Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory/Classes (2024)

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory | Table of Contents | Gameplay | Walkthrough

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In Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, the player can choose 5 different classes. Each has a different task in the team. This page also lists the weapons available to each class. Some weapons, however, are used by all classes, and are described below. As aforementioned, each class has a particular role in combat - it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to win using one class alone. The best players are the versatile ones - ones that can play any class well.

The diagram to the right allows players to pick from one of three sides, starting from left to right:

  • Allies (represented by the US)
  • Axis (represented by Germany)
  • Spectators

Spectators can view the match from any angle they wish, or can jump into a particular player and watch them.

Axis and Allies have identical classes, and are represented by the various icons beneath each team's flag.

  • Knife: There isn't much to say about the knife. It's simply a knife, with no special features. It fires very quickly, but the "swish-swish" of the knife can sometimes give away a nearby user. High-levelled covert ops can use a knife on the back of a target to instantly kill them. Knife kills are difficult, but not unheard of. Using it with surprise is best.
  • Pistol: Consists of either the Colt .45 or the Luger for Allies and Axis respectively. They generally aren't favourable fall-back weapons, especially when compared to the two submachine guns, but they can prove much better than the knife at long distances. In their favour, however, pistols reload quickly. Experts in the Light Weapons category can wield two pistols at once. While the rate of fire is doubled (putting it on par with a submachine gun), the reload time is also doubled, making it tougher to reload.
  • Submachine gun: Consists of either the Thompson or the MP-40 for Allies and Axis respectively. The bread-and-butter weapon of the game, available to all classes except Covert ops. Each makes a distinctive sound, so a submachine gun isn't the stealthiest weapon around. With a reasonable rate of fire, average accuracy, and no major advantages or disadvantages, the submachine gun works well in almost every situation. As with most weapons, however, submachine gun damage drops the farther the target is.
  • Grenade: Every class carries a grenade. Engineers carry the most, while field ops and medics carry the least. Grenades can be thrown a reasonable distance. It does, however, take several seconds for them to explode. This can be remedied by holding the fire button. Doing so allows players to "cook" the grenade. The grenade's fuse is five seconds long, and will tick down as you cook it. Ensure to throw the grenade before the fifth tick.


  • 1 Soldier
    • 1.1 Weapons
  • 2 Medic
    • 2.1 Weapons
    • 2.2 Special Abilities and Items
  • 3 Engineer
    • 3.1 Weapons
    • 3.2 Items and Abilities
  • 4 Field Ops
    • 4.1 Weapons
    • 4.2 Special Items and Abilities
  • 5 Covert ops
    • 5.1 Weapons
    • 5.2 Special Items and Abilities


Soldiers are the base grunt on every team. Despite this you won't see too many of them amongst experienced players - while they can wield the largest number of weapons, they also do not have the healing power of medics, the dynamiting ability of engineers, or the explosive power of field ops. Since every class can hold a submachine gun, it is often not a good idea to have a soldier with a submachine gun. One might as well, if one is a soldier, use the specialized weaponry that only soldiers can use.


Heavy weapons are the soldier's specialty. Heavy weapons, however, slow your character down considerably while equipped (though movement speed can be recovered through experience). Soldiers have a semi-exclusiveness to the heavy weapons skill. Other players can upgrade it by using mounted MG-42s, but soldiers can use mounted MGs, portable MGs, flamethrowers, Panzerfausts, or mortars to gain EXP.

