Eclipse Community Forums: Search for raspberry pi case | The Eclipse Foundation (2024)

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Eclipse Community Forums: Search for raspberry pi case | The Eclipse Foundation (6)
44 Search Results Found
1Forum: 4DIAC - Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control «»Posted on: Wed, 18 May 2022 01:43 «»By: Ricardo Rech
Re: Cross compiling FORTE + OPC-UA lib to raspberry from Windows
Hi Alois,Thanks for the prompt reply. Find below answers to the the questions:first is the executable permission flag set for the library?Yes, permission to Execute is set to Anyone, for forte executable and for as well.Typci...
2Forum: 4DIAC - Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control «»Posted on: Mon, 21 March 2022 15:51 «»By: Laurin Prenzel
Re: Running forte on 64-bit Raspberry Pi 4 running Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
Just in case anyone else is looking for an answer, I was able to compile forte for a Raspberry Pi 4 with Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) Lite using the following toolchain:
3Forum: Target Communication Framework «»Posted on: Wed, 15 September 2021 17:30 «»By: Anne Ranch
SOLVED - using (TCF) "Run Configurations" Is "TCF agent" running ?
I am changing my posts philosophy . Hopefully it will lead to better understanding of TCF usage on Eclipse / RPi and not be confused with duplicate posts. There should no reason to be concerned about dupes on forum with such limited activity anyway....
4Forum: 4DIAC - Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control «»Posted on: Wed, 24 March 2021 04:22 «»By: Neil Higgins
Re: Debugging Paho in 4DIAC FORTE
I tried to build FORTE with LuaJIT for Raspberry Pi using the guidance here: Lua make worked ok, generating (and libluajit.a) in the build directory....
5Forum: Paho «»Posted on: Mon, 19 August 2019 04:03 «»By: Shardul Rao
Send while disconnected not working when network disconnects
I recently switched my Publisher from Sync to Async library to specifically use the sendWhileDisconncted option.There are two ways I am testing this on Raspberry Pi. 1. Kill the broker and start again after few minutes-- this use case seems to b...
6Forum: 4DIAC - Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control «»Posted on: Fri, 21 June 2019 19:21 «»By: Karthik Sharma
Re: IEC 61850 Sampled Values
Dear Alois,Yes, I had forgot to enable the CONVERT and IEC-61131 modules in forte. It works fine as of now. Thank you.As of now, I have a data link layer setup between a laptop and raspberry Pi and this comms protocol is expected to communicate at ...
7Forum: Eclipse Titan «»Posted on: Thu, 09 May 2019 07:05 «»By: Balazs Supola
Using TITAN for a LED game :)
Probably we have the most unusual way of using TITAN/TTCN-3 technology. In our case, the 'system under test' is an unpredictable component, called player :)TITAN / TTCN-3 technology can handle any data on any communication protocol, and it can also con...
8Forum: Target Communication Framework «»Posted on: Fri, 15 February 2019 14:09 «»By: Brett Bergquist
Re: Debugger hang on _dl_debug_state on linux/i.MX7
Wow I finally figured out that the issue was with thumb just today by rebuilding the cross compiler toolchain and playing with the switches until I found that when I had "-thumb" then the offsets of the breakpoint were wrong and then I did not th...
9Forum: 4DIAC - Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control «»Posted on: Sat, 01 December 2018 22:08 «»By: Alois Zoitl
Re: Control of Kuka YouBot by Raspberry Pi 3
Hi,First of all thanks for your kind words. I don't know too much about ROS but I at least try to answer the 4diac related questions.You only need 4diac IDE on the machine you use for development. The cool thing about IEC 61499 is that you can prog...
10Forum: Newcomers «»Posted on: Thu, 29 November 2018 16:56 «»By: Anne Creek
Re: Installing TCF AGent on Rapberru Pi Zero (BCM 2837)
Short update in case anybody else is foolish to try to crosscompile TCF C++ code ,using Eclipse , to actually run on Raspberry Pi Zero armv6 hardware. Do not do it - "resistance is futile " you will be forced to use arm7 hardware ! CASE C...
11Forum: Papyrus for Real Time «»Posted on: Tue, 27 November 2018 09:12 «»By: Nicolas Hili
Re: Generating code for specific hardware
Hi,I worked a bit on using Papyrus-RT for generating code for single-board computers. First of all, keep in mind that Papyrus-RT allows you to generate code for Linux systems. So, it will work out-of-the-box on your Raspberry PI. You just have to compi...
