Electronic Engineering

FIRST YEAR (all streams)Electrical engineeringComputingMathematicsBusiness studiesPractical work

E.1.1 Analysis of circuits

DR D. HAIGHCircuit variables: voltage, current, charge and power. Circuit elements. Kirchoff’s current and voltagelaws. Nodal analysis for resistor circuits. Transient analysis of first order RC and RL circuits.Superposition. Thevenin and Norton theorems. Controlled sources. Phasors and phasor analysis. Transferfunctions and filters. Operational amplifier and transistor circuits. Stability. General systematic nodalanalysis. Two-port parameters. Feedback. Time domain analysis of larger circuits. Power.

E.1.2 Digital electronics I

PROFESSOR P. CHEUNGBasic logic theory; Boolean algebra; simple combinatorial circuits; logic minimisation; datarepresentation and number systems; binary addition and adders, simple multiplies; digital buildingblocks as functional blocks, sequential circuits; flip-flops; finite-state machines, state diagrams; machineidentification and control; counters and shift registers.

E.1.3 Devices and fields (EEE stream)

DR K. FOBELETS, DR E. YEATMANSemiconductor devicesElectrons and holes used for conduction in semiconductors. MOS capacitor, a capacitor for integratedcircuits. Metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor for digital applications. pn-diodes: minoritycarriers are important. Bipolar junction transistors: towards high gain amplifiers. FieldsFields: importance and classification. Steady electric fields (electrostatics): electric charge, Gauss’s law,electric potential, equipotentials and field lines, capacitors and capacitance, conductors. Steadymagnetic fields (magnetostatics): magnetic force, magnetic flux density, magnetic field intensity, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s law, magnetic materials, inductor and inductance, magnetic analysis.Electromagnetic induction: Faraday’s law, mutual inductance, force calculations; basics of transformers.

E.1.4 Analogue electronics I

DR A.S. HOLMESThe bipolar junction transistor (BJT): physical structure and modes of operation; common-emitteramplifier; bias stabilisation; use as a switch.Small-signal analysis: basic principles; small signal models for two-terminal devices; BJT small-signal

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model and Early effect; macromodels; frequency response of AC-coupled circuits.The MOSFET: physical structure and modes of operation; small-signal models; common-source amplifier;active loads; the body effect.Analogue building blocks: current mirror; differential amplifier; emitter follower.Transients: transient behaviour of LR, LC and LRC networks; transients in switched transistor circuits.

E.1.5 Engineering materials (EEE stream)

DR T. PIKEIntroduction to the quantum mechanics of the electron, illustration through example of particle in boxand the hydrogen atom. Case study: quantum-well infrared photodetector. Monocyrstalline,polycrystalline and amorphous materials; materials compatibility—thermal expansion coefficient,thermal conductivity, stress and strain. Young’s modulus; fabrication of mechanical devices by planartechnology; vibration of beams; piezoelectric and piezoresistive effects. Case study—flat screen TV.Polycrystalline semiconductor properties; transparent semiconductors; frequency dependence ofdielectric constant, refractive index; optical activity in liquid crystals, dichroism; rotational dielectricforces and energy storage in liquid crystals, optical reflectance and absorpance. Case study—datastorage system. Magnetic moment, intensity of magnetisation, relation to B and H; non-linear B–Hrelations, coercivity, remanence, energy storage, magnetic anisotropy in particulate materials; highpermeability materials.

E.1.6 Communications I

DR P. DRAGOTTIIntroduction to signals, energy and power definitions. Signals and vectors. Trigonometric and exponentialFourier series for periodic waveforms. Fourier transform, some properties of Fourier transforms. Powerspectral density and power. Analysis and transmission of signals: Fourier transforms, linear time invariantsystems, convolution. Distortionless transmission. Amplitude modulation systems. Frequencymodulation systems. Digital transmission systems. Transmission lines.

E1.7 Introduction to computing

DR J.V. PITTProcedural computing: variables, constants and types, conditionals and loops, data structures,procedures and functions, file I/O.Software design: algorithm design (pseudo code), dataflow, data design, testing, specification. Modular programming: units, abstract data types, objects (an overview).

E1.8 Algorithms and data structures (ISE stream)

DR M. SHANAHANA review of Pascal.Software engineering principles; data structures; lists; ordered lists; trees; ordered trees.Hash tables; parsing.

E1.9 Principles of computers and software engineering

DR Y. DEMIRIS, DR T. CLARKEArchitectureThe kernel of computer architecture: the instruction set architecture. Trends in technology and the basicsof a computer system architecture. Introduction to processor design: the MUO architecture. Pitfalls with MUO, the advantages of differentinstruction formats, an introduction look at the ARM processor. The basics of assembly languageprogramming. Arithmetic instructions, data transfer instructions, pre-and post-index addressing. Furtherassembly language programming. Conditional execution and the ARM’s S-bit. Shifted operands and shifttypes, multiply instructions, multiplication through shift-and-add, some simple complete ARM programs.Stacks and subroutines. The concept of a stack and its implementation in the ARM, the use of a linkregister, nested subroutines. The architecture of the ARM. An introduction to pipelining. Instructionencoding. ARM encoding of data processing and data transfer instructions. Memory hierarchies. Theprinciples of locality, unified versus separate instruction and data caches.

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Direct-mapped caches: design issues and architecture, cache write strategies. System programming: exceptions and interrupts, ARM’s shadow registers. An introduction to I/Ointerfaces. Polling, interrupt-drive I/O and DMA. Cache coherency and DMA.Operating systems (ISE stream only)Fundamentals: what is an operating system and what services does it provide to users? Examples ofoperating systems (including desktop, server and embedded OS). Evolution of operating systems; batchsystems, multiprogramming, timesharing. Multiprocessor and distributed system, real time OS. Criteriafor OS design.Operating system structures: operating system services and components; system calls; hardwaresupport for OS (memory protection, timers, privileged and user modes of operation); organisation of OS:monolithic and layered systems; virtual machines; client-server models and microkernels.Process managementFundamentals: processes, process states, process control blocks, process tables; two-, five- and seven-state models of process management; scheduling queues and queuing diagrams; process creation,termination and switch; introduction to threads: advantages, user and kernel level threads.Process scheduling: schedulers and interrupts, preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling; priority andnon-priority based schedulers; short-term scheduling criteria; scheduling algorithm: first-come-first-served, shortest remaining job first, round robin, priority scheduling, multilevel queue schedulingwith/without feedback.Interprocess communication and synchronisationFundamentals: independent and cooperating processes; shared memory and message passing, raceconditions, critical regions, mutual exclusion; locks, turn variables, Peterson’s solution to mutualexclusion; hardware assisted mutual exclusion; semaphores: basics, associated data structures,implementation; use of semaphores for process coordination and mutual exclusion.Synchronisation and deadlocks: semaphore solutions to classic synchronisation problems: producer-consumer, readers-writers, dining-philosophers. Deadlocks: definition, examples. Necessary conditionsfor deadlocks. Deadlock modelling, OS strategies for dealing with deadlocks; deadlock detection andrecovery, deadlock avoidance, deadlock prevention.Memory managementFrom program to running process: tools and address binding; compilers, assemblers, linkers and loaders.Logical vs physical address space. Memory protection, base/relocation and limit registers; memoryallocation: fixed versus dynamic partitioning, memory allocation algorithms. Internal and externalfragmentation, compaction, paging, segmentation and virtual memory.

E.1.10 Mathematics (EEE stream)

DR. F. BERKSHIRE, PROFESSOR J.N. ELGINRevision: limits, differentiation, integration, Taylor series, complex numbers, Gaussian elimination.Complex numbers and functions: polar form, de Moivre’s theorem, roots of polynomial equations,definition of basic complex functions, roots of transcendental equation, branch cuts.Ordinary differential equations: first order, separable equations, equations reducible to separable form,integrating factors. Second order, constant coefficients—complementary and particular solutions,numerical integration.Linear algebra: vectors, equations of lines and planes, Gaussian elimination, matrices—inverse andtranspose, LU factorisation, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalisation.Functions of several variables: partial differentiation; contours; total differentials; change of variables; PDEs.Convergence of infinite series; geometric progression; ratio and comparison tests; alternating series;radius of convergence.Fourier series: full range Fourier series; exponential form of Fourier series, half range sine and cosineseries; convergence; differentiation and integration of Fourier series; Parseval’s identity; applications.Laplace transforms: basic definition, inverse form tables, shift theorem; application to differential equations.

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E1.11 Mathematics (ISE stream)

DR M. HOWARD, DR G. JAMESAnalysis: functions of one variable: odd, even, inverse functions. Limits: continuous and discontinuousfunctions. Differentiation: continuity and differentiability; implicit and logarithmic differentiation;Leibniz’s formula; stationary points and points of inflection; polar coordinates. Rolle’s and mean valuetheorems; Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series; l’Hôpital’s rule. Convergence of power series; ratio andcomparison test; alternating series; radius of convergence. Complex numbers and functions: the complexplane; polar representation; de Moivre’s theorem; ln z and exp (z). Integration: definite and indefiniteintegrals; the fundamental theorem; improper integrals; integration by substitution and by parts; partialfractions. Functions of more than one variable: partial differentiation; total differentials; change ofvariable; Taylor’s theorem for a function of two variables; stationary values; contours. PDEs.Linear algebra: vector algebra: basic rules; cartesian coordinates; scalar and vector products;applications to geometry; equations of lines and planes; triple products; linear dependence. Matrixalgebra: double suffix notation; basic rules; transpose, symmetric, diagonal, unit, triangular, inverse andorthogonal matrices. Determinants: basic properties; Cramer’s rule. Linear algebraic equations:consistency; elementary row operations; linear dependence; Gauss-Jordan method; Gaussianelimination; LU factorisation. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors; diagonalisation.Ordinary differential equations: first order equations: separable, hom*ogeneous, exact, linear. Secondorder linear equations with constant coefficients. Laplace transforms; basic definition; inversion fromtable; shift theorem; application to ODEs.Fourier series: standard formulae; even and odd functions; half-range sine and cosine series; complexform; convergence, differentiation and integration of Fourier series; Parseval’s identity; applications.

E1.15 Communication skills

PROFESSOR S. GOODLAD, MS S. BAINSImprovement of written, spoken and general language skills. Giving technical presentations to differenttypes of audience (technical specialists, managers, funding agencies) with force, clarity and confidence.Report writing: different types of technical report; laboratory report, project report, group report.Appropriate abstracts, body and appendices. Writing a CV and covering letter. Interview techniques.

E1.16 Introduction to Management and organizationsDR J. SHELDRAKEAims are to provide students with an outline of the economic and social environment of workorganizations; an awareness of the economic and social environment of work organizations; anawareness of the range of key managerial and behavioural science theories; an awareness of theprocesses of management and how to work effectively with others. More specifically: the importance of strategy, structure and design to business organizations; effectivework design; theories of motivation and leadership; the impact of culture on organizational performance;the role of managerial values and their impact on such matters as health and safety and the morale ofworkers; the development of organizational systems, staff and skills; key issues in organisational change.

Practical work (all streams)

Electrical laboratory About 120 hours.A course complementary to all lecture courses.

Computing laboratory

DR J.V. PITT, MR L. MADDENAbout 40 hours.Weekly laboratory exercises with continual assessment, introducing practical problem solving usingcomputer programs written using the Delphi visual program development environment.

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SECOND YEAR EEE streamElectrical engineeringMathematicsHumanities coursePractical work

ISE streamElectrical engineeringComputingMathematicsHumanities coursePractical work

E.2.1 Digital electronics II

MR D.M. BROOKESIEC617 dependency notation. Interfacing techniques for digital systems: synchronous and asynchronousbit-serial transmission; timing constraints arising from setup and hold times; static RAM memories,microprocessor-to-memory interfacing. Sequencing circuitry using shift registers and counters; analysisand design of synchronous state machines; timing constraints and glitches. Data conversion: D/Aconverters for signed and unsigned numbers, current switched R-2R ladder, output deglitching. Flash,integrating and successive approximation A/D converters. Sample/hold circuits. Performance criteria for dataconversion circuits. Complexity versus delay tradeoffs for adder circuits: performance of alternating bit-inversion, carry-lookahead and carry-skip circuits. Carry-save adder circuit.

E.2.2 Analogue electronics II (EEE stream)

DR C. PAPAVASSILIOUThe main content of the course is: analogue circuit techniques: cascoding, bootstrapping, high frequencyBJT and FET amplifier techniques, Miller’s theorem; building blocks: single-stage BJT and FET amplifiers,current mirrors, differential pairs, power outage stages, PTAT current sources, operational amplifier.

E.2.3 Power, fields and devices (EEE stream)

DR T. GREEN, PROFESSOR R.R.A. SYMS, DR K. LEAVERElectrical power engineering Distribution systems. Analysis of power systems: sinusoidal steady-state, power: real and otherwise,conservation of energy and power. Voltage conversion: linear regulators, step-down DC/DC converters,design of an SMPS, step-up DC/DC converter. Electrical machines: conductors in magnetic fields,elementary machine for generating, a three-winding or three-phase machine, choice of number ofphases. Three-phase power systems: star connection, delta connection, power calculation andmeasurement. Induction machines: general features, principle of operation, equivalent circuit, power flowdiagram, torque characteristic, direct-on-line starting, inverter operation.

Electromagnetic fields Vector treatment of electrostatics and magnetostatics leading to Maxwell’s equations in integral anddifferential form. Practical consequences of Maxwell’s equations: boundary conditions; plane wavepropagation in dielectrics; propagation in metals, skin effect; transmission lines; Poynting’s theorem forpower flow.

