Gambling, Speculating, Investing – What’s the difference? — Collinson Wealth Partners (2024)

Many people use the terms gambling, speculating, and investing interchangeably, but they are not the same.

In fact, understanding the difference between them will help you make better decisions and avoid unnecessary risks when growing your wealth.

Let’s explore those differences to help ensure you get the best financial outcomes, along with some enjoyment from the activity.

Gambling is placing a bet on an uncertain outcome with the hope of winning more than you lose. Gambling involves a high degree of chance, a low degree of skill and of course some excitement. Playing the lottery, roulette, and slot machines can be entertaining; however, they have a negative expected return – meaning that over enough time, you will lose more money than you win.

Speculating is buying or selling an asset with the expectation of making a profit. It tends to involve a moderate degree of chance and skill (cryptocurrencies are a recent example), and it’s usually motivated by the fear of missing out, or “FOMO” as some would say. The returns are unreliable, so sometimes you will make money and sometimes you will lose money.

Investing is allocating money to an asset with the expectation of generating income or capital appreciation over time. It involves a lower degree of chance and a higher degree of skill. Examples are buying shares of a company, bonds, real estate, or index funds. Investing done well is motivated by research, goals, and planning and so has a positive expected return, meaning that over time, you should make more money than you lose.

The main distinction between gambling, speculating, and investing is the level of risk and reward involved. Gambling has the highest risk and usually the lowest reward, especially if continued over the long term. Speculating has a medium risk and a medium reward. Investing has the lowest risk and the highest reward over the long term.

Another difference is the time horizon. Gambling is short-term. Speculating is medium-term and uncertain. Investing is long-term and compounding.

A third difference is the mindset. Gamblers tend to rely on luck and emotions. Speculators rely on trends and opinions. Investors rely on facts and analysis, letting time and compounding do the heavy lifting.

The bottom line is that gambling, speculating, and investing are different ways of using your money to achieve different outcomes. Gambling can be for fun, speculating for excitement, and investing for wealth creation.

Knowing which one you are doing, and why, can help you avoid costly mistakes and achieve your financial goals.

Our speciality is investing and helping people achieve their long-term goals by working with them to create a plan, implement it, and maintain it.

We can also help you understand which of the above you may be engaged in and ensure you are maximising your chances of growing your wealth long term.

Gambling, Speculating, Investing – What’s the difference? — Collinson Wealth Partners (2024)


Gambling, Speculating, Investing – What’s the difference? — Collinson Wealth Partners? ›

Gambling is short-term. Speculating is medium-term and uncertain. Investing is long-term and compounding. A third difference is the mindset.

Are investors and speculators the same? ›

Bottom line. Investors take a systematic approach to growing their wealth, buying assets with reasonable levels of risk in exchange for long-term growth. Speculators, on the other hand, buy assets that may experience rapid growth but can also lose their entire value if they go out of favor.

Is there a difference between investing and gambling? ›

Gambling is a short-term pursuit where the individual owns nothing, with negative average returns expected over time. Investing provides ownership in an asset (for stocks) or an expected return (for bonds), over a much longer time frame.

What is the difference between insurance speculation and gambling? ›

While both involve the element of risk, insurance focuses on protecting against unforeseen losses, and premiums are based on calculated assessments of risk. Gambling, on the other hand, is a more speculative activity driven by the desire for entertainment or financial gain through chance.

What is speculation in investing? ›

Speculation (also known as speculative trading) is a financial term that refers to the act of purchasing an asset (a commodity, good or real estate) that has a substantial risk of losing value but also holds the hope of gaining value in the near future.

How to differentiate between gambling speculation and investment? ›

Gambling is short-term. Speculating is medium-term and uncertain. Investing is long-term and compounding. A third difference is the mindset.

Is a speculator a gambler? ›

However, these two terms are very different in the world of investing. Gambling refers to wagering money in an event that has an uncertain outcome in hopes of winning more money, whereas speculation involves taking a calculated risk with an uncertain outcome.

Why do people gamble instead of investing? ›

Investing and gambling certainly both involve risk and choice—specifically, the risk of capital with hopes of future profit. But gambling is typically a short-lived activity, while equities investing can last a lifetime.

What does the Bible say about gambling? ›

Although there are some who experience gambling as something rewarding and fun, it tends toward being highly addictive and potentially ruinous. The Bible doesn't call gambling a sin as such, although the Bible warns against the love of money and get-rich-quick schemes.

Is it a sin to invest in stocks? ›

The Bible doesn't specifically state that we should invest, but also does not forbid it. Investing is mentioned in Proverbs 31:16 and used in Jesus's parables (ex. Parable of the Ten Minas found in Luke 19:11-27), implying that it is expected and normal.

What is the downside to speculation? ›

The drawbacks of speculation include market volatility, asset bubbles, and misallocation of resources.

How risky is speculation? ›

Speculation is a risky investment strategy. While it sometimes works out, speculation is more likely to lead to losses, especially when volatility is high. Speculators often trade assets, like stocks or cryptocurrencies, in an effort to time the market.

What are the two types of speculation? ›

Types of Speculators
  • Bullish speculator. A bullish speculator expects the prices of securities to rise. A bull is a speculator who buys securities with the hope of selling them at a higher price in the future.
  • Bearish speculator. A bearish speculator is one who expects the prices of securities to fall in the future.

What is the difference between investing and gambling? ›

Investing involves putting money into assets like stocks, bonds, real estate, or mutual funds with the expectation of generating long-term growth. Gambling is wagering money or valuables on an event with an uncertain outcome, primarily driven by chance. Investing is focused in Growth and income.

What is one major difference between investing and speculating? ›

The main difference between speculating and investing is the amount of risk involved. Investors try to generate a satisfactory return on their capital by taking on an average or below-average amount of risk. Speculators are seeking to make abnormally high returns from bets that can go one way or the other.

Which of the following is the safest investment? ›

The safest investment options are low-risk and are usually backed by the US Treasury Department or are FDIC affiliated. FDIC-Insured Savings Accounts, MMAs, Money Market Funds, TIPS, Series I Savings Bonds, and Treasury Bills, Bonds and Notes are commonly recommended as safe investments.

What is a synonym for speculator? ›

WordReference English Thesaurus © 2024. Sense: A stockbroker. Synonyms: stockholder, venturer, gambler, businessperson, investor.

What is speculation also known as? ›

speculation (noun as in theory, guess) Strongest matches. belief conjecture opinion thought. Strong matches. cerebration cogitation consideration contemplation deliberation excogitation guesstimate guesswork hunch hypothesis meditation reflection review shot stab studying supposition surmise thinking weighing.

What is the meaning of speculators? ›

a person who buys goods, property, money, etc. in the hope of selling them at a profit: a currency/land/market speculator. We should not bail out lenders, real estate speculators, or those who made the reckless decision to buy a home they knew they could never afford.

What is the difference between investing and speculation quizlet? ›

​- Investing entails putting your money in an asset that generates a return. ​ Examples: real​ estate, stocks, and bonds. ​- Speculating generates returns entirely from supply and demand. ​ Examples: comic​ books, coins,​ art, futures,​ options, and gems.

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