Wisconsin School of the Air; Let's draw; A Wild ride / Neighbors &round the world: Chile, Brazil (2024)

Let's draw. And see what the meaning. Yeah I get it. Time for a Pronk in art out there with a conference call the air presented other programming thready of our broadcast to stimulate children to free expression on your boys and girls who are learning to draw fire radio. Come along with Harold McCarty dollars he takes you on a new and exciting adventure in our prepared for you by your art teacher Damon. Well bach it all while while whole or. Or old fellow boys and girls. Do you believe in ghosts. I have a ghost story for you today. I saw it many years ago by a man named Washington Irving.

Perhaps you read it in your reading class. No you are going to illustrate it and let's draw clouds. If the Legend of Sleepy Hollow and that you hear the story missed for pictures you might go off. Some time ago along the Hudson River in New York State there was a little village called Terry Tom. About two miles from the village a small valley nestled among the green hills so calm and peaceful that it was known as Sleepy Hollow. Hear of a tale is the schoolmaster of the country school in Sleepy Hollow. Tony lanky awkward fellow named Craig the long thin body with bounded on one end by a small flat head with narrow looking shoulders and on the other and by a pair of feet

his coat sleeves. Poor man. We're always too short for those long arms and the big bony hand dangled below them as if lost in fact his whole frame was hung together loosely as if it threatened a fall apart in the first strong wind. Add to this you hear Green snipe nose bag you have pick up on certainly anything but I handsome here old rum happy afternoon or evening. Party at the home of father's band Capital father of the girl he had enjoyed the party great for. He had bands many times with this week on while his rivals Bramble sat in the corner and glared and yet spent an

exciting part of the evening brain tell you about the region where he lives. Someone told Major Andre. That been captured. Right. Right. I. Get very fond of it added their favorite tales. That boy even was OK after that. Come on you want it. It started

with the. Right Thing. And the. Right Thing for it. And it didn't let. ME LET THE RIGHT THING AND IT. Let me.

Let me read it. Right. Right right right right. Right. Right right. Right right. Right right. Right. Let let let

let. Let let let let let let let let let let let let let let let let let let. Let.

But make what they dealt with I think it will be interesting the

golf course played a little by little green I give one a shot. No I'm a long way off that you'd like to play the landscape of the village of tele town on the banks of the Hudson River. Well one of the good fellow in the hills going into Baghdad but. Meeting with the brain black goat such action you'd have to put into a picture I make about on gunpowder galloping all the letterhead look for both

hands. How about a good going to go to bed at about that with a plan. Many other think is the goal get out those like you don't want to go a little play and bam Let's dive right in with the recorded music to help you along a little bit. Let go of the thing our neighbors round the world.

Me. Today we make our third visit to a foreign land. Let's go to Johansson and Henry starling the two people who are guiding us on these tours are waiting here now in the studio. But first let's hear some more of that music. And now here's Miss handsome to begin our visit today.

Goodbye to Guatemala. Goodbye to Central America. We turn our eyes to a new continent a new custom we say goodbye to North America. Goodbye to the northern hemisphere and stuff America. Hello southern hemisphere. We're sailing away on the Pacific Ocean that demented sea that touches the polar regions South Sea Island New Zealand Australia and China. That largest ocean in the world. We sail and sail and. Sail. Walk out go back to town. Why what's wrong with Kraft and me if I am

coming back. They get it right. I am a want girl. I want you to know cardboard. I am here. I am getting old.

Mr. Sterling are you here. Yes I'm here. But Paula heard the boys and girls from the classes all over Wisconsin. Boys and Girls. Are you here. Oh are you coming to my OK. Oh there you'll cross my certificate thanking your pardon sir. We have no certificate. Well this is serious. Yes your wife's been dripping by just these travelers have what shall we do. Give them my

old bear you'll wait here right in front of you like we don't see any point I don't know quite a minute. Remind me to paint the equator on the ocean tomorrow. I always forget to do it. Yes sir. And what do you read or thirty years later Mr. Sterling. This question for your and your fellow travelers. Go back to where you're going. We're going to be on the edge of a great country. I dare say it really could very well. I know. You see what you get there. I'll just barely be sure to take at least three

reporters with you. You'll never be able to kill yourself. Understand. Yes what could I do. No you cross the equator. But look at your maps. Look curiously it has been given. Republic the rebel Republic alarmed now rose up it is the longest narrowest country in the world. It is two thousand six hundred miles long. Place this ribbon Republic on your map of the United States and it will reach from New York to California. And what a curious country that is desert