Micro-electro-mechanical devicesIntroduction to MEMS: scaling; materials; processes; applications. Size scaling: microstructure sizedomain; scaling of physical laws. Silicon MEMS processes: silicon micromaching; CMOS integration.Microelasticity: plane statics; beam bending; buckling. Inertial sensors: mass-spring-damper systems;accelerometers; gyroscopes. Microactuators: electrostatic and electrothermal actuators; other actuationmechanisms. Microsensors: signals and measurands; transduction mechanisms; physical sensors.Electrical MEMS: switches and relays; passive components. Optical MEMS: Gaussian beams and lenses;optical fibres and coupling; waveguide devices; moving mirror devices.

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E.2.4 Communications IILECTURER TO BE ANNOUNCEDModels for noise. Representation of band-limited noise and the effect of noise in an analog basebandsystem. Effect of noise in AM systems. Effect of noise in FM systems. Introduction to digitalcommunications systems. Performance of digital systems in the presence of noise. Introduction toinformation theory. Source coding. What does information theory have to say about the performance ofanalog communication systems? Introduction to communication networks.

E.2.5 Signals and linear systemsDR R. NABARWe draw a distinction between the fundamentals of signal modelling in the time and frequency domains,and indicate the significance of alternative descriptions. The basic concepts of Fourier series, Fouriertransforms, Laplace transforms and related areas are developed. The idea of convolution for linear timevariant systems is introduced and expanded on from a range of perspectives. The transfer function forcontinuous and discrete time systems is used in this context. Stability is discussed with respect to thepole locations. Some elements of statistical signal description are introduced as signal comparisonmethods. The discrete Fourier transform is discussed as a z-transform evaluation and its consequencesexamined. Some basic filtering operations for both continuous and discrete signals are developed. Whereappropriate use of MATLAB is made for demonstration purposes.

E.2.6 Control engineeringDR I. JAIMOUKHAAn introduction to feedback controller design compromises. Mathematical modelling; transfer functionand state-space models. Properties of second-order systems. Definitions of open- and closed-loopstability. Stability tests based on the Routh array. Root-locus analysis and design. Frequency responsemethods. Nyquist analysis and design, robust stability. Various compensator structures including phaseled and phase lag, proportional, integral and derivative action. PID regulators and Ziegler-Nichols, brieftreatment of non-linear systems and the effect of feedback.

E.2.8 Mathematics (EEE stream)PROFESSOR J.D. GIBBON, DR M. CROWDERBasic probability; conditional probability and independence; random variables and distributions; somestandard distributions, discrete and continuous; bivariate distributions; estimation and testing; samplingdistributions; random processes.

E2.11 Mathematics (ISE stream)

PROFESSOR J.R. CASH, DR M. DE IORIOFourier transforms: basic definitions and properties; the complex integral method; the convolutiontheorem, Parseval’s theorem; the delta function; the uncertainty principle. Laplace transforms: revision ofdefinition and shift theorems; the inverse transform; transforms of derivatives and integrals; theconvolution theorem. Line integrals; parametric representation of curves in a plane. Path independencein simply connected domains; finding a potential. Double in integrals: double and iterated integrals insimple and general domains; applications to computing volumes in three dimensions. Green’s theorem insimply-connected domains; applications to computing line and double integrals. Functions of a complexvariable; revision of complex numbers; analytic functions; Cauchy’s theorem; residue theorem.Probability and statistics: random experiments; sample spaces; events; relative frequency; axioms ofprobability; elementary probability results; conditional probability; the law of total probability; Baye’stheorem; independence. Discrete random variables; binominal and Poisson distributions; Poissonprocess. Continuous random variables; distribution functions: exponential, normal and uniformdistributions. Expectation; variances; standard deviation; examples. Reliability, hazard rates.

E2.12 Software engineering II—object-orientated software engineering and real time andinternet programming (ISE stream)

MR L. MADDENSoftware engineering. Abstraction. OO concepts. OO concepts expressed in C++ and UML. Process model,RUP/CRC methodology. Testing (validation and verification).

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E2.13 Computer architecture (ISE stream)

DR W. LUK (COMPUTING)Introduction: overview; performance. Instructions: formats; representations, interface with software.Arithmetic: number representation; hardware for arithmetic operations; arithmetic logic unit. Datapathand control unit: single-clock and multiple clock implementations; microprogramming; exception handling.Memory hierarchy: caches, virtual memory. Pipelining: pipelined datapaths, data and branch hazards,exceptions. Advanced topics: hardware compitation, parallel architectures, special-purpose processors.

E2.15 Language processors (ISE stream)

DR Y. DEMIRISFundamentals: introduction to language processors; types of language processing; assemblers,compilers, preprocessors, interpreters and disassemblers; T-diagram representations of compilers;examples of language processors (GCC, Tex/Latex, Matlab, SysTran, Postscript, XML): compiling andrunning a compiler, cross-compilation and bootstrapping; semantics, conceptual structure of languageprocessors; front and back-ends; passes; compiler width; criteria for design and evaluation of languageprocessors; history and evolution of language processors; a complete example of a language processor(an infix to postfix expression converter) in full detail; syntax-directed translation; attributes andannotated parse trees; tree-traversal methods.Theoretical underpinnings of language processors: introduction to grammars; basics; production rulesand derivation of strings; formal definitions; Chomsky’s hierarchy; context-sensitive and context-freegrammars; Turing machines; linearly-bound automata; push-down automata; regular grammars; finitestate automata; BNF/EBNF syntax; regular expressions and their limitations.Lexical analysis: introduction to lexical analysis; tokens and attributes; deterministic and non-deterministic finite state automata; epsilon-transition; equivalency of NFA and DFA; elimination of e-transitions and non-deterministic transitions; epsilon-closures; subset construction; Thompson’salgorithm for converting a regular expression to NFA; automatic construction of DFAs; DFA minimisation;automatic generation of lexical analysers using Lex/Flex.Parsing: introduction to parsing; leftmost and rightmost derivations; parsing ambiguities; top-down vsbottom-up parsing; L{L/R} {k} notation, recursive-descent parsing; lookaheads and predictive-parsing;FIRST and FOLLOW sets and their computation; left-recursion and its elimination; left-factoring; transitiondiagrams and tables and their construction; bottom-up parsing; shift-reduction parsing; stackimplementation; LR(k) parsing; LR/SLR/Canonical LR/LALR; construction of parsing tables; automaticconstruction of parsers using YACC/Bison.Context-handling: introduction to context-handling; attributes and attribute grammars; dependencygraphs; S- and L-attributed grammars; S-attributes and bottom-up parsing; inherited attributes; type-checking; symbol tables.Code generation and optimisation: introduction to code generation; intermediate code generation; typesof intermediate code (Pascal P-code, Java byte-code; 3-address code); translation of intermediate code totarget code; instruction selection issues; storage management; memory, heap, garbage collection;register allocation; flow graphs and basic blocks; converting 3-address statement sequences into basicblocks; local and global transformations; dead-code elimination; common-subexpression elimination;algebraic transformations; computation of next-use information; register and address descriptors;register allocation in detail; interference graphs; register allocation through graph colouring;optimisation: peep-hole optimisation; flow of control optimisations; removal of redundancy; loads andstores; removal of unreachable code; copy propagation; code motion; constant folding; data-flowanalysis; code profiling.Case studies: GCC and internals; front and back ends; register-transfer language; construction of aPASCAL to ARM assembly language processor (assessed laboratory coursework).

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E2.17 Discrete mathematics and computational complexity (ISE stream)

DR G.A. CONSTANTINIDIESFunctions, relations and sets. Logic: forms of logic, logical connectives, normal forms, universal andexistential quantification. Recurrence relations: definitions, the master theorem. Algorithmic analysis:upper and average case complexity, big O, little o, omega notation, recurrence relations for recrusivealgorithms. Computability: tractability, intertractability and uncomputability.

E2.18 Algorithms and data structures (EEE stream)DR M SHANAHANA review of Pascal.Software engineering principles; data structures; lists; ordered lists; trees; ordered trees.Hash tables; parsing.

E2.19 Introduction to Computer architecture (EEE stream)DR T CLARKE The kernel of computer architecture: the instruction set architecture. Trends in technology and the basicsof a computer system architecture.Introduction to processor design: the MUO architecture. Pitfalls with MUO, the advantages of differentinstruction formats, an introduction look at the ARM processor. The basics of assembly languageprogramming. Arithmetic instructions, data transfer instructions, pre-and post-index addressing. Furtherassembly language programming. Conditional execution and the ARM’s S-bit. Shifted operands and shifttypes, multiply instructions, multiplication through shift-and-add, some simple complete ARM programs.Stacks and subroutines. The concept of a stack and its implementation in the ARM, the use of a linkregister, nested subroutines. The architecture of the ARM. An introduction to pipelining. Instructionencoding. ARM encoding of data processing and data transfer instructions. Memory hierarchies. Theprinciples of locality, unified versus separate instruction and data caches.Direct-mapped caches: design issues and architecture, cache write strategies.System programming: exceptions and interrupts, ARM’s shadow registers. An introduction to I/Ointerfaces. Polling, interrupt-drive I/O and DMA. Cache coherency and DMA.

HumanitiesStudents take one of the following courses, the syllabuses of which are shown in the Humanities section:French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin (with option for Cantonese speakers), Russian, Spanish,Philosophy, Controversies and ethical dilemmas in science and technology, European history: 1870–1989,Politics, Science and technology in western civilisation, Global history of twentieth-century things, Historyof medicine, Modern literature and drama, Art of the twentieth century, Music and western civilisation,The Roman empire, Communicating science: the public and the media, Creative writing, Science,communication and society, Music technology, Saying true things: how science invents and persuades.

Optional courses (EEE stream)An additional Humantities course, selected from the list above, may be taken by students of sufficientacademic standing.

Practical work

Electrical laboratoryAbout 100 hours. Students perform a course of experiments and projects complementary to all lecture courses.

Computing laboratory30 hours computing laboratory.

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Other activitiesStudents participate in group projects in which they investigate technological, economic and socialaspects of a complex engineering problem, reporting by means of an oral presentation, a written report,and a web page.


Lecture coursesStudents are offered a range of lecture courses—technical, humanities, business studies—from which toselect their third year lecture programme. Guidance will be given on the composition of appropriateprogrammes. The requirements are:MEng(T) course: six technical and one non-technical course must be taken. Up to two additional coursesmay be taken.MEng (EY) course: as T.MEng (EM) course: at least three business studies core courses, three technical courses and one othercourse (which may be technical or non-technical) must be taken. Up to two additional courses may be taken.BEng course: five technical and one non-technical course must be taken. Up to three additional coursesmay be taken.

Technical courses (each of 20 lectures—E.3.01–E.3.20)

Syllabus follows.

Business studies courses for 3EM stream (see Tanaka Business School syllabus)

Core coursesBS0801 AccountingBS0821Project ManagementBS0815 Managerial EconomicsBS0809 Finance and Financial ManagementBS0806 EntreprerneurshipBS0826 Innovation Management

Optional coursesBS0612 Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource ManagementBS0817 MarketingBS0803 Business StrategyBS0826 International Business

Business studies options (see Tanaka Business School syllabus)

For BEng, 3T and 3EY streams: BS0801 AccountingBS0821 Project ManagementBS0815 Managerial EconomicsBS0808 Finance and Financial ManagementBS0806 EntrepreneurshipBS0820 Innovation Management

Other non-technical courses (see Humanities Programme syllabus)

French, German, Japanese, Italian, Mandarin (with option for Cantonese speakers), Russian, Spanish,Philosophy, Controversies and ethical dilemmas in science and technology, European history: 1870–1989,Politics, Science and technology in western civilisation, Global history of twentieth century things, Historyof medicine, Modern literature and drama, Art in the twentieth century, Music and western civilisation,The Roman empire, Communicating science: the public and the media, Creative writing, Musictechnology, Saying true things: how science invents and persuades, Humanities essay .

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CourseworkStudents spend approximately 20 hours on coursework associated with each of their chosen options.MEng students undertake a group or study project in the summer term. BEng students undertake anindividual project from November through to the end of the summer term.


Lecture coursesStudents are offered a range of lecture courses, technical (E.4.01–E.4.46), business studies andhumanities, from which to select their fourth year lecture programme. Guidance will be given on thecomposition of appropriate programmes. The requirements are:MEng (T) course: six technical and one non-technical course must be taken. Up to two additional coursesmay be taken.MEng (EY) course: full year in a continental educational institution. Studies include an individual project,dissertation and technical courses.MEng (EM) course: at least three core business studies courses, three technical courses and one othercourse (which may be technical or non-technical) must be taken. Up to two additional courses may be taken.

Technical courses (each of 20 lectures—see E.4.01–E.4.46)

Business studies courses for 4EM stream (see Tanaka Business School syllabus)

Core coursesBS0801 AccountingBS0821 Project ManagementBS0612 Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource ManagementBS0809 Finance and Financial ManagementBS0806 EntrepreneurshipBS0820 Innovation Management

Optional coursesBS0817 MarketingBS0803 Business StrategyBS0826 nternational Business

Business studies courses for 4T stream (see Tanaka Business School syllabus)

BS0801 AccountingBS0821 Project ManagementBS0808 Finance and Financial ManagementBS0806 EntrepreneurshipBS0820 Innovation Management

Other non-technical courses (see Humanities syllabus)

French, German, Japanese, Italian, Mandarin (including option for Cantonese speakers), Russian,Spanish, Philosophy, Controversies and ethical dilemmas in science and technology, European history:1870–1989, Politics, Science and technology in western civilisation, Global history of twentieth-centurythings, History of medicine, Modern literature and drama, Art of the twentieth century, Music and westerncivilisation, The Roman empire, Communicating science: the public and the media, Creative writing,Music technology, Saying true things: how science invents and persuades, Humanities essay.

Practical work4EM and 4T students spend about 10 hours per week in the autumn and spring terms and work full-time(after final examinations) on individual projects in the summer term.