  • Flamethrowers have a short range but they are very deadly. A flamethrower, when fired, sends a spurt of flame. It takes a while to dissipate, so a good flamethrower person can cover an entire room of flames and hit large groups of enemies. Flamethrowers are deadly in close quarters, making it deadly in rooms and at chokepoints, where the enemy has little place to run. Flamethrowers are useless at range and in open areas. If used incorrectly, however, a flamethrower can easily harm yourself and/or your teammates, especially if friendly fire is on. It works well in an ambush since the flames often obstruct a player's view and prevent them from firing back (though it does not prevent lucky hits). Flamethrowers do, however, have weaknesses - their short range means that backpedaling enemies are tough to incinerate. As aforementioned, friendly fire is always a factor.
  • MG-42s are the opposite in flamethrowers for the most part. MG-42s are not useful at all at close range, but excel at longer ranges. If you want to release some bottled up teenage angst, try walking into a field of enemies with the MG-42 and just start shooting. It is highly inaccurate, but somewhat damaging. Where the MG-42 really shines though is when the user goes prone and right-clicks. This sets up a bipod and, while it reduces mobility, vastly increases accuracy. An MG-42 is ideal at the end of a long hallway which gives the enemy little room to manoeuvre yet is at a long distance. MG-42 soldiers can be often easily flanked, necessitating their defence. Machine guns often also run out of ammo, making best friends with Field ops.
  • Mortars are a highly explosive weapon, but tough to use. Mortars can only set up from a crouching position, just like a machine gun (except the machine gun must be set up while prone). You will then be prompted to adjust the elevation and the azimuth (vertical and horizontal settings respectively) and then use the primary fire key to lob the mortar. The command map can allow you to see where your mortar landed. Any artillery strikes called by Field Ops will also appear on your map and in your sights, so you can sit back and let others pick your targets for you. Note that, assuming equal elevation and no intervening barriers, each 5 degrees of elevation below 90 will lob a mortar round almost exactly 1 square's distance on the command map. The mortar begins with 12 shots, and each drains 1/2 of a full power bar.
  • Panzerfausts are a highly explosive weapon. Unlike mortars, Panzerfausts can be fired on the move and do not require time to set up. Panzerfausts are a very powerful weapon and can single handedly destroy an entire team. The blast radius is large enough to easily kill 6 players if the rocket is properly aimed. When triggered, the launcher charges for about a second before firing a fast-moving rocket. The explosive power of panzerfausts works well against infantry and vehicles (ones that can be disabled) to equal effect. Using the Panzerfaust will deplete all of your power bar and you start with 4 shots, so use them sparingly.

Because heavy weapons can seriously alter the balance of the game, some servers prohibit them or require that some minimum number of players are present for heavy weapons to be available.


Medics often start with barely any ammo (a single clip for a submachine gun and a single grenade) but the power to create health and use syringes to assist your teammates more than compensates. Whenever a player is wounded, she or he can either rest and wait for a medic, or press the space bar (jump) to enter the respawn queue. If a medic is nearby, the medic can use the syringe on the wounded player (with the red syringe icon appearing over them) to revive the wounded player (health regeneration is based on the medic's first aid skill level). They won't have to walk all the way back to where they died previously, or wait to respawn. It also gives the medic some experience, so resurrecting players is almost always a good idea.


Medics carry either the Thompson (Allies) or the MP-40 (Axis) as their primary weapon.

Special Abilities and Items[edit]

As mentioned earlier, medics can use the Syringe on wounded allies. So long as the icon to the right is visible, prodding an ally with the syringe will allow them to get up and fight again. Aside from giving you experience, it also allows an ally to not wait a full spawn cycle and get back in the game sooner. Additionally, it helps your friend by reducing the time it would take to walk back to where they were previously. The syringe can be activated with 5 (default button) and be used with the fire button. While the player is being revived, and for a short time after that, he obtains temporary immortality. If you know an air-strike is about to occur, you can revive a player just before it hits the ground so that they are immune to its damage (however, the medic will die).

Medics also carry Health Packs which players of either team can pick up. It is best, therefore, to use it at point-blank range on a wounded ally, so that the enemy will not pick it up later. Medics gain experience for every health pack they pick up. Note, however, that enemies can pick them up as well. Naturally, medics do not gain experience when an enemy picks them up.

The presence of medics also slightly increases every player's max hit points for your team. The bonus, however gets smaller and smaller the more medics there are. Beyond three medics, there is no change at all.


