Rachel Khoo: Swedish Kitchen Recipes And Traditional Scandinavian Desserts | Tonic - Dining and Cooking (2024)

Seafood Dishes

May 5, 2024

Rachel Khoo exploresSweden’sbalanced approach to food and celebrates the county’s best-loveddishes. From cray fishing to mushroom foraging, she is guided by masters of traditional ingredients to bring the favours of Scandinavia to her kitchen.

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[Music] Sweden has a long history of preserving ingredients that were available during Summer and Autumn everything from drying curing and brining to my favorite fermenting and pickling it’s one of the best ways to enjoy the flavors during the cold and dark winter [Music] months when I walk around the forest I think okay berries mushrooms and that’s just about it with your experience and your knowledge you must walk around and think yes I could make this I could make this I could do this I could do this absolutely what really keeps me passionate about my work today is that finding as many tasters as possible with each special plant and I guess that’s the exciting part is you can experiment and be creative in the kitchen uhhuh Lena Eon is a former chemical engineer who now fully focuses on producing pickles from the forest forest has been an important part in whole of my life she pickles anything from Pine CHS dandelion Sprouts berries and mushrooms one of her more famous products is an oil made from Spruce shots used in fine dining restaurants all over Scandinavia when you pick the spruce defend itself and start shooting more shoots from the same point so the more you pick it yeah the denser it is the more fruits we get well this picking has made me very curious to see what the end product looks like let’s [Music] go right Lena what are we going to make now now we’re going to make oil Spruce oil Lena what gave you the idea to do spruce oil in the beginning oh um I started out with the most simpler things like syrup and then after a while I got very tired of sweet things and I wanted to find a new taste from the same raw material so I started out with with oil I guess it’s something which is very natural to people in France they talk about ter about you know growing things and it’s really has the flavor of the land but it’s not something you think of about Swedish produce in that sense no that’s right we have never had the terar stuff we have more of a survival thing I understand the cold dark Winters totally make sense the best thing with this is you don’t need a gem the color is amazing the color of green is my favorite color would you have guessed thank you m you really taste the spruce like it it’s captured that flavor of the spruce just right in that little bit of oil there and this is what is this try it okay all right wow so it looks like an olive looks like an olive and it has that kind of pickle taste and but there’s a like a little almond flavor to it right and that’s that’s the this is small plum unrip plums that has been fermented for I’m going to have have another one it’s so good go ahead being able to visit and try different produce is a huge inspiration to my cooking like my approach to so many different Cuisines I’m not trying to reproduce the exact same flavor but to put my own spin on the Swedish dishes that I have experienced nothing adds a more genuine taste to a dish than being able to cook it in situ and what better way to make myself at home than cooking in a typical Swedish Countryside cabin or stuger as the swedes call it it’s hard to fake an old style kitchen the wood burning stove the smell the history to have a cabin is very common in Scandinavia and the home away from home is usually kept as a reminder of how people used to live this is a place to unwind to get away from always being on the go to recharge and remember what’s really important in [Music] life living in Sweden I quickly discovered this country has an abundance of ingredients from the forest berries mushrooms and game and my B burritos is a fantastic way to celebrate these flavors I’m going to start off making a a spice blend so I’ve got some onion powder salt some ground o spice flavor that pops up a lot of Swedish food white pepper get that a little mix and then you want to get your B shoulder or if you can’t get World B just use pork pop your spice mix on top and then give it a good massage little bit of oil and when you feel it’s nice and hot then put the pork in or you’re Bing you want to sear the meat to lock in the flavors when you’ve got a bit of a Golden Crust you can turn the meat over once the meat is seared I’m going to add some hot chicken stock be a bit careful when you add your stock cuz it does have the tendency of splashing back turn the heat down few sprigs of Time cover it and let the magic happen basically you just need to to let it simmer until the meat Falls away that’s roughly 1 and 1/2 hours so these B burritos are Loosely inspired by traditional burritos but I’m using Swedish ingredients firstly some horseraddish going to add some lovely heat to my sour cream I’m quite generous with my horse raddish cuz I like it really spicy going to add a bit of salt horseradish cream done got some remain Lett here roughly chop this up so now let’s check on the meat