Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (5/18/24) (2024)

Before going Double or Nothing on Anarchy in the Arena, The Elite defends their championships! Will Dax end The Rainmaker’s reign?


  • Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley VS Kyle Fletcher & Jeff Cobb; Bryan & Moxley win.
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator: The Young Bucks VS Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal; The Bucks win and deny Daniels & Sydal a title match.
  • Hook VS Sebastian Wolfe; Hook wins.
  • AEW World Championship Eliminator: Swerve Strickland VS Brian Cage; Swerve wins and denies Cage a title match.
  • Toni Storm w/ Mariah May & Luther VS Harley Cameron w/ Saraya; Storm wins.
  • AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada VS Dax Harwood; Okada wins and retains the title.


Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley VS Kyle Fletcher & Jeff Cobb!

The American Dragon may be teaming with Eddie Kingston & FTR at Double or Nothing, but he’s joining forces with The Maniac to take on The Aussie Arrow & The Imperial Unit! The Don Callis Family is looking to grow their forces, will they and the United Empire make for a powerful alliance? Or can the Blackpool Combat Club tear them all down here tonight?

But speaking of united, Kyle & Cobb attack Moxley the moment he’s ringside! The fans boo as the ROH World TV and NJPW World TV Champions mug the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion! Kyle soaks up the heat and talks some trash while Cobb holds up Moxley’s belt. Cobb throws hands on Moxley, puts him in the ring, but here comes Bryan! The fans fire up as Washington’s own ROCKS Kyle, whips himhard into railing, and then dropkicks him down! Bryan fires hands on Cobb now, then whips him into railing! Cobb gets stuck, Bryan brings him back down, and Moxley makes Kyle sit on railing! Moxley LARIATS Kyle down!

The fans fire up as this is like a sampler of Anarchy in the Arena! Bryan DROPKICKS Cobb against railing! Moxley CHOKES Kyle with his jacket! Don Callis is on commentary complaining but his guys started it! Bryan sends Cobb into steel steps! Moxley rains down fists on Kyle! Cobb SMACKS Cobb off railing, then has the fans fire up as he throws down fists! “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan just picks up speed, then he lets off to revel in the fans cheering. Moxley CHOPS Kyle, ROCKS him and makes him take a seat. Moxley goes side to side to run in and KNEE Kyle against railing! Bryan puts Cobb in the ring, the bell sounds, and the match begins!

The fans fire up as Bryan stalks Cobb to a corner and CHOPS! And CHOPS! And KICKS! And KICKS! And KICKS! The fans chant “YES! YES! YES!” with each one, then Bryan stands Cobb up. Bryan runs corner to corner, to DROPKICK! Cobb staggers, Bryan tags Moxley, and Moxley puts Cobb in the corner. The fans fire up as Moxley rains down fists! Moxley goes all the way to nine, then he CLAWS Cobb’s face! Mox puts Cobb’s leg in the ropes, ROCKS Cobb, then runs side to side to DROPKICK the leg! Moxley brings Cobb out, trips him, and then tags Bryan. The BCC split the wishbone on Cobb! And then Bryan KICKS Cobb down!

Bryan gets the bad leg, steps through, and fans “WOO~!” as Bryan drops into the FIGURE FOUR! Cobb fights but Bryan clamps it on tight! Cobb endures, but Moxley tags in and ELBOW DROPS! Cover, TWO! Moxley brings Cobb up but Cobb RAMS him into the corner! Tag to Kyle and Kyle fires off furious fists! The fans boo but Kyle storms in to kick Moxley. Kyle CHOPS Moxley, but Moxley just frowns and crosses his arms. Moxley pie faces Kyle and eggs him on, but Kyle CHOPS back! Moxley paces, goes to another corner, and eggs Kyle on. Kyle CHOPS, but Moxley turns things around to fire forearms and CHOPS on repeat!

The fans fire up and Moxley whips corner to corner. Moxley runs in to clothesline! Moxley puts Kyle up top, CHOPS, then goes up after Kyle. Moxley CLAWS Kyle’s back, then BITES Kyle’s face! The ref reprimands but Moxley brings Kyle up, to SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO! ARMBAR! Kyle clasps hands but Cobb stomps Moxley! The fans boo but Kyle is still free. Kyle brings Moxley around, Moxley reaches for Bryan, but Kyle fires body shots. Moxley turns things around on Kyle and tags in Bryan! Moxley hangs Kyle out to dry, Bryan goes up top, GUILLOTINE FLYING KNEE! The fans fire up again and Bryan revels in it as Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Bryan stalks Kyle, looms over hi m, and then hooks up the legs. Kyle resists as Bryan goes for arms, so Bryan STOMPS the knees! Tag to Moxley, he drags Kyle up and whips him into a corner. Moxley runs up but Kyle THROWS him out to the floor! Cobb goes after Moxley to stomp him, but Bryan rushes over to fight Cobb! Cobb whips Bryan into railing! Cobb then runs to CLOBBER Moxley! Cobb puts Moxley in the ring for Kyle, the ref reprimands Cobb, but Kyle soaks up all the heat. Tag to Cobb, Kyle keeps Moxley down so Cobb can stand on him! The ref reprimands, Kyle lets off and Cobbdeadlift suplexes Moxley!

Cobb marches around with Moxley, then THROWS him away! Cobb mocks Bryan and KICKS Moxley! Then Cobb SPLASHES, covers, TWO! Cover again, TWO! Cobb drags Moxley up while Bryan rallies the fans. Cobb tags Kyle, then traps Moxley in the corner to Kyle can throw hands. Kyle scoops and SLAMS Moxley, then brings him back up. Kyle scoops and SLAMS Moxley again, flexes, then taunts Bryan. Dynamite returns to single picture as Kyle drags Moxley up. Kyle throws a haymaker, Moxley throws it right back! Kyle forearms, Moxley returns it! The fans are on Moxley’s side as the shots go back and forth!

Moxley goes for Bryan but Kyle keeps him back! Then Kyle BLASTS Bryan! Cobb has Moxley caught in the corner, Kyle fires off body shots! Tag to Cobb, and Cobb watches Moxley flounder. Cobb taunts Moxley to reach for Bryan, then he waistlocks and deadlifts! Moxley fights with elbows, but Cobb holds on! Moxley still fires more elbows, gets free, then dodges Cobb to SNAP GERMAN! The fans fire up while both men are down! Moxley hobbles up, hot tag to Bryan! Bryan goes up to MISSILE DROPKICK Cobb! Bryan kips up, and then he BLAST Kyle! The fans fire up as Bryan dodges Cobb to KICK! CHOP! Repeat!

“YES! YES! YES!” echoes out and Bryan whips, but Cobb reverses! Bryan goes up and over, keeps moving, ducks ‘n’ dodges, LEAPING LARIAT! The fans are thunderous as Bryan takes aim, and KICKS! KICKS! KICKS! “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan winds up, but Cobb ducks the buzzsaw! Cobb shoves Bryan, Kyle trips Bryan up! Bryan kicks Kyle, then he DUMPS Cobb! Bryan builds speed and DIVES onto Kyle! Cobb CLUBS Bryan, puts him in, and then URENAGES! FALLING AX HANDLE! And then Cobb mocks the “Yes! Yes! Yes!” The fans boo but Cobb GACHIMUCHI- FLOP! Bryan avoids the moonsault to then run up and BU- ATHLETIC PLEX!!

