The Evening Sun from Hanover, Pennsylvania (2024)

PAGE 12 THE EVENING SUN, HANOVER, PA. TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1959 Allenberry Playhouse Bolling Springs, Pa. Now Playing "HOWIE'' Beginning Juno 8 TO ME Evenings at 8:30 Mats. Wed. Sat.

at 2 p.m. For tickets, rail MEirose 7-4167 or Carlisle, CLinton 8-6120 285 NINTH GRADE STUDENTS READY FOR SENIOR HIGH L. Hartlaub, Judith A. Hawk, Rob- jliam Luther Graybill, Jack E. Grim, James B.

Grove, Edward E. Gruver, Barry R. Gulden, Wililiam E. Halter, Thomas D. Hanson, John R.

Hart, Dean R. Hartlaub, Janet L. Hartlaub, Sandra (Continued From Page 1) ert H. Hayes, Cecelia R. Heavner, Harry A.

Heck, Lee E. Heindel, 1 Donna J. Heldibridle, Eric J. Heltebridle, Larry E. Helwig, SENIORS TO HOLD CAMPUS DAY FETE (Continued From Page 1) Ends Tonight At Duck Only EXTRA! EXCLUSIVE ATTRACTION JOHN WAYNE DEMMARTfN! RICKY KELSON magic.

Patsy Trump. Linda Pow- Marv Henry, Dorene E. High- ell, Sandra Flemmens, Suzanne lands Ruth Hilbert, Gary Lee Stetter. James Dickensheets. Hockensmith, Edward W.

Hoff- James DeHoff, Ronald Geisey and man Jerry Hogarth, Robert Michael Sullivan will perform a Charles Ho'ran, William R. Hough-, 4 square dance. A garland dance Eleanor F. Howells, Rosetta ard McCallster Chapter Daugh- will be presented by Linda Stahl, Houser 1 American Revolution. medal given to the member of the senior class who is judged the best in citizenship.

The selection is made by secret ballot of the senior class and faculty. This award will be presented by Mrs. M. R. Shoff, regent of Col.

Rich- The Leppo Award, to be presented by Ray W. Gray, principal of the school, to the senior who has attained the highest rating of scholarship during the three-year course at high school. This award is sponsored by the class of 1947 in memory of their classmate, Sally Crooks and Gloria Mowrer Judjth JacobSi Fayf Am The presentation of the promo- Garv Bonnie Y. lion certificates will be made by Kauffman, Joyce C. Kemper, Ruth Dr.

Charis E. Davis, superintend- A Kemper, Marie A. Kern. Jean ent of schools. Benediction will be Kessler, Linda Kessler, Thomas given by the Rev.

Mr Stiner, pas- A Kessler, Beverly A. Klinedinst, tor of the Methodist Church. M. Klunk, James C. The members of the ninth grade Knights, Carv D.

Knott, Joyce E. class are: Kopp, John D. Krug, Gary Charles Leppo, who died in 1947. Dwight G. Alcott, Richard E.

Lau Linda A Lau Ronald G. The Bausch.Lomb Science Alleman, Gilbert C. Allewelt, Laughman, Jeffrey M. Lawrence, cons.stine of a bronze Dawn Flwood Suzanre Al- David C. Leese, Kathleen D.

Le- A i hich Linda I David an honorary award to the wood, Helen M. Anderson, Carol Lincia uawci w-j nailia. uJrfh L. Angel, Edward L. Angel, Marv- E- Lemmon, Janet L.

student who has rtceived the high- eflen S. Anthony, Darrell Baber. Leppo, Sally K. Leppo, Martha J. est rating in science during the Anna M.

Backman, Robert L. Lippy, Robert W. Lippy, John three-year period of study and Baker, Ruth E. Baker. Mary Little, Kay F.

Little, Steven T. who has the greatest capacity for Darlene L. Bankert, Don- Little, Dorothy M. Loder, Barbara science. This award will be pre- nn aid E.

Bankert. Gary E. Bankert. A- LookenbiU, John W. Lowe sented by Gerald M.

Wertz, chem- I hlS VV HS xJ'lJTiy James P. Bankert, Joyce E. Bank Jacqueline M. Luckenbaugh. istry guidance instructor.

ert, Judith A. Bankert, Mary A Linda E. Luckenbaugh, Calvin T. Stott, industrial arts Bankert, Raymond H. Bankert, Markle, Barbara A.