mountains and the desert to the North Sea to the west and south and mountains running like a backbone along the East. How can people live and work here. Travel by automobile for an hour or more and you'll bump right into the humid Brown Andes Mountains travel west and you come to the Pacific Ocean and yet four million people live here. What do they do in a strange country or is it three countries as King Neptune. Let's take the Neptunes trip and send reporters in to chip three different regions of Chile. You re Where would you like to go. I'll go to the north. Good and you Bert. I'll go to the south. That leaves you no choice Paula. How did it get now off with you bring back all the stories you will be asking lots of questions. And while we're waiting I've started to tell you when I was a youngster studying geography. Here is the

one fact that caught my attention more than any other story about our teacher told us that the richest part of Chile is hot desert where the land looks good for nothing. I never could understand how good for nothing barren desert could be the richest region of any country. What does this does it have that makes it so valuable. The answer that the teacher gave us at that time was one word Night great night great. It was a hard word for me but I tried to remember it because at that time our teacher said that just as Silver made Mexico famous nitrate made chili famous I would have forgotten that word nitrate or something hadn't happened. That summer it was a long time ago I happened to spend some time on my uncle's large farm. One day up wagon full of bags pulled into a shed. The bags were packed full as if they were about to burst and the stuff inside might have been lost so that that my uncle is the stuff that will make out we can corn grow better this year.

It comes from a dry desert thousands of miles away. Do you know what it is. Nitrate I cried although I had never seen it done before right. Said my uncle. And if it weren't for farmers like me and many many more farmers and businessman all over the world buying this stuff jelly would be a mighty poor country. Well that was a long time ago. I wonder how the nitrate business is getting along now. I haven't been to Chile for a long time you know. So we'll have to wait until our reporters in the north and south and the central regions return with their starts. So there you are. We've been waiting for you.

Well how do you like Tell It Like It Is there anything that like the part of Dr. Billy that I didn't see any day. I thought beautiful and read about the fact that I think you know you be like f*ck the night so much of California. That's mighty stream. I didn't find anything like that. And I went south too. As a matter of fact the further south I went a quarter IT guy I found a cool wild words in Rangers Green Pastures and deserted island don't remind me of California throughout each of us in a different region with different planets and yet all three of you are still in one country Chile. That doesn't surprise me. You see Chile extends so far to the north and so far to the south it is both very hot and very cold and has a variety of Graham. But tell me Ray you've traveled a lot in the northern region. That's right but we're supposed to tell us what you saw and heard.

Well after climbing up from the sea I found myself on a mysterious high plains an old grass an old tree but stuff that looked very much like salt sprinkled all over the ground. My guide told me we were in the desert of Iraq comma. What desert one that the desert I can mine northern Chile you know and the whites all the luck and stuff was nitrate. Tell us more about that nitrate is it still being produced in large quantities. No not now. Our guide had it nitrate used to be a good money product. Well at least for the government by the rich families who want it. But now the United States and Germany and other countries have learned how to make nitrate from factories and laboratories so nitrate isn't important anymore. All they steal they get out and try to sell it but it doesn't bring in much money at one of the northern parts we saw only one boat loading up with nitrate. The guide told us that 20 years ago as many 20 vessels of the time would be loading up of the stuff for all its nitrate isn't worth much anymore and all the land is desert.

Lot of people live up there in the northern part of Chile. One of they do they're having a hard time but they still have their copper mine Bill and many Chileans make a living working in the great copper mines for Chile ranks second among the copper producing countries of the world. Things don't look very cheerful enough until they were you where do they write. But let's hear what Paula said. You visited the central region didn't you. California Kelly Kelly That's right and you know my you're getting poetic. Well if you don't get poetic tool if you had even the finest white Thanks anyone ever tasted and the great you know the wheat corn and vegetable and every imaginable fruit growing in the valley. Paphitis I could without and I have to prevent acres of green alfalfa and why do you have gated Valley. But people don't enjoy all of these products. What do you mean. Well it think that the rich

fertile regions of that wealth really are divided into plantation at the end of they call them. And these at the end of the plank to the rich landowners that something like that because if they act like that pay on earth has been what the land but the main port. But in Chile they have another class of people called the infantile enough for tenant. Yes but in clearly you know you just sort of serve farm labor was attached to the plantation. The landlord relish seems to care how wretched tenants may be but there are five that's no better than being a slave. Haven't they changed all that yet they're trying to will you see now that the nitrate business is gone people in the country are looking for other work and the government is looking for other sources of money the government is trying to do two things. First give land to the poor pale and second build factories and develop industries the government figures that by doing these two things the country will become even more prosperous than when it had its nitrate. But let's hear from that in itself.