The fans fire up while both men are down! They both crawl, hot tags to Moxley and Kyle! Moxley dodges Kyle to ROCK him, but Kyle comes back to ROCK Mox! Moxley rebounds to ROCK Kyle again, but now Kyle BOOTS Moxley! Moxley BOOTS Kyle, Kyle BOOTS Moxley! Moxley KICKS, ROCKS and repeat! Moxley fires off HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT! Moxley runs, but into a CALF KICK! Moxley goes to a corner, Kyle snarls and soaks up the heat! Kyle runs corner to corner, into a KING KONG LARIAT! Cobb runs in, into a CUTTER! Kyle scoops to MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, BRYAN BREAKS IT!

The fans fire up but Cobb TOSSES Bryan out. Kyle gets Moxley up, feeds him to Cobb, and Cobb RAMS Moxley into a corner. Kyle runs up to GAMANGIRI! Cobb adds an UPPERCUT! Cobb feeds Moxley to Kyle’s JUMPING TOMBSTONE!! Cover, TWO?!? Moxley survives and Kyle is furious! Kyle has Cobb step in, and Cobb gets Moxley up in an Electric Chair Lift! Kyle goes up, but Moxley fights free! Moxley shoves Cobb into Kyle! Then Bryan gets in to BUSAIKU KNEE! Moxley avoids Kyle’s leap, Bryan ROUNDHOUSES! DEATH RIDER!! Moxley covers, BCC wins!

Winners: Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley, by pinfall

The IWGP World Heavyweight Champion gets one on the ROH World TV Champion, but wait! Konosuke Takesh*ta slides in! He drags Moxley off the corner with a GERMAN SUPLEX!! Cobb attacks Bryan, too! The fans boo but Callis wants them to kurose! Konosuke winds up to DECK Moxley!! Kyle & Cobb mug Bryan, Konosuke CHOKES Moxley, but wait! Here comes Claudio Castagnoli! The Swiss Superman has a crowbar and he swings! The Callis Family and Cobb get outta there! The BCC stands tall, but will they have more issues with the Don Callis Family after Double or Nothing?

Adam “Edge” Copeland is here!

The fans fire up for the Rated R Superstar as he- OH, House of Black attacks! Well, Edge wanted their response to his challenge, but it’s Brody King & Buddy Matthews who mug him and throw him down the ramp! Malakai Black takes his time following as Buddy & Brody mug Edge at ringside! They then put Edge in the ring, Malakai bringing the TNT Championship with him. CURB STOMP! Brody gets chairs into the ring, and Buddy brings them over. Malakai slowly joins them in the ring, and gets a mic while the fans boo. Buddy & Brody sit Edge up so Malakai can speak to him.

“Adam, I really don’t understand why you try to keep up with this facade of what youthink you are.” The fans tell him to STFU already but Malakai kneels by Edge. If they don’t like that, they’re gonna love this. Malakai tells Mr. Matthews to take Edge’s wedding ring. The fans boo as Brody clamps on a SLEEPER so that Buddy can take Edge’s ring off his finger. Edge is already fading but Malakai takes the ring. Malakai looks it over, puts it in his pocket, and Brody sits Edge in a corner. Brody hoots, Edge is out cold! Malakai and Buddy position chairs on either side of Edge, then they go for the adjacent corners!

But Kyle O’Reilly is here! He YANKS Malakai down, ROUNDHOUSES him, then he dodges Buddy! Kyle BOOTS Buddy, then gets in the ring, only for Brody to LARIAT! Brody stops the rescue attempt and TOSSES Kyle out hard! Buddy is there to get Kyle back up, and feeds him to THE END! The House continues where they left off, FULL METAL CERBERUS!!! Edge is sandwiched between chairs and Brody’s beefy body! Is that Malakai’s way of saying yes to the barbed wire catch match?

AEW has a medical update on Eddie Kingston.

Last Saturday for NJPW Resurgence, The Mad King had a hellacious No Ropes Last Man Standing Match for the NJPW Strong Openweight Championship, and helost to Gabe Kidd. But that wasn’t even what this update is about. Jack Perry distracted Eddie from a blindside attack by The Young Bucks! Matthew & Nicholas Jackson were playing hooky from AEW Collision just so they could beat down Eddie! Jack then said in a backstage interview that Eddie chose the wrong team in this fight. Eddie tells it how it is, right? He’s a real one? Well, he sure didn’t hesitate to jump into bed with a bunch of fakes who claim to represent AEW! Eddie paid for that in Ontario, California.

The Scapegoat says we all have to sacrifice, and Eddie’s about to lose everything.

The Elite speak backstage.

Jack, Matt, Nick & Okada finish watching the replay like we all did, and they pretend to cringe in pain seeing all that. Looks like Eddie might’ve been bit by the injury bug. Then that might men Anarchy in the Arena is 4v3, right? Unless Team AEW wants to forfeit. Nick says that’s a good point. Let’s look at the track record these past three weeks. Week one, they take out The President, Tony Khan. Week two, they take out Kenny Omega. And now, Eddie Kingston! They run this place because they’re The Elite and you’re not! And Okada tells Dax that tonight, he will DESTROY him! “Mwah, B*TCH!” The Elite’s tyranny is only growing worse, will there be another to stand against them?

Backstage interview with FTR.

Renee Paquette is with Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler, and she brings up Dax’s title match with Okada later tonight. However, we just heard from our EVPs that Eddie is out, that puts Team AEW down a man. Cash says first off, The Bucks aren’ttheir EVPs, that’s just Matt & Nick. And if The Elite honestly thinks they’re just gonna forfeit to them, thinking they’re not gonna take Anarchy in the Arena at 4v3, 4v2, 4v1, it doesn’t matter.But… Cash thinks that maybe, just maybe, they have a new fourth man. And Dax tells Okada, name calling isn’t nice. By the company Okada keeps, it looks like he’sThe Elite’s b*tch! Guess we’ll see tonight. #TopGuysOut.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator: The Young Bucks VS Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal!

While Matthew & Nicholas are confident they have the advantage at Double or Nothing, they still have to fulfill their obligations as champions. On top of that, this is about The Fallen Angel putting the EVPs in their place for talking down to him. Will the Zen Assassin help Daniels humble The Bucks? Or will there be no standing against The Elite?

Jack Perry is on commentary, wanting more energy out of Justin Roberts in introducing The Bucks. The teams sort out, Sydal starts against Nick, and Nick gets right in Sydal’s face. Nick says he’s an EVP, he can do whatever he wants! And he pie faces Sydal! So Sydal KICKS Nick in the leg! Nick hobbles, Sydal KICKS, and KICKS, and JUMP KICKS! Sydal whips, Nick reverses but Sydal tilt-o-whirls and rolls him up! TWO, and Sydal wrenches an arm. Tag to Daniels and the fans fire up! Nick gets away, tag to Matt, and now Matt gets in Daniels’ face. The fans rally for Daniels as he and Matt argue.