have a look turn it off the heat just be careful it’s a bit hot at this point so you might want to let it cool down a couple minutes before you start shredding grab two forks and then you just need to shred it it should be really easy to do because the meat is quite literally falling apart this is a great dish to do if you’re entertaining quite a few people because you can prep a lot of things in advance and you can just put it all on the table and everybody just helps themselves one Swedish tradition I discovered from living here in Sweden which I thought was a bit unusual was uh Taco Fridays it’s uh this thing that sweds love to eat tacos on Friday it’s bit like how in England they love to have a curry on Friday to stop the meat from drying out I’m just going to add a couple of ladles of stock I’ve warmed up some Swedish flatbread in the oven if you can’t get hold of Swedish flatbread tortillas will work I have some Swedish brown beans here they’re slightly sweet uh a little bit spicy with cinnamon and all spice but you could use a tin of kidney beans warmed up that would work just need to Plate it up grab a flatbread now it’s all about just building your own burrito some horseradish sour cream there’s no particular way of doing this so any way or any way beans some shredded meat little bit of salad best of Bott and cheese or you could use Mator cheda a few pink pickled onions the hardest part is wrapping it up so key with this is not to put too much in it otherwise the bread’s never going to wrap around all the filling or it’s better said it’s not going to fit in the [Music] mouth M I couldn’t think of a better way of eating [Music] ball flour and bread play an important role in a lot of cultures breaking bread is common practice in many societies as a way of forming a bond it can also be a reflection of the culture it comes from the durable and convenient Swedish crisp bread or ker bread reflects the Swedish survival mentality this meal focuses on making flour from local ingredients Milling old-fashioned grains such as spelt and rye as well as the traditional wheat the five generation family run business also uses an old Milling Stone to produce a more nutritious whole wheat flour wow what an amazing Old Mill so you’ve got the grains at the top yep and then it comes com down down in between two Stones okay then the Milling starts work all right so how do you get it going well you twist on that wi okay and you have to oh my goodness I can’t do it should I help you yeah oh I need to go to the gym more often this Old Mill still crushes grain between two Stone Wheels installed by Rick’s relatives in 1780 the more modern area was built around the Old Stone Mill here Gra is crushed and separated from the husk then sifted in order to get a completely pure product this makes the flower extra fine perfect for making a light and fluffy cake I see here that like here you um n prod see it so you work with local producers um what are you really proud of in terms of your flour I don’t have any chemicals in the flower yeah it’s very natural so it’s just the flow you’re not getting any conservation I love baking and what I’ve learned about Swedish food is you love keka bread Swedish crisp breads so what flour would you recommend if I was going to make a swedish Cris bread Ray yeah okay Ry flour and I see you do uh spelt flour as well yes I love spelt flour cuz it has such amazing flavor yeah does and it smells good yes and it’s tastes very good brilliant thank you very much my love for baking with different flowers has only increased after visiting the mill each flour has its own qualities like spelt with a light nuttiness and Rye with a wholesome fruity flavor if there’s one thing you can always find in a Swedish kitchen it has to be K bread Swedish crisp bread my favorite kind is one made with rye and sourdough I’ve got some lovely Rye flour here plain flour this balances out the heaviness from the right flour a teaspoon of instant yeast and then here I have dried sourdough starter and the reason I’m using it is for the flavor it makes it a little bit more complex a bit more interesting teaspoon of salt about a tablespoon of sugar and then I want to combine everything together and then I’m going to add some very soft butter and finally some buttermilk you just want to bring everything together press the dough right it’s coming together really nicely press it into a bowl now I’m going to pop it in a clean bowl a little bit of oil in there so it doesn’t stick cover it up with some clean film and then let it rest for about an hour and a half in a warm spot the Dough’s been resting the reason you want to let your dough rest is it will make it easier to roll out if you roll it out straight away the gluten is developed and it’s it’s just rubbery bouncy dust your work surface and then roll it out it doesn’t really matter if it’s not perfect round shape I quite like it when it’s a bit rustic looking traditionally coner bird are about record size and they have a hole cut out in the middle and I always wondered what that hole was and apparently it’s from hanging them up on a pole from the ceiling okay and now I’ve got this um well it’s not a it’s not for massaging your back it’s actually a rolling pin to prick the dough