Well Ray told us that the North had or had its nitrate and its copper pala tallest of the central region has its rich wheat and corn fields in Orchard followed south live as it also has its good points. But first let me tell you how strange background but up farther south I travel but colder it got I had a rough wet stormy trip along the most southerly shores a chilly rain and snow beat down on me every day gloomy for that part of that bad part about how they're going to actually have a good point because if I that this region is covered just covered with great forests of good timber the northern factions not only good for farming but it also has a large department of Pol Pot and there might be a lumber in the mining but not there yet. Most of the people I've seen in the far south are Indians. I've seen their canoes in a small fire and they keep on gifts of earth to strange customs but in a dark bleak region like this fire good anywhere even in a canoe. Well I see you young reporter have kept your eyes and ears open. I'm sure if we had turned

you tell us more about each of the three regions you visit if you tell us about the city all you asked about and of the gaspé in the north you just about Antofa*gasta. But great part from which scores of battle used to fail. Loaded with nitric and about the city of Santiago. Enough then to get the capital of Cali. Dream big fat beautiful new office building that. Oh a broken down shack and I've seen it all to be all cracked. The one people probably used in biblical times that's right alongside up beautiful long out of them. And then there's the most southern city in the world. My God Janet we used to call it could be a good thing. Yes things in names change even in Chile there was a time boys and girls when one product was a mainstay of Chile today. Thank you country is trying to build factories and develop new industries factories making the world less explosive so much so that matches are already got it through out kill it. Someday ancient slow moving surely they become a great industrial nation.

When you boys and girls grow up and are ready to travel to this fascinating country perhaps even greater dangers may take place. They have coal and kill it. But they're talking about piloting the water from the mountain to produce electricity. If that happens to you they may become another New England and industrial region. You are. And those boys and girls there of us are short lived the Chile Chile as a curious country. Some things remain the same right now. Chile like the United States of Mexico is having a new deal everybody talking about new laws and new industry they're talking about building great electric power plants

and using their water power. They're talking about finding ways to ship more and more of their products to new markets. But firm things never change. The great northern desert with loathly world the white knight never changed. There's been years in the Central. Still it remains the same. They've learned just the way they did hundreds of years ago and the cold gloomy father an island and veiled in mountain never changed. Chile had not yet reached an industrial state here feel of a country of far and land and poor third. We leave early. We have for ourselves this question can this great country really become a modern very industrial section. As long as people remain poor and ignorant and remain tied down to the land that plane. You have just heard the third program that there is neighbors round the world today

majority of have been Henry's drumming took us to till late next week. We go to the pampas of Argentina and Uruguay and you're invited to do an end next Thursday at 3:00 for another visit to neighbors round the world. That is the withdrawn from school of the air. Fk. All.

Neighbors around the world. Today we catch a last glimpse of the new world as it brings us to the largest country in Brazil. Your guide Mr. Henry Sterling are here in the studio. You're ready for the strains of this rhythmic tango we go to Brazil.

Hello boys and girls. Before we begin our adventures with Mr. Sterling and his three young reporters let's look at the map together. It's easy to find revealed it's brawls all over the eastern bulge of the code. But more than that Brazil seems to eat its way deep into the interior of South America. It seems to push all its neighbors way back toward the Pacific Ocean. Yeah it's a large country. All of the United States could be placed inside Brazil and there would be a room for Italy and Spain. And what an interesting country to

a country warm all the year round. A country of too much land and too few people. A large country in which an energetic little way exists. The dog. Yes I said an energetic little pale legs a sleepy dog. What do I mean by that. Well let's join Mr. Stirling. I'm sure that he and his young reporters will try to clear up some of the questions I have raised in your mind. In a moment we shall hear Mr. surly. My three young reporters and their companions are traveling somewhere in the backwoods of Brazil.

They've promised to come and tell us what they've seen. I'm sure they'll keep that promise but meanwhile find Rio de Janeiro on your map. It is unreal that I'm waiting for the young reporters to join and it is in Rio and it has been my good fortune to meet and talk with a native Brazilian. Don Luis We spend many hours sipping might pick that up in a South American drink that tastes something like we are talking about many things. Good I say. As we sit here dumb Luis it's hard to tell that we're not in Chicago New York Milwaukee. Except for the usual mountains about the Rio and the great statue of Christ on top of one of them and the few such details which you can find only in but as you might as well be in Milwaukee. You're right but this city looks so busy that people are so active. Don't forget that we had in that part of the country they call pier which wags the sleepy dog. Yes I've heard that say but what does it mean.