Daniels takes off one of his finger wraps and tells the Bucks to read between the lines! Matt says clever, and he shoves Daniels. Daniels SLAPS Matt, bumps him off buckles, then fires off haymakers! The ref counts, Daniels fires up and the fans are with him! Daniels whips but Matt reverses. Daniels reverses, Matt reverses again, but Daniels CLOBBERS Matt! Nick starts barking at the ref but Daniels DECKS him! Daniels brings Matt up but Matt throat chops him! The ref reprimands but Matt hits a back suplex! Daniels lands out, rolls Matt up, tag to Sydal! Sydal has Matt in the corner to whip Matt back in, Daniels GAMANGIRIS!

Daniels then feeds Matt to Sydal’s KICK, then adds an STO! The fans fire up and Sydal sets up, STANDING MARIPOSA! Cover, TWO! Nick shouts at Sydal, Sydal frowns, but he keeps Matt from Nick! Matt takes a swing, Sydal gets under to lift, but Nick tags in! Matt still suffers the atomic drop! Sydal whips but Matt reverses, only for Sydal to come back and LARIAT! Nick ROUNDHOUSES Sydal! Nick BLASTS Daniels, goes out and then PENALTY KICKS! Jack says that’s so smooth. Nick goes up, and he AX HANDLES Sydal down! The fans boo but Matt soaks up the heat, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Nick stomps Sydal around, scrapes him off the ropes, and then lets off as the ref reprimands. Nick stomps Sydal in the corner, then CLAWS Sydal’s back! The ref reprimands but Matt mocks the fans. Nick tags Matt in, they whip Sydal to the corner, but Sydal ELBOWS Matt and BOOTS Nick! Sydal goes up and leaps, but the Bucks catch him! And they pop him in position! Nick goes to the apron but Sydal RANAS Matt into Nick! Matt scrambles and anchors Sydal’s legs! Sydal gets up to fire strikes, but Matt trips him! Nick tags in, and CATAPULT into the GAMANGIRI! Sydal falls back onto Matt’s knees, Nick goes up, DOUBLE STOMPS!

Nick & Matt soak up the heat from the fans, Jack talks them up on commentary, maybe even rats on Tony Schiavone, and Nick bumps Sydal off buckles. Tag to Matt, The Bucks mug Sydal. Matt brings Sydal back around to fire body shots in the corner. The ref counts, Matt stomps away on Sydal, then stands on him! The ref reprimands and counts, Matt steps away to taunt Daniels. Matt stands Sydal up to pie face him, but Sydal fires off forearms on The Bucks! Sydal fires more shots on Matt, but Matt scoops to BACKBREAKER! Tag to Nick and he slingshots in to LEG DROP! Cover, Daniels breaks it! Matt goes after Daniels!

Dynamite returns to single picture, the fans rally up, but the Bucks bully Sydal. Sydal fights back with forearms and KICKS! Sydal fires off on Matt, but Nick runs up! Sydal dodges, and he DOUBLE RANAS The Bucks! The fans fire up as Sydal crawls, reaches out, hot tag to Daniels! Daniels gets around, shoves Nick and ELBOWS him down! Then he LARAITS Matt! Daniels whips, Nick reverses but Daniels ducks the superkick to fireman’s carry! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! The fans fire up with Daniels and he reels Nick in, but Matt CLOBBERS Daniels from behind! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but The Bucks double whip.

Daniels ducks the double clothesline to shove Nick into Matt! Then he reels Nick in, clinches Matt, COMPLETE SHOT DDT COMBO! The fans fire up with Daniels and he has Nick in the clinch, for an URENAGE! But Matt SUPERKICKS Daniels down! Sydal runs in, Matt ducks one kick but not the JUMP SOBAT! Sydal sends Matt out to then PLANCH, but Matt dodges! Matt sends Sydal OVER barriers! Nick fires hands on Daniels but Daniels hits back! The fans rally up, Matt goes after Sydal in the crowd! Nick runs up but Daniels puts Nick on the apron! Nick ENZIGIRIS, then he goes up a corner! Daniels SHOTEIS first!

Jack says that was a closed fist! Daniels goes up the corner, but Matt anchors Nick! The Super Steiner crashes and burns! Matt mockingly asks where Sydal went, and then he gets Daniels up. NIck is up top, they give Daniels the TK DRIVER!! Cover, The Bucks win!

Winners: The Young Bucks, by pinfall (deny Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal a title opportunity)

Jack asks if anyone is surprised, and Schiavone says not really. Disappointed maybe, but not surprised. But then Matt gets a mic to cut the music, and he tells Daniels that last week, Daniels spoke down to The Bucks! And he even put his hands on Matt! As an executive, Daniels should know better! The Bucks are trying to clean up the toxicity in this company! They’ve been working hard for months and he’s screwing things up! So unfortunately, Daniels, they must bear some bad news tonight. “CD, we’ve gotta let you go. You’re FIRED!” The fans boo but Matt says don’t worry, they’re not evil! They’ve got a sweet severance package all set up! It’ll cover him for at least…30 days!

The fans boo but Matt says to make this less awkward, they even have a security escort to usher Daniels out immediately. The EVPs just want to say thank Daniels for five years of kickass work! They love him to death, see you later. But please, everyone, stick around for the show! Let’s get an AEW chant going! “A E DUB! A E DUB!” The fans boo instead, but Jack says let’s raise a toast to The Bucks for the great job they’re doing. He sips some WOOOOO Energy, then says have a drink, Schiavone, “ya stooge.” Jack pours his drink out on Schiavone’s head! The fans boo more and Jack takes off. Schiavone grumbles at the SOB, but what can anyone do against this corrupt management?


Collision & Rampage will be live and back to back on Saturday, starting at 8 PM Eastern, and all on TNT! Make sure your DVRs are ready so you get ALL THREE HOURS of All Elite Wrestling!

Backstage interview with Toni Storm, Mariah May & Luther.

Renee is with the AEW Women’s World Champion and her entourage, and brings up that tonight, the leading lady is in a quote “grudge match” with Harley Cameron. But it has also been decided that Mariah, Luther and Saraya are all banned from ringside. That upsets Storm and her team, but Renee does bring up last week, Storm being knocked out by Serena Deeb. How is Storm feeling tonight? Storm says first thing’s first: her maternal instincts are kicking in and her ovaries must be heard! HARLEY CAMERON! You assaulted and abused this sweet, angelic child that is Mariah May? Then you must answer to the bosom that she clings to!

So now, it will just be Storm and Harley, and Storm will take Harley’s womb to the woodshed! And as for Serena Deeb, Storm must thank you for knocking her out. She didn’t have to listen to another second of Deeb’s sob story! Funny how you wanna hitch yourself to this caboose. Well, you’re in for a bumpy ride. Storm promises that Deeb will end Double or Nothing the same way every degenerate in Las Vegas does: flat on your back with an ass in your face, wondering where the bloody hell your dignity went! And tonight, bet your bottom dollar on this old whor* that you all adore! Everything is coming up chin, tit*, and shoooe~!

Uh… Okay. Will the grudge match Storm and Harley have truly be timeless? Or will Harley be the one Outcast that does crazy better than she does?

Malakai Black speaks.