12Forum: Newcomers «»Posted on: Thu, 22 November 2018 15:01 «»By: Anne Creek
Installing TCF AGent on Rapberru Pi Zero (BCM 2837)
# (Replace n.n.n.n by the actual IP address that you read) ssh pi@n.n.n.n / password : raspberry sudo apt-get update # (Need to update the Raspbian update caches to get git) sudo apt-get install git uuid uuid-dev libssl-dev git clone git...
13Forum: 4DIAC - Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control «»Posted on: Mon, 23 July 2018 05:29 «»By: Kenneth Carvalho
Re: Forte Runtime for a PLC
Ok, now I am getting the gist of Forte. So if I understand your answer correctly, it is not enough to just compile the Forte code to run on the respective OS. In order for Forte to get the inputs of the PLCand write to the outputs of the PLC additional c...
14Forum: Kura «»Posted on: Tue, 27 March 2018 09:48 «»By: Ravi Verma
Re: I am unable to access raspberry pi 3 using VNC after installing kura
A very big thanks to you Dave for your reply. I don't have a display for my raspberry pi, so can you tell me how to access Kura Web UI using ssh or is there another way to unblock port(Port:5900 is used in my case).
15Forum: 4DIAC - Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control «»Posted on: Fri, 08 December 2017 19:46 «»By: Martin Melik Merkumians
Re: Issue with communication between Publisher/Subscriber FBs.
I had a similar issue on raspberry pi, although not with forte, but with multicast communication. Check if you have a default gateway configured, as at least in my case Raspbian was not able to send multicast messages without it.
16Forum: Eclipse Kapua «»Posted on: Thu, 24 August 2017 11:22 «»By: Leonardo Gaube
Re: Kapua and Eurotech Everywhere
Hi Ramesh Babu Atta, there is a pending Pull Request (PR) which explains how to connect Kura Gateway (In this case Raspberry Pi with Kura 3.0) locally to Kapua. It has not been merged yet, but anyway I am sending the link. This document will be...
17Forum: Eclipse Kapua «»Posted on: Thu, 24 August 2017 11:21 «»By: Leonardo Gaube

Hi Prz J,there is a pending Pull Request (PR) which explains how to connect Kura Gateway (In this case Raspberry Pi with Kura 3.0) locally to Kapua. It has not been merged yet, but anyway I am sending the link. This document will be updated, bu...
18Forum: Eclipse Kapua «»Posted on: Thu, 24 August 2017 11:18 «»By: Leonardo Gaube
Re: setting Kapua with Kura
Hi yuval zohar,there is a pending Pull Request (PR) which explains how to connect Kura Gateway (In this case Raspberry Pi with Kura 3.0) locally to Kapua. It has not been merged yet, but anyway I am sending the link. This document will be updat...
19Forum: Eclipse Kapua «»Posted on: Thu, 24 August 2017 11:15 «»By: Leonardo Gaube
Re: Example configuration to connect Kura gateway
Hi Li Yi,there is a pending Pull Request (PR) which explains how to connect Kura Gateway (In this case Raspberry Pi with Kura 3.0) locally to Kapua. It has not been merged yet, but anyway I am sending the link. This document will be updated, bu...
20Forum: Eclipse Kapua «»Posted on: Wed, 23 August 2017 06:16 «»By: Leonardo Gaube
Re: Kura connecting to kapua
Hi sainath thota,there is a pending Pull Request (PR) which explains how to connect Kura Gateway (In this case Raspberry Pi with Kura 3.0) locally to Kapua. It has not been merged yet, but anyway I am sending the link. This document will be updat...
21Forum: C / C++ IDE (CDT) «»Posted on: Fri, 28 July 2017 19:05 «»By: Anne Creek
Oxygen on ARM hardware ?
I am finally getting somewhere with this problem. But I got two conflicting wisdoms from forums. One said that I CANNOT install / run Eclipse Oxygen build for Linux on ARM architecture such as Raspberry Pi. It has , and it indeed does, run on Intel x...
22Forum: Kura «»Posted on: Thu, 18 May 2017 13:38 «»By: Roberto Palermo
Re: Problem starting Kura on Karaf on Raspberry Pi
Hi Matteo,thank you very much for your effort!What is the correct procedure to follow in order to use Karaf with Kura on the rPi?I followed these steps:- download from git the project from the branch fix_karaf-native- launch in the p...
