Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (2024)

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Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup

Lei Su and Meng Zeng
Phys. Rev. B 109, 245108 – Published 5 June 2024
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Gauging a finite subgroup of a global symmetry can map conventional phases and phase transitions to unconventional ones. In this work, we study, as a concrete example, an emergent Z2-gauged system with global symmetry U(1), namely, the Z2-gauged Bose-Hubbard model both in 1D and in 2D. In certain limits, there is an emergent mixed 't Hooft anomaly between the quotient Ũ(1) symmetry and the dual Ẑ2 symmetry. In 1D, the superfluid phase is mapped to an intrinsically gapless symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phase, as supported by density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations. In 2D, the original superfluid-insulator transition becomes a generalized deconfined quantum critical point (DQCP) between a gapless SPT phase, where an SPT order coexists with Goldstone modes, and a Ũ(1)-symmetry-enriched topological (SET) phase. We also discuss the stability of these phases and the critical points to small perturbations and their potential experimental realizations. Our work demonstrates that partial gauging is a simple and yet powerful approach in constructing novel phases and quantum criticalities.

  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (1)
  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (2)
  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (3)
  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (4)
  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (5)
  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (6)
  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (7)

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  • Received 4 February 2024
  • Revised 9 May 2024
  • Accepted 21 May 2024


©2024 American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

  1. Research Areas

Density matrix renormalization groupMott-superfluid transitionSpontaneous symmetry breakingSymmetry protected topological statesTopological phase transition

  1. Physical Systems

Quantum many-body systems

Condensed Matter, Materials & Applied Physics

Authors & Affiliations

Lei Su1 and Meng Zeng2

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Vol. 109, Iss. 24 — 15 June 2024

Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (8)
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Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (9)

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Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (12)

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (13)

    Figure 1

    (a)Schematic diagram for the 1D Bose-Hubbard model (blue sites) coupled to Ising spins (violet bonds). (b)Schematic phase diagram. The original BKT transition between the superfluid and the insulator phase is enriched to a gauged BKT transition between a gapless SPT superfluid phase, protected by U(1) and W, and the insulator phase with W spontaneously broken. (c)Degeneracies in the superfluid and the insulator phase with PBC and OBC, respectively. [(d)and (e)] Finite size scaling of the gap Δbulk in both the superfluid (t=1.0,U=1.0) and the insulator phase (t=0.1,U=1.0). Δbulk is defined to be the gap in spectrum above the (possibly) degenerate ground states. OBC is used in both cases.

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (14)

    Figure 1

    (a)Schematic diagram for the 1D Bose-Hubbard model (blue sites) coupled to Ising spins (violet bonds). (b)Schematic phase diagram. The original BKT transition between the superfluid and the insulator phase is enriched to a gauged BKT transition between a gapless SPT superfluid phase, protected by U(1) and W, and the insulator phase with W spontaneously broken. (c)Degeneracies in the superfluid and the insulator phase with PBC and OBC, respectively. [(d)and (e)] Finite size scaling of the gap Δbulk in both the superfluid (t=1.0,U=1.0) and the insulator phase (t=0.1,U=1.0). Δbulk is defined to be the gap in spectrum above the (possibly) degenerate ground states. OBC is used in both cases.

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (15)

    Figure 2

    (a)Boson pair correlation function, which is shown to follow a power law bibibjbjrηbb in the superfluid phase. The inset shows the extrapolation of the exponent ηbb to the thermodynamic limit using finite-size scaling. Error bars are obtained from the upper and the lower bound of the extrapolation. (b)Gauge-invariant boson correlation, which also follows power law biσzσzbjrηb. The inset shows the extrapolation of ηb. (c)The Ũ(1) disorder operator |X̃R(θ)| decays as power law rα(θ) in r. The main plot shows the θ=2π case. The inset shows the θ dependence of the exponent α, which is 4π-periodic. α is symmetric about 2π, and a quadratic fit (dashed line) is performed for the segment from 0 to 2π. (d)Subsystem von Neumann entanglement entropy SE as a function of subsystem size l. The inset shows the linear dependence of SE on λ(l)16ln(2Lπsin(πlL)). The central charge c, which is given by the slope, is shown to be almost exactly 1. Recently, the entanglement spectrum of gapless SPT phases has also been studied and the entanglement spectrum also has degeneracy [36]. All the main plots are for L=100,t=0.5, and U=1.0.