Markte, 0 will present the Han- Terry L. Bankert, Linda R. Bau- Daniel J. Martin, Mark N. Martz, over Hardware Boys Vocational blitz, Carole L.

Baughman, PatsyjWiNiam Maserner, Donna M. Award to the senior vocational A. Bechtel, Gloria J. Becker, Manias. Polly E.

McCourry, whQ has the highest average Lynn 0. Becker, Terry Becker, L. McFarland Donna three yearg in shop and Nancy M. Bentzel, Sandra L. turff, Jean M.

McMaster, Darlene Berkheimer, Sydney D. Berwager. Meckley, Nancy D. Meckley, Wilson J. Bishop, Anne K.

Bit- Meckley, Arlene M. Men- tinger, James R. Bittinger. Pa- 8 es- Beverly K. Menges, Henry J.

tricia A. Bittinger. Andrew Blum- Mikesell, Dale E. Miller, Ellen M. enthal, Frederick H.


(API Mrs. Harry S. Truman will be released from Research Hospital this week to return to her home in nearby Independence. Tom Faulkner, public relations representative of the hospital, said Monday that Mrs. condition is very good.

The 74-year-old wife of the mer President underwent surgery for removal of a breast tumor May 18. The tumor was not malignant. LEGAL ADS FIRST STEP ON ROAD TO troops and vehicles poured into the 6pen mouths of LST landing ships at Brixham, England, in June, 1944, as the Allies assembled the greatest invasion fleet in history for the D-Day landings on the European mainland. Other awards will be a nursing First Six Hours Were Toughest At Normandy ster and stopped at the shale bank to blast the enemy. They Hadn't Failed remember a wounded youth NOTICE The Hanover Borough School District will receive bids for the furnishing of certain items of Football Equipment for the Eichelberger Senior High School.

Bid lists may be obtained from the undersigned Secretary at the Administration Office located on Stock in the Borough of Hanover. Pennsylvania. Bids are to be in the hands of undersigned Secretary by 4:00 P.M. (EDT) June 10, 1959, and are to presented in a sealed envelope bearing identification The Board Of Education of the Hanover Borough School District the right to reject any or all bidi or any part of any bid. H.

M. BOLLINGER Secretary Hanover Borough School District administration Office, Hanover, Penna. 3t-u-73 Adv. (Continued From Page 1) NOTICE OF CASTING LOTS OF TIE VOTES NOTICE is hereby given to candicrying: Oh, God. Please stop the dates receiving tie votes at the Pri- hurt! Get me out.

Get me Election, May 19. 1959, that the casting of lots shall take place Bn- But there was no one to get him day, June 5. 1959, at 12:00 noon (EST) out. Men dug into the gravel with f-M. DST) and the one towhom the lot shall fall shall be entitled to an amphibious tank struggling their bare hands until blood ran the election.

through the waves. Then the water their fingertips. Bodiesanv caudate or candidates scholarship to be presented by the bid each other goodbye. I was washed over the turret and it was floated in the water and stirred 12:00 noon EST on said day the Coun- Women of the Moose, which will taken to Weymouth and realized gone. gently with the incoming tide.

I Sts or them'' For the purpose be given by Mrs. Ruth Wildasin, suddenly that I was entering the Then we saw the beach. Easy I lay on the beach and thought: c.a^.in|?-i"t.la_n/ Healthfully Air Conditioned The Pride of litttestown, fa. Ends Tonight. 7 9 P.

M. DEBORAH KERR YUL BRYNNER In Metro Color senior regent, and the York County assembly area for the 1st Infantry Red Beach they called it. Shells i time we have failed. enee V. Breig.mer, Connie lomas 4 pharmaceutical Association cer- Division with whom I had cam- exploded in the surf and machine: wonder when they'll come over The following is a list of candt- Brenneman, John F.

Brognard. Mountjoy. Ronald L. Moul award to bfJ pre5em. paigned jn buUets whipped up ugly little that bluff and finish this mmb" Barbara Burns S.iaion M.

Mowery, Gloria A. ed by Cerald Wertz, to the senior The hour5 moved wiftly. Troops spouts of water. The roar of naval But no grav-clad figures came KJ'Siirii Brenda Eve Chapman. Patnc.a A.

Mullins, Dons B-lstlMient who the hltfi-ioM oST craft gunfire engulfed us and the bluff. est average in chemistry. into the harbor. Bells were vicious hisses from shells And suddenly I felt a strange! Robert Mmigli! The school band, under the di- rang. Chains clanked.