He holds Adam Copeland’s wedding ring to the light, and he says when he looks at it, it’s gorgeous. But everything that is holding Edge back in this world, all fits into such a small little trinket. His hopes, his dreams, his children, his wife, his memories, all in this ring. But speaking of holding Edge back, a barbed wire cage match? Malakai knew there was still a part of Edge that still existed. And of course, like Edge said, but if Malakai beats Edge, and he will, Edge must bend the knee to The House of Black. Malakai is raising the stakes for Double or Nothing, will The Rated R Superstar still be able to win the bet?

Hook VS Sebastian Wolfe!

The Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil promised he’d be back, and he’s back to fight! Will he send a message to Chris Jericho with this return to the ring? Will Jericho even bother to listen?

The bell rings and Wolfe runs up, but Hook gets under the lariat! Hook lifts Wolfe to SAIDO! The fans fire up and Hook paces around. Wolfe sits up, into crossface forearms! Hook CLUBS Wolfe, into the REDRUM!! Wolfe taps, Hook wins!

Winner: Hook, by submission

It was short, but the message was clear! But just in case, Hook grabs himself a mic. “This isn’t what I was looking for. I’m here for Chris Jericho and my FTW Championship! Chris, get out here right now!” The fans fire up as Hook calls out The Learning Tree, and here he comes! And Jericho also has “Big Bill” Morrissey with him as he goes to the ring. Jericho & Bill step into the ring, and Jericho waves hi. He has the mic to say hey, everybody! And Hook, it is so great to have you back. Hopefully, Hook learned a few lessons after essentially hitting himself in the face with a baseball bat. Jericho understands why Hook did it.

Jericho is just glad Hook called him out here. Jericho loves being on Dynamite so much, even if he has to share the spotlight with someone! He just loves it! Hook says, “Share the spotlight? Chris, I don’t wanna share the spotlight. I want all the spotlight on you, getting your ass beat by me, for MY FTW Championship, right here tonight!” The fans like the sound of that! Bill & Jericho chuckle and Jericho asks if they’d like to see it. The fans do! Jericho agrees, but this isn’t a fighting moment. It’s not. The fans boo but Jericho says this is a teaching moment. And what Jericho wants to teach Hook is that the world doesn’t revolve around him.

Hook needs to be less selfish in this business. Just like Jericho! Think of others. The fans boo but Jericho says he wants to get these words right. The fans chant “Please Retire!” but Jericho knows why they want him to. They know that when he does, he’ll be inducted into every pro-wrestling hall of fame in the world! But he’s not ready for that yet! Neither is AEW, because The Learning Tree & “The Big Redwood” are here to entertain everyone! Everyone here, everyone at home! That’s why this is the For The World Title now! Not For The Hook! Hook’s name isn’t on this title. Jericho’s is, he has a sticker that reads “The Learning Tree, Chris Jericho.”

But Jericho wants to teach Hook that when you lose a title, you don’t just jump to the front of the line, you work your way up. That’s why this Saturday Night Collision, Hook and a few others will be in a qualification match. If Hook wins, then maybe he gets the chance to face Jericho again for this title. How does that sound? Huh? Hook says yeah, great. But you know what else sounds good? BOP with the microphone! Jericho staggers, Hook fires off hands, but then Bill goes after Hook! But Hook gets around Bill! Bill gets free and Jericho DECKS Hook! Bill beats Hook down and Jericho says to learn this lesson! Know when to stay down!

But wait! Here comes SHIBATA! The Wrestler slides in, Jericho runs but Shibata dodges Bill to BOOT Bill out! The fans fire up for Shibata as he stands tall with Hook. Jericho is bleeding from where the mic got him, will he learn not to upset a Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil?

Swerve Strickland speaks.

“The State of Washington, congratulations. Your boy brought home a world championship. This past weekend on Collision, I ended a chapter of my life that was called The Mogul Embassy. Toa Liona, Bishop Kaun, they bit the hand that fed them and they got put down. My focus now is at Double or Nothing coming up against Christian Cage. We’ll get to that soon. I was the one that got put in the coffin, yeah, sure. But I’m the one that’s gonna put you in your grave. Speaking of which, tonight, Brian Cage. Consider yourself the final nail in that coffin of the Mogul Embassy. Everybody, welcome Brian Cage to whose house?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!”

The Realest heads out, will he terminate The Machine so that nothing will stand between him and Captain Charisma? Or is this the night the Swolverine really does get all his stuff in?

AEW World Championship Eliminator: Swerve Strickland VS Brian Cage!

The bell rings and Swerve runs up to DOUBLE KNEE! Swerve fires hands, Cage puts him in a corner to fire clothesline after clothesline! Swerve blocks one to arm-drag and wrangle Cage. Cage avoids the stomp to the arm, Swerve waistlocks but Cage switches. Cage back suplexes, Swerve lands out, and then Swerve DUMPS Cage out! Swerve builds speed to DIVE, but Cage catches him for a suplex, only for Swerve to get free! BOOT from above! The fans fire up, Swerve then FLYING DOUBLE STOMPS the arm! Cage writhes, the fans fire up, and Swerve seethes. Swerve goes back to get Cage up, he CLUBS the arm, then he SLAMS the arm on railing!

Swerve brings Cage around, wraps the arm around the post andpulls! The ref counts, but Cage YANKS Swerve into the post! Cage rolls into the ring, then storms after Swerve at the apron. Cage ROCKS Swerve, ROCKS him again, then goes to the corner. The fans boo but Cagedeadlifts, only for Swerve to HOTSHOT the arm! Swerve slingshots in, somersaults, and COMPLETE SHOTS! Cover, ONE!! Cage is tougher than that but Swerve scowls. Swerve storms up again, clamps onto Cage’s arm and CLUBS it! Swerve grinds the shoulder, Cage endures, but Swerve hooks the arm up and then has the chinbar.

Cage endures the neck wrench and fights up, to then scoop Swerve, for a BACKBREAKER! Swerve flounders, Cage storms after him, and Cage ROCKS Swerve to a corner. Cage RAMS into Swerve, digs his shoulder in, then CHOPS! Swerve staggers, but he CHOPS back! Swerve fires forearms, CHOPS again, then puts Cage in a corner. Swerve wraps the bad arm around ropes, and he fires off haymakers! The ref reprimands, but Swervepulls on the arm! The ref counts, Swerve lets off at 4, and the fans rally up. Swerve storms up but Cage kicks low! Cage bumps Swerve off buckles, whips but Swerve blocks.

Cage kicks and CHOPS Swerve, reels him in to suplex, but Swerve slips free! Swerve has the half nelson but Cage RAMS him into a corner! Cage fires elbows, then says, “Who betta?!” The fans boo, Cage runs back up, but into a BOOT! Swerve runs up, but into a trophy lift! And a THROW into the corner!! Swerve scrapes down buckles and flops to the apron, but Cage flexes while Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Swerve is on the ground, Cage goes out to fetch him. Cage whips Swerve into railing! Swerve crawls, but Cage hauls him up, to BARRIER BACK SUPLEX! Swerve flops into the front row, at the feet of the fans! Cage refreshes the ring count, then drags Swerve up to DUMP him back to ringside. Then he hits an APRON BACK SUPLEX! Swerve writhes, Cage soaks up the heat, and Cage goes in after Swerve. Cage stomps Swerve, stalks him to a corner, then fires off forearms! Swerve hits back and the two go back and forth! Cage ROCKS Swerve, Swerve sits down in the corner, and Cage digs his boot in!