if you don’t have that you can just use a fork and what that does is it helps keep the concer r flat going to flip it over roll the other side and then that goes into the [Music] oven so you know when your coner bird is done when you have these lovely kind of slightly burnt Brown edges and it should feel crisp thinkk think the best way to eat ker bread is to keep it really simple few toppings that’s all you need little bit of cream cheese then I have some pink pickled onions I always have these in the fridge to make your own pink pickled onions bring 400 mL of water 300 mL of vinegar 100 g of sugar 30 G of salt and 20 juniper berries to the boil stir and leave to cool before adding 750 G of sliced onions store in a sterilized jar some Swedish olives or they’re actually little green unrip plums a little Spruce oil Swedish Necker bird the simplest way to add a little Swedish touch to your [Music] kitchen when it comes to a celebration you can’t beat an impressive cake but it doesn’t mean it has to be difficult with a few easy steps you can make your own layered lemon and yogurt cake first thing you need to do is make some lemon curd I’m going to zest my lemons when you’re zesting you really just want to get the top layer because that’s where all the flavor is don’t grate in the white part cuz that has a bit of bitterness to it lemon zest smells very citrusy now I’m going to juice the lemons give them a little roll and squeeze that helps to release the juices really important just to use 125 mlit of lemon juice if you use too little then your lemon curd is going to be too thick if you use too much then you’re going to have a runny lemon curd avoid getting any Pips in cast of sugar little pinch of salt some corn starch that just helps thicken the mixture and then three eggs this is a bit where you need to be careful you don’t want to have too high a heat because otherwise you will curd all your eggs and then you get this eggy flavor to your lemon [Music] curd so when it’s thickened up you can take it off the heat add some soft butter and carefully stir that in and now what you have is like a thick glossy lemon curd it needs to chill and set so I’m going to put it in a jar lemon curd can be made 3 to 4 days in advance and kept in the fridge my yogurt cake recipe is not very complicated at all start off with some sugar soft butter pinch of salt and you want to beat that until it’s soft add one egg at a time until incorporated then some yogurt and lemon zest plain flour baking powder plain flour and the baking powder mix go in you just want to fold that through until it’s all well combined but don’t over mix the mixture and then that’s going into my lined cake tins flatten the mixture just want to smooth out the top of your cakes that goes into a preheated oven at 180 for about half an hour [Music] now you know when your cakes are ready because obviously it smells good but you can give it a little skewer test it should come out clean time for some icing to make the icing you need three ingredients soft butter icing sugar and cream cheese the key to this recipe is super soft butter add the icing sugar and start whisking slowly the secret to good icing is always making sure you whip up that butter till it’s a very pale color I’m going to add my cream cheese this is one of my favorite icings to do because it’s not too sweet with the cream cheese in it if you wanted to you could flavor the cream cheese icing with some spices like cinnamon or cardamon but I like it plain right that’s the icing done now I’m just going to slice my cakes if if you find that it’s got a bit of a dome you can even it out then I’m going to cut it in half and when the line joins up go all the way through I’m going to put a little bit of icing on the cake stand this is just to stick the cake down and then it’s just about building the layers and spread it on don’t have to go all the way to the edge cuz what will happen is when you put all the other layers on it adds a bit of pressure and the icing spreads out slightly I’m going to get my chilled lemon C you can see it’s set really nicely again not all the way to the edge then next layer last bit of lemon curd that goes on top now if you wanted to you could leave it naked this would be a naked cake or you can do it semi- naked which I’ll show you how to do now okay so this is a semi naked cake and if you wanted to you could just decorate it with some flowers but if you want a very nice finish what you need to do is put it in the fridge for 30 minutes for the icing to set and then do another layer of icing [Music] last layer of icing this cake is not for the faint-hearted especially if you’re intending to be on a diet forget that I don’t do cakes by half measures to get a really smooth finish you want to dip your pallet knife into some boiling water you could simply leave the cake like this or add a bit of decoration I’ve got some Rosemary here I’d say less is more when it comes to decoration a cake worthy of a celebration I think the sweds are not ones to boast about their Traditions my lemon and yogurt cake with its simple flavors is an understated way to enjoy the Swedish tradition of F that time a day to sit down for a coffee in a slice of cake not too dissimilar to the British tea time