Booted feet whipping by our craft. of peace. The panic and fear; GLEN ROCK BOROUGH rection of Bruce D. Wiser, and clumped on steel decks. Ship loud- We moved in with the assault were gone.

If death had to come. Allitor tU the school chorus, under the blared commands. And waves toward the jagged barrier-then it must. I climbed out of myj HANOVER BOROUGH tion of Clyde Mummert, will provide music. Fun Starts Tomorrow! a I DM TNI Fred MacMURRAY-Jean HAGEN All Children must have tickets.

Patricia A. Clare, Diane E. Cline, Mummert, James A. Mummert, John Charles Cline, Robert Linda M. Mummert.

Nancy M. Colehouse, Thomas L. Cookerlv, Mummert, Stephen R. Mummert, James William Cornpropst, S. Neel, Martha J.

Noel, rence D. Cramer, John E. Craw- Sandra J. Ohm, Jo Anne Orent, ford, Diane M. Cromer, Gilbert L.

Nancy G. Palmer, Joyce E. Pas- iCromer, Michael E. Cromer. Sallyicoe, Sally A.

Pascoe, Stephen L. Crooks, Robert M. Crosswhite. Patterson, Donald E. Payne.

Dan- Barbara A. Day, Grace E. Dea- iel Z. Pennewill, Jay H. Peter- SIXTH GRADE PUPILS trick, James L.

Dehoff, Gloria J. man, Joel L. Peterman. Paul M. Dell, Harry J.

Dettinger, Irvin Suzanne L. Poole, Diehl, James R. N. Powell, Harold Raber, Virginia G. Dixon, Pauline R.

Reaver. Richard M. Re- Dubs, Carole Ecker, Gretchen L. bert, Lynn B. Reck, Linda Ann Ehrhart, Mary J.

Epley, Martha Reichart, Linda L. Reichart, then Gen. Eisenhower made his of steel rails, barbed wire, con- and began doing what I 1 udltor 11' decision and the great invasion erete blocks and devices planted could to help and to watch the fleet moved into the Channel. by the Germans. bravest men ever known.

Not until we were under way The ramp of our craft lowered. IN PROGRAM TONIGHT desUnta'on -hthfcrast IoflNormm-1 wadedU ourselVes SUMMER READING (Continued From fa*ge 1 l'dy- George Taylor, command- behind a slight bank of shale nng the 1st 16th Regi- where thousands of troops were dent of the school board, will ihuddled-. only protec- Dk dress the pupils and parents. first six hours will be the Uon against the blast of fire from M. Erb.

Phyllis E. Lrb, Victoria Wayne Remdollar, Peter N. jhe fjve elemen- I heard him say. That the German positions on a bluff J. Feeser, Sandra L.

Rhodes. Wilbur A. Rife, Lawrence schools and their principals is the during which we will not more than two hundred yards Clyde E. Flickinger, Suzanne R.jE. Rineman, William J.

Rineman afe jjanover Street John weakest. got to open the from the edge. Storm Still Kicking Clay W. Garrett Rov Attlesberger LEWISBE RR BOROUGH of the (for position) John Brenneman J. Rov Rockey NORTH YORK BOROUGH (2) Donald Thomspon Walter Ross Earl Smith SHREWSBURY BOROUGH Auditor (1) D.

Helfrick Harold Trimpev Counpilman (2) H. Tnmpey H. E. Jennings B. Mellinger D.

Bowman WEI.LSVILLE BOROUGH Councilman (1) Ira Slothhower D. E. Rodgers Ralph LOWER CHANCE FORD TOWNSHIP Awards during the program in- Justlce of the Peace J. T. Wiley Donald Smyser SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP book marks for eight books and School Director John German guns poured a murderous LI Many Killed CLUB TO ORGANIZE (Continued From Page 1 ultimately end up in the tar pits of La Brea.

on the craft at, close range. i diplomas after reading 10 Forry, Dawn M. Freeman. Michael Penny A. Rohrbaugh, Mar- Earnest.

cieview, D. Fat- door- Somebody had to lead the L. Freilich, Karen E. Frey, Donna garet A. Roth, Ronald S.

Row- R)crh Ram. if we fail. Well, then L. Fritz, Wayne B. Frock Caroljjand.

Jane Rudisill, Jeffrey L. hart -p Slreet; A' the behind us wiU do the their'" the teach clude plns for reading two books' A. Fuhrman, Garry Fuhrman, E. Patricia WentZf and Walnut Ber. job -Joan L.