Engineers are the core of objective-completing. Most players pick the engineer for one of two reasons - the rifle grenades, or the ability to complete objectives. Both are the engineer's strengths. Dynamite is the strongest explosive in the game - if it can't be destroyed by dynamite, it either requires a vehicle or it simply cannot be destroyed. Engineers specialize in explosions - they carry up to eight grenades, the most in the game. Combine this with the ability to lay mines and the dynamite to fill the entire map with explosions sooner or later.


Engineers can carry either a submachine gun (Thompson for Allies, MP-40 for Axis) or a semiautomatic rifle - the M1 Garand or the K-43. Both cause, shot-for-shot, more damage, but have a considerably lower rate of fire. The M1 Garand has the unfortunate disadvantage of not being able to reload mid-clip, requiring a player to expend all of his or her ammo before reloading (though some servers have removed this). The K-43 is generally much better than the M1 Garand as a result.

These rifles have remarkable power, however, when outfitted with a grenade. By right-clicking, an engineer can attach a grenade to the end of his or her rifle. When fired the grenade flies in an arc and explodes almost as soon as it hits the ground. The latter element is what makes rifle grenades so deadly; unlike hand grenades, which must be cooked first, rifle grenades are already cooked for you. Additionally they have a very long reach, and are second only to mortars for range. This makes rifle grenades effective against enemy emplacements, namely machine gun nests.

Note that rifle grenades take a sizeable chunk out of a player's power meter. A rifle grenade can be attached, but not fired, when there is not enough power.

Items and Abilities[edit]

Engineers, as mentioned before, specialize in lots of explosions.

  • Pliers: Arguably the most versatile "weapon" in the game, the pliers are the engineer's primary tool. Using it on an objective causes that objective to be built - on a vehicle, it allows it to be repaired - and on dynamite and mines to either arm them or defuse them (it is possible to defuse your own mines and dynamite). Pliers, obviously, are not weapons.
  • Land Mines: Mines are explosive devices laid in the ground (they cannot be laid on concrete or pavement; they must be laid in the dirt) that click and hiss when a player (allied or enemy) steps on them. Stepping off of them causes the mine to explode, dealing damage. Mines only explode when they are stepped off of. Mines can be countered through a sharp eye (a high levelled battle sense allows you to see them when in close proximity), a Covert ops using binoculars, or an engineer stepping on an enemy mine and then using the pliers on them (whilst not stepping off of it). Mines also work well on vehicles.
  • Dynamite: Dynamite is used to destroy objectives. Fortified doors, command posts, and other objectives necessitate dynamite. Dynamite is laid by an engineer, and then must be armed using the pliers (which are automatically selected once the dynamite is laid). Unarmed dynamite glows yellow and disappears after a while. When armed, both sides announce "Dynamite Planted!" and the dynamite glows red (only if dropped near an objective; dynamite not armed by an objective does not have any prompt at all). A prompt also appears on screen noting all players where the dynamite was planted. The enemy must then attempt to run an engineer to the dynamite and disarm it in thirty seconds - before the dynamite explodes.

When near an objective or near an enemy dynamite or mine, an icon appears to let you know that you can use the pliers on it to either build it or disarm it. Note that while engineers have the pliers, they are not immune to landmine explosions. The flak jacket gained when the player's engineering skill is maxed out, however, can make the engineer a powerful mine-clearer by simply sprinting through an enemy minefield.

Field Ops[edit]

Field Ops are essentially a more offensive supporting role. They are considerably deadlier than Medics, but have a similar ability. Field Ops can distribute ammunition in the same manner Medics dispense health. Field Ops, however, are deadliest when employing their marker flares and binoculars. Pressing B and then firing will summon an offscreen artillery strike in a hexagonal area in the vicinity of the target. The resulting explosions are often more than enough to kill mostly anything, and can make an area impassible for the duration of the strike.