it has been an inspirational start to learning more about Sweden’s food culture and I look forward to discovering many delicious delights this country has to [Music] [Music] offer this is horn stool in southern Stockholm an area that has gone from being regarded as the outskirts of the city to Hipster Central with food trucks and Street Markets before the arrival of the food truck swedes got their far fast food mainly from hot dog stands like the Brits who might have a kebab after a night out the swedes will head for a hot dog at their local stand or Grill in Swedish swedes love their hot dogs and some even claim they existed here before their invention in Coney Island New York in Sweden however they use some strange combinations I will get a T Bird ruler t r with C grilled C grilled cor yeah and then I am not sure which topping I should have um the best one for the T it’s this one it’s shrimp salad okay shrimp salad is that typically Swedish yeah and then what’s this one here uh that’s Boston GAA um with mayonnaise with mayonnaise okay H I actually might go with the mayonnaise mayonnaise yeah cucumber cool you want any drink no that’s great thank you very much Tu for me a rather unexpected ingredient pairing is to have prawn salad prawns and mayonnaise topping a hot dog here at this old hot dog stand in Stockholm they put their own spin on it using Swedish flatbread mashed potato hot dog and a PRN salad wow that’s one hot dog there you go take a enjoy thank you [Music] turning a hot dog from a light snack into a meal with all the additional toppings has been done for years in Sweden chefs around the world have taken inspiration from street food like hot dogs transforming them into fine dining versions with the use of luxury ingredients and restaurant cooking techniques my smoked sausage potato cakes with PRN salad is inspired by the sweds love of hot dog with mashed potatoes and bronze something rather unusual but a like a Swedish surf and turf some hot water on the go generous pinch of salt peel my potatoes add your potatoes to the boiling water and just cook them until they’re [Music] tender I’ve drained my cooked potatoes I’m going to let them cool down before I use them I’ve got some smoke sausage here I’m going to grate that I’m using good quality Frank furter sausages which are slightly smoked I’m grating the sausage because it means it gets equally distributed through the potato cake you get that Smoky flavor throughout and then discard the Skins add the sausage to a bowl some chives a generous handful the CH bring a freshness that cuts through the Smoky and rich flavors of the potato cakes chiv are a popular Herb in Swedish cooking ches go in the bowl now to bind the potato cakes together you need one egg some pepper give it a little mix so once your potatoes are cool enough you can grate them add the potatoes to your bowl and mix everything together before I fold my patties I’m going to get a pan nice and hot add a little bit of oil some butter add a tasty flavor to your potato cakes and then form your pot to mix into four [Music] patties you fry them on one side until you develop like a Golden Crust flip it over and fry it on the other side so you want a lovely golden brown crust with my potato cakes I’m going to have a very simple prawn salad just with some lemon zest lemon juice and a little bit of salt and pepper pors go in squeeze in a little lemon juice [Music] you can start off with half and then add a little bit more if you need it bit of pepper pinch of salt toss that together it’s really just a light fresh dressing delicious okay I’m going to just check here with the potato cakes you know when your potato cakes are done and you’ve got a nice crust on both sides you can tap it feels a bit crunchy switch it off and now you just need to Plate it up so I’ve got some baby Jam lettuce which I really love generous dollop of creme fresh it ties everything together that cool [Music] creaminess your p*rns the spring of Dill and then if you want to you have a little bit of lemon zest left and just grate a tiny bit on the top and that’s my Swedish surf and turf blue Sho the ellan region in southern Sweden is famous fits beautiful countryside and farmlands with many apple orchards it is often called The Garden of Sweden for that very reason Autumn is the busiest season here with apple festivals and huge outdoor Apple markets apple trees are probably as common as Swedish cinnamon buns they pop up everywhere on farms in gardens in the world and even in City dwellers backyards I especially love discovering the local Swedish varieties that don’t make it to the supermarket one of the best things about picking your [Music] own [Music] sorry when you have amazing produce like these Swedish apples you have to make something mouthwatering with it like my Hazelnut and apple cakes I’m going to toast some hazelnuts in a dry pan you know when your hazelnuts are toasted they have a lovely color but they also release a delicious Aroma too put them in a bowl to cool down first just going to give the pan a quick wipe I’m blitzing the hazer nuts so you get a powder so it’s a slightly coarse powder it doesn’t need to be super fine bit of texture is good now one of the key things with this recipe is to brown