Which of the following is not a benefit of a savings account? A. A way to achieve short-term savings goals B. Build funds for large, irregular expenses C. Protection against inflation D. A way to save for your child's education | Homework.Study.com (2024)


Business Finance Savings account


Which of the following is not a benefit of a savings account?

A. A way to achieve short-term savings goals

B. Build funds for large, irregular expenses

C. Protection against inflation

D. A way to save for your child's education

Savings Accounts:

A savings account is a way of setting aside income and is different from a checking account in terms of access and use. A savings account does not usually come with checks or a card linked to the account and has rules to prevent it from being overdrawn.

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C) Protections against inflation is not a benefit of a savings account.

Inflation is a decrease in the value of cash over time due to financial and...

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Which of the following is not a benefit of a savings account? A. A way to achieve short-term savings goals B. Build funds for large, irregular expenses C. Protection against inflation D. A way to save for your child's education | Homework.Study.com (1)

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Savings Account Definition, History & Types


Chapter 24/ Lesson 12


Learn the definition and purpose of savings accounts and how savings accounts work. Explore the various types, including traditional savings accounts.

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  • The stock option form of bonus payments to managers usually: a. Motivates well even in extended market downturns. b. Can lose some motivation because of the delay in reward. c. Focuses on the short-term. d. Is not consistent with shareholder interests.
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  • Which of the following is not true regarding the adoption of a budget? a. promotes efficiency b. is a deterrent to waste c. is a basis for performance evaluation d. guarantees accomplishing the profit objective
  • Identify each of the following as a mission, goal, or strategy. a. Budget time for study, sleep, and relaxation. b. Provide shelter for homeless. c. Provide an above-average return to investors. d. Protect the public. e. Locate first stations so that the
  • For the following event, determine the appropriate expenditure classification: Issuing long-term debt. Choose from the following classifications of expenditures for governmental funds: | Expenditures - Operating | Expenditures - Intergovernmental | Ex
  • Which of the following describes the time value of money? a. Money loses it purchasing power over time through inflation. b. A dollar received today is worth more than a dollar to be received in the future. c. The time value of money has no effect on the
  • Most economists believe that classical macroeconomic theory is a good description of the economy: A. in neither the short nor long run. B. in the short run and in the long run. C. in the short run, but not in the long run. D. in the long run, but not i
  • The most important advantage of discount policy is that the Fed can use it to: A) precisely control the monetary base. B) perform its role as lender of last resort. C) control the money supply. D) punish banks that have deficient reserves.
  • Advantages of participative budgeting include all of the following except ________. A. budget estimates are prepared by those directly involved in the activities. B. claims that the budget was unrealistic and impossible to meet cannot be made. C. indiv
  • Moral hazard and adverse selection problems increased in prominence in the 1980s \\ A) as deregulation required savings and loans and mutual savings banks to be more cautious. B) following a burst of financial innovation in the 1970s and early 1980s tha
  • Not-for-profit, common-bond financial institutions that are owned by their members are called: A. credit bureaus. B. mutual savings banks. C. savings banks. D. credit unions.
  • Folmar Co. is considering the following alternative financing plans: Plan 1Plan 2 Issue 10% bonds (at face value)$1,720,000$860,000 Issue preferred $1 stock, $10 par?1,430,000 Issue common stock, $5 p
  • Dharma Initiative, Inc., has a defined benefit pension plan. Characteristics of the plan during 2016 are as follows: The expected long-term rate of return on plan assets was 8%. There were no AOCI ba
  • Contractual savings institutions include: A) mutual savings banks. B) money market mutual funds. C) commercial banks. D) life insurance companies.
  • What does it mean by "negotiate low targets to reach maximum benefits" in conventional budgeting?
  • Folmar Co. is considering the following alternative financing plans: Plan 1Plan 2 Issue 10% bonds (at face value)$1,880,000$940,000 Issue preferred $1 stock, $10 par-1,560,000 Issue common stock
  • Folmar Co. is considering the following alternative financing plans: Plan 1Plan 2 Issue 10% bonds (at face value)$1,280,000640,000 Issue preferred $1 stock, $10 par-1,060,000 Issue common stock,
  • Which of the following investments below should be accounted for using the cost method? (a) Temporary investments in stocks (b) Long-term investments in stock where the investor does not have a significant influence over the investee (c) Long-term investm
  • Countries that experience very high rates of inflation may also have: A) balanced budgets. B) rapidly growing money supplies. C) falling money supplies. D) constant money supplies.
  • Which of the following are not assumptions of classical economic theory? a. Flexible interest rates allow self-correcting equilibrium of savings and investing. b. Flexible prices allow self-correcting of shortages and surpluses in product markets. c. Full
  • 1. Which of the following is the starting point of the master budget? A.The fuss budget B.The financial budget C.The capital budget D.The operating budget 2. Which of the following is part of t
  • Which of the following would increase your liquid assets? a. Putting more of your salary in a 401(k) b. Buying a new car c. Buying rental property d. Making regular deposits to a savings account at your bank
  • Which of the following statements are true if optimum benefit is to be derived from the budget process? (a) Employees participate in the development of the budget. (b) Targets should include slack to enable easy achievement. (c) Rewards are not required.
  • A high ratio of number of times interest charges are earned indicates: a. protection in the event of an earnings decline. b. extremely good protection in the event of an earnings decline. c. nothing
  • The goals of bank asset management include: A) maximizing risk. B) minimizing liquidity. C) lending at high-interest rates regardless of risk. D) purchasing securities with high returns and low risk.
  • Write a short summary (300-400 words), on some of the risks regarding capital budgeting in your organization. Also, discuss some of the risk mitigation that can occur in the area of the safeguarding of capital assets and also intangibles. Use citations wh
  • Which of the following are not contractual savings institutions? A) Life insurance companies B) Credit unions C) Pension funds D) State and local government retirement funds
  • The business term for economies of scope is: A) economies of scale. B) diversification. C) cooperation. D) synergies.
  • In finance the primary goal of management is to: a. utilize its economic resources in the most advantageous way b. minimize all possible expenses c. maximize shareholder wealth which is generally achieved by maximizing stock price d. make the best use