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Other activitiesEach student gives an oral presentation on his/her individual project during the summer term.

Technical course syllabuses20 lectures each.


E.3.01 Analogue integrated circuits and systems

PROFESSOR C. TOUMAZOUDesign techniques. Modelling and simulation (SPICE) of MOSFETS. Modelling and simulation (SPICE) ofBJTs. Noise sources in op-amps and integrated circuits and low noise design. Refresher of CMOS buildinglocks, current-mirrors, amplifiers, differential pairs. Design case study of typical CMOS IC op-amp.Introduction to integrated switched capacitor filters and continuous-time filters.

E.3.02 Instrumentation

DR C. PAPAVASSILIOUDefinitions and examples of measurements and their limitations: resolution, accuracy, sensitivity. Noisein electronic systems. Analogue, digital and sampling oscilloscopes. DC and AC bridges. Amplifiers:sampling and analogue to digital conversion. Oversampling. Oscillators and synthesisers. Phase noise.Frequency measurements. Coherent measurements and interferometry. Correlation techniques. Networkand spectrum analysis at radio frequencies. Time domain reflectometry.

E.3.03 Communication systems

DR A. MANIKASCommunication sources and channels: modelling of communication sources and communicationchannels, measures of information, Gaussian sources and channels, etc.Performance criteria and limits of communication systems: introductory concepts, energy utilisationefficiency (EUE), bandwidth utilisation efficiency (BUE), bandwidth expansion factor, signal-to-noisepower ratio (SNR), probability of error. Shannon’s threshold capacity curve, theoretical limits onperformance of digital communication systems and the concept of an ideal communication system. The(Pe/SNR, EUE, BUE) parameter planes. Representation of the major communication systems on theparameter planes. Comments, comparisons and discussions.Digital transmission of analogue signals: a brief review of sampling theory and quantisation (uniform,ideal and natural sampling, practical problems, uniform quantisers), maximum-SNR-non-uniformquantisers, A-law and μ-law compaders, differential quantisers, basic concepts of differential PCM.Principles of source and channel coding: source encoder-decoder (the prefix of a binary sequence, prefix code, Kraft inequality, defining an optimum code, Shannon’s first coding theorem, etc.). Channelcapacity. Error control coding (Shannon’s second coding theorem, linear block codes, convolutionalcodes). Interleaving-deinterleaving. Line codes and digital modems.Principles of multiplexing and public switched telephone networks: using concepts and analytical toolspresented in the previous topics, the examination of multiplexing and PSTN will be presented, based onthe CCITT recommendations for PCM and the associated digital hierarchy.Principles of ADSL/VDSL.Mobile communication systems: a compact review of a mobile radio network and a detaileddescription/analysis of the Pan-European cellular communication system. The analysis will be based onEuropean telecommunication standards.

E.3.05 Digital system design

PROFESSOR P.Y.K. CHEUNGCase study: definition of the digital system to be used as demonstrator; linked finite state machines; FSMimplementation issues; race, hazards and metastability; dynamic memory interface; special memorydevices; multiplier circuits; bit-serial arithmetic circuits; data coding circuits; design for testability;programmable logic, FPGAs and CPLDs; system level interfacing.

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E.3.06 VHDL and logic synthesis

DR T.J.W. CLARKEVHDL—Modelling of hardware: model of behaviour, time and structure. Major VHDL constructs: entitydeclarations; architecture bodies; subprograms; packages and ‘use’ clauses. Basic VHDL data types:literals; scalars; vectors. Behavioural description: processes; activation and suspension of processes;sequential assignments; signal assignments; variable assignments; sequential control; procedure andfunction calls; concurrent statements. Structural description: parts; component instantiation;configuration specifications; busses. Access types: files, file I/O.Testing and verification—VHDL testbenches. Procedural abstraction. Exhaustive, random, ad hoc testingmethods. Test coverage metrics.Synthesis—multi-level logic minimisation techniques; boolean optimisation. Critical path optimisation.High level synthesis: state minimisation in FSM. Technology mapping: gate arrays, FPGA, PLDs.

E.3.07 Digital signal processing

DR P.A. NAYLORSampling theory, z-transforms, system functions. Digital filter structures, signal flow graphs,elementary FIR/IIR filter design techniques, windows, bilinear and band transformations. Discrete Fouriertransform, relationship between DFT and DTFT, simple and short-time spectral estimation, fast computationof DFT as decimation-in-time. Linear convolution, cyclic convolution, sectioned convolution (overlap-addand overlap-save), application to fast filtering algorithms, windowing. Basic multi-rate elements andidentities, design of sample rate changing systems, polyphase representation of filters, maximallydecimated filter banks, polyphase representation of maximally decimated filter banks, typical applications.Overview of microprocessor architectures for DSP, implementational aspects of simple DSP algorithms.

E.3.08 Advanced signal processing DR P.D. MANDICDiscrete random signals; statistical stationarity, strict sense and wide sense. Averages; mean,correlations and covariances. Bias-variance dilemma. Curse of dimensionality. Linear stochastic models.ARMA modelling. Stability of linear stochastic models. Introduction to statistical estimation theory.Properties of estimators; bias and variance. Role of the Cramer-Rao lower bound. Minimum varianceunbiased estimator. Best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) and maximum likelihood estimation.Maximum likelihood estimator. Bayesian estimation. Least square estimation: orthogonality principle,block and sequential forms. Wiener filtering, adaptive filtering and signal modelling. Simple non-linearadaptive filtering. Concept of an artificial neuron. Applications: acoustic echo cancellation and signalenhancement, inverse system modelling and denoising.

E.3.09 Control engineeringPROFESSOR R.B. VINTERNyquist plots and robust stability, classical frequency domain approaches to controller design; statespace modelling; pole placement via state feedback and dynamic output feedback; observer design;controllability and observability; linear quadratic optimal control; non-linear systems analysis (describingfunction); discretisation and computer control.

E.3.10 Mathematics for signals and systemsDR G. WEISSVector spaces, independence, dimension, sequence spaces, analytic functions, normed spaces, innerproducts, Hilbert and Banach spaces, Weierstrass theorem, completion, L^p spaces, essentialsupremum, H^p spaces on various domains, boundary traces of H^p functions, span, orthogonalcomplement, closure, orthonormal basis, Fourier series, bounded linear operators, their norm,orthogonal projectors, isometric and unitary operators, Z- and Laplace transforms, convolution, Paley-Wiener theorem (discrete-time and continuous-time versions), shift operators, time-invariant operators,Foures-Segal theorem (discrete-time and continuous-time versions), linear systems, transfer functions,band-limited functions, sampling theorem.

E3.11 Advanced electronic devicesDR K. FOBELETSEnergy band diagrams as a route to semiconductor devices. Processing: how is it done? Discussion andcomparison of different field effect transistors: JFET, GaAs MESFET, Si:SiGe MODFET and GaAs/InGaAs

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HEMT. Strain as an extra parameter to engineer devices. Optimising the ‘classical BJT’ using acombination of materials: HBT. Quantum mechanics how it is used in semiconductor devices. Anexample:the resonant tunneling diode. SOI, SGOI, sSOI nove substrates for better device performance.Carbon nanotubes, devices for the future.

E.3.12 OptoelectronicsPROFESSOR R.R.A. SYMSMaxwell’s equations; the wave equation for electromagnetic waves; evanescent waves; power flow.Waveguide structures: boundary matching, slab dielectric waveguide; guided and radiation modes; cut-off conditions; free carrier contribution to the dielectric constant; waveguides in semiconductors—hom*ostructure and heterostructure guides; epitaxy and lattice matching; channel waveguides. Channelwaveguide devices: power splitters, filters. Diode-based waveguide structures: hom*ojunctions andheterojunctions; carrier injection phase modulators; electro-optic phase modulators; switches andintensity modulators. Photodetectors: absorption of light by semiconductors; quantum efficiency;photoconductive detectors; p-i-n photodiodes; heterojunction photodiodes. LEDs: spontaneous andstimulated emission; electroluminescence in p-n junctions; simple LED structures; emission spectrum ofLED; DC efficiency and frequency response of LED; ELEDs. Semiconductor lasers: conditions for laser oscillation; inversion and optical gain; emission spectrum oflaser; the double heterostructure; threshold condition and power-current characteristics.

E.3.13 Electrical energy systems

DR B. PAL, DR C A HERNANDEZ-ARAMBUROOverview of power systems: topological characteristics, challenges and future trends. Basic theory ofthree phase systems. Theory of operation and models for synchronous machines. Theory of operationand models for transformers and their variants. Use of a per-unit system in power networks.Transmission line models. Review of solution methods for non-linear equations. Statement and solutionstrategies of the power flow problem. Voltage, frequency, active and reactive power control, optimaloperation of power systems, fault analyses.

E.3.14 Power electronics and machines

DR T.C. GREENComparison of power semiconductors with signal transistors; improvements to basic switch-mode powersupply circuits to provide isolation and high efficiency; inversion of DC to AC and rectification withsinusoidal current; classification of machine types; comparison of permanent magnet and field windingexcitation; development of brushless pm machines; control of induction machines with an inverter.

E.3.15 Human-computer interaction

DR J.V. PITTHCI: motivation, requirements, Norman’s stages of action. Evaluation: criteria, products, processes.Physical interactions: input/output devices, environment, workspace/workplace design. Dialogues:menus, icons, windows, forms, command language, natural language, direct manipulation, user agents.Design: user-centred and participatory design, design rationale and prototyping, design methodology(task, dialogue and screen design), design standards and guidelines. Information: visualisation,presentation and representation. Advanced topics: extreme interface, affective computing.

E.3.16 Artificial intelligence

DR J.V. PITTSearch: search space, problem formulation, generic graph search algorithm; graph theory; uninformedsearch strategies—depth first, breadth first, uniform cost, iterative deepening; informed searchstrategies—best first, A*, iterative deepening A*; analysis of algorithms—completeness, complexity,optimality; minimax, alpha-beta search; reinforcement learning and potential fields for path planning.Knowledge representation and reasoning: knowledge acquisition, knowledge engineering; propositionallogic—semantic proof, syntactic proof, soundness and completeness of proof systems; automatedreasoning with KE; predicate calculus and expert systems; modal logic and practical reasoning. DistributedAI: agents, agency and multi-agent systems; BDI agents.

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E3.17 Communication networks

DR J.A. BARRIAIntroduction to layered approach to the analysis of communication networks. Study and analysis ofdifferent communication networks, their architectures and associated protocols: local area network(LAN), metropolitan area network (MAN), wide area networks (WAN) and internet. Design of data andpacket switched networks, topological issues, routing strategies and congestion control, TCP/IP internetprotocols. B-ISDN protocol reference model, multimedia traffic characterisation and performanceanalysis. Optimal routing problem.

E3.18 Microwave technology

DR S. LUCYSZYNReview of the electromagnetic spectrum. Review of Maxwell’s equations. Electromagnetic numericalmodelling techniques. Transmission line theory: general and rectangular waveguides. Antenna theory.Microwave materials: reciprocal and non-reciprocal. Passive components: reciprocal and non-reciprocal.Thermionic devices. Solid state active devices; two-terminal and three-terminal. Integrated circuittechnologies. HMICS and MMICS. S-parameters: general and signal flow graph techniques. Measurementtechniques: general and laboratory sessions. Applications of microwave technology.

E.3.19 Real-time digital signal processing

TO BE ANNOUNCEDC6x architecture; data conversion; software tools; I/O and interrupts; fixed point vs floating point; FIRfilters; IIR filters; frame processing; speech enhancement project.Laboratory work: getting started with C6x; data conversion; learning C and Sinewave generation;Interrupt I/O free; FIR filter implementation; IIR filter implementation; real-time spectral analysis.Project.

E3.20 Discrete Mathematics and Computational ComplexityDr G. A CONSTANTINIDIESFunctions, relations and sets. Logic: forms of logic, logical connectives, normal forms, universal andexistential quantification. Recurrence relations: definitions, the master theorem. Algorithmic analysis:upper and average case complexity, big O, little o, omega notation, recurrence relations for recrusivealgorithms. Computability: tractability, intertractability and uncomputability.


E.4.01 Advanced communication theory

DR A. MANIKASIntroductory concepts: modelling of information sources, communication channels and sinks. Definitionsof priori and posterior probabilities in relation to the model of a communication channel. MAP criterion,likelihood functions and likelihood ratio. An initial study on the performance of a digital communicationsystem and expansion to a spread spectrum system.Optimum detection theory: detection criteria. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC). Detection ofknown signals in the presence of white noise and the concept of an optimum receiver. Matched filterreceivers and their mathematical analysis. Extension to non-white noise. Orthogonal signals and the‘approximation theorem’. M-ary signals and signal constellation. Basic concepts and analysis oforthogonal and biorthogonal M-ary communication systems. 64-ary Walsh-Hadamard signal set. PN-sequences: Galois field GF(2) basic theory, shift registers, basic properties of m-sequences, statisticalproperties of m-sequences, Gold sequences. PN-signals: modelling, cross/auto correlation functions and power spectral density, partial correlationproperties. Spread spectrum systems (SSS): basic concepts and parameters. Classification and modelling ofjammers. Modelling of BPSK and QPSK direct sequence SSS in a jamming environment, estimation ofSNIR and bit-error-probability. Direct sequence SSS on the (SNR/pe, EUE, BUE) parameter plane.Frequency hopping SSS.Principles of CDMA system: investigation of important system components with special attention given to

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RAKE receiver. Modelling and analysis with emphasis given on capacity issues. An overview of theTIA/ISA IS-95 CDMA standards. Wideband CDMA (3G).Space-time communications: definitions, notation, spaces and projection operators. Modelling an arrayreceived signal-vector and the concept of the array manifold. Multidimensional correlators. Estimation ofsignal parameters including directions of arrival, powers, cross-correlations, etc. Array pattern andbeamformers. Vector-channel effects (including multipaths, angular spread, Doppler spread and fading).Outage probability. Integrated array CDMA systems. Single-user and multi-user array CDMA receivers.

