IRS Form 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC: Rules and Exceptions (2024)

IRS requires business owners to issue Form 1099-MISCor 1099-NEC topeople or business entities they pay during the year. This is thegovernments wayto ensure that if you are taking a business deduction, someone else reports the corresponding business income. Not all payments require filing Form 1099-MISC and there are exceptions to the rule.

There are two types of income that are reported: non-employee compensation and miscellaneous income, discussed in further detail below. These payments are not reported on a W-2 so the IRS provides the Form 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC for reporting them.

There may be changes in 2025 for the 2024 tax year.

Note: This blog covers the most common rules and exceptions related to the Form 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC rules. ConsultIRS instructionsand your tax professional for complete rules.

Follow these steps each January for payments made in the prior year:

  1. Identify anyoneyour business paid more than $600 during the year.
  2. Determine which payments are for independent contractor services.
  3. Evaluate if any of the exceptions apply, indicating you will not need to file a Form 1099 for the particular business payments. Exceptions often exist for certain electronic payments and for Corp entities.
  4. File any required 1099 forms with the IRS by the deadline (see below)
  5. Send copies of the filed 1099 forms to the recipient (person or business you paid) by the deadline.

Form 1099-NEC

Non-employee compensation represents payments toindependent contractors, either sole proprietors or LLC businesses,whoperform services for your business. These paymentswere previously reported on form 1099-MISC butbeginning in 2020, theyare be reported on form 1099-NEC. The 1099-NEC form was used before, but was discontinued in the early 1980's. It has now been reinstituted.See below for payments that need to be reported onForm 1099-MISC.

The IRS is looking for information about payments made to self-employed business owners for services, including non-employee workers, attorneys, accountants and others who provided services to your business. This includes payments over $600 for the year made to other businesses or professionals such as consultants, coaches, those who provided training or education.

If the entity you paid for services is an S-Corp or C-Corp, you do not need to issue a 1099-NEC unless the payment was for legal services. Legal services are reported regardless of the type of entity the law firm is. Also, certain electronic payments are exempted. See more about exceptions below.

Cash payments for fish (or other aquatic life) you purchase from anyone engaged in the trade or business of catching fish also are reported as non-employee compensation on Form 1099-NEC.

Form 1099-MISC

TheForm1099-MISC is for payments, other than non-employee compensation, made in the course of operating a trade or business, including non-profits and certain trusts and other organizations. These payments are income to the person you are paying and need to be reported on their IRS tax returns. Payments unrelated to a trade or business are not reported on the 1099-MISC.

You are expected to obtaina Form W-9 and issue a Form 1099-MISC form if you meet the following payment criteria unless you fall under one of the exceptions described below. Some of the payments that will qualify you to issue a Form 1099-MISC are:

  • At least $10 in royalties or broker payments in lieu of dividends or tax-exempt interest
  • At least $600 business expenses for:
    • Rents (box 1)
    • Prizes and awards (box 2)
    • Other income payments (box 3)
    • Payments to an employee or theirestate after their death (box 3)
    • Generally, the cash paid from a notional principal contract to an individual, partnership, or estate (box 3)
    • Backup withholding (box 4)
    • Any fishing boat proceeds (box 5)
    • Medical and health care payments (box 6)
    • Direct sales of at least $5,000 of consumer products to a buyer for resale anywhere other than a permanent retail establishment (box 7)
    • Substitutepayments in lieu of dividends or interest (box 8)
    • Crop insurance proceeds (box 9)
    • Gross proceeds to an attorney, such as settlement payments (not attorney services) (box 10)
    • Section 409A deferrals (box 12)
    • Nonqualified deferred compensation (box 14)
    • State taxes withheld (box 15)

If your payment amount and type suggests a Form 1099-MISC is required, you may avoid issuing it if youmeet one of the exceptions below.

The IRS provides many exceptions to the Form 1099-MISC reporting requirements.You may obtain a W-9 before determining the payment is exempt. For example, upon obtaining the W-9 you may discover the entity is taxed as an S-Corp, exempting you from issuing the 1099-MISC. In that case, retain the W-9 as evidence that you do not need to file the 1099-MISC. Specific exemptions are detailed below.


You do not need to provide a 1099-MISC to most Corporations, including entities that elect to be taxed as an S-Corp. However, this exception does not apply if the payment is for legal servicesor medical/healthcare. See IRS Instructions for more information about reporting payments to attorneysand medical and healthcare payments. For all other entities, if you receive a Form W-9 that states the entity is a Corporation or is taxed as a Corporation, you do not need to file the 1099-MISC.

Rent paid to real estate agents or property managers

If you rent space and your rent is paid to a real estate agent or property manager instead of to the landlord directly, the real estate agent or property manager is required to provide the property owner with the Form 1099-MISC. You may inquireif they are doing so and document the exception applies in your case.

