The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Ugly Baby - walkthrough (2024)

Last update: 22 December 2021

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On this page of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt game guide we have included the walkthrough of the Ugly Baby main quest. This walkthrough explains, among other things, when we can return to Kaer Morhen, how to defeat the trolls and reach the altar, and how to lure the Forktail.

  • Warning - completing the team
  • Return to Kaer Morhen
  • Disturbance
  • The Final Trial
  • To Bait a Forktail...

Warning - completing the team

Make sure that you're ready for the journey before taking Uma from Crow's Perch (details in the next section). Check the "Complementing the crew in Kaer Morhen" chapter, because after reaching the stronghold, you will be able to leave it only during the team collecting. At that point you won't be able to recruit any new members.

Missing the step involving recruiting one of the allies does not mean you'll fail the campaign, however, you won't unlock one of the achievements in the game.

Return to Kaer Morhen

After completing the main quests in Velen, Novigrad and Skellige, you will be ordered to take a creature called Uma from the Crow's Perch.

Depending on whether you have fully completed the Family Matters quest by finding Baron's Wife (Ladies of the Wood) in Velen, in the perch you will be talking to the Baron or the Sergeant who takes his place. Except for that slight difference, the quest will be the same in both cases. Talk with the stable boy after you receive permit to take Uma.

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Ugly Baby - walkthrough (2)

The gate to Kaer Morhen

While on the road, a cutscene will start during which you will be taken to Vizima to meet with emperor Emhyr. The dialogue options won't matter, after a moment the journey will resume and you will regain control of the character once he reaches Kaer Morhen. Vesemir will welcome you and inform you about new quests:

  1. Disturbance
  2. The Final Trial
  3. To Bait a Forktail...

The new minor quests are described below. You can complete them in any order you want; however, the one as on the list above is recommended. Only after you finish all three quests will you be able to remove Uma's curse.


The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Ugly Baby - walkthrough (3)

Weird chests that cause disturbance

First subquest. Go to the first floor to see Yennefer. She will give you a special device that makes a sound when you activate it during your search for the source of disturbance.

Go to the ground floor, near the entrance door. On their left side you will find the source of the disturbance - chests covered with white powder. After examining them, go back to the sorceress. Watch the cutscene and this phase will end.

The Final Trial

Next subquest will be completed together with Lambert. Follow him, you will face some harpies (level 19) on your way. You will reach a fisherman's hut where you should find a boat - go look for it West from the building. You will have to deal with some drowners (level 17-18) and, after defeating them, with a water hag (level 20). Walk into the boat with your colleague.

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Ugly Baby - walkthrough (5)

A cyclops in the cave - you can bypass it

You will reach the other side of the lake, where you will hear a child's voice. It's a trap - if you follow it, three foglets will attack you. Because of that, it is better to ignore the call and go straight to the cave. There you will find a sleeping cyclops - you can bypass him or decide to fight him together with Lambert.

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Ugly Baby - walkthrough (6)

The Place of Power near the path up

After leaving the cave, use the Place of Power to gain a skill point. A bit further you will meet a group of trolls - watch out for rocks they throw and escape to the cave. You will find them on the other side of the cave as well - three of them. You can fight them immediately or negotiate to temporary give them the swords in exchange for free passage to the Circle. In both cases you will reach your destination...

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Ugly Baby - walkthrough (7)

The Circle altar

As Lambert suggests, place the phylactery at the altar and light four torches around it. Now kill some time waiting until it loads by talking with your companion. Once it is done, pick the artifact, optionally go back for your swords if you skipped the fight with the monsters, and you can go back to the hold.

To Bait a Forktail...

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Ugly Baby - walkthrough (8)

Eskel's prints on the other side of the bridge

Search for Eskel at the other side of the stronghold. You will find some prints, follow them. You will reach a camp set up by the other witcher. Inside you will find enhanced draconid oil and footprints, your new trail.

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Ugly Baby - walkthrough (9)


After a moment you will lose the trail. Examine the tree near the path and follow the smell up. After a moment, you will notice Eskel. Soon after that, a battle with the forktail (level 18) will start. Once you take half the hit points of the enemy, it will escape to its lair nearby. Follow the blood marks. The creature in the cave will have the same amount of health - it won't regenerate in the meantime.

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Ugly Baby - walkthrough (10)

Entrance to forktail's lair

After killing the monster and obtaining the mixture, leave the cave. Eskel will ask if you want to race him - you won't lose anything in case of losing, winning will give you Hanged's Man Venom receipt and good shoes.