E.4.03 Mobile radio communication

DR M.K. GURCANTransmission path: VHF and UHF propagation; propagation losses; inverse fourth power propagation;Rayleigh fading, shadowing losses. Coverage probability; outage and coverage probabilities, errorperformance analysis for transmission systems; quality factor and re-use distance calculations.Transmission schemes: wideband channels and wideband transmission; equalisation and multiplexing;multiple access schemes. Area coverage, analogue and digital transmission systems.

E.4.04 Advanced data communication

DR M.K. GURCANData transmission systems; elements of the system, the source, shaping filters and modulation systemsand techniques. Equalisation. Convolution codes, Maximum likelihood detection and MAP algorithm andcoded modulation schemes. Tubo codes and ADSL systems.

E.4.05 Traffic theory and queueing systems

DR J.A. BARRIAIntroduction to teletraffic analysis. Mathematical basis of traffic theory: Markov processes. Loss-systemanalysis: route congestion in circuit-switched systems; models for overflow traffic; restricted availability;congestion in circuit switches. Delay-system analysis: introduction to queueing theory; congestion inmessage-switched systems and packet-switched systems; queueing network models. Analysis ofrandom-access protocols; traffic characterisation of broadband services; admission and access control inbroadband networks; routing in ATM networks. Performance/reliability (performability) models.

E.4.06 Optical communication

DR E.M. YEATMANFundamentals of communicating with light. Guided electromagnetic waves: the slab waveguide, modes,dispersion. Modes and attenuation in fibres. Properties of LEDs and lasers as communication sources.Photodiodes and receiver circuits, sensitivity, noise and bandwidth. Modulation techniques, coherentcommunication. Time-division and wavelength division multiplexing. Optical amplifiers, non-linear effects.System architectures and applications. Free space systems. Signal processing, routing and timing.

E.4.07 Coding theory

DR A.A. IVANOV (DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS)Elementary ideas of redundancy. Fundamental problems in coding theory and practice. Distancemeasures. Bounds to the performance of codes. Important linear codes. Construction and properties offinite fields. Cyclic codes, BCH and Reed Solomon codes. Error correction for BCH and RS codes.

E.4.08 Digital image processing

DR P.T. STATHAKIImage transforms: definition and properties of one-dimensional and two-dimensional unitary transforms.Fourier transform. Discrete cosine transform. Walsh transform. Hadamard transform. Karhunen-Loevetransform. Image enhancement: enhancement by point processing. Spatial filtering. Enhancement in thefrequency domain. Image restoration: description of the degradation model. Deterministic techniques forImage restoration (direct-inverse filtering, constrained least squares (CLS), iterative, recursive),stochastic techniques for image restoration (direct-Wiener filtering, iterative-iterative Wiener filtering).Image coding: scalar quantisation. Vector quantisation. Codebook design. Codeword assignment.Transform image coding. Image model coding. Fractal coding. Coding standards (MPEG, JPEG).

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E.4.10 Probability and stochastic processes

PROFESSOR K K LEUNGAxiomatic basis of probability theory. Conditional probability, independence. Random variables andprobability distributions. Expectation, moments, characteristic functions, conditional exceptions. Vectorrandom variables. Least squares estimation. Sequences of random variables. Modes of convergence.Stochastic processes. Markov processes. Gaussian process. Stationary processes: auto-correlation andcross-correlation; spectral density functions; white noise. The Kalman filter.

E.4.12 Digital signal processing and digital filters

DR P. T STATHAKIFinite and infinite impulse response digital filter design techniques, interpolation and decimation, half-band filters and spectral analysis, spectral transformations, circular convolutions, Discrete Fouriertransforms and computational complexity, the fast Fourier transform and prime radix algorithms, Numbertheoretic transforms, sectioned convolution applications to speech signal analysis, image processing,television signal processing, limit-cycle performance, reduced sensitivity structures including wave digitalfilters and linear transformation techniques, lattice structures and half-band filter realisations.

E4.13 Spectral estimation and advanced signal processing

DR D. MANDICAspects of estimation theory: bias, variance, maximum likelihood and efficiency. Resolution and stability;time-bandwidth product. Classical spectral estimation: periodogram, averaging and Blackman-Tukeymethod. Parametric models: linear, rational transfer function, and non-linear models. Order selection.Block and sequential parameter estimation techniques. Levison, lattice, Cholesky factorisation, steepestdescent, least mean square and recursive least squares adaptive algorithm families. Kalman filtering/Blind equalisation and source separation. Nonlinear adaptive filters and temporal neural networks. Time-frequency and time-scale methods. Spectral redundancy and cyclostationarity. Case studies.

E.4.14 Speech processing

DR P. NAYLORThe human vocal and auditory systems. Characteristics of speech signals: phonemes, prosody, IPAnotation. Lossless tube model of speech production. Time and frequency domain representations ofspeech; window characteristics and time/frequency resolution tradeoffs. Properties of digital filters:mean log response, resonance gain and bandwidth relations, bandwidth expansion transformation, all-pass filter characteristics. Autocorrelation and covariance linear prediction of speech; optimality criteriain time and frequency domains; alternate LPC parametrisation. Speech coding: PCM, ADPCM, CELP.Speech synthesis: language processing, prosody, diphone and formant synthesis; time domain pitch andspeech modification. Speech recognition: hidden Markov models and associated recognition and trainingalgorithms. Dynamic programming. Language modelling. Large vocabulary recognition. Acousticpreprocessing for speech recognition.

E.4.16 Current-mode analogue signal processing

DR M. DRAKAKIS, DR C PAPAVASSILIOUCurrent-mode vs voltage mode processing; supply-current sensing, current conveyors, current-modeinstrumentation amplifiers. Adjoint networks. Translinear circuits. High-performance amplifierarchitectures, current-feedback op-amps. Current-mode filters; switched current processing,translinear/log domain filters. Current-mode instrumentation amplifiers and precision rectifiers; switchedcurrent techniques; problems with traditional current output circuits; basic current-conveyor applications.

E4.17 High performance analogue electronics

DR E. RODRIGUEZ-VILLEGASSystem-level design: introduction to wireless receiver architectures, system-level specifications. Design techniques: noise analysis and low noise design; high-frequency transistor performance,impedence matching, CMOS and BJT linearisation. Building blocks: integrated continuous-time filters,analogue mixers and multipliers, integrated oscillators. System-level case studies: video/TV receivers;paging receivers.

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E.4.18 Radio frequency electronics

DR S. LUCYSZYNTopics in radio frequency and microwave circuit design and testing. Power and noise link budget.Narrowband matching. Transmission line circuits, the Smith chart and its uses. Lumped and distributedfilters, impedence transformations. S-parameters. Transistor amplifier design. Stability at highfrequencies, oscillators. Power amplifier design. RFIC and Monolithic microwave integrated circuits.

E.4.20 Introduction to digital integrated circuit design

PROFESSOR P.Y.K. CHEUNGThis course in integrated circuit design covers the complete range of digital integrated circuit design fromconcept to implementation on silicon. A significant part of the course is taken up by a group designproject in which students design an integrated circuit on advanced graphics workstations. The courseprovides a good grounding for any student wishing to work in the IC design industry. The main topicscovered include: design methodology; behavioural, logic and circuit simulation; floorplanning; geometriclayout; circuit structures and techniques; testing and design for test, etc.

E.4.22 Linear optimal control

DR A. ASTOLFIState-space models for linear control systems. Stability, controllability and observability, stabilisabilityand detectability. Pole assignment, full and reduced-order observers. Formulation of optimal controlproblems. Principle of optimality. The linear quadratic regulator problem, properties of the algebraicRiccati equation (ARE), return difference inequality, robustness properties of the optimal state feedback.The minimum principle and time optimal control problems.

E.4.23 Stability and control of non-linear systems

DR J.C. ALLWRIGHTFor non-linear systems, methods for determining stability and for designing stabilising controllers arestudied using state-space (Lyapunov theory, variable structure analysis), function space (small gaintheorem, passivity) and frequency-domain (Popov and circle criteria, describing function) methods.Model reference adaptive control is treated using the passivity concept.

E.4.24 Discrete-time systems and computer control

DR J.C. ALLWRIGHTAspects of digital signal processing relevant to modelling and the implementation of digital controllersare studied using the Z, Delta, W and discrete time Fourier transforms. Discrete time control systems areanalysed and synthesised using root-locus, Nyquist and state-space techniques, bearing in mind thenecessity for bounded-input bounded-output stability, small tracking error and robustness.

E.4.25 Design of linear multivariable control systems

DR I. JAIMOUKHAAnalysis: system representations, return difference matrix, stability theory, multivariable poles and zeros. Design: design criteria, dominance-based approaches, LQG design methods, norm-based methods,robust stability and performance, H∞ design techniques. Model reduction. Design examples: use of CADtechniques in the design of controllers for industrial processes.

E.4.27 System identification

DR G. WEISSDynamical systems and their mathematical models, random variables and signals, spectral andcorrelation analysis. Guiding principles behind least-squares parameter estimation, statistical propertiesof estimates. Identification of the transfer function of linear systems in continuous time. Models fordiscrete time linear systems: these include FIR, AR, ARX, ARMA and state-space models. Various methodsfor recursive estimation. Experiments for data acquisition and their design. The course will have atheoretical flavour and will contain a number of case studies.

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E.4.29 Optimisation

DR A. ASTOLFITopics covered include unconstrained optimisation and the associated algorithms of steepest descentand conjugate gradient, Newton methods, rates of convergence, constrained optimisation and themethod of Lagrange multipliers, quadratic programming, penalty methods.

E.4.31 Advanced computer architecture

PROFESSOR P. KELLY, DR J. BRADLEY (DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTING)Performance: measuring and reporting computer systems performance. Amdahl’s law.Pipelined CPU architecture: instruction set design and pipeline structure.Dynamic scheduling using scoreboarding and Tomasulo’s algorithm. Software instruction scheduling and software piping. Superscalar and long-instruction-word architectures. Branch prediction andspeculative execution. Caches: associativity, allocation and replacement policies, sub-block placement. Multi-level caches,multi-level inclusion. Cache performance issues. Uniprocessor cache coherency issues: self-modifying code, peripherals, address translation.Vectorising compilers and their capabilities; applications to parallelisation and memory hierarchy optimisation. Interconnection networks: topology, routing, flow control, deadlock avoidance. The k-ary n-cube family oftopologies. Virtual channels, wormhole routing and virtual cut-through.Implications of shared memory: the cache coherency problem. Update vs invalidation. The bus-based‘snooping’ protocol design space. Scalable shared memory using directory-based cache coherency.Alternative approaches.

E.4.32 Graphics

DR D. GILLIES, DR D. RUECKERT (DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTING)Device independent graphics: raster and vector devices, normalised device coordinates, worldcoordinates,the normalisation transformation, output primitives input primitives. Raster graphicsalgorithms: line drawing; differential algorithms filling; seed filling dithering. Planar polyhedra: three-dimensional database representation, projection to viewing surface. Transformation of graphical scenes;hom*ogenous coordinates, affine transformations, scaling, rotation, translation. Affine transformations andhom*ogenous coordinates using projection. Clipping and containment in three-dimensional convex objects,splitting concave objects. Texture mapping and anti-aliasing. Shading planar polygons; Gouraud shading,Phong shading. Using colours: tri-stimulus model, RGB model, YCM model, perceptual colour spaces.Polygon rendering and Open GL. Ray tracing: ray/object intersection calculations; secondary rays,shadows, reflection and refraction, computational efficiency, object space coherence, ray space coherence.Ray tracing and computational space geometry. Radiosity: modelling ambient light; form factors; speculareffects; shooting patches; computational efficiency. Geometric warping. Morphing objects. Special visualeffects: motion, blur, lens models, caustics, fog, particle systems, fire, smoke and water.

E.4.38 Modelling and control in power systems

DR T. GREEN, DR B. PALDevelopment of the two-axis, rotating reference frame (dqO method) of machine analysis; application ofdqO to general three-phase systems, field orientation control of induction machines (via direct and indirectflux vector angle estimation). Examination of flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) based on powerelectronic converters and control methods applicable to individual power converters and whole systems.

E.4.39 Environmental and economic issues in power systems

DR B. PAL, DR C.A. HERNANDEZ-ARAMBUROThe world of energy and the panorama for the UK. Generation of electricity at large scale by‘conventional’ power plants: hydro-electrics, fossil-fuel fired power plants, gas turbines and combined-cycle gas turbines, nuclear power plants. Generation of electricity using new and renewabletechnologies: wind generators, non-conventional hydro (tidal, wave and ocean current power) systems,solar panels, biomass based plants. Combined heat and power: available technologies (combined cyclepaths, internal combustion engines, fuel cells and Stirling engines), plant selection and optimal

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operation. Benefits, drawbacks and current challenges in distributed generation schemes. Electricitymarket structures and rules around the world. Particular emphasis on the UK market is paid; but theNordic Pool, California’s market and the European super-grid are also covered. Electric power transfercapability: purpose, calculation and enhancement. Optimal power flow: introduction, solution to optimalpower flow problems, linear sensitivity analysis, security constraint optimal power flow, bus incrementalcost. Flexible AC Transmissions Systems (FACTS); introduction, loop flows in interconnections and powerflow through FACTS controllers. FACTS devices (series and shunt); thyristor control series capacitor(TCSC), thyristor switched capacitor (TST), thyristor control phase shifter (TCPS), static var compensator(SVC), static compensator (STATCOM),static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) and unified powerflow controller (UPFC).