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (16)

    Figure 2

    (a)Boson pair correlation function, which is shown to follow a power law bibibjbjrηbb in the superfluid phase. The inset shows the extrapolation of the exponent ηbb to the thermodynamic limit using finite-size scaling. Error bars are obtained from the upper and the lower bound of the extrapolation. (b)Gauge-invariant boson correlation, which also follows power law biσzσzbjrηb. The inset shows the extrapolation of ηb. (c)The Ũ(1) disorder operator |X̃R(θ)| decays as power law rα(θ) in r. The main plot shows the θ=2π case. The inset shows the θ dependence of the exponent α, which is 4π-periodic. α is symmetric about 2π, and a quadratic fit (dashed line) is performed for the segment from 0 to 2π. (d)Subsystem von Neumann entanglement entropy SE as a function of subsystem size l. The inset shows the linear dependence of SE on λ(l)16ln(2Lπsin(πlL)). The central charge c, which is given by the slope, is shown to be almost exactly 1. Recently, the entanglement spectrum of gapless SPT phases has also been studied and the entanglement spectrum also has degeneracy [36]. All the main plots are for L=100,t=0.5, and U=1.0.

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (17)

    Figure 3

    (a)The bulk spin-spin correlation in the superfluid phase with a power-law fit (dash line) |σixσjx|rηs. The inset shows the extrapolation of the critical exponent ηs to the thermodynamic limit using finite-size scaling. (b)The magnetization |σix| in the superfluid phase across the system with OBC. The spins on the edges are perfectly polarized and the magnetization decays to a small value to the bulk. The inset shows the center spin magnetization |σL/2x| follows a power law decay as system size increases, compatible with the fact that magnetization vanishes when PBC is used. L=100,t=0.5, and U=1.0 for both plots.

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (18)

    Figure 3

    (a)The bulk spin-spin correlation in the superfluid phase with a power-law fit (dash line) |σixσjx|rηs. The inset shows the extrapolation of the critical exponent ηs to the thermodynamic limit using finite-size scaling. (b)The magnetization |σix| in the superfluid phase across the system with OBC. The spins on the edges are perfectly polarized and the magnetization decays to a small value to the bulk. The inset shows the center spin magnetization |σL/2x| follows a power law decay as system size increases, compatible with the fact that magnetization vanishes when PBC is used. L=100,t=0.5, and U=1.0 for both plots.

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (19)

    Figure 4

    (a)Schematic diagram for the 2D Bose-Hubbard model (blue sites) coupled to Ising spins (violet bonds). A star operator related to the gauge constraints in Eq.(18) and a plaquette operator are highlighted. (b)Schematic phase diagram. The gapless SPT in the superfluid phase where Ũ(1) is spontaneously broken and the SET enriched by Ũ(1) in the insulator phase are separated by a generalized DQCP.

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (20)

    Figure 4

    (a)Schematic diagram for the 2D Bose-Hubbard model (blue sites) coupled to Ising spins (violet bonds). A star operator related to the gauge constraints in Eq.(18) and a plaquette operator are highlighted. (b)Schematic phase diagram. The gapless SPT in the superfluid phase where Ũ(1) is spontaneously broken and the SET enriched by Ũ(1) in the insulator phase are separated by a generalized DQCP.

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (21)

    Figure 5

    (a)Action of boson parity P, effectively a 't Hooft line (purple), and a Wilson line W (orange) terminating on the boundary (top) of a semi-infinite system. The other end of W terminates either in the bulk or at infinity. The anticommutativity of P and W forces a SSB on the boundary. (b)Disorder operator X̃R(θ=2π) supported on sites (highlighted in red) inside a region R, which is the same with with the 't Hooft loop operator, eRσex, supported on the (dual lattice) boundary of R. (c)Gauge invariant Wilson line W attached to boson operators (Higgs order operator), and a 't Hooft line connecting two π vortices (which is suppressed by the zero-flux condition). (d)Example of two topologically distinct phase modes with winding number 1, φ1,0 (red), and winding number 0, φ0,0 (blue) along the x direction. 0 and Lx are identified.

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (22)

    Figure 5

    (a)Action of boson parity P, effectively a 't Hooft line (purple), and a Wilson line W (orange) terminating on the boundary (top) of a semi-infinite system. The other end of W terminates either in the bulk or at infinity. The anticommutativity of P and W forces a SSB on the boundary. (b)Disorder operator X̃R(θ=2π) supported on sites (highlighted in red) inside a region R, which is the same with with the 't Hooft loop operator, eRσex, supported on the (dual lattice) boundary of R. (c)Gauge invariant Wilson line W attached to boson operators (Higgs order operator), and a 't Hooft line connecting two π vortices (which is suppressed by the zero-flux condition). (d)Example of two topologically distinct phase modes with winding number 1, φ1,0 (red), and winding number 0, φ0,0 (blue) along the x direction. 0 and Lx are identified.

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (23)

    Figure 6

    Ground state degeneracy in different phases of the 1D Z8-clock model with its Z2 subgroup gauged, under PBC (a)and under OBC (b).

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (24)

    Figure 6

    Ground state degeneracy in different phases of the 1D Z8-clock model with its Z2 subgroup gauged, under PBC (a)and under OBC (b).