Paymentsmade via credit and debit card processors

If you make your payment using a credit card, debit card or other credit card processing method such as your bank card, PayPal (as long as not marked friends and family), Square and Stripe, the payment falls under Form 1099-K rules instead. You do not need to issue the 1099-MISC. The credit card processor will issue a 1099-K if those rules apply.

Note: Update, rules were delayed that would require Venmo and Cashapp or similar to issue the 1099 if the transactions are marked business. Even if new rules are eventually implemented,Zelle will not be issuing 1099 forms.

Other exceptions

The following less common payments are also exempt from issuing a Form 1099-MISC. See the IRSInstructionsfor more details.

  • Payments for merchandise, telegrams, telephone, freight, storage, and similar items.
  • Employee payments of wages, military differential whileon active duty, business travel allowances, (reported on Form W-2).
  • Cost of current life insurance protection.
  • Payments to certain tax-exempt organizations and governments.
  • Payments made to or for homeowners from certain state programs.
  • Certain forms of compensation by the Department of Justice/state programs.
  • See full IRS instructions for other exceptions for payments such as criminal informants, scholarships, foster care and cancelled debts.

Thedeadlines for filing 1099 formsvary based on the type of 1099 form.


You are expected to file and furnish the person or entity you paid with a statement or a copy of the Form 1099-MISC by January 31st of the year following the year the payments are made, unless that date falls on a weekend or federal holiday. Thisprovides the recipient time to reviewthe form before filing their owntax returns. 1099-NECforms for2023 payments are due to the IRS on January31, 2024.


If your2023 payments do not include non-employee compensation,the 1099-MISC deadlineis February 28, 2024for paper filings and March 31, 2024for electronic filings. It is preferable to file2023 forms electronically as the IRS is backed up on processing mail due to the pandemic. You are still required to give the payee a statement by January 31, 2024.This can be a statement of the payments or it can be a copy of the 1099-MISC, if it as already been filed.

For more information see IRS2023 General Instructions for Certain Informational Returns,Section C, "WhenToFile."

For 2023, originally the IRS was going to require companies that previously did not have to issue a 1099-K form will now have to. This includes Venmo and Cashapp. These 1099-K formswould have had to be filed in early 2024 for the 2023 calendar year. However, the IRS announced a delay, that this new rule would not be implemented in 2023:

Venmoalready requires that businesses create a separate business account and pay fees for those transactions, and only personal transactions use the free service. It will be even more important going forward that transactions are properly categorized.

Zelle will not be issuing 1099-K forms, even when the new rule is implemented. If you use Zelle for cash transfers, you will still need to issue any 1099's required for those payments.

The easiest and best way to file your Form 1099-MISC is to utilize your tax preparer. If filing on your own you can use a filing service. If you file on paper you must purchase the forms or request them from the IRS, you cannot use the online forms. A 1096 is filed with the 1099 forms. The paper process is more work and more time consuming, so consider filing online.

Although Simple Profit does not endorse any particular service, common services are:

If you suspect you may need to issue a 1099 form, request the person you are paying complete a Form W-9. Ideally you collect the W-9before you start doing business so you do not have to run around and track it down at the end of the year. The Form W-9 can be found and printed fromthe IRS website.

If you have a Form W-9 from a prior year and do not believe the information has changed, you do not need to get an updated W-9. You can issue the Form 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC using the information you already have on file.

What if my landlord refuses tofillout Form W-9?

Ideally you will have collected the W-9 when you initially do business with someone. Sometimes people do not know the IRS rules and refuse to give you the information you need to file the 1099-MISC. If you have already paid them, there are a few things you can do.

You may be able to determine their entity is a Corporation by checkingyour state business registration site. If not, print out the IRS rules found on their informational pageAbout Form 1099-MISC and explain you are required to provide them a statement and file with the IRS. Ask them to speak to their accountant about this IRS rule. Finally, inform them you will need to file with the IRS whether you have complete information or not, but you would prefer to have their accurate filing information rather than the IRS track them down to get it. If you cannot obtain the W-9, do your best to fill out the 1099-MISC with as much information as you have.

Business ownersneed to review payments made the prioryear in earlyJanuary to ensure compliance with this important IRS requirement. The rules for filing the Form 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC can be confusing and easily misunderstood. Once you know the rules,what forms need to be issued and have gathered the Form W-9, the process is relatively simple and straight forward.

IRS Form 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC: Rules and Exceptions (2024)


What are the exceptions to 1099-NEC reporting? ›

But there are some exceptions, including:
  • Medical and health care payments.
  • Payments to an attorney.
  • Substitute payments in lieu of dividends or tax-exempt interest.

What payments are excluded from a 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC? ›

Per the IRS: “Payments made with a credit card or payment card and certain other types of payments, including third-party network transactions, must be reported on Form 1099-K by the payment settlement entity under section 6050W and are not subject to reporting on Form 1099-MISC”.