The ref counts, Cage lets off, and he mocks the fans cheering Swerve on. Cage then KNEES Swerve in the corner! Cage drags Swerve to a cover, TWO! Swerve stays in this but Cage stays on Swerve with a chinlock. Cage grinds Swerve down but Swerve endures. Swerve fights around as the fans rally up, and Swerve fights to his feet. Swerve throws body shots, then ROCKS Cage! Swerve runs, but Cage CLOBBERS him! Cage goes to a corner as Dynamite returns to single picture, and he deadlift SUPERPLEXES Swerve!! Swerve flounders, Cage covers, TWO!! Swerve survives and the fans fire up, but Cage just looms over him.

Cage gets Swerve up, reels him in, and puts one out. But Swerve slips out of the bomb! Swerve drop toeholds Cage into buckles! The fans fire up as Swerve runs in to BOOT Cage in the back of the arm! The fans fire up, Cage hobbles and Swerve storms up on him. Swerve snapmares, gator rolls, but Cage suplexes first! Swerve slips free, Cage ELBOWS him! Swerve BOOTS back, ducks a lariat but not the SOUTHPAW! Swerve springs up to DROPKICK! The fans are thunderous, and Swerve sees Cage go to a corner. Swerve runs up to UPPERCUT! Swerve scowls, UPPERCUTS again and again and again!

The fans rally with “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” Swerve snapmares Cage, then goes up, to FALLING UPPERCUT! Swerve hits the Griddy and the fans are thunderous! Swerve stalks Cage, whips him to ropes, but Cage reverses. Swerve catches Cage’s leap!? And pops Cage into a BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, TWO! Swerve is frustrated but he reloads in a corner. Cage rises up, Swerve runs in, somersault and- JUMP KNEE from Cage! Cage gets Swerve up, Gory Especial into WEAPON- NO, Swerve slips free and rolls Cage into a SHORT ARM SCISSOR! Cage flails, fights around, rolls and stacks, anddeadlifts to BUCKLE BOMB!

Cage fireman’s carries for an F5!! Cover, TWO!! Swerve survives and Cage grows frustrated. Cage slashes his throat but the fans boo. Cage hauls Swerve up, suplexes, but Swerve somersault clutches! TWO!! Cage runs up, but Swerve ducks the lariat to RISING HEADBUTT!! Cage flops to the apron and Swerve shakes out the stars before going after him. Swerve SUPERKICKS Cage, and Cage dangles off the apron! Swerve aims, slingshots, WOE STOMPSto the floor!! The fans are thunderous again and Swerve has a sinister grin! Swerve puts Cage in the ring, goes up top, and 450 SPLASH!! Cover, TWO?!?! Cage survives and shocks the fans!

Swerve shakes his head, he won’t let Cage’s toughness intimidate him. Swerve half nelsons but Cage arm-drags free! POP-UP POWERBOMB!Deadlift and POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Swerve survives and “This is Awesome!” Cage drags Swerve back up, reels him in, suplexes, but Swerve RANAS! And FOREARMS! Cage roars and eggs Swerve on! So Swerve SOBATS, ROLLING ELBOWS, but Cage SUPERKICKS back! Cage ripcords but Swerve ROKCS him first! And BOOTS him! And then fires off boxing elbows! Cage shoves Swerve, Swerve comes back, DOUBLE STOMPS!! And then Swerve gets the bad arm set up, to STOMP it!!

The fans are thunderous, and Swerve time to end it! “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” HOUSE CALL!! Cover, Swerve wins!

Winner: Swerve Strickland, by pinfall (denies Brian Cage a title opportunity)

And with that, The Mogul Embassy is dead and buried! But wait, Swerve goes looking under the ring, and he brings out some chairs! Swerve stalks Cage, and SMACKS him with a chair! Brian Cage writhes, but here comes Christian Cage! Swerve puts Brian’s arm on a chair, has the other, and he waits for The Patriarch to show himself. Christian and Mother Wayne are on stage, but where are their boys? Swerve wants Christian to watch what happens tothis Cage, but Nick Wayne slithers in to LOW BLOW Swerve!! Christian laughs at Swerve for falling for it. And now Killswitch Luchasaurus gets in to BOOT Swerve down!

Nick throws down hands, Killswitchasaurus drags Swerve up. They have a picture of Swerve and his daughter?! Nick makes Swerve look at it, before he SMASHES iton Swerve’s head!! Glass shatters and Swerve falls in a heap! And only now does Christian walk to the ring. The fans boo and Swerve’s eyebrow is just gushing blood! Killswitchasaurus puts Swerve on ropes to CHOKE him, and Christian tells him, “You embarrassed my son, Nick Wayne, when you attacked him at his gym, at his home, right down the street here in Everett, Washington last year. You embarrassed my son, and now I’m forced to embarrass you.”

Christian has the picture of Swerve and his daughter, and asks if Swerve thinks his daughter is proud. Maybe they should ask her! Is she proud of her absentee father? The fans boo as Christian pushes the picture into Swerve’s face, painting it with his blood! “Tonight, I took your blood, Swerve. In two weeks at Double or Nothing, I take your World Heavyweight Championship!” The fans boo and Swerve glares at Christian, but Christian smirks as he walks away. Christian may be taking things from Swerve, but will he only get Swerve’s wrath in Sin City?

Backstage interview with Hook & Shibata.

Renee is with The Handsome Devil & The Wrestler, and notes it is clear Hook will do just about anything to get the FTW Championship back. But now knowing that there is a qualifying match on Collision, does it feel like the numbers game is getting too stacked against him? Hook says the odds could not mean less to him. Whoever he has to beat to get his hands on Jericho, he will beat. Okay then. Shibata speaks up with his translator: “Even me?” What does that mean? Shibata says that he wants his own shot at Jericho. Hook says push comes to shove, Hook VS Shibata to face Jericho, that’s fine by Hook.

The two stare down, but then in steps Samoa Joe! And he’s laughing at Hook! Joe says, “Really? What is this? Who are you? Wasn’t too long ago I thought you were something special. But then week after week, I watch you come out here and fall into the same trap over and over and over again. And now Jericho’s got you at your own man’s neck? Sad. Y’know what’s sad? It’s that if you two people stop playing yourselves, you might actually be dangerous around here.” Joe storms off, Hook says he’ll fight Joe, too! Shibata adds, “He’s too large to be wearing a floral pattern.” The Wrestler and the Handsome Devil do not fear Joe, but should they?

Toni StormVS Harley Cameron!

The leading lady promised to do some serious damage to her apparent replacement within The Outcasts, all to avenge Mariah May. Will Storm punish this parody parading around with Saraya? Or will Harley’s own brand of crazy actually outshine the original?