E4.40 Information theory

MR M. BROOKESThe statistical nature of communication. Elements of information theory of discrete systems; informationmeasures, memoryless and memory sources, the noiseless coding theorem. Methods of source coding.Information theory of continuous systems. Shannon’s capacity theorem and its interpretation.Comparison of communication systems with the ideal. Applications of information theory incommunications and signal processing.

E4.41 Intelligent data and probabilistic inference

DR D.F. GILLIES (DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTING)Foundation of intelligent data analysis: data mining and Bayesian method; classification, cluster andcausality analysis. Statistic methods—sampling, statistical inference. Induction methods andclassification, overfiting and model evaluation. Tree/rule induction. Bayesian networks: Bayesianinference—prior and likelihood information, subjective and objective probabilities, Bayes theorem, thenaïve Bayes classifer; simple Bayesian networks—deriving networks from expert knowledge; determiningprior and conditional probabilities; propagation of probabilities in trees (lambda messages); reasoningwith networks—simple classifiers, training internal nodes, virtual evidence, joint probability of a tree,multi-trees. Probability propagation in directed acyclic graphs—pi-messages, singly connected graphs,multiple parents, multiply connected graphs, conditioning. Probability propagation in trees of cliques.Moralisation, identification of cliques, propagation of probability among cliques. Building networks fromdata: maximum weighted spanning tree method. Minimum description length method. Monte Carlo-Markov chain methods for building networks; stochastic simulator models. Networks, causal structuresand conditional independence. Consequences of the conditional independence assumption, problems inlarge networks. Hidden nodes: locating the positions of hidden nodes, determining the hidden nodeparameters. Incomplete data: estimating missing variables, effect on missing data on network structureand propagation. Clustering and applications: distance-based clustering and density-based clustering; EMmethod and applications; Bayesian clustering, autoclass; Bayesian learning applications, analysingclassification algorithms; Bayesian inference application, medical, et al.

E4.43 Synthesis of digital architectures

DR G.A. CONSTANTINIDIESIntroduction to the fundamental architectural synthesis problems: scheduling, allocation, binding,estimation and control unit synthesis. Introduction to graph theory and combinatorial optimisation.Scheduling algorithms: as-soon-as-possible and as-late-as-possible, list scheduling, integer linearprogramming. Resource sharing algorithms: interval graphs, graph colouring, integer linear programmodels; register sharing.

E4.44 Network security

DR P. BEEVORRequirements for network security: examples of types of network attach; passive and active,communication channel and network management, traffic related. Protection by encryption andauthentication. Digital signatures. Management controls. Importance of trusted parties in systemmanagement. Overhead, cost and other management aspects.

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Algorithms and standards: private key systems and DES. Public key systems and PSA. Analysis ofstrength of protection. Weak keys. Attack by exhaustive search. Calculation of required key length. Typesof analytic attack. Relationship with information and coding theory. Key management: Diffie-Hellman key exchange. RSA key management. Public key certificates. Overallsystem management and management controls. Systems for network security: VPN security. Wireless (including wireless LANs) security. LAN security.Internet security and the IPSEc protocol.

E4.45 Wavelets and applications

DR P.L. DRAGOTTIIntroduction and background: motivation: why wavelets, subband coding and mult-iresolution analysis?Mathematical background. Hilbert spaces. Unitary operators. Review of Fourier theory. Continuous anddiscrete-time signal processing. Time-frequency analysis. Multi-rate signal processing. Projections andapproximations.Discrete-time bases and filter banks: elementary filter banks. Analysis and design of filter banks. Spectralfactorisation. Daubechies filters. Orthogonal and biorthogonal filter banks. Tree structured filter banks.Discrete wavelet transform. Multi-dimensional filter banks.Continuous-time bases and wavelets: interated filter banks. The Haar and Sinc cases. The limit of iteratedfilter banks. Wavelets from filters. Construction of compactly supported wavelet bases. Regularity.Approximation of properties. Localisation. The idea of multi-resolution. Multi-resolution analysis. Haar asbasis for L2(R). The continuous wavelet and short-time Fourier transform.Applications: fundamentals of compression. Analysis and design of transform coding systems. Imagecompression, the new compression standard (JPEG 2000) and the old standard. Why is the wavelettransform better than the discrete cosine transform? Video compression and the three-dimensionalwavelet transform. Advanced topics: beyond JPEG 2000, non-linear approximation and compression,separable and non-separable bases.

E4.46 Distributed computation and networks: a performance prespective

PROFESSOR E. GELENBEDescription of distributed system architectures and their components; digital sensors and actuators,processing units, local area networks, packet networks and the IP protocol, wireless ad-hoc networks.The role of protocols.The concept of quality of service (QoS). Performance metrics related to system load, response time andtimelines of data, data loss, system availability and reliability. Overall system modelling in terms ofservice requests and service units. Relation to a practical system architecture. System analysis in termsvia experiments, probability models using analytical techniques, and simulation. Performanceidentification and their deterministic counterparts. Solution techniques for very large models. Separablesolutions and product form networks. Solution techniques for systems with dynamic controls. G-networks. System adaptation to changing workloads and operating conditions. The practical use oflearning and derivation from analytical models. Gradient techniques, reinforcement learning and learningby imitation. Analysis of a large experimental system via theoretical models and experiments.


FIRST YEAR DateEEE streamMathematics (two papers) JuneAnalysis of circuits JuneDigital electronics I JuneDevices and fields JuneAnalogue electronics I JuneEngineering materials JuneCommunications I JuneManagement and organisations April/May

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ISE stream DateAnalysis of circuits JuneDigital electronics I JuneAnalogue electronics I JuneCommunications I JuneSoftware engineering I JuneComputer systems JuneMathematics JuneManagement and organisations April/May

SECOND YEAR EEE streamMathematics (two papers) JuneDigital electronics II JuneAnalogue electronics II JunePower, fields and devices JuneCommunications II JuneSignals and linear systems JuneControl engineering JuneAlgorithms and data structures JuneIntroduction to computer architecture JuneNon-technical option(s) March/April

ISE streamDigital electronics JuneCommunication II JuneSignals and systems JuneControl engineering JuneSoftware engineering II JuneComputer architecture April/MayLanguage processors JuneDiscrete mathematics and computational complexity JuneMathematics JuneNon-technical option April/May


Three-year stream

Students are required to register for and be examined in at least five technical courses and at least onenon-technical course.

T stream

Students are required to register for and be examined in at least six technical courses and at least onenon-technical course.

EY stream

As T, but students may be required to study a language as one of their non-technical options.

EM stream At least three core business studies courses, at least three technical courses and at least one othercourse, which may be technical or non-technical.


T streamStudents are required to register for and be examined in at least six technical courses and at least onenon-technical course.

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EY stream Students will be examined in an agreed number of technical courses in the continental institute. EM stream Students are required to register for and be examined in at least three core business studies courses, atleast three technical courses and at least one other course which may be technical or non-technical.


Lecture coursesStudents are offered a range of lecture courses (technical, humanities, business studies) from which toselect their third year lecture programme. The requirements are:MEng: ISE3.2 Databases is compulsory for students on the MEng course:Students also choose seven technical courses and one management, humanities or language course(a total of eight optional courses). At least one technical course must be taken from each department. BEng: ISE3.2 Databases is compulsory for students on the BEng course:Students also choose five or six technical courses and one or two management, humanities or languagecourses (a total of seven optional courses). At least one technical course must be taken from eachdepartment.

Technical courses (each of 20 lectures, ISE3.1 – ISE3.38)

Non-technical courses

Business studies courses (see Tanaka Business School syllabus)Accounting, Project management, Entrepreneurship. Finance and financial management, Innovationmanagement, Managerial economics.

Humanities courses (see Humanities syllabuses)

French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin (with option for Cantonese speakers), Spanish, Russian,Philosophy, Controversies and ethical dilemmas in science and technology, European history: 1870–1989,Politics, Science and technology in western civilisation, Global history of twentieth-century things,History of medicine, Modern literature and drama, Art of the twentieth century, Music and westerncivilisation, Communicating science: the public and the media, The Roman empire, Creative writing,Music technology, Saying true things: how science invents and persuades.

CourseworkStudents spend approximately 20 hours on coursework associated with each of their compulsory andchosen subjects. MEng students undertake a group project in the summer term; alternatively they maytake a five-month industrial elective. BEng students undertake an individual project from Novemberthrough to the end of the summer term.


Lecture coursesStudents are offered a range of lecture courses, technical (ISE4.2–ISE4.54), business studies andhumanities, from which to select their fourth year lecture programme. The requirements are:six or seven technical courses and one or two management, humanities or language courses (a total ofeight courses). At least one technical course must be taken from each Department.

MEng (Y) courseFull year in a European educational institution. Studies include an individual project, dissertation andtechnical courses.

Technical courses (each of 20 lectures, see ISE4.2 – ISE4.54)

Other non-technical courses (see Humanities syllabuses)

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148 undergraduate syllabuses

Business studies courses (see Tanaka Business School syllabuses)

Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Finance and financial management, Innovation management, Projectmanagement.

Humanities courses (see Humanities Programme syllabuses)

French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin (with option for Cantonese speakers), Spanish, Russian,Philosophy, Ethics in science and technology, European history 1870–1989, Politics, Science andtechnology in western civilisation, Global history of twentieth-century things, History of medicine,Modern literature and drama, Art of the twentieth century, Music and western civilisation, Communicatingscience: the public and the media, The Roman empire, Creative writing, Music technology, Saying truethings: how science invents and persuades, Humanities essay.

CourseworkA number of the courses have coursework associated with them. Students also undertake an individualproject from November through to the end of the summer term.

ISE3.1 Human-computer interaction

DR J.V. PITTHCI: motivation, requirements, Norman’s stages of action. Evaluation: criteria, products, processes.Physical interactions: input/output devices, environment, workspace/workplace design. Dialogues:dialogue styles, menus, icons, windows, forms, command language, natural language, directmanipulation, user agents. Design: user-centred and participatory design, design rationale andprototyping, design methodology (task, dialogue and screen design), design standards and guidelines.Information: visualization presentation and representation, extreme interfaces affective computing.

ISE3.2 Databases

DR F. SADRI, DR K. AMIRIIntroduction to databases, including data modelling, database management, data dictionary, queryformulation and evaluation.Relational databases: design, functional dependencies, normalisation up to and including the fourthnormal form, losslessness, dependency preservation.Relational database languages, including relational algebra and relational tuple calculus. Views anddatabase integrity.Transaction management and recovery: transaction atomicity, database log, commit and rollback,recovery from system and media failure, deferred and immediate database modifications, checkpoints.Concurrency: including conflict serialisability, conflict equivalence, precedence graphs, serialisability,locking, two phase locking protocol, deadlock.Entity-relationship modelling and translation to the relational model.The course will be supported by laboratory sessions using the relational database system, Ingres, andthe language SQL.

ISE3.3 Communication systems

DR A. MANIKASCommunication sources and channels: modelling of communication sources and communicationchannels, measures of information, Gaussian sources and channels, etc. Performance criteria and limits of communication systems: introductory concepts, energy utilisationefficiency (EUE), bandwidth utilisation efficiency (BUE), bandwidth expansion factor, signal-to-noisepower ratio (SNR), probability of error. Shannon’s threshold capacity curve, theoretical limits onperformance of digital communication systems and the concept of an ideal communication system. The(Pe/SNR, EUE, BUE) parameter planes. Representations of the major communication systems on theparameter planes. Comments, comparisons and discussions. Digital transmission of analogue signals: a brief review of sampling theory and quantisation (uniform,ideal and natural sampling, practical problems, uniform quantisers), maximum-SNR-non-uniformquantisers. A-law and μ-law compaders, differential quantisers, basic concepts of differential PCM. Principles of source and channel coding: source encoder-decoder (the prefix of a binary sequence, prefix

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code, kraft inequality, defining an optimum code, Shannon’s first coding theorem, etc.) Channel capacity.Error control coding (Shannon’s second coding theorem, linear block codes, convolutional codes).Interleaving-deinterleaving. Line codes and digital modems. Principles of multiplexing and public switched telephone networks: using concepts and analytical toolspresented in the previous topics, the examination of multiplexing and PSTN will be presented, based onthe CCITT recommendations for PCM and the associated digital hierarchy. Principles of ADSL/VDSL.Mobile communication systems: a compact review of a mobile radio network and a detaileddescription/analysis of the Pan-European cellular communication system. The analysis will be based onEuropean telecommunication standards.

ISE3.4 Custom computing

MR W. LUK, DR O. MENCEROverview: motivations; features and examples of custom computers, summary of development methodsand tools. Design: parameterised description of leaf components and composite structures; resource andperformance characterisation; high-level design tools. Optimisation: techniques for improving designefficiency such as pipelining, serialisation, transposition and their combinations. Realisation: bit-leveldesigns, data refinement, FPGA-based implementations. System-on-chip architectures, technology tradeoffs, design and optimization methods. Examples will be selected from a number of application areasincluding digital signal processing, computer architecture and non-numerical operations.

ISE3.5 VHDL and logic synthesis

DR T.J.W. CLARKEVHDL—modelling of hardware: model of behaviour, time and structure. Major VHDL constructs: entitydeclarations, architecture bodies, subprograms, packages and ‘use’ clauses. Basic VHDL data types:literals, scalars, vectors. Behavioural description: processes, activation and suspension of processes,sequential assignments, signal assignments, variable assignments, sequential control, procedure andfunction calls, concurrent statements. Structural description: parts, component instantiation,configuration specifications, busses. Access types: files, file I/O.Testing and verification—VHDL testbenches. Procedural abstraction. Exhaustive, random, ad-hoc testingmethods. Test coverage metrics.Synthesis—Multi-level logic minimisation techniques: boolean optimisation. Critical path optimisation. Highlevel synthesis: state minimisation in FSM. Technology mapping: gate arrays, FPGA, PLDs.