Let's look at this map. Why would your finger move your finger upward. Yes move your fingers upward until it touches the city of real. That's where we are now. Exactly what do you notice the thin strip of land we've just placed with our finger cuts. It looks like a little tail compared with the rest of the boats you've got until this trip overland does look just like a little tail and yet it's just part of of land and Diego just north of it near the coast which is the most important region in Brazil you get heat of the just state power always fun and it is here that the next 5 richest states are found it is here that we find one automobiles nearly all of the good roads. Most of the schools factories and most of the white man oh but it is here it is here that all

of the coffee of Brazil is drawn. But what about the rest of the country. I'd rather wait to hear what your young traveling reporters have to tell. But off hand I can say that the rest of Brazil is mostly jungle. Get down to Los Angeles grasslands. Negroes and Indians. Then this little strip of land in the south is the only important part of Brazil. It's this little Taylor land that wakes the sleepy dog did we do to people of these rich states run the entire thing and then not quite but the coffee growers and landowners of Starpower Lower Rio de Janiero want is usually law. Rights just like having two or three states like New York and New Jersey run the entire United States exactly. But that's not the only one of our problems. What do you mean. It began in fifteen hundred when a Portuguese landed without any way.

Yes Grant I mean this story is that in the year fifteen hundred a Portuguese was shipwrecked and tossed upon the shore. He looked up and he saw Indian maiden bending over him and of course he fell in love and very much like a math book. But with very different results the Portuguese and his Indian wife began a long line of intimate it just the day many Brazilians are half breeds mixtures of whites and Indians and later negroes were brought in and they intermarried to even a larger extent. And so we have a full blooded Indians full blooded negroes and some whites but most of our people are a mixture of the two or all three races. That does raise quite a problem doesn't it. Yes and we have got another problem here in Brazil but I think you'll be interested in hearing about it. But look I see one of your young

reporters coming this way. Oh Paula. There we are. Well Paula we're in the land of coffee and red does best for growing bookie. Well then so polo is the best state in the world for growing it is nearly half of the growth of Brazil is inveterate States. I think begged them to make millions of cups for all humanity forever and a day. Some of the poetry is out. But just exactly what you did. Well if you travel 80 or 100 miles up on the top on the part of Santos you begin to think great orchard of low green trees with great red berries. That's good coffee to leave and with the coffee comes the

immigrant. My guides and I have written for hours on the red road and we've seen nothing but grated coffee tea and Italian men and women and even children. Picking and picking a little red berries that make black coffee. These little red berries make something else too. This little red coffee berry has made possible a busy port of Santos. It is made possible due to 50 of power. Oh I've been there you would find in fact that describes it because its population is about the same as that of Los Angeles and everyone seemed to be working on jobs connected with coffee. Coffee coffee coffee coffee labor. I've even met people who only job it is to get paid. One word almost tells the story of the richest state

and that is it. But don't think that that is all we have in Brazil or that coffee doesn't give the government trouble. I'm sure your other two reporters will tell us differently. Here is a bench or a number to what place did you visit Ray but have you seen. Well I started out to see the diamond mines of the Interior and the great grass limb what you people call it compost Yeah the convoy. I only got as far as by a cost. Why didn't you get any further than by Yet I couldn't buy any railroad ticket at those places you couldn't. Very few places you can get to by train in the interior of Brazil

doesn't get good transportation facilities. We don't have a car for every family like you Americans but along some of the rivers each family does have a dugout canoe and of course you could fly you know. Yeah that's what everybody told a party of travelers. It's funny isn't it that the only names for traveling must have been caught in the old dugout canoe or the modern airplane. But come tell us what you see. I've seen by and by many negroes by the white man they're good would want to sleep played Santa. And by all means call in Aside from the many many start to smell at the Plaza and 30 at the pub. You didn't go into the diamond mines in the grass. Put it see it's just as well. Yes I probably wouldn't have found any diamond. I might have got lost in the plane. Mr. Starling Have you travelled in the interior of Brazil. Yes. I once flew over the great state of Mato Grosso. At first we

saw immense grass that I used the past. But as we flew farther west and in the swamp patches of forest began to stretch below winding their way into a river flowing slowly toward the Amazon or southward thought Argentina. The Amadan say that reminds me Arthur Burton is people travelling the Amazon now. Yes they are. I'm sure that by now though they have returned to the city and we should have started to go. But please keep on with what you saw flying over the mouth of Graustark. That's right we didn't feed it maybe to import food and you see only a few cattle strips of forest along the stream. But in that wild and unexplored region many tribes of India have it and I'm civil that rather state that they are just pretty treating from this civilization. Maybe you're right. Are American Indians to try to save their civilization by going deeper and deeper into the company.