What are the exceptions to filing a 1099-MISC? ›

Other exceptions

Employee payments of wages, military differential while on active duty, business travel allowances, (reported on Form W-2). Cost of current life insurance protection. Payments to certain tax-exempt organizations and governments. Payments made to or for homeowners from certain state programs.

How do you correct a 1099-NEC that should have been a 1099-MISC? ›

To correct a 1099-NEC, follow these steps:
  1. Step 1: Identify the Error Type. ...
  2. Step 2: Prepare a New Form 1099-NEC. ...
  3. Step 3: Enter the Correct Information. ...
  4. Step 4: Mark the Form as "Corrected" ...
  5. Step 5: Prepare a New Form 1096. ...
  6. Step 6: Notify the Recipient. ...
  7. Step 7: Submit the Corrected Forms to the IRS.
Apr 27, 2023

Who gets a 1099-MISC and who gets a 1099-NEC? ›

The 1099-NEC is now used to report independent contractor income. But the 1099-MISC form is still around, it's just used to report miscellaneous income such as rent or payments to an attorney.

What are the rules for sending 1099-NEC? ›

Who needs to file Form 1099-NEC? A business that makes payments totaling $600 or more to a nonemployee typically needs to file Form 1099-NEC. Also, any business that withholds federal income tax from nonemployee compensation, regardless of the amount of payment, should file a 1099-NEC.

How do I know whether to use 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC? ›

Form 1099-MISC is for reporting payments like rent or prizes that are not subject to self-employment tax, while Form 1099-NEC is for reporting nonemployee compensation that is most likely subject to self-employment tax.

What are 1099 exemptions? ›

Exclusions from Form 1099 for business-related payments that may be taxable include payments for merchandise, inventory, freight, and storage, as well as rent payments to real estate agents. Form 1099 applies only to unincorporated independent contractors, so any payments to corporations are excluded.

What if I didn t get a 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC but made money from self-employment? ›

Report the payment amount on line 8i of Schedule 1 (Form 1040)PDF and attach to Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return or Form 1040-SR, U.S. Tax Return for Seniors, even if you don't receive Form 1099-MISC.

What amount triggers a 1099-MISC? ›

File Form 1099-MISC for each person to whom you have paid during the year: At least $10 in royalties or broker payments in lieu of dividends or tax-exempt interest. At least $600 in: Rents.

Do I use 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC for attorney fees? ›

The business should file a 1099-NEC to report the payments made to their attorney. They should file a 1099-MISC to report payments made to the opposing counsel for their client's legal fees.

Can I send a 1099-MISC instead of 1099-NEC? ›

In January 2022, these 1099 forms were revised again. Recipients use Form 1099-NEC and Form 1099-MISC to file their federal and any applicable state tax returns. Form 1099-NEC doesn't entirely replace Form 1099-MISC for payers needing to report other miscellaneous types of payments besides nonemployee compensation.

What if I accidentally sent a 1099-MISC instead of a 1099-NEC? ›

If you have mistakenly filed Form 1099-MISC for a recipient instead of Form 1099-NEC, you should void the filed form and file 1099-NEC for the recipient. The same applies if you filed Form 1099-NEC instead of 1099-MISC.

Is there a penalty for correcting a 1099-NEC? ›

All businesses must submit a corrected 1099 form if they make an error on their original form. The IRS will issue some penalty depending on the type of error and whether it was intentional. A business generally must pay $100 per incident.

What if my 1099-NEC is wrong? ›

If there's a mistake, call the client immediately and request a corrected Form 1099. If the 1099 has been filed with the IRS, ask the client to send the IRS a corrected 1099. You don't want the IRS to think you were paid more than you really owe.

What is exempt from 1099 reporting? ›

Who Doesn't Need to Receive a Form 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC? Generally, C corporations, S Corporations, and LLCs formed as corporations or S Corps don't need to receive a 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC. On, check the 1099-NEC instructions and 1099-MISC instructions for exceptions when you are required to issue a 1099.

In which situations is a 1099-NEC not required to be issued? ›

You aren't required to issue a 1099-NEC to individuals and/or business if you paid for physical products or goods, not services. Also, no 1099-NEC is required if the business you paid is a C corporation or S corporation, unless you paid the business for medical or health care payments or attorney services.

Do you have to report all 1099-NEC income? ›

The 1099-NEC only needs to be filed if the business has paid you $600 or more for the year. If you made less than $600, you'll still need to report your income on your taxes, unless you made under the minimum income to file taxes.

Can you get in trouble for not filing 1099-NEC? ›

If a business deliberately neglects the obligation to furnish accurate Form 1099-NEC or Form 1099-MISC, it faces a minimum penalty of $630 per form, or 10% of the income reported on the form, without an upper limit.

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