ISE3.7 Mathematics for signals and systems

DR G. WEISSVector spaces, independence, dimension, sequence spaces, analytic functions, normed spaces, innerproducts, Hilbert and Banach spaces, Weierstrass theorem, completion, L^p spaces, essentialsupremum, H^p spaces on various domains, boundary traces of H^p functions, span, orthogonalcomplement, closure, orthonormal basis, Fourier series, bounded linear operators, their norm,orthogonal projectors, isometric and unitary operators, Z- and Laplace transforms, convolution, Paley-Wiener theorem (discrete-time and continuous-time versions), shift operators, time-invariant operators,Foures-Segal theorem (discrete-time and continuous-time versions), linear systems, transfer functions,band-limited functions, sampling theorem.

ISE3.8 Software engineering methods

DR M. HUTHThe course features state-of-the-art methods in software engineering practices from a managerial,technical and ethical perspective. First we present prominent and well proven agile and iterativedevelopment techniques, focusing on management and some programming aspects: we discuss themethods Scrum, Extreme Programming, the Unified Process, and Evolutionary Project Management andexplore the history and utility of these methods. On the more technical side as explore what solutions are currently available that aid implementors inachieving quality assurance of their code. We mostly study an approach of annotating source code with

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integrity constraints (object invariance, pre- and post-conditions etc) and survey some of the freewaretool support that is available at present. If time permits, we will give a brief introduction to the CASE toolRational Rose. On the purely professional side, we identify some professional issues that may not have managerial ortechnical solutions. Notably we ask which problems have an ethical dimension and try to identify what an ‘ethical dimension’ is. We offer some exploration tools that help in recognizing and assessing ethicaldilemmas and we apply these tools to some case studies.

ISE3.9 Control engineering

PROFESSOR R.B. VINTERNyquist plots and robust stability, classical frequency domain approaches to controller design; statespace modelling; pole placement via state feedback and dynamic output feedback; observer design:controllability and observability; linear quadratic optimal control; non-linear systems analysis (describingfunction); and discretisation computer control.

ISE3.11 Digital signal processing

DR P.A. NAYLORSampling theory, z-transforms, system functions. Digital filter structures, signal flow graphs, elementaryFIR/IIR filter design techniques, windows, bilinear and band transformations. Discrete Fourier transform,relationship between DFT and DTFT, simple and short-time spectral estimation, fast computation of DFTas decimation-in-time. Linear convolution, cyclic convolution, sectioned convolution (overlap-add andoverlap-save), application to fast filtering algorithms, windowing. Basic multirate elements and identities,design of sample rate changing systems, polyphase representation of filters, maximally decimated filterbanks, polyphase representation of maximally decimated filter banks, typical applications. Overview ofmicroprocessor architectures for DSP, implementational aspects of simple DSP algorithms.

ISE3.12 Multimedia systems

DR O. MENCER, DR S.M. RUEGERDesign of multimedia systems: software architecture, hardware architecture, managing multimedia projectsThe underlying technologies: the physics of images and sounds, their capture into the computer system.Music notation and representation in the computer. Compression of images and sounds—Fourierfrequency band quantisation, discrete cosine transform. Fractal image compression, JPEG and MPEG-2standards. The bandwidth of communication systems and associated processing power required tohandle multimedia data.Standards underlying multimedia processing: CD-i, CD-ROM, photo-CD, MIDI standards. H.261 standardfor video telephony. Multimedia data transmission over ISDN links. Asymmetric home-video distributionover ADSL links.Advanced multimedia applications and underlying technology: virtual reality, distributed interactivenavigation systems; speech, image and gesture recognition algorithms; principles of video databases.Wireless technology. Development of media, impact on society.Preparation of multimedia material. Transmission of multimedia material over advanced networks.

ISE3.14 Distributed systems

PROFESSOR M.S. SLOMANOverview of distributed system architecture: motivation, system structures, architecture, ODP. Referencemodel and distribution transparencies, design issues.Interaction primitives: message passing, remote procedure call, remote object invocation.Software structures and components: composite components, Darwin architecture description language,first and third party binding.Interaction implementation: message passing, RPC, concurrency and threads, heterogeneity of systemsand languages.Security: threat analysis, security policies—military (Bell Lapadula) versus commercial models; accesscontrol concepts—identification, authentication, authorisation and delegation; authorisation policy:access matrix, access rules and domains; firewalls; access control lists, capabilities, secret and public

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key encryption, digital signatures, authentication, Kerberos, security management.Distributed systems management: SNMP and OSI management models, monitoring and eventgeneration, domains and policy.

ISE3.16 Graphics

DR D. GILLIES, DR D. RUECKERTDevice independent graphics: raster and vector devices, normalised device coordinates, worldcoordinates, the normalisation transformation, output primitives input primitives. Raster graphicsalgorithms: line drawing; differential algorithms filling; seed filling dithering. Planar polyhedra: three-dimensional database representation, projection to viewing surface. Transformation of graphical scenes;hom*ogenous coordinates, affine transformations, scaling, rotation, translation. Affine transformations andhom*ogenous coordinates using projection. Clipping and containment in three-dimensional convex objects,splitting concave objects. Texture mapping and anti-aliasing. Shading planar polygons; Gouraud shading,Phong shading. Using colours: tri-stimulus model, RGB model, YCM model, perceptual colour spaces.Polygon rendering and open GL. Ray tracing: ray/object intersection calculations; secondary rays,shadows, reflection and refraction, computational efficiency, object space coherence, ray space coherence.Ray tracing and computational space geometry. Radiosity: modelling ambient light; form factors; speculareffects; shooting patches; computational efficiency. Geometric warping. Morphing objects. Special visualeffects: motion, blur, lens models, caustics, fog, particle systems, fire, smoke and water.

ISE3.17 Advanced signal processing

DR D.P. MANDICDiscrete random signals; statistical stationarity, strict sense and wide sense. Averages; mean,correlations and covariances. Bias. variance dilemma. Curse of dimensionality. Linear stochastic models.ARMA modelling. Stability of linear stochastic models. Introduction to statistical estimation theory.Properties of estimators; bias and variance. Role of Cramer-Rao lower bound. Minimum varianceunbiased estimator. Best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) and maximum likelihood estimation.Maximum likelihood estimator. Bayesian estimator. Least square estimation: orthogonality principle,block and sequential forms. Wiener filtering, adaptive filtering and signal modelling. Simple non-linearadaptive filtering. Concept of an artificial neuron. Applications: acoustic echo cancellation and signalenhancement, inverse system modelling and denoising.

ISE3.18 Simulation and modelling

DR A.J. FIELDIntroduction and basic simulation procedures.Model classification (with worked examples for each): Monte Carlo simulation, discrete-event simulation,continuous system simulation, mixed continuous/discrete-event simulation.Queueing networks: analytical and simulation modelling of queueing systems.Input and output analysis: random numbers, generating and analysing random numbers, samplegeneration, trace- and execution-driven simulation, point and interval estimation.Process-oriented and parallel simulation.

ISE3.19 Digital system design

PROFESSOR P.Y.K. CHEUNGCase study: definition of the digital system to be used as demonstrator; linked finite state machines; FSMimplementation issues; race, hazards and metastability; dynamic memory interface; special memorydevices; multiplier circuits; bit-serial arithmetic circuits; data coding circuits; design for testability;programmable logic, FPGAs and CPLDs; system level interfacing.

ISE3.22 Operations research

PROFESSOR B. RUSTEM, DR P. PARPASTo introduce optimal decision-making processes in design and management. To give the necessarymathematical background and its application to solving a selection of constrained optimisation problemswith special reference to computation.

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Preview: optimal policy in design and management: mathematical models.Linear programming: the Simplex method, two-phase Simplex method, duality, shadow prices.Linear integer programming: Gomory’s cutting plane methods for pure and mixed linear integerprogramming.Search methods; branch and bound algorithms.Game theory; two-person non-cooperative games. Saddle points. Matrix games.

ISE3.23 Artificial intelligenceDR J.V. PITTSearch: search space, problem formulation, generic graph search algorithm; graph theory; uninformedsearch strategies—depth first, breadth first, uniform cost, iterative deepening; informed search strategies—best first, A*, interative deepening A*; analysis of algorithms—completeness, complexity, optimality,minimax, alpha-beta search; reinforcement learning and potential fields for path planning. Knowledgerepresentation and reasoning: knowledge acquisition, knowledge engineering; propositional logic—semantic proof, syntactic proof, soundness and completeness of proof systems; automated reasoning withKE; predictate calculus and expert systems; modal logic and practical reasoning. Distributed AI: agents,agency and multi-agent systems; BDI agents.

ISE3.26 Advanced computer architecture

DR P.H.J. KELLYPerformance: measuring and reporting computer systems performance. Amdahl’s Law.Pipelined CPU architecture. Instruction set design and pipeline structure.Dynamic scheduling using scoreboarding and Tomasulo’s algorithm. Software instruction scheduling andsoftware piping. Superscalar and long-instruction-word architectures. Branch prediction and speculativeexecution.Caches: associativity, allocation and replacement policies, sub-block placement. Multilevel caches,multilevel inclusion. Cache performance issues. Uniprocessor cache coherency issues: self-modifyingcode, peripherals, address translation.Vectorising compliers and their capabilities; applications to parallelisation and memory hierarchyoptimisation.Interconnection networks: topology, routing, flow control, deadlock avoidance. The k-ary n-cube family oftopologies. Virtual channels, wormhole routing and virtual cut-through.Implementations of shared memory: the cache coherency problem. Update vs invalidation. The bus-based ‘snooping’ protocol design space. Scalable shared memory using directory-based cache coherency.Alternative approaches.

ISE3.27 Concurrent and distributed programming

PROFESSOR J. KRAMERTo study the concepts, formal models and implementation techniques appropriate for design, analysisand construction of concurrent and, to a lesser extent, distributed programmes.Students will perform a laboratory exercise involving concurrent programming using Java.Key ideas: interleaved actions, synchronisation, interference, deadlock, starvation, fairness, safety and liveness.Monitors: entry queues, condition variables, wait and notify, reasoning about monitors.Models: introduction to fomalisms for the specification and verification of concurrent systems; labelledtransition system, process calculus, model checking.Model based design: structuring applications into concurrent, distributable software components;component types and instances; nesting and component composition; component interfaces.Message passing: processes, synchronous and asynchronous communication, ports, send and receive,request-reply communication.

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ISE3.30 Computational finance

DR N. GULPINDARThe course will discuss computational aspects of financial engineering. This includes computationalmodels, algorithms and software design.Option pricing: binomial tree and lattice models. Stock price process. Ito’s lemma and the Black-Scholesdifferential equation. Risk neutral valuation. Recursion and dynamic programming. Finite differencemethod. Monte Carlo simulation. Interest rate derivatives.Portfolio optimisation: mean-variance optimisation. Multi-stage stochastic programming. Networkmodels. Hedhing options via stochastic optimisation.Software tools and developments in finance: deriving symbolic computation for options modelling.Symbolic computing for stochastic partial differential equations in finance. Deriving parallel code fromsymbolic models

ISE3.31 Communication networks

DR J.A. BARRIAIntroduction to layered approach to the analysis of communication networks. Study and analysis ofdifferent communication networks, their architectures and associated protocols: local area network(LAN), metropolitan area network (MAN), wide area networks (WAN) and internet. Design of data andpacket switched networks, topological issues, routing strategies and congestion control. TCP/IP internetprotocols. B-ISDN protocol reference model, multimedia traffic characterisation and performanceanalysis. Optimal routing problem.

ISE3.33 Real-time digital signal processing

DR D. WARDC6x architecture; data conversion; software tools; I/O and interrupts; fixed point vs floating point; FIRfilters; IIR filters; frame processing; speech enhancement project.Laboratory work: getting started with C6x; data conversion; learning C and Sinewave generation;Interrupt I/O free; FIR filter implementation; IIR filter implementation; real-time spectral analysis.Project.

ISE3.36 Introduction to bioinformatics

DR S. COLTON, DR M GHANEMMotivation from biology; scale of information being gathered; human genome project; drug design;potential of bioinformatics. Biological background: DNA; genes; protein structure, classification andprediction; expression concepts, drug design. Protein sequences: online databases, dot-plots; scoringschemes; BLAST algorithm; dynamic programming algorithm; structural inferences; profiles; PSI-BLAST;HMMS. Machine learning approaches: methodology; applications. Inductive logic programming: neuralnetworks; HMMs. Drug design: data mining; HT methods; analysis of gene, protein and metabolyteexpressions.

ISE3.38 Decision analysis

DR F. KRIWACZEKDecision analysis: main elements involved in decision-making, decision-making under certainty, risk anduncertainty, decision trees and influence diagrams, value of information, venture analysis, expectedmonetary value criterion, Bayes’ theorem. Utility: utility functions, risk aversion, standard lotteries,constructing an individual’s utility function, utility axioms, risk tolerance, utility functions for non-monetary attributes. Decisions involving multiple criteria: SMART technique, value trees, direct rating andvalue functions, swing weights, mutual preference, independence, efficient frontier, sensitivity analysis.Risk and multi-attribute utilities: mutually utility independence, multi-attribute utility functions,performing consistency checks and sensitivity analysis. Dynamic programming: characteristics ofdynamic programming problems; policy decisions, stages, principle of optimality, uncertain payoffs,uncertain states stochastic dynamic programs. Markov decision processes: Markov processes, transitionprobabilities, Markov chains, finite-stage Markov decision problems, infinite-stage Markov decisionproblems.