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Ugly Baby - walkthrough (2024)


Should I do the last wish before an Ugly Baby? ›

The Last Wish is a secondary quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Important: this quest will fail if not completed before retrieving Uma from Crow's Perch during Ugly Baby. Be sure to complete it before doing so if you wish to romance Yennefer.

What order is the Ugly Baby in Witcher 3? ›

From here we must complete three child quests in order to complete Ugly Baby. You can choose freely between them, but the most logical and convenient order is Disturbance first, The Final Trial second, and To Bait a Forktail... last. Here are our walkthroughs for all three quests.

What to do before an Ugly Baby? ›

Ugly Baby is a main quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. To start it, one must first follow all of Ciri's trails in Velen, Novigrad and Skellige. This is an "umbrella" quest, incorporating the following sub-quests, all of which must be completed: Disturbance.

Can you romance Yen if you fail the last wish? ›

Later in the Skellige section of the game, Yennefer asks to meet Geralt in Larvik, which serves as the beginning of "The Last Wish." You must complete this quest before "Ugly Baby," or it will auto-fail, and Geralt won't end up with the raven-haired sorceress.

Which quest does Ugly Baby fail? ›

These 2 side quests will fail when doing the main quest Ugly Baby, if they are not completed.
  • The Last Wish.
  • Following the Thread.
Mar 17, 2023

What should be The Last Wish? ›

Common themes of last wishes were Travel, Activities, Regaining health, Quality of life, Being with family and friends, Dying comfortably, Turn back time, and Taking care of final matters.

Which quests fail in the Isle of Mists? ›

The following 25 quests will fail when entering Isle of Mists, if they are not completed.
  • A dangerous game.
  • A deadly plot.
  • A favor for a friend.
  • A matter of life and death.
  • A tower full of mice.
  • An eye for an eye.
  • Berengar's blade.
  • Brother's in arms - Nilfgaard.
Jan 17, 2021

Should you leave swords with trolls? ›

The easiest way to get by the trolls is to leave your armor and weapons with them. You won't need it as you'll only walk up the hill to investigate a spot and then back. You can either fight the trolls or talk your way past them without armor. It's up to you.

Why is Uma important in Witcher 3? ›

Locating Uma

Uma is serving as the Baron's court jester, with Geralt deducing that Uma is key in locating Ciri during the events of The Witcher 3's main story. Geralt will simply need to tell the Baron's Sargeant that they're taking Uma during the Ugly Baby quest, and the story will continue from there.

Who is Geralt's true love? ›

Yennefer of Vengerberg is decisively Geralt's true love, both in The Witcher 3, and in the series as a whole. This is apparent from one of their first ever encounters in the books, when Yen helps Geralt cure Dandelion of a djinn's grasp.

Can you sleep with ves in Witcher 3? ›

Depending on the player's choices, Geralt can sleep with Ves in Chapter II. Although experiencing hard times with the Scoia'tael, Ves does not hold a grudge against non-humans and treats every criminal the same way regardless of their race.

Do you lose Yen if you sleep with Triss? ›

Kissing Triss Won't Upset Yennefer In The Witcher 3

Telling Triss that he loves her during the "Now or Never" quest will end with the two sleeping together - and understandably, Yen will not be too pleased with his actions. After this, a committed relationship with her will be off the table.

Should I start with The Last Wish? ›

The first season of The Witcher pulls from the story collections The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny, with some elements of The Blood of Elves. The best way to read The Witcher books is to start with The Last Wish, then read Sword of Destiny.

When to do The Last Wish quest? ›

Is a Yennefer side quest in Skellige, with suggested level 15. It becomes available after the main story quest Nameless. Once you have the quest, meet Yennefer in Larvik to start the quest.

Is it normal to worry about your baby being ugly? ›

It's absolutely normal to be worried about how attractive your kid will be, but the good news is that we live in a relatively polite society. If your kid is the cutest child on earth, people will gush over them. If they look like a pug's head on a human's body, people will still coo over your baby.

When should I have my last baby? ›

The bottom line for women, in my view, is: plan to have your last child by the time you turn 40. Beyond that, you're rolling the dice, though they may still come up in your favor. “Fertility is relatively stable until the late 30s, with the inflection point somewhere around 38 or 39,” Steiner told me.

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