The bell rings and the two stare down as they circle. They feel things out, Harley kicks low then headlocks for a takeover. Toni headscissors, Harley kips free, then Harley gets around to waistlock. Harley headlocks but Toni slips out to headlock back. Harley throws body shots, powers up and out, but Toni turns her over! The fans cheer, Toni hits a headlock takeover now. Toni thrashes Harley around, but Harley pulls hair! The ref reprimands, Harley headscissors, but Toni kips fee. Harley knees low, throws more knees, then whips. Toni reverses but Harley ducks ‘n’ dodges, only for Toni to THESZ PRESS!

Toni rains down fast hands, then lets off and the fans fire up. Toni runs to HIP ATTACK Harley off the apron! The fans fire up more as Toni lounges on the apron. Toni then sees someone on stage, and it’s Deeb! The Professor is exempt from that ringside ban, and she just wants to say hi. Harley sends Storm into steel steps! Harley dribbles Toni off the apron again and again, then puts her in the ring, and Dynamite goes to picture in picture.

Harley has a crazy grin as she then goes to a corner. Harley climbs, and she slingshots in to BAsem*nT FLATLINER! Harley soaks up the heat while pacing around Toni. Harley puts Toni in a corner, digs her boot in, but lets off as the ref counts. Harley argues with the ref, then stalks Storm to another corner. Harley digs her boot in again, but lets off at 4. Deeb is mildly amused, but Storm CHOPS Harley! And CHOPS! Harley bumps Storm off buckles, then RAMS into her! And again, and again! Harley digs her shoulder in, lets off to soak up more heat, then goes back for Toni at the ropes. Harley whips, ELBOWS Toni down, then covers, TWO!

Harley is annoyed but she stalks Toni to more ropes. Harley CHOKES Toni on the ropes, lets off as the ref counts and argues with him again. Toni rises but Harley is on her in a corner. Harley whips corner to corner, runs in, and then jumps up to ROCK Toni! Harley fires off more shots, then goes corner to corner again. Storm puts Harley on the apron, Harley ducks a haymaker, and she ROUNDHOUSES Toni down! Harley storms in, then digs her boots in again. The ref counts, Harley lets off, and Toni sputters to the apron. Harley drags her back in, sits her up and clamps on a chinlock. Harley gets the arms to make it a straitjacket stretch!

Storm endures, fights up, and powers out of the hold to arm-drag! Harley comes back, into a HEADBUTT! Both women fall and Dynamite returns to single picture. The fans rally, a standing count starts, but Storm goes to a corner. Storm stands at 4 of 10, Deeb smiling as she struggles. Harley runs up, but into an ELBOW! Harley comes back, but Storm goes up and over, rolls and returns, then blocks boots! DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Then a DDT! Then a roll through, into a FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Storm isn’t quite perfect but she isn’t going to stop here! Storm hauls Harley up, but Harley throat chops!

The ref reprimands but Harley reels Storm in for SOLE FOOD! Harley shrieks, runs, and SHINING WIZARDS! Cover, TWO!! Storm survives and Harley is losing her mind! Or, more of it than she’s already lost. Harley talks trash on Storm, runs again, but Storm gets up to grab her! SKY HIGH! Cover, TWO!! Harley survives but Storm staggers to her feet. She gets Harley up and in, but Harley trips her! Jackknife bridge, TWO! Storm sunsets, TWO! Harley stacks, TWO! Storm sunsets again, TWO! Harley kicks, Storm ducks then feints a punch, to STORM ZERO!! Cover, Storm wins!

Winner: Toni Storm, by pinfall

Now that is timeless! Deeb is impressed, at least, but Storm clings to her precious. Will Storm still be the leading lady after the Professor puts her to the test?

Backstage interview with Will Ospreay, Roderick Strong & The Undisputed Kingdom.

Arkady Aura mediates this face to face meeting of #BillyGOAT and Savior of the Backbreaker, and thanks them to agreeing to no physicality. She introduces the International Champion and the #1 contender, and says Ospreay is no stranger to gold. How does this one feel different? Ospreay says the world’s eyes are definitely on him, but there is a sour taste in his mouth after last week. Shane Taylor did all the work so that Roddy and his “bell end mates” could stand over him. Bell end? Yeah, Taven, you’re a bell end. Bennett’s a bell end, Wardlow’s a HUGE bell end!

But most of all, Ospreay hates that Roddy is so comfortable around Ospreay with that title. Now, there’s only two reasons Roddy could feel this way. One: If Ospreay were to lunge at Roddy and put his hands around Roddy’s throat, he’s pretty sure the rest of these guys would get involved. Two: Maybe it’s that Ospreay retired the Tiger Driver 91 from his arsenal. Now, Ospreay isn’t sure the mind games Roddy is playing, but Roddy keeps bringing up that move. Ospreay’s gotta wonder, why is Roddy playing these games when he plays them so piss poor? Roddy, you understand what it feels like to be dropped on your head and feel the power go out in his arms.

Ospreay’s done that move on people that he loves, that he respects, and allow him to tell Roddy right here and right now, Ospreay does NOT respect Roddy. Not because of his talent. That’s why Roddy’s a champion, bruv! But it’s because Roddy’s never respected Ospreay back! Not in ROH, PWG, Progress, even Southside Wrestling, Roddy has always looked down on Ospreay, has never had any respect for Ospreay. So in turn, Ospreay’s got none for Roddy. Roddy says that’s the smartest thing Ospreay’s ever said! Roddy doesn’t have respect, never have. And it’s because Ospreay himself is so talented in the ring, but such an idiot in life!

And Ospreay thinks that now, now that he has a “missus” and a child, that he’s this responsible man? Roddy says Ospreay is still the irresponsible little boy that he’s been and always will be! Ospreay doesn’t deserve this title! Understand this: Roddy overcame something traumatic in his life, a neck injury that almost took him out. But Roddy doesn’t cry over it! And everything Roddy has had and will get, he worked for day in and day out! So it doesn’t matter who everyone else thinks Ospreay is, Roddyknows who Ospreay is, and Ospreay is a fraud! Ospreay is a coward, a child, and at Double or Nothing, Roddy ends this!

Ospreay says yeah, go ahead, get it out. This will be sweet for Ospreay, because Roddy will learn a lesson of humility! For all those years he looked down on Ospreay, that he buried Ospreay to the ROH guys! This will be sweet because Ospreay will take the one thing that makes Roddy important around here. Ospreay is the best wrestler in the world! Internationally known as the greatest of all time! And so Sunday, May 26th, that is Ospreay’s time to show everyone why he is on another level! Roddy says sure, we’ll find out. Who will still be standing after these two go Double or Nothing for pride and respect?

Renee Paquette is in the ring.

The fans cheer and she says it is now time for the contract signing for the TBS Championship match happening at Double or Nothing. First, the challenger, Mercedes Mone! The fans fire up for The CEO as she makes her way to the ring. And of course, welcome the champion, The Face of TBS, Willow Nightingale! The fans fire up for the Babe with the Power as she makes her entrance, Stokely Hathaway & Kris Statlander by her side. Willow tells them that she’s got this, so they let her go to the ring alone. The belt is put on display and Renee says this is such a highly anticipated match between the two of them.