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ISE4.2 Computer vision

DR G.Z. YANGTo introduce the concepts behind computer-based recognition and extraction of features from rasterimages. To illustrate some successful applications of vision systems and their limitationsOverview of early, intermediate and high level vision: first and second moments of illumination forrecognition and classification of machine shop components in silhouette.Segmentation: region splitting and merging; quadtree structures for segmentation; mean and variancepyramids; computing the first and second derivatives of images using the isotropic, Sobel and Laplacianoperators; grouping edge points into straight lines by means of the Hough transform; limitations of theHough transform; parameterisation of conic sections.Perceptual grouping: failure of the Hough transform; perceptual criteria; improved Hough transform withperceptual features; grouping line segments into curves.Overview of mammalian vision: experimental results of Hubel and Weisel; analogy to edge pointdetection and Hough transform; neural networks based on the mammalian vision system.Relaxation labelling of images: detection of image features; simulated annealing. Grouping of contours and straight lines into higher order features such as vertices and facets.Depth measurement in images; triangulation; projected grid methods; shape from shading based onmulti-source illumination.Matching of images: the correspondence problem for stereo vision; two-camera and multiple-camerasystems; shape from motion as a further stage of stereo vision; optical flow between adjacent video frames.Expert system modelling in computer vision: model based vision using inference engines and rules.

ISE4.3 Mobile radio communication

DR M.K. GURCANTransmission path: VHF and UHF propagation; propagation losses; inverse fourth power propagation;Rayleigh fading, shadowing losses. Coverage probability; outage and coverage probabilities, errorperformance analysis for transmission systems; quality factor and re-use distance calculations.Transmission schemes: wideband channels and wideband transmission; equalisation and multiplexing;multiple access scheme. Area coverage, analogue and digital transmission systems.

ISE4.4 Advanced databases

DR K. AMIRI, DR P MCBRIENDatabase management system architecture: main components of a DBMS, buffers, caches, andoptimisation high level query languages and low level primitive operations.Concurrency control and recovery: ACID properties of transactions, recoverability, serialisability.Transaction histories as a method for analyzing database execution. Two-phase locking (2PL) ANSI SQLconcurrency control levels.Query optimisation.Distributed databases(DDB): a general distributed database architecture. Fragmentation: horizontal,vertical, hybrid. Replication. Top-up design of DDB: the allocation problem. Bottom-down design of DDB:the schema integration problem. Tasks in schema integration and strategies to follow. Reverseengineering relational database schemas. Schema integration transformations. Concurrency control inDDB. Replication of locks. Distributed deadlock detection. Atomic commitment of transactions. Building advanced (distributed) database applications. Distributed query processing and optimisation.Programmer’s interface. Data migration: data warehousing. OLAP XML and relational databases.Alternatives to the relational database model. Object-oriented databases. Object-relational databases.

ISE4.7 Digital signal processing and digital filters

DR P.T. STATHAKIFinite and infinite impulse response digital filter design techniques, interpolation and decimation,halfband filters and spectral analysis, spectral transformations, circular convolutions, discrete Fouriertransforms and computational complexity, the fast Fourier transform and prime radix algorithms, numbertheoretic transforms, sectioned convolution applications to speech signal analysis, image processing ,television signal processing, limit-cycle performance, reduced sensitivity structures including wave digitalfilters and linear transformation techniques, lattice structures and half-band filter realisation

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ISE4.8 Multi-agent systems

PROFESSOR K.L. CLARKGeneral introduction to the concept of a software agent and a computation embedded in an environment,achieving one or more goals, taking into account changes in the environment. Introduction to a multi-threaded logic programming language to be used on the course (Qu-Prolog or Go!). Distributed problemsolving and the contract net protocol. Implementation of the contract net. Agents with mental state:agent0 and BDI agents; implementing and generalising agent0. Agent communication languages: KQMLand FIPA ACL and matchmakers. Issues concerning the semantics of ACLs. Implementing a matchmakeragent. Mobile agents: agent stations as places for agents to visit and security issues. Implementation ofa mobile agent. Infrastructure and a mobile information gathering agent.

ISE4.9 Advanced data communications

DR M. GURCANData transmission systems; elements of the system, the source, shaping filters and modulation systemsand techniques. Equalisation, convolution codes, maximum likelihood detection and MAP algorithm andcoded modulation schemes. Turn codes and ADSL systems.

ISE4.10 Parallel algorithms

PROFESSOR P.G. HARRISON, DR W. KNOTTENBETTIntroduction and motivation: key concepts, performance metrics, scalability and overheads.Classification of algorithms, architectures and applications: searching, divide and conquer, data parallel.Static and dynamic, message passing and shared memory, systolic.Sorting and searching algorithms: mergesort, quicksort and bitonic sort, implementation on differentarchitectures. Parallel depth-first and breadth-first search techniques.Matrix algorithms: striping and partitioning, matrix multiplication, linear equations, eigenvalues, denseand sparse techniques, finite element and conjugate gradient methods.Optimisation: graph problems, shortest path and spanning trees. Dynamic programming, knapsackproblems, scheduling. Element methods.Synthesis of parallel algorithms: algebraic methods, pipelines, honomorphisms.

ISE4.11 Advanced communication theory

DR A. MANIKASIntroductory concepts: modelling of information sources, communication channels and sinks. Definitions of priori and posterior probabilities in relation to the model of a communication channel. MAPcriterion, likelihood functions and likelihood ratio. An initial study on the performance of a digitalcommunication system and expansion to a spread spectrum system. Optimum detection theory: detectioncriteria. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC). Detection of known signals in the presence of white noiseand the concept of an optimum receiver. Matched filter receivers and their mathematical analysis. Extensionto non-white noise. Orthogonal signals and the ‘approximation theorem’. M-ary signals and signalconstellation. Basic concepts and analysis of orthogonal and biorthogonal M-ary communication systems.64-ary Walsh-Hadamard signal set. PN-sequences: Galois field GF(2) basic theory, shift registers, basicproperties of m sequences, statistical properties of m-sequences, Gold sequences. PN-signals: Modelling,cross/auto correlation functions and power spectral density, partial correlation properties. Spread spectrumsystems (SSS): basic concepts and parameters. Classification and modelling of jammers. Modelling of BPSKand QPSK Direct Sequence SSS in a jamming environment, estimation of SNIR and bit-error-probability.Direct sequence SSS on the (SNR/pe, EUE, BUE) parameter plane. Frequency hopping SSS. Principles ofCDMA system: investigation of important system components with special attention given to RAKE receiver.Modelling and analysis with emphasis given on capacity issues. An overview of the TIA/ISA IS-95 CDMAstandards. Wideband CDMA (3G). Space-time communications: definitions, notation, spaces and projectionoperators. Modelling an array received signal-vector and the concept of the array manifold. Multi-dimensinalcorrelators. Estimation of signal parameters including directions of arrival powers, cross-correlations, etc.Array pattern and beamformers. Vector-channel effects (including multipaths, angular spread, Dopplerspread and fading). Outage probability. Integrated array CDMA systems. Single user and multi-user arrayCDMA receivers.

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ISE4.15 Coding theory

DR A.A. IVANOV (DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS)Elementary ideas of redundancy. Fundamental problems in coding theory and practice. Distancemeasures. Bounds to the performance of codes. Important linear codes. Construction and properties offinite fields. Cyclic codes, BCH and Reed Solomon codes. Error correction for BCH and RS codes.

ISE4.16 Software engineering environments

MS S. EISENBACH, DR M. HUTHSoftware Process Development Techniques: We present current methods for developing systems such as Aspect Oriented Programming, Extreme Programming, use of Open Source Software, and AgileProgramming methodologies. The emphasis is on developing the ability to choose the most suitablemethodology for each task and to be able to evaluate new methodologies as they become popular. Maintenance: Software maintenance is the modification of a software product after delivery to correctfaults, to improve performance or other attributes, or to adapt the product to a changed environment. Welook at a collection of software maintenance problems associated with old and new code (Fortran andJava) and at reverse engineering techniques for code improvement. Quality Assurance: What solutions are currently available that aid implementors in achieving qualityassurance of their code.? We mostly study an approach of annotating source code with integrityconstraints (object invariance, pre- and post-conditions etc) and survey some of the freeware toolsupport that is available at present. If time permits, we will give a brief introduction to the CASE toolRational Rose.

ISE4.17 Speech processing

DR P.A. NAYLORThe human vocal and auditory systems. Characteristics of speech signals: phonemes, prosody, IPAnotation. Lossless tube model of speech production. Time and frequency domain representations ofspeech; window characteristics and time/frequency resolution tradeoffs. Properties of digital filters:mean log response, resonance gain and bandwidth relations, bandwidth expansion transformation,allpass filter characteristics. Autocorrelation and covariance linear prediction of speech; optimalitycriteria in time and frequency domains; alternate LPC parameterisation. Speech coding: PCM, ADPCM,CELP. Speech synthesis: language processing, prosody, diphone and formant synthesis; time domainpitch and speech modification. Speech recognition: hidden Markov models and associated recognitionand training algorithms. Dynamic programming. Language modelling. Large vocabulary recognition.Acoustic preprocessing for speech recognition.

ISE4.19 Introduction to digital integrated circuit design

PROFESSOR P.Y.K. CHEUNGThis course in integrated circuit design covers the complete range of digital integrated circuit design fromconcept to implementation on silicon. A significant part of the course is taken up by a group designproject in which students design an integrated circuit on advanced graphics workstations. This courseprovides good grounding for any students wishing to work in the IC design industry. The main topicscovered include: design methodology; behavioural, logic and circuit simulation; floorplanning; geometriclayout; circuit structures and techniques; testing and design for test, etc.

ISE4.20 Computing for optimal decisions

PROFESSOR B. RUSTEMTo provide mathematical concepts and advanced computational methods for quantitative problems inmanagement decision making. To introduce unconstrained and constrained optimal decisionformulations and associated optimality conditions. To discuss quadratic and general non-linearprogramming formulations and algorithms.Introduction to optimisation and optimal decisions. Unconstrained optimisation. Constrained optimisation.Management decision formulations. Optimality conditions for constrained problems. Necessaryconditions, sufficient conditions. Quadratic programming: problem formalisation; portfolio selection.

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Optimality conditions. Algorithms for quadratic programming. Non-linear programming: exampleformulations; capacity expansion, inventory control. Problem formulation. Algorithms for non-linearprogramming.

ISE4.21 Discrete-time systems and computer control

DR J.C. ALLWRIGHTAspects of digital signal processing relevant to modelling and the implementation of digital controllersare studied using the Z, Delta, W and discrete-time Fourier transforms. Discrete-time control systems areanalysed and synthesised using root-locus, Nyquist and state-space techniques, bearing in mind thenecessity for bounded-input bounded-output stability, small tracking error and robustness.

ISE4.23 Design of linear multivariable control systems

DR I.M. JAIMOUKHAAnalysis: system representations, return difference matrix, stability theory, multivariable poles and zeros.Design: design criteria, dominance based approaches, LQG design methods, norm-based methods,robust stability and performance. H-infinity design techniques. Model reduction. Design examples: use ofCAD techniques in the design of controllers for industrial processes.

ISE4.27 Stability and control of non-linear systems

DR J.C. ALLWRIGHTFor non-linear systems, methods for determining stability and for designing stabilising controllers arestudied using state-space (Lyapunov theory, variable structure analysis), function space (small gaintheorem, passivity) and frequency-domain (Popov and circle criteria, describing function) methods.Model reference adaptive control is treated using the passivity concept.

ISE4.31 Spectral estimation and adaptive signal processing

DR D. MANDICAspects of estimation theory: bias, variance, maximum likelihood and efficiency. Resolution and stability;time-bandwidth product. Classical spectral estimation: periodogram, averaging and Blackman-Tukeymethod. Parametric models: linear, rational transfer function, and non-linear models. Order selection.Block and sequential parameter estimation techniques. Levison, lattice, Cholesky factorisation, steepestdescent, least mean square and recursive least squares adaptive algorithm families. Kalman filters. Blindequalisation and source separation. Non linear adaptive filters and temporal neural networks. Time-frequency and time-scale methods. Spectral redundancy and cyclostationarity. Case studies.

ISE4.33 Digital image processing

DR P.T. STATHAKIImage transforms: definition and properties of one-dimensional and two-dimensional unitary transforms.Fourier transform. Discrete cosine transform. Walsh transform. Hadamard transform. Karhunen-Loevetransform. Image enhancement: enhancement by point processing. Spatial filtering. Enhancement in thefrequency domain. Image restoration: description of the degradation model. Deterministic techniques forimage restoration (direct-inverse filtering, constrained least squares (CLS), iterative, recursive),stochastic techniques for image restoration (direct-Wiener filtering, iterative-iterative Wiener filtering).Image coding: scalar quantisation. Vector quantisation. Codebook design. Codeword assignment.Transform image coding. Image model coding. Fractal coding. Coding standards (MPEG, JPEG).

ISE 4.36 Optical communications

DR E. YEATMANFundamentals of communicating with light. Guided electro-magnetic waves: the slab waveguide, modes,dispersion. Modes and attenuation in fibres. Properties of LEDs and lasers as communication sources.Photodiodes and receiver circuits, sensitivity, noise and bandwidth. Modulation techniques, coherentcommunication. Time-division and wavelength division multiplexing. Optical amplifiers, non-linear effects.System architectures and applications. Free space systems. Signal processing, routing and timing.

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ISE4.37 Advanced operations research

DR I. MAROS(i) Characteristics of large scale real-life decision problems. Typical models of industry, trade and finance.The need for optimisation. (ii) Advanced linear programming (LP): need for linear model. The sparse simplex method; primal anddual algorithms; computational implications. Interior point algorithms. State-of-the-art in solving LPproblems. (iii) Integer programming (IP): situations requiring integer valued models. IP problem formulation. Logicconstraints and IP. Constraint classification. Connection to planning and scheduling. Solution methods;implicit enumeration, branch and bound (B&B) method. State-of-the-art in solving IP problems. (iv) Network optimisation. Minimal cost network flows, capacitated transportation. Network problemassignment, maximum flow and shortest path problems.(v) Modelling: basics of modelling. Modelling methodology. Model generation and management.Modelling languages, modelling systems.