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Which of the following is not a benefit of a savings account?  A. A way to achieve short-term savings goals  B. Build funds for large, irregular expenses  C. Protection against inflation  D. A way to save for your child's education | Homework.Study.com (2024)


Which of the following is not a benefit of a savings account? A. A way to achieve short-term savings goals B. Build funds for large, irregular expenses C. Protection against inflation D. A way to save for your child's education | Homework.Study.com? ›

Answer and Explanation:

What is not a benefit of saving? ›

Answer and Explanation:

A savings account does not offer the benefit of regular and unlimited withdrawals to the account holder like a current account.

What are 3 disadvantages of saving? ›

The disadvantages of using personal savings:
  • You're limited to what you can afford: your savings may only get you so far.
  • It's risky to spend all your savings: you might need your savings for a personal emergency.
  • Your responsibility for success: having more people behind your business could lead to more success.
Mar 15, 2024

What are 3 cons to using a savings account? ›

Among the disadvantages of savings accounts:
  • Interest rates are variable, not fixed.
  • Inflation might erode the value of your savings.
  • Some financial institutions require a minimum balance to earn the highest interest rate.
  • Some accounts might charge fees.
Jun 27, 2023

Which is not a benefit of savings accounts? ›

Answer and Explanation:

C) Protections against inflation is not a benefit of a savings account. Inflation is a decrease in the value of cash over time due to financial and monetary policy that means that prices of goods and services increase faster than the value of money.

Which of the following is a benefit of having a savings account? ›

Because savings accounts pay interest while keeping your funds easily accessible, they're a good option for emergency or short-term cash. You'll typically earn a lower rate than on other savings instruments and investments. The amount you can withdraw from a savings account is generally unlimited.

What is the disadvantage of basic saving account? ›

Disadvantages of Savings Account
  • Interest rates can change. Savings account interest rates in India can fluctuate, leading to variable returns. ...
  • Minimum balance requirements. ...
  • Withdrawal limits. ...
  • Inflation. ...
  • Compounded interest.
Jan 18, 2024

What are the pros and cons of savings plans? ›

Savings Account: Pros & Cons
High interest earnings will grow your money exponentially over time.Limited to certain types and amounts of withdrawals and transfers.
You can withdraw at any time during your bank's business hours.May require a minimum balance to avoid paying fees.
2 more rows
May 29, 2024

What are the 5 disadvantages of money? ›

The following are the various disadvantages of money:
  • Demonetization - ...
  • Exchange Rate Instability - ...
  • Monetary Mismanagement - ...
  • Excess Issuance - ...
  • Restricted Acceptability (Limited Acceptance) - ...
  • Inconvenience of Small Denominators - ...
  • Troubling Balance of Payments - ...
  • Short Life -

What are the benefits of a savings account? ›

It allows individuals to deposit and store their money while earning a certain rate of interest on the deposited amount. The primary objective of a savings account is to encourage individuals to save money over some time, providing them with a safe and accessible place to keep their funds.

What are 2 benefits of saving money at a bank? ›

Your money will be protected from theft and fires. Plus, your money will be federally insured so if your bank or credit union closes, you will get your money back. The maximum amount of money that can be insured is $100,000. Many banks offer an interest rate when you put your money in a savings account.

What are the pros and cons of saving your money? ›

Savings account benefits include safety for your savings, interest earnings and easy access to your money. However, savings accounts may have drawbacks, such as variable interest rates, minimum balance requirements and fees.

What are the disadvantages of not saving? ›

Unfortunately, the long-term impact of not saving offers no preparation for retirement, a lack of financial independence, and puts you and your family at financial risk in the event of an emergency or life event for which you are unprepared.

What is the risk of a savings account? ›

The interest rate on savings generally is lower compared with investments. While safe, savings are not risk-free: the risk is that the low interest rate you receive will not keep pace with inflation. For example, with inflation, a candy bar that costs a dollar today could cost two dollars ten years from now.

Can you open a bank account at 13? ›

Generally, a child must be at least 18 years of age to open a bank account on their own, with some variability by state. However, there are several options that allow children and teens to access the banking experience before 18 with an adult cosigner or custodian.

Which of these is not a savings? ›

Savings bond, Certificate of deposit(CD) and basic savings are all types of savings. These will earn interests over the initial amount in certain period of time. But stock market is not a type of savings, rather its a platform where one buys and sells stocks.

Which of the following is not a reason for saving? ›

Explanation: The option that is NOT one of the three basic reasons for saving money is C. have money available to lend to friends. Typically, people save money for reasons such as emergency fund, making large purchases like a house or a car, and to build wealth over time.

What are the problems of not saving? ›

Unfortunately, the long-term impact of not saving offers no preparation for retirement, a lack of financial independence, and puts you and your family at financial risk in the event of an emergency or life event for which you are unprepared.

How not to use your savings? ›

Here are some ideas to help you stop spending money and build healthier financial habits:
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Visualize What You're Saving For.
  3. Always Shop with a List. ...
  4. Nix the Brand Names. ...
  5. Master Meal Prep.
  6. Consider Cash for In-store Shopping. ...
  7. Remove Temptation.
  8. Hit “Pause"
Jan 19, 2023

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