Of course, there is so much history here, but also the AEW in-ring debut of Mercedes Mone. Without further ado, the champ is up first. Sign away and make it official. Willow has the mic to tell The CEO that she does respect her, she really does. She respects Mone, everything she’s done in her career, but Willow needs to know: Does Mone respect this title? Because this is the T B S Championship! The fans cheer that as Willow says this is a title that celebrates the legacy of professional wrestling. A legacy that dates back to over 50 YEARS, on this very channel. The fans cheer that, too! Willow says it is a legacy built on fighting, on hard work, dedication, and defending titles.

Making a name for yourself in the face of obstacles, that is something that every woman that has held this title represents. That is what Willow’s friend, Kris Statlander, represents! And now, Willow is the Face of TBS. The fans cheer that, too! Willow says her smiling face, every time she walks to the ring, you see on the tron, “Nothing Matters, Smile Anyway.” And to Willow, that means through all the doom and gloom, find something to smile for. Her smile is her strength, and pro-wrestling is just that. And this title is what matters to Willow! So through all of that, Willow is NOT going to just let Mone walk into AEW and take that away! Not now, not at Double or Nothing, NOT EVER!

The fans are all fired up but Mone just smiles back. Willow signs her part, pushes the contract over to Mone, and Mone gets a mic. “Evereeeeett~! Please say hello to your C E O.” The fans are a bit more torn than they were for Willow. But Willow wants to talk legacyto Mone? HAH! “Money Changes Everything” isn’t just a catchphrase, it’s a fact. Back in 2015, in Brooklyn, while Willow was still training, Mone was in the ring changing the game forever. Willow wants to talk dedication? Scratching and clawing your way to the top? What about breaking down doors and kicking through glass ceilings? That is what Mone did!

Willow would not be here without Mone! Mone respects Willow, she has so much respect, and thinks Willow is a great champion. But there is a difference between being great, and being the Greatest Of All Time. The fans are again torn, but Mone continues to say, “Let’s talk about The Face of TBS. You should be lookingat the New Face of TBS.” Mone shows off her outfit, the fans are still torn, but Mone says everyone’s had to have seen her on the red carpets, throwing out first pitches, sitting courtside, because that is what a CEO does. And now, Willow, Mone knows the best part of Willow’s career was beating Mone.

But at Double or Nothing, now that Mone is healthy, Willow losing will still be the best thing to ever happen! Because Mone’s legacy is all about winning! Mone caresses the belt, signs her part of the contract, and Willow stands up. Mone can keep on believing that, because the last time they wrestled, Willow walked away the champion. And Mone didn’t walk out at all. DANG~! Mone SLAPS Willow for that one! Renee gets outta there as Mone throws off her jacket and grabs the belt! But then Willow ducks the attack to kick low! Willow reels Mone in, gut wrench, and BABE WITH THE POWER BOMBthrough the table!!

The fans are going nuts for Willow as she holds up the title! Will this be the scene we see in Sin City when The Face of TBS and the CEO go Double or Nothing?

AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada VS Dax Harwood!

While Jack Perry & The Young Bucks crossed off Eddie Kingston, Team AEW is confident they’ve got a new fourth man ready to step up. Will they needanother new fourth man after The Rainmaker is done with Dax? Or will this Top Guy find a way to dry up the reign?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who’s bringing the gold to Las Vegas!

The bell rings, the fans rally up as the two stare down. They circle, tie up, and Dax waistlocks. Okada switches, Dax arm-drags to a takeover, but Okada headscissors. Dax kips free, hits a headlock takeover, but again Okada headscissors. Dax kips free again, the two stand off, and the fans cheer. Okada and Dax reset, circle, and the fans rally up again. The two tie up, Dax headlocks but Okada powers up and out. Dax runs Okada over! Things keep moving, Dax slides under the boot, then trips Okada to tie up the legs! Okada scrambles to the ROPEBREAK, then bails out of the ring! The fans fire up while Dax waits on Okada.

Okada takes his time coming back to the apron and steps in. He and Dax tie up, end up on ropes, and the ref counts. Okada lest off slowly, fakes a chop to pat Dax on the shoulders, but then kicks low! Okada CLUBS Dax again and again, and Dax goes to a corner. The fans rally and Okada storms up, but Dax CHOPS! The fans “WOO~!” while Okada sputters! Dax CHOPS again, then bumps Okada off buckles. Dax CHOPS, then brings Okada out. Okada headlocks, Dax powers up and out, but Okada runs him over! Things keep moving, Dax sets up but Okada stops himself. Okada then POSTS Dax!

Dax flops to the apron while Okada grins, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Okada goes outside, brings Dax from the apron and RAMS him into railing! Dax hobbles, Okada ROCKS him with a forearm, then follows him around the way. Dax CHOPS back! And ROCKS Okada! Okada knees low, POSTS him, and then puts Dax in the ring. Okada talks smack on the fans, goes back into the ring, and he brings Dax up. Okada wrenches and slips around Dax for a modified abdominal stretch. Dax endures, but Okada shifts around to turn Dax, into a NECKBREAKER! Dax sits up and clutches the back of his head, but Okada pushes him down for a co*cky cover. ONE, and Dax gets up to CHOP!

Okada eggs Dax on, he and Dax shove, and then Dax CHPOS! Okada gets in Dax’s face, Dax fires forearms! Dax then gets in Okada’s face, so Okada fires forearms in return! Okada then reels Dax in for a DDT! Okada sits up, chest red from those chops, and Dax kicks from below! Okada grabs that leg to knee it in the thigh! And knee it again! Okada paces, soaks up the heat from the fans, then stalks Dax to a corner. Okada knees low, UPPERCUTS Dax, then follows him to another corner. Okada throws elbows, Dynamite returns to single picture, and Okada whips corner to corner. Okada runs in, but Dax dodges! Dax then JABS, JABS and JABS!

Okada KNEES low, whips to ropes, but Dax reverses. Okada ducks ‘n’ dodges but runs into the SPINEBUSTER! Both men are down and the fans rally up! The standing count starts, both men go to corners. Okada stands, Dax runs up, but Okada puts him up top! Okada DROPKICKS Dax down to the floor! The fans fire up, Okada takes a moment before going outside to fetch Dax. Dax sits in a corner of the barriers, and Okada runs up to BOOT him! The fans boo but Okada just soaks it up. Okada leaves Dax behind, the count passes 5 of 10, but then Okada slides back out. Okada grins, but Dax CHOPS! Okada and Dax fire forearms back and forth!

Okada UPPERCUTS Dax, then reels him in, puts him on the barriers, DRAPING DDTto the floor! Okada grins and laughs at Dax while the ref checks him. Dax is somehow okay to continue, which annoys Okada. Okada rolls into the ring, Dax drags himself up the steel steps, and the ring count reaches 5 of 10! The fans rally, but Dax flops off the apron at 7! Dax writhes, Okada smirks, but Dax springs back up at 9! Dax slides in safe at 9.9! Okada is amused and he drags Dax up into the waistlock. Dax is a ragdoll, so Okada just lets him down. The ref checks, Dax is still in this somehow, so Okada gets Dax back up.