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (25)

    Figure 7

    (a)Schematic diagram for the energy levels in the grand canonical ensemble, where parity even and parity odd states coexist. ΔGCEP=±1 is the gap in the parity even/odd sector and ΔGCE is the true gap above the doubly degenerate ground state. (b)The upper bound μU and the lower bound μL for the chemical potential in order to have unit filling at different system sizes. The inset shows the difference between the two bounds. The parameters used are t=0.5andU=1.0.

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (26)

    Figure 7

    (a)Schematic diagram for the energy levels in the grand canonical ensemble, where parity even and parity odd states coexist. ΔGCEP=±1 is the gap in the parity even/odd sector and ΔGCE is the true gap above the doubly degenerate ground state. (b)The upper bound μU and the lower bound μL for the chemical potential in order to have unit filling at different system sizes. The inset shows the difference between the two bounds. The parameters used are t=0.5andU=1.0.

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (27)

    Figure 8

    Gap scaling with system size when the σx perturbation is added. The 1/L behavior already shows up for relatively small system sizes. Parameters used: t=0.5,U=1,hx=0.1,andK=10.

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  • Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (28)

    Figure 9

    Gap scaling with system size when the σz perturbation is added. It shows an exponential decay. Parameters used: t=0.5,U=1,hz=5,andK=10. Here we called hz perturbation, but in fact it has to be of the same order with K for a sizable gap to show up even for small system sizes.

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Gapless symmetry-protected topological phases and generalized deconfined critical points from gauging a finite subgroup (2024)


What is a symmetry protected topological phase? ›

Symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases are quantum states of many particles with interiors that have short-range quantum entanglement and surfaces that display intricate behaviors. One prominent example is the topological insulator, featuring an insulating interior and a conducting surface.

What are the classification of SPT phases? ›

Group cohom*ology theory for SPT phases

All short-range entangled phases can be further divided into three classes: symmetry-breaking phases, SPT phases, and their mix (symmetry breaking order and SPT order can appear together).

What does topologically protected mean? ›

Topological protected in nanomagnetism means that there are states associated to topological invariants, i.e. which don't depends of local physics as impurities or so on.

What are the three types of symmetry in layout design? ›

There are three types of symmetry: reflection (bilateral), rotational (radial), and translational symmetry. Each can be used in design to create strong points of interest and visual stability.

What are the 3 types of symmetry describe each type? ›

Radial symmetry: The organism looks like a pie. This pie can be cut up into roughly identical pieces. Bilateral symmetry: There is an axis; on both sides of the axis the organism looks roughly the same. Spherical symmetry: If the organism is cut through its center, the resulting parts look the same.

What is the SPT test used for? ›

The standard penetration test (SPT) is an in-situ dynamic penetration test designed to provide information on the geotechnical engineering properties of soil.

What is the criteria for SPT refusal? ›

If the N-value exceeds 50 then the test is discontinued and is called a “refusal”. The interpreted results, with several corrections, are used to estimate the geotechnical engineering properties of the soil.

What do the SPT values mean? ›

1 SPT (N) value. During the construction of borings, SPT (N) values are of soils obtained. The SPT (N) value provides information regarding the soil strength. SPT (N) value in sandy soils indicates the friction angle in sandy soils and in clay soils indicates the stiffness of the clay stratum.

What does the topology stand for? ›

the study of those properties of geometric forms that remain invariant under certain transformations, as bending or stretching. Also called point set to·pol·o·gy . the study of limits in sets considered as collections of points.

What does it mean to preserve topology? ›

We preserve the topological type by rejecting the contraction of edges that would change it. This section describes local conditions that characterize type preserving edge con- tractions. We first study manifolds, then manifolds with boundary, and finally general 2-complexes.

How do you prove a set is a topology? ›

Definition: A topology on a set X is a collection T of subsets of X having the following properties: (i) ∅ and X are in T. (ii) The union of the elements of any sub-collection of T is in T. (iii) The intersection of the elements of any finite sub-collection of T is in T.

What is symmetry protected? ›

In condensed matter physics and materials science, a phase is said to have "symmetry protected" when it is protected from transition to other phases by the underlying symmetry of the system.

What is a topological defect of symmetry? ›

Symmetry breaking

The well-known topological defects are: Cosmic strings are one-dimensional lines that form when an axial or cylindrical symmetry is broken. Domain walls, two-dimensional membranes that form when a discrete symmetry is broken at a phase transition.

What is a topological phase? ›

Topological phases are a class of quantum states of matter that have distinct properties that do not depend on the specific details of the material or the geometry¹².

What are symmetry protected bound states in the continuum? ›

Symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum (BICs) are nonradiative states with infinite lifetime and perfect confinement of energy even though lying in the radiation continuum due to the symmetry incompatibility. Herein, we study the symmetry-protected BIC supported by metasurfaces composed of silicon nanodisks.

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