your butter because it adds a caramelized flavor to the cake pop the butter in the pan it’s quite easy to know when you’ve ground your butter to the right color cuz you can actually see the color changing there and also you can smell this light kind of hazelnut fragrance this technique hailes back from the days of making French pastries they call it ber noisette Burnette actually means hazelnut butter take it off the heat add a tablespoon of honey and set that aside until it’s cool now I need to whisk up some egg whites [Music] want to be super careful not to get any egg yolks in your bowl any traces of fat will stop the egg whites from whisking up so generally using a metal bowl or a glass bowl is best because they don’t have any traces of fat when you use a plastic Bowl it’s really hard to get it super clean and if you’ve made a dressing in that beforehand it’s a bit risky so you want to fro up your egg white before you add your [Music] sugar the consistency you want for your egg white is like a very soft peek so you can see it’s super [Music] floppy nothing too stiff going to mix together my dry ingredients I’ve got some plain flour a little bit of ground vanilla a pinch of baking powder salt and then the ground hazelnuts mix them together you can really smell those toasted hazelnuts in there and that flavor is just going to be emphasized by the burn noiset fold in about half the mixture just to loosen it up make sure you always fold all the way to the bottom and now you can fold in the wrist it’s key not to overbeat the mixture because you’ve obviously Incorporated all that air with the egg whites last bit is to chop up an apple I have a buttered bun tin now if you don’t have a bun tin you could just use a muffin tin that would work as well sprinkle some apples in the bottom you just need to pop your batter in they go in the oven at 200° for about 15 to 20 minutes [Music] yay they are looking good so I’m going to turn them out put them on a cooling wrap my little T they should come out really easy cuz I buttered them well yes they did fantastic M those apples smell delicious if you want to add a Finishing Touch give them a light dusting with icing sugar the perfect cake for f or any time of the day really the perfect cake to serve with a cup of coffee or [Music] [Applause] tea in southern Sweden there are many Family Farms that have their own country farm shops I’m on my way to a small sausage maker to find out more about their artisanal approach to making and smoking their own sausages hello hi Rachel how are you doing I’m fine thank you collecting some wood for some smoking can you help me with this yeah sure the owners yonas and Sebastian left their previous jobs at an exclusive restaurant in Stockholm in order to make their own sausages and do you have a a particular kind of wood yeah uh All In Swedish it’s a good wood because it’s works out with most kinds of meat and also vegetables and cheese and fish so that’s why we use it because it’s a allrounder fantastic the logs of the order tree produce an aromatic smoke that has long been a favorite to give flavor to meat seafood and even coffee in the UK sausages sometimes have a bad reputation because people used to use all the rubbish kind of off cuts of meat that here you’re trying to do something a bit different aren’t you the meat is very important we use only meat from pigs that go out outside all year round and they’re also Swedish they’re local in that sense they’re local they’re from scas so is this your special blend it’s uh inspired by German brast what’s particular about the brast kumin it’s a very important flavor to it I would say just let it slide off and and this is the the skin which is basically intestines not dry oh okay all right no it’s okay yeah yeah do you twist the sausages in any way you take one hand there yeah one hand there and then you just twist it the same way okay probably works yeah I’ve noticed when I first moved to Sweden that sausages pop up everywhere like um at the corner shop at the you know you have all the hot dog stand boiled sausage and bread this it’s really our traditional street food oh I’m not sure I get a job here yonas and Sebastian’s passion for sausages is reflected by their use of high quality local meat and avoiding preservatives and colorance like nitrate they love to experiment with different types of sausages such as the classic framura or the larger fatter German bras style sausage which is flavored with cumin and other spices I can hear some sizzling sausages yes are you ready for a taste yeah I definitely am fantastic so what we got here Wier sausage it’s the thinner one and then the rwi we made the thicker one so this is not like the venas I’ve seen before usually they’re that kind of bright orange color yeah because they use uh nitr in them and uh we don’t so it tastes better than the ones I’ve eaten nice to hear um lightly smoked no yeah fantastic they remind me of the Venus my grandma in Austria used to make when I was a kid good quality meat so um that’s what we’d like to hear yeah brings back some childhood memories and this is the BR verse that’s the BR ver the one you made it [Music] yeah well so I’m going to do a recipe I’m going to do a Swedish Str off and I think the Veno would