Okada ripcords, but Dax ducks the lariat to GERMAN SUPLEX! Dax holds on, to GERMAN SUPLEX again! Okada fights the third, switches, but Dax elbows free! Dax runs, into a BOOT! Dax rebounds, blocks a boto but the UPPERCUT hits! Dax ROCKS Okada with a right! Okada UPPERCUTS but Dax catches the arm! Dax wants the backslide, Okada spins free, only for Dax to full nelson and DRAGON SUPLEX! Okada sits up in a daze then flops over! The fans are thunderous while both men are down! A standing count starts, Dax crawls his way to Okada, “This is Awesome!” as both men stand.

Dax goes to whip but Okada blocks. Dax CHOPS, then whips, but Okada reverses to ROCK Dax! Both men keep the wristlock, and Okada laughs! Dax CHOPS, Okada ROCKS Dax! Dax ROCKS Okada, Okada ROCKS Dax, so Dax CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Dax whips, Okada reverses but Dax deflects the dropkick! Dax gets the legs again but Okada kicks him away! Dax falls into buckles hard! Okada gets Dax up, but Dax fights the gut wrench! Okada CLUBS away on Dax, runs, but Dax ELBOWS! Dax reels Okada in, but Okada fights the lift to Alabama and REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO?!? Dax survives and shocks everyone!

The fans hope they “FIGHT FOREVER!” but this has to end somehow! Okada goes up a corner, but Dax springs to life! Dax ROCKS Okada, shoves him back, and then climbs up to the very top! Dax stands Okada up, the fans fire up, and Dax hits a SUPER DUPER PLEX!! Both men are down from the landing and the fans are thunderous again! A standing count begins again and the fans rally up. The count reaches 5 of 10, Dax snarls as he crawls over to Okada. They junkyard dog headbutt back and forth, then they fire forearms! Dax ROCKS Okada, Okada ROCKS Dax! Okada brings Dax up but Dax ROCKS him back!

Dax CHOPS Okada, and Okada drops to his knees! The fans fire up, Dax whips, Okada reverses, but Dax reverses back, to short arm- NO, Okada ducks the lariat! DISCUS- LARIAT from Dax!! Dax gets Okada up, reels him in, and SLINGSHOT POWER- RANA from Okada! Dax sunset flips it! Okada rolls through, jackknife, but Dax pops through to a prawn hold!! TWO!!! Okada escapes, but Dax trips him! Okada kicks Dax away again! Dax flounders up, Okada gets him for a gut wrench! Dax kicks and turns that around! TOMBSTONE!! Cover, TWO!!! Okada survives and shocks Dax! The fans fire up while both men are down again.

Dax goes to a corner, climbs up, and DIVING HEADBUTTFLOPS as Okada moves! The fans rally again and Okada drags Dax up. Okada ripcords, RAIN- NO, Dax gets around and he ripcords! Dax trips Okada again, steps through, and has the SHARPSHOOTER! The fans are thunderous as Okada endures and fights forward, ROPEBREAK! Dax lets go more from exhaustion than in frustration, and Okada bails out. Dax pursues, but Okada grabs the belt! Dax keeps Okada from fleeing and throws him into the ring! But Okada throws the belt away, so the ref has to hurry after it. Okada KICKS the ropes to jam Dax up!!

The fans boo as Okada ripcords, RAINMAKER!! Cover, Okada wins!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by pinfall (still AEW Continental Champion)

And now that the ringside ban is lifted, The Elite rush out here just to beat Dax down! They want to take another piece off the board while they still can! But then here comes Cash and Bryan! They brawl with The Elite but that’s still 4v3 total! Where’s Team AEW’s fourth man!? IT’S DARBY ALLIN!?! The Relentless One slides in from the crowd to CRACK Nick with the skateboard! And he JAMS Matt! And he brawls with Jack! The fans are losing their minds as Darby brawls with Jack, Bryan has Okada, and FTR are after The Bucks! They’re all in corners, Okada and Nick bail out, but that leaves FTR to mug Matt and Bryan to help Darby with Jack!

FTR TOSS Matt, Darby JAMS Jack with the skateboard! The Elite is sent running, will Darby use Anarchy in the Arena to avenge The Icon?

My Thoughts:

A great episode of Dynamite here, but there was something about the second hour that just felt odd. As always, lots of promos, and the promos were all well done, but I’m very thankful they chose to do Ospreay and Roddy confronting each other as a backstage segment and not something on stage or in the ring. There was no time for them to have entrances for everybody. Great contract signing segment with Willow and Mone, and the table spot was definitely proof Mone is healthy to get in a match or they wouldn’t have done that. However, it also felt very go-home, so with Willow standing tall, I guess Mone does win the title. It’d make them even in the bigger picture of their history, and then maybe they can have a rematch in June on the road to Forbidden Door.

Really good promo from Toni Storm ahead of her match with Harley, and it was a clever move to have a ringside ban on the usual suspects, only for Deeb to appear on stage. Storm VS Harley was still a very good match even with Deeb distracting more the cameras than anything. Still hard to say if Deeb gets the title, though. And great move with Edge’s segment to turn into a beatdown rather than a promo. Good save attempt by Kyle, and while Edge got wrecked, he’s obviously going to still make it to Double or Nothing. Maybe we get a match of Edge & Kyle VS Brody & Buddy for the go-home? And good promo from Malakai to establish the raised stakes, but I fear if Malakai wins the title and forces Edge to join The House of Black, it’ll become a little too Early Judgment Day with Edge in charge…

Great promo from Swerve to lead into his great match with Brian Cage. Swerve won, of course, but we of course saw him get beat down by The Patriarchy. My only gripe is that Swerve wasn’t just bleeding hard way, he was gushing hard way! That stream from his eyebrow…! Granted, it works in story because Swerve made Nick bleed, and Christian smeared the blood on Swerve’s family picture. I just hope AEW tones down the blood, that’s still some risky stuff. But in the end, Swerve is of course still winning, this is just upping how he’s on the other end of being targeted and beat down after doing it to others before.

Good stuff from Hook with Jericho, and I do like that Hook himself said a squash match win wasn’t good enough. Shibata stepping up because he also wants after Jericho is good stuff, and Joe also had a good part in the backstage promo. Shibata bringing up the floral print was hilarious, I loved it. There was nothing on what kind of qualifying match is happening for Collision, but Hook VS Shibata VS Joe would be some amazing stuff. Great opening tag match with BCC beating the United Empire Callis Family hybrid, and that is clearly a faction feud that can happen past Double or Nothing. Though, obviously Konosuke Takesh*ta is losing to Moxley in an IWGP World Championship match, Moxley still has to deal with Evil and the House of Torture in NJPW.

And from there, great stuff with The Elite. I would think Eddie’s injury is kayfabe, but he’s also apparently busy being part of Renee Paquette’s new YouTube show, A Match & A Meal. Bucks beating Daniels & Sydal to then “fire” Daniels definitely adds more heat, and we got an awesome main event from Okada and Dax. Darby returning to be the new fourth man is great, because Darby knows how to go wild in that ring, even in normal matches. Anarchy in the Arena is right up his alley after all the Street Fights and what not alongside Sting, and Darby might be the deciding factor in this match now. Darby can have a great feud with Jack Perry, maybe even go after Okada and the Continental Championship, this is good stuff.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (5/18/24) (2024)
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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.