Marker flares work similarly to the binoculars, but instead have an airplane fly overhead and drop a string of bombs perpendicular to the Field Ops' facing direction. The explosions are more concentrated and thus more deadly, but against infantry they are somewhat overkill. They are extremely powerful at, however, disabling vehicles, whose large profiles mean they are struck multiple times.


Field Ops have only either the MP-40 or the Thompson submachine gun as a selectable weapon.

Special Items and Abilities[edit]

  • Marker Flares: Not to be confused with a Covert Ops smoke grenade, marker flares emit a plume of coloured smoke which serve as a beacon for an airstrike. A string of bombs dropped by an invisible plane (all players see are the explosions) decimate pretty much anything they contact, and the splash damage is more than enough to kill completely healthy players or, at the very least, have them wait for a medic. Like the binoculars, however, marker flares cannot be used indoors. There is also a limit to the number of airstrikes that can be deployed at once. Additionally, the plane must be able to see the marker flare - if the flare is covered, either by a building, underneath a tank, or even under another player - the flare will explode with the force of a grenade, but the plane will not drop any bombs. If an airstrike marker is thrown at you, therefore, lie prone on it until you hear the plane fly by. Then get off the flare before it explodes.
  • Binoculars: Field Ops can activate their binoculars with the B key. Doing so and pressing fire summons an artillery bombardment in a hexagonal area around the designated target. The strike lasts several seconds, unlike the marker flare (which puts all its power into one or two attacks), and can make an area impassible for several seconds. Like the marker flare, however, they cannot be used indoors; there is also a limit to the number of artillery strikes that can be on the map at once.
  • Ammo Packs: Ammo packs contain some ammunition, and can be upgraded through experience. At higher levels, they contain more ammunition. Some servers have ammo packs also contain helmets, replacing one if you lose yours. Helmets can protect a player against a headshot or against light damage. Other servers, however, have removed this feature. As a result of their ammo packs, Field Ops players are held in high regard by players who expend a lot of ammunition - flamethrowers and portable machine gunners in particular.

Covert ops[edit]

Covert ops are the odd men out in terms of classes. They are very different from other classes, relying on stealth of all kinds, and their weapons show it - most of their weapons are either stealthed or can operate only at extreme ranges. Players who enjoy sniping others will enjoy playing as the Covert ops class. Perhaps their biggest feature, however, is the ability to pose as another player.

Keep in mind that being hit when looking down a scope will cause you to lose your zoom.


  • Sten: The Sten is, for most intents and purposes, a silenced Thompson. It is, however, extremely accurate, and players can easily gain repeated headshots with a Sten. Because it is silenced, Covert ops will not lose their uniform if they fire it. Stens have an average clip size, but like machine guns they overheat easily, and as such cannot put down sustained fire. Even though the Sten was used primarily by Britain and her allies, the Axis have access to it as well.
  • FG-42: The FG-42 is a hybrid between a sniper rifle and a Thompson. Its rate of fire is very fast, but since it can only load twenty bullets at a time, you'll reload often. Therefore, like the Sten, it cannot fire repeatedly. Due to its quick firing, however, it can prove somewhat effective in closer quarters. It is, however, unsilenced, and a player will lose his or her stolen uniform if one fires with it. Like a proper sniper rifle, the FG-42 has a scope. When a player is looking down a scope, the rifle will not fire continuously. Even though the FG-42 was used primarily by Germany, the Allies have access to it as well, and can spawn with it.
  • Silenced Scoped Rifle: Consists of either a scoped, silenced, M1 Garand, or a similarly equipped K-43. As mentioned previously with the engineers, the M1 Garand has a slight difficulty in that all rounds must be expended before the weapon can be reloaded. A few servers, however, have removed this limitation. Both rifles pack more power than the FG-42, but are weaker in close quarters due to its low rate of fire. The silenced rifle scope is somewhat difficult to use, but it is easier to use than it looks. As a silenced weapon, the rifle can be used and not lose a uniform.
  • Silenced Pistols: Identical to the other class' pistols, silenced pistols can be fired silently. They cause slightly less damage than standard pistols, but the damage difference is often negligible. Like standard pistols, the silenced pistols come in the Axis and Allied flavours - the silenced Colt and the Silenced Luger. Also like standard pistols, players with max Light Weapons can wield two silenced pistols at once.
  • Knife: Identical to the standard player's knife, but Covert Ops have a special backstab ability that can be used. When stabbing an enemy player in the back with the knife, the knife causes much more damage than usual - expert Covert Ops can instantly kill any player through backstabbing them. The icon to the right appears when you are in a prime position to backstab an enemy.