But we kept after them until now the few Indians that I left the reservation still didn't have any desire to follow the South American Indians of Mato Grosso. Why the heat didn't long dry season. Maybe one reason the sight of a gentleman just grew out of the pool. Maybe another but probably the chief reason is that it is so far away and so hard to get to the reasons enough for me to stay out of them out of Brasil and yet even in this great country towns. Yes for instance the capital of the state of Mato Grosso is hidden in the loop and it gets hard to keep a man in his machines and his electric lights in just churches even from the jungle. Hello. But we've been waiting for you a long time Ray and Paula I've been real to

day but I am a river it takes a long time to travel. We've heard nothing but growth. I'd like to hear something new. Well I've heard enough about sail following your coffee plantation companies. You better begin your stirabout before we have a geographical clarity where we spent days and days on the Amazon travel 2000 miles due west and we still didn't reach the source of this great river. Now don't tell me you simply call it a river. I am assured to be called the king of rivers great waters superhighway where Brazilians call it the river at sea. Sometimes it was so wide that I couldn't see their bank. Time to narrow it so I could reach up in the boat and pick orchids for what impressed you most. Well where does Nature get so many and so many find so many trees and the jungle is always green and always brilliant with flowers. The jungle along the Amazon has been called the what

is it the apothecary or the drug store of the world and don't tell me to go to phone. We heard about Mexico girl here. Oh no but there are enough oil and white gums and dies in the freezer to last the world for years. And the camber in the forest is hardly been touched. Nothing's been carved into the nothing that binds and we've had a good was we kept looking at our map trying to see all soon would come to town the city and finally it. Well we finally got to our knowledge there are many looking at the mail and we can all look at a map to see just when but now it is. Not that they can it's right in the rubber can't fit it and I don't know where all the rubber we saw in the now it came from.

There was a time when rubber was the most important product of Brazil that interesting because I didn't sugar was the most important crafting thing yeah. Yes that's also true. As a matter of fact the story of Brazil has been the story of The Rise and Fall of one important product after another. First you're going what's the point you're making Kraft Brazil the sugar bowl of the world. Yes that's what it was but that was over 50 years ago. Later Puerto Rico and Cuba increase their production. Brazil couldn't find a market for all the chicken and began taking revenue from the wild rabbit bees of the Amazon. First the bicycle and then the automobile again populous and the world needed rather tired of the British and Dutch to develop rubber plantations in East India and produce rubber cheaper than Brazil could do so the next game copy today of card copy is a most important product of the cotton and tobacco and sugar cane being brutal. Either way it's time we visited Don Luis again we must see him before we all eat beautiful real.

Well I shall never forget that get together with you by the way telling me about the president what I told you was that the people mixed up white and black races. But what I wanted to add was that within recent years something happened to our population joining the many races we already have. The Japanese are coming over to us and they're getting richer and are demanding a voice in the government. I thought many

Japanese Italians and Germans are finding off now. Good luck to him. Yeah that's good. Well it's too bad we can't

harbor a photographer. If you don't like the beauty of this. The real joy. Of rivers and newly arrived. And here are next week world look at the map of the country. That there's medical people are trying to build a new and better world. Central America an empire a banana volcano. There is a long narrow feeling. There is Argentina with it. Why you'd open. And finally reveal the land of an unexplored jungle.

As you look at the map of these countries remember that in each country are a million people. And most of them poor peasants working the land. They get their living from the Earth pretty much the same way they've done for thousands of years. But while the new world natives have remained farmers. The people of the old world have learned to make a living in different matter. What the different manner or way are we shall hear next. We. Heard the programme of the fairies neighbors round the world. These programmes are planned by most of them to study of geography. Your God is Spirit. Next week we go to Great Britain and you're invited to tune in Thursday at 3:00 or another of the neighbors round the world

this is the look gone from a little bit.

Wisconsin School of the Air; Let's draw; A Wild ride / Neighbors &round the world: Chile, Brazil (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

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Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.