Fulco, Judith E. Gardner, a Sanders, Earl W. Schreiber, narfj Hughes A dele N. Garrett, Harriet E. Gei- Charles W.

Schriver. Barry R. The wiu jncfud selec. man, Lawr 6 nce R. Ronald Schiirnan John Seidenstricker, A.

Giesey, Delores Marie Ginter. jeffrev Staling John Shafer tIOf by chorus. ness, we heard the bombers roar- soldiers as they stepped from the Gloria J. Ginter, Margaret D. Jean Shaffer Terry Shank Mlf overhead and saw the faint ramps of the boats.

Units were Ginter, Susan E. Gobrecht, Judith Carl Miriam R. Shear- a gpd.e!flashes of exploding bombs on the landed in the wrong places. band, directed George Rut- unseen shore. The loudspeaker Squads and companies were land- voice called a boat number and ed without leaders and the men loyd McCullough DEMOCRATIC: As dawn washed away the dark- Machine gun bullets cut down not be aw aided 1 1 Prec" 1 -before July 1 Louise Goodermuth, Barbara Thelma Shoemaker, Rebecca iU Dresent the processional Gouker, Dale L.

Gladfelter, Wil- j. ShoU, James E. Shriner, Gor- 1 NOW SHOWING BUCK NIGHT $1.00 Per Car Load SCHEU-MALDEN Hie Hanging Tree from WARNER BROS. JAMES CARD PARTY TUESDAY, JUNE 2 At 8 P. M.

St. School Cafeteria Baltimore Hanover Price, 50c Prizes Refreshments on sale Sponsored by P.T.A. FUN FOR EVERYONE EMWimttD FOREST i. tGwjnA JamjI T( U. S.

40, 15 mi. W. of Baltimore Snow The 7 Dwirfi Many Other New Snack Area Open naily 10:00 A.M. Special Group Kates and recessional, don E- Small, Douglas F. Smith, James B.

Sprenkle John Spren- i kle. Linda A. Stahl. Brenda S. NOMINEES SELECTED Stair, Linda L.

Stair, Jacqueline Stambaugh, Victoria C. Staub, Carol A. Stremmel, Alan W. Sterner. Dawn M.

Sterner, Suzanne R. Stetter, Fred C. Stiner, Nellie A. Stover, Barbara A. Sullivan, Michael R.

Sullivan, Ronald W. Swisher. oQr group silently clambered over milled about in an agony of con- sentative emblems are: Clear- t.he rail and down the rope net to fusion with no one to tell them view School, wooly rhino; Han- the little invasion craft bobbing what to do other than burrow into RV rnilMTV RnDOIirHC in The storm that holes in the sand. And still they vUUn 1 BUKUUUHb had swept the Channel the day be- came, piling up on the beach, fore still wfas kicking up trouble, shoulder to shoulder. Our tiny craft circled the Chase I Machine guns were set up at for a few minutes and then headed the edge.

Mortar crews for shore, bobbing like a cork. I went into action with the water was sick and my mouth had the lapping at the base plate. An Geneva E. Meisky Out of last record en- FRANKLINTOWN rollment of 2.002, the library Councilman Merle L. Deiner awarded 1,365) diplomas.

I 1 Club divisions and their repre- Councilman U) Donald Miller iCim Lorman (Continued From Page 1) Hanover council president; M. A. Wolfgang, Jefferson; Henry J. Weisser WrightsvUle, and Roylsour taste of vomU and occasional tank iumbered out of L. Keener, executive looked across the water and saw the water like a prehistoric mon- George T.

Therit. Richard F. mitteemen. Frank Rehm Ross Watts John Rados SHREWSBURY BOROUGH over Street, stegosaurus; High Street, styracosus; Penn of the croythosaurus; Walunt Street, tri ceratops; Park Hills, omitholes tes; Baresville, protoceratops; St. Justnce of the Peace (1) Emma Cover C.

A. COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS HARRY C. BUSSER Kreeger W. C. Scott Gerald Shewell HEIDELBERG TOWNSHIP Parochial, mammoth; St.

tyrannosaurus; Junior High School, dimetrodon; out- of-towers, brontosaurus, and pre- ATTEST: CARROLL H. LEPPO school, the dodo bird. EJection Clerk EMORY M. KILGORE EDWARD J. FITZGERALD u-67 Adv.