ISE4.40 Advances in artificial intelligence

DR F. TONIPlanning: partial order planning; STRIPS, situation calculus and event calculus. Practical planning;hierachical decomposition, regression planners. Graphplan. Planning in dynamic enviornments:incomplete information, conditional planning, replanning, integrating planning and execution.Neural networks: perceptrons, multi-layer networks, back propagation, recurrent networks, learning andgeneralisation, hybrid systems.Learning: learning functions: decision trees, reinforcement learning, learning sets of rules; explanationbased learning, inductive logic programming.Assumption-based reasoning: Theorist. Assumption-based truth maintenance systems. Abductive logicprogramming.Agents: general introduction to the concept of an agent interacting and embedded in an environmentwhich it senses using a set of fixed percepts and tries to modify using a repertoire of fixed actions. Typesof agents—tropistic, hysterectic, goal orientated, plan generating. Example tropistic agents, examplehysterectic agents with finite internal state. Rule-based and finite state automata agent programs.

ISE4.41 System identification

DR G. WEISSDynamical systems and their mathematical models, random variables and signals, spectral andcorrelation analysis. Guiding principles behind least-squares parameter estimation, statistical propertiesof estimates. Identification of the transfer function of linear systems in continuous time. Models fordiscrete-time linear systems: these include FIR, AR, ARX, ARMA and state-space models. Various methodsfor recursive estimation. Experiments for data acquisition and their design. The course will have atheoretical flavour and will contain a number of case studies.

ISE4.43 Synthesis of digital architectures

DR G.A. CONSTANTINIDIESIntroduction to the fundamental architectural synthesis problems: scheduling, allocation, binding, andcontrol synthesis. Introduction to graph theory and combinatorial optimisation. Scheduling algorithms:as-soon-as-possible and as-late-as-possible, list scheduling, integer linear programming. Resourcesharing algorithms: interval graphs, graph colouring, integer linear program models; register sharing.

ISE4.45 Network security

DR P. BEEVORRequirements for network security: examples of types of network attach; passive and active,communication channel and network management, traffic related. Protection by encryption and

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authentication. Digital signatures. Management controls. Importance of trusted parties in systemmanagement. Overhead, cost and other management aspects. Algorithms and standards: private key systems and DES. Public key systems and PSA. Analysis ofstrength of protection. Weak keys. Attack by exhaustive search. Calculation of required key length. Typesof analytic attack. Relationship with information and coding theory. Key management: Diffie-Hellman key exchange. RSA key management. Public key certificates. Overallsystem management and management controls. Systems for network security: VPN security. Wireless (including wireless LANs) security. LAN security.Internet security and the IPSEc protocol.

ISE4.46 Advanced graphics and visualisation

DR E. EDWARDS, DR D. RUECKERTPrinciples of visualisation: fundamentals and concepts, scalar, vector and tensor data. Principles ofvisualisation: scalar, vector and tensor data, applications such as flow visualisation. Volume rendering:image-order rendering; object-order rendering; scalar and ray transfer functions; isosurface generation;marching cubles algorithm. Surface reconstruction: surface decimation; surface smoothing; surfacenormal generation; surface triangulation; Voronoi diagrams; Delaunay triangulation. Spline curves:parametric and non-parametric splines; cubic spline patches; Bezier curves; B-spline formulation. Surfacemodelling: coons patches; bi-cubic surfaces; B spline surfaces; NURBS; rendering spline surfaces. Implicitsurface models, soft objects. Image-based rendering and lightfields. Virtual reality: stereo perception;stereo display; head-mounted displays; autostereoscoptic displays; holographic displays; haptic andtactile force feedback; virtual worlds; collision detection for VR. Augmented reality: definitions andexamples, augmented real calibration and tracking. Simulation training in medicine. Prerequisite: ISE3.16

ISE4.47 Wavelets and applications

DR P.L. DRAGOTTIIntroduction and background: motivation: why wavelets, sub-band coding and multi-resolution analysis?Mathematical background. Hilbert spaces. Unitary operators. Review of Fourier theory. Continuous anddiscrete time signal processing. Time-frequency analysis. Multi-rate signal processing. Projections andapproximations.Discrete-time bases and filter banks: elementary filter banks. Analysis and design of filter banks. Spectralfactorisation. Daubechies filters. Orthogonal and biorthogonal filter banks. Tree-structured filter banks.Discrete wavelet transform. Multi-dimensional filter banks.Continuous-time bases and wavelets: interated filter banks. The Haar and Sinc cases. The limit of iteratedfilter banks. Wavelets from filters. Construction of compactly supported wavelet bases. Regularity.Approximation of properties. Localisation. The ideal of multi-resolution. Multiresolution analysis. Haar asbasis for L2(R). The continuous wavelet and short-time Fourier transform.Applications: fundamentals of compression. Analysis and design of transform coding systems. Imagecompression, the new compression standard (JPEG 2000) and the old standard. Why is the wavelettransform better than the discrete cosine transform? Video compression and the three-dimensionalwavelet transform.

ISE4.48 Intelligent data and probabilistic inference

DR D.F. GILLIESThe course is concerned with probabilistic methods for modelling data and making inferences from it.The first part of the course introduces Bayesian Inference and Networks and includes probabilitypropagation and inference in singly connected networks, generating networks from data, and calculatingthe network accuracy. The course then goes on to consider highly dependent data and special techniquesfor exact and approximate inference in these networks. The next topic to be covered is data modellingusing distributions and mixture models. The topic of sampling and re-sampling is covered along with datareduction by principal component analysis and special problems that occur with small sample sizes. Thelast part of the course is concerned with classification using Linear Discriminant analysis and SupportVectors.

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The emphasis of the course is algorithmic rather than mathematical, and the coursework is a practicalprogramming exercise in analysing data from a study into the prognosis of Hepatitis C. Note that the course does not include non-probabilistic methods of data analysis such as NeuralNetworks, Fuzzy Logic or expert systems.

ISE4.49 Distributed computation and networks: a performance perspective

PROFESSOR E. GELENBEDescription of distributed system architectures and their components; digital sensors and actuators,processing units, local area networks, packet networks and the IP protocol, wireless ad-hoc networks.The role of protocols.The concept of quality of service (QoS). Performance metrics related to system load, response time andtimelines of data, data loss system availability and reliability. Overall system modelling in terms ofservice requests and service units. Relation to a practical system architecture. System analysis in termsvia experiments, probability models using analytical techniques, and simulation. Performance identitiesand their deterministic counterparts. Solution techniques for very large models. Separable solutions andproduct form networks. Solution techniques for systems with dynamic controls. G-networks. Systemadaptation to changing workloads and operating conditions. The practical use of learning and itsderivation from analytical models. Gradient techniques, reinforcement learning and learning by imitation.Analysis of a large experimental system via theoretical models and experiments.

ISE4.50 Performance analysis

PROFESSOR P.G. HARRISON, DR S. NEWHOUSEMotivation and survey; the need for performance prediction in optimisation and system design.Basic probability theory: renewal processes; Markov processes; birth and death processes; the singleserver queue; Little’s law; embedded Markov chain; M/G/1 queue; queues with priorities; queueingnetworks—open, closed, multi-class; equilibrium state space probabilities, proof for single class;normalising constants; computation of performance measures; convolution algorithm; mean valueanalysis; application to multi-access systems with thrashing.Decomposition and aggregation: Norton’s theorem; M/M/n queue; multiple independent parallel servers.

ISE4.51 Information theory

MR M. BROOKESThe statistical nature of communication. Elements of information theory of discrete systems; informationmeasures, memoryless and memory sources, the noiseless coding theorem. Methods of source coding.Information theory of continuous systems. Shannon’s capacity theorem and its interpretation.Comparison of communication systems with the ideal. Applications of information in communicationsand signal processing.

ISE4.52 Grid computing

PROFESSOR J. DARLINGTONGrid computing (or the ‘grid’) refers to the high-level use of the emerging network of high-performanceand distributed computing resources that are becoming available to today’s applied science community.These computing, storage, software and networking resources are typically owned by differentorganisations who are willing, sometimes under stringent conditions, to share these resources with acommunity or virtual organisation. The federation of these resources to meet the needs of a particularcommunity takes place through a multi-layered middleware, which may include cluster resourcemanagers, resource schedulers and graphical problem solving environments. The goal of the middlewareis to deliver a simple and usable environment to the e-scientist which allows them to transparentlyexploit the distributed resources that constitute the Grid for their own specific requirements.This course introduces the architectural challenges within the grid, demonstrating how these have beensolved by the current and emerging grid middleware standards.

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It illustrates how the application requirements of the e-scientist are motivating the middlewaredevelopment. Practical tutorials demonstrate the benefits and limitations of current grid middleware and their services.

ISE4.53 Linear optimal controlDR A. ASTOLFIState space models for linear control systems. Stability, controllability and observability, stabilisabilityand detectability. Pole assignment, full and reduced-order observers. Formulation of optimal controlproblems. Principle of optimality. The linear quadratic regulator problem, properties of the algebraicRiccati equation (ARE), return difference inequality, robustness properties of the optimal state feedback.The minimum principle and time optimal control problems.

ISE4.54 Complexity

DR I. PHILLIPSThe complexity classes associated with computational problems. To develop the ability to fit a particularproblem into a class of related problems and so to appreciate the efficiency attainable by algorithms tosolve a particular problem. Turning machines, decidability, machine independence. Time complexity: theclasses P and NP, NP-completeness, example problems from logic and graphs. Space complexity classes.The parallel computation thesis: PRAMs, the class NC. Probabilistic algorithms. Connections with logic.Cryptography.Protocols, zero-knowledge proofs.

ISE4.55 OptimisationDR A. ASTOLFITopics covered include unconstrained optimisation and the associated algorithms of steepest descentand conjugate gradient, Newton methods, rates of convergence, constrained optimisation and themethod of Lagrange multipliers, quadratic programming, penalty methods.

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What is the difference between Imperial EEE and EIE? ›

Our EEE degrees cover the entire spectrum of subjects from nano-devices in integrated circuits for signal processing, to high-power renewable energy systems in a smart power transmission grid. The EIE degree combines modules from electronic engineering with computer science and information engineering.

Is an EET degree an engineering degree? ›

EET is the largest branch of engineering technology and includes a diverse range of subdisciplines, such as applied design, electronics, embedded systems, control systems, instrumentation, telecommunications, and power systems.

What is King's college ranked in electronic engineering? ›

- Top 10 in the UK for Electronic Engineering (QS World Ranking by subject 2020).

Which is better, EE or EI? ›

Career-wise, though EEE being far more popular than EIE, I believe EIE has more career scope in India than EEE. Reasons: 1. An instrumentation engineer is basically needed in every industry as every industry is somehow or the other instrument based.

Is there any difference between EEE and EE? ›

Answer. Both the branches has a difference (electrical and electronics), it is purely based on the electrical, and the other EEE is a combination of both. EE is concerned with using electricity to transmit energy and EEE concerned with using electricity to transmit information.

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Most Competitive among programs with at least 5 offers
MEng Computing (Software Engineering)5.8%
MBBS Graduate Medicine7.8%
MEng Computing (Games, Vision and Interaction)9.3%
BSc Mathematics with Statistics for Finance9.5%
BEng Computing11%
5 more rows

How hard is it to get into Imperial for engineering? ›

All of Imperial's Engineering courses are difficult to get into. Imperial is ranked as one of the top universities in the UK for Engineering and entry requirements start from AAA and rise to A*A*A at A-level (or equivalent) for many courses.

Is Imperial College hard to get into? ›

It varies by course, but generally, the process is very competitive, with an average of seven applications received for every place.

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2 - What is the difference between EIT and Engineer? You can call yourself an engineer by getting a college degree. But to become an EIT (Engineer in Training), you must pass the FE exam and get EIT certification.

Is electronics engineering technology worth it? ›

While starting salary is only $39,000/year, on-the-job training and advancement have the average electronics engineering tech making over $63,000/year in the US! And after dedicating a few years to this career, you could earn even more.

What is the difference between a degree in engineering and a degree in engineering technology? ›

Most notably, a Bachelor of Science in Engineering emphasizes theories and advanced concepts, while an Engineering Technology degree emphasizes hands-on application and implementation.

Is Kings College known in the USA? ›

King's College's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Universities North, #91. Its tuition and fees are $42,600. King's College is a private institution that was founded in 1946.

How prestigious is King's College? ›

King's College London is ranked #33 in Best Global Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence. Read more about how we rank schools.

What is Kings College in London known for? ›

King's College London is an internationally renowned university delivering exceptional education and world-leading research.

Which is better ECE or Electronics and Instrumentation? ›

Which branch is better ECE or EIE? EIE focuses on instrumentation and process control, whereas ECE focuses on communication. ECE students can also be hired by software companies, but EIE students have fewer opportunities.

What is the difference between EIE and Instrumentation Engineering? ›

Instrumentation Engineering refers to the discipline which deals with design of devices to measure physical quantities such as pressure, flow and temperature. Electrical Engineering basically deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.

What is the difference between EEE and artificial intelligence? ›

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has numerous applications in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE). Some of the key areas where AI is being used in EEE are: Power Systems: AI is used for load forecasting, power quality analysis, and fault diagnosis in power systems.

What is the difference between mechanical and EIE? ›

If you want to switch to IT domain and just simple want to enjoy with a high paying package, then EIE is the way to go as it is very close to the computer science field. However if you want to go in the heavy industry sector or the manufacturing sector, then Mechanical is the right path.

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