23Forum: Eclipse Titan «»Posted on: Thu, 04 May 2017 06:43 «»By: Elemer Lelik
Lego Bob and Titan meets IoT
On the Craft Conference held in Budapest between the 27th and 28th of April ( one of the attractions of Ericsson's booth was a Lego truck controlled by an onboard Raspberry Pi running Titan which receives commands via MQTT; the ...
24Forum: OM2M «»Posted on: Sun, 23 April 2017 15:27 «»By: valentina vv95
Re: OM2M :Method Not Allowed Update on ContentInstance is not Allowed
Hi, are you done a tutorial?I have one question more.How you create your client on raspbery? Are you also using OM2M platform?I'm a little bit confused how to create connection between my computer(in this case server) and raspberry.Thank yo...
25Forum: Eclipse Scout «»Posted on: Wed, 22 March 2017 17:54 «»By: Paolo Bazzi
Re: Offline Storage of Derby Database for Raspberry Pi
Hi Jared,Do you use the Apache Derby in-memory database? In this case the database content is only kept in memory and deleted if the Raspberry is rebooted. You could try to use the Apache Derby database with a file as persistence location. Derby can be...
26Forum: Kura «»Posted on: Fri, 17 February 2017 12:58 «»By: Ernani Ricoy
Receiving sensor data in Eclipse via Kura (IoT)
Hi, everyone.I'm working on an IoT project. The objective is to receive sensor readings data (in this case, a thermostat) in Eclipse, so that a management application can be developed later on.The sensor is plugged in a microcontroller. The micro...
27Forum: 4DIAC - Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control «»Posted on: Mon, 13 February 2017 21:39 «»By: Gustavo Caiza
Send data between FB
Hi,Sorry for my englishI want to create new function blocks to control the digital inputs and outputs of the raspberry, when creating a function block if I can use the digital inputs and outputs, but when I create two FB one to declare the input pins a...
28Forum: 4DIAC - Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control «»Posted on: Mon, 13 February 2017 17:36 «»By: Gustavo Caiza
digital inputs and outputs RPI
HelloSorry for my englishI want to create new function blocks to control the digital inputs and outputs of the raspberry, when creating a function block I can use the digital inputs and outputs, but when I create two fb one to declare the input pins ...
29Forum: 4DIAC - Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control «»Posted on: Mon, 13 February 2017 12:51 «»By: Akshai M
[HELP] Raspberry Pi GPIO Usage- Beginner
Hi Team,Sorry If I am creating a duplicate thread.I couldn't find any thread for beginners using 4DIAC with RPi hence I made a new one.What I have done so far :I have compiled Forte on Pi using help from official page.<
30Forum: Eclipse Titan «»Posted on: Mon, 30 January 2017 14:36 «»By: Elemer Lelik
Titan GPIO test port for Raspberry Pi
Dear all,Titan was born in an industrial environment and one thing that is frequently associated with is complexity:it is executed in complex setups (server clusters), it is capable to mimic convoluted traffic mixes and data flows over intricate...
31Forum: Eclipse Titan «»Posted on: Fri, 07 October 2016 09:37 «»By: Elemer Lelik
Experimental Titan build for Raspberry Pi
Dear all,on the below link can find a Titan core (compiler and executor) built for Raspberry Pi.The exact build environment was: Raspb...
32Forum: OM2M «»Posted on: Tue, 26 July 2016 10:40 «»By: Mahdi Ben Alaya
Re: why do we need mn cse and in cse?
Let's suppose that you have an MN-CSE deployed on a Raspberry pie in your home. The MN will not be able to answer a big number of requests due to the gateway constraints in terms of CPU, RAM, etc. So such deployment will not scale. In this case, it is bett...
33Forum: Kura «»Posted on: Thu, 09 June 2016 18:32 «»By: Matteo Maiero
Re: BLE sample on Rasberry Pi3
Hi Anantha,what version of Kura are you using?Currently the Raspberry Pi 3 is not officially supported and probably some features will not work as expected.In this case I suppose the main issue could be the BlueZ stack installed. Which version is run...