Topper, Helen L. Trish, Walter Eugene Trish, Frederick C. Trone, Paul E. Troyer, Patricia A. Trump, Larry P.

Valdick, Charlotte E. Wagner. William L. Wagner, Jerry L. Walker, Diane L.

Walter, Thomas H. Walmer, Jo- Serving on the nominating com-; BLONDIE mittee were C. E. Bechtel, Hanover councilman; James D. Neff, Red Lion, and Arthur E.

Shearer, Jacobus. A panel discussion planned for the next session will be presented LAST DAY! NO STORY TOPS THAT OF OUR P.W.’s IN starring WILLIAM HOLDEN DON TAYLOR A OTTO PREMINGER cri A Paramount Rf Release TOMORROW ONLY! THE SCREEN BURSTS WITH THE EXCITEMENT OF RANDOLPH scon You Owe Your -V Children the Lifelong Happi- I ness Offered by a New KIMBALL PIANO! anne M. Warner, Michael C. War-; by Joseph J. Bendel execu- ner, Rodney A.

Warner, Bryon tive director of the York Rede- L. Wildasin, Sally S. velopment Authority, moderator, Dennis O. Winand, Diane R. Wine, and David Barier, Lititz borough N.

Keith Womer, Richard J. manager; Harry Schrum, Spring Judith E. Yost. David S. Young, Grove borough secretary; David Dorothy P.

Zinn, Nancy L. Zinn, Davidson, West York borough en- Annette L. Zinneman, Larry gineer Robert O. Beers, North Zinneman and Ronald L. Zart-jyork borough solicitor man.

Student ushers will be Judith A Brown, Donald Coffman, SusanLAN H)K SEKVANCE Glick, Wade Harlarker, Stephanie OF WEEK Hartman, Ralph Lemmon, Guy Markle, Patsy Miller, Barbara Wagner, Philip Warner. Harry Weisensale and Ellen Wolfe. The dances in the program are directed by Mrs. Catherine Reesei assisted by Linda Stahl. (Continued From Page 1) 310 PERSONS KILLED IN TRAFFIC MISHAPS York County and Hanover School districts.

The Week project, which is operated in co-operation with the University of Pennsylvania, will include more than 2,000 teachers next year. Its major activity will be about 48 workshops where teachers can By THL ASSOCIATED PRESSjdiscuss with consultants their A final tally shows a record major interests and problems. Cable reported that a survey of the topics that teachers would like to hear discussed demonstrated that reading instruction is highest 310 persons died in traffic accidents during the two-day Memorial Day weekend. The traffic toll during the 54- hour period shot far past the old on the list of their concerns, record of 241 for a two-day Me- A total of 321 teachers indicated morial Day holiday set in 1953. they would like to attend reading During the weekend there were workshops, 112 of them preferring 101 drownings and 47 deaths from miscellaneous accidents for an over-all total of 458, breaking the 1953 record of 385, RWE onesome hx KAREN STEELE mumeu 2 P.M., 7 9 Without obligation to buy, use our famous Rentai-Pur- chase-Plan.

Your choice of many superb Kimball Pianos. Should you decide to buy the piano within 3 months, all money paid for rental and drayage will be deducted from purchase price. Inquire today, Menchey Music Service 430 Carlisle St. Hanover, Pa. Phone MEirose 7-2185 AH Types of Electrical Wiring FRANCIS E.

KLUNK Electrical Service 501 North McSherrystowu Phone MEirose 2-3270 PAINTING J. H. MILLER Complete Painting Service Interior and Exterior R-4 Hanover MEirose 2-8274 SONOTONE HEARING SERVICE Phone MEirose 2-1206 235 St. HANOVER. PA.

developmental reading and remedial reading. The other proposed topics that were highly popular among the teachers were new approaches to teaching mathematics, social and world cultures, classroom management, and how to teach the entire range of abilities. The program is set for Oct. 22 and 23, and will be split between West York Area and Central High I Schools Workshops will be held both and the opening day also will I include an exhibit of school supplies and equipment. Dr.

Walker will speak during the second day. India Sets 1967 Oil Goal NEW DELHI K. D. Malaviya. Minister for Mines and Oil, says that by investing about $840,000,000 India can become self-suffi- cient in oil by 1967 and be producing five to 10 million tons annually.

At present India has to import about $420.000,000 worth of 1 crude A every year..

The Evening Sun from Hanover, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Mr. See Jast

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