Special Items and Abilities[edit]

  • Smoke Grenades: Smoke grenades can sow confusion among enemy players. They can prove difficult to use, but they are extremely useful. Smoke grenades can be used defensively by throwing a smoke grenade between your force and a machine gun nest. The nest will not know where to shoot, allowing you to outflank the nest. Smoke grenades can also be used offensively in combination with an engineer. Since engineers are very vulnerable while setting dynamite or dropping landmines, a covert ops can put down some cover while an engineer does what he needs to do. They can also be used to cover dynamite or other objectives - a dynamite next to an objective can prove much more difficult to find - and disable - in time, if a smoke grenade is thrown next to it.
  • Binoculars: Covert ops can use binoculars to report enemy landmines. Pressing B will allow you to look through binoculars. A flag icon will appear if there are any mines in the area. Holding your binoculars at that area will result in the landmine appearing for your team. An announcement (for your team only) will sound: "Landmine spotted, check your command map.". It will give the location of the mine on all player's command map ("G"), and it will appear as a flag on the battlefield - allowing players to avoid them. Because the mines will not explode, however, that team will not be able to lay additional mines until someone sets them off. This can prove more effective than an engineer defusing mines - an engineer defusing a mine will free up a mine for the other team to plant, whereas reporting a mine will not.
  • Steal Uniform: Arguably the whole point of becoming a covert ops is the ability to steal an enemy player's uniform and masquerade as him or her. You will appear as, for most intents and purposes, an enemy player. Most players, therefore, will not think to shoot them - allowing the covert ops to backstab or kill the unaware player with silenced weapons. Since enemies spotted by a covert ops will appear on the command map, it is possible to have a covert ops player follow an attacking group and let his or her team know they're coming. Perhaps the most powerful bonus of stealing a uniform, however, is being able to open team doors. Specially marked team doors can ordinarily be opened by a player of that side. However, stealing a uniform allows a covert ops to enter said normally restricted doors. Since said doors stay open for a few seconds before closing, a disguised Covert Ops can open a team-restricted door for his or her allies, allowing them to bypass certain obstacles. Covert Ops who have stolen a uniform appear as that player, so if you know someone recently died - or most peculiarly, if you see yourself - you'll know that it is in reality an enemy covert ops. Note also that, when a uniform is stolen, the corpse of an enemy will appear without pants as a warning to other players that an infiltrator is in their ranks. This can be removed by using a satchel charge on the body.
  • Satchel Charge: Satchel charges are relatively powerful explosive devices - in between a grenade and dynamite in terms of power. Satchel charges, unlike dynamite, do not have a timer, nor are they announced when planted. As a result, a good Covert Ops can infiltrate an enemy spawn area and use a Satchel Charge on an objective, forcing the enemy to rebuild it. The most common targets of Satchel charges are Command Posts and machine gun nests. Since there is no timer, destroying a target via a satchel charge is much quicker and easier than using dynamite. Pressing the fire button will drop a satchel charge, and your character will produce a detonator. Pressing the fire button again will detonate the satchel charge. The satchel charge detonator is limited by range, but not by terrain. You can tell if a satchel charge is in range of detonation by the colour of the lights on the detonator - green indicates it is in range, red that it is not. Satchel charges can be defused by engineers using pliers.

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  • Siwa Oasis
  • Seawall Battery
  • Gold Rush
  • Würzburg Radar
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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory/Classes (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.