34Forum: OM2M «»Posted on: Sun, 03 April 2016 09:32 «»By: Klemen Petrovcic
Questions regarding the CoAP, MQTT and Bluetooth IPU implementation
I have four questions regarding the development of the IPE plugins:1.) I want to perform GET and POST requests to my IP enabled sensor. I imported the jar files of the Apache Http Library into the sample plugin and successfully executed the requests to...
35Forum: 4DIAC - Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control «»Posted on: Thu, 31 March 2016 11:07 «»By: Jose Maria Jesus Cabral Lassalle
Re: Problem with QX in Raspberry pi
I tried the same scenario in a Raspberry Pi, and got partially the same problem as you did. When I tried to initialize the GPIO 2, I got the same problem the first click (STATUS= FALSE), but it worked the second click (STATUS = OK). I mean, after clicking...
36Forum: Kura «»Posted on: Mon, 21 December 2015 21:09 «»By: David Woodard
Re: Configuring wifi network
You mentioned setting up the Raspberry Pi as an Access Point. Do you mean it will be a Wireless Access Point for the sensors? Do you mean it will be connecting to the same wireless network as the other sensors? If the RPi is acting as a Wireless Access Poi...
37Forum: Kura «»Posted on: Tue, 24 November 2015 11:10 «»By: Sabrina anirbas
how to back up KURA installation and configuration on a Raspberry Pi
Hello,I have installed KURA on my Raspberry Pi but my microSD card has been corrupted last week and I hade to re-install and re-configure KURA again after reformating the SD card.I want to be able to back up my work, is it possible that I can copy KU...
38Forum: Kura «»Posted on: Thu, 12 November 2015 17:12 «»By: Sanket Deshpande no class def found error
Hey there,So I'm creating a plugin based on the hello world plugin and trying to deploy it as a bundle on a raspberry pi. The plugin requires an external JAR dependency so I've converted the JAR to support OSGI using eclipse and deployed it separately ...
39Forum: Kura «»Posted on: Thu, 12 November 2015 10:13 «»By: Markus Noack
End to End IoT solution with Eclipse IoT
I am a student of computer science and I am evaluating IoT platform solutions for a specific use case.My goal is to build an IoT end-to-end prototype with the following components:- endpoint devices/sensors (temperature sensor like DHT11)- one or m...
40Forum: Eclipse Communications Framework (ECF) «»Posted on: Mon, 31 August 2015 19:25 «»By: Christoph Keimel
How to track down Broken pipe
Hello,I am working on a project connecting a Raspberry Pi and a Desktop client via ECF remote services. I am using the whiteboard pattern to register a "Sniffer"-Service on the desktop.public interface IOSniffer {boolean connect(String n...
41Forum: Eclipse SmartHome «»Posted on: Sat, 08 August 2015 09:30 «»By: Jochen Hiller
Multiple HttpClients used in Eclipse SmartHome and bindings - get rid off?
Hi all,I am just working on getting some bindings running on a non-Equinox OSGi runtime environment.I struggled over that the Eclipse SmartHome framework and some bindings (from ESH, from openHAB2, ignoring openHAB1 for the moment) are using differen...
42Forum: Kura «»Posted on: Sun, 21 June 2015 16:56 «»By: Diego Alejandro Palmeira
Re: Errors starting kura with greenhouse example
Hello,After uninstall Kura 1.0.0 and install 1.2.0 in my Raspberry PI b+, I got the same error when I try to send a message from my Mosquitto server over my LAN:If I send a msg to turn the light on...$mosquitto_pub -t "liferay/device1/actuat...
43Forum: Kura «»Posted on: Tue, 24 February 2015 21:59 «»By: Aaron Siri
JDK 8 support? (Error exporting bundle...)
Greetings! I'm trying out the Kura platform on my shiny, new Raspberry Pi 2...I know that Kura recommends JDK 7 and says absolutely nothing about 8 but the latest Raspbian installed from the latest NOOBS has JDK 8 pre-installed so I figured I'd roll w...
44Forum: Hudson «»Posted on: Wed, 10 April 2013 00:14 «»By: Steve Christou
Re: Slave on Raspberry PI (Could not initialize class com.sun.jna.Native)
According to this stackoverflow thread: it looks like you need to build the jna.jar on your raspberry pi. If you look inside the jna.j...

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Eclipse Community Forums: Search for raspberry pi case | The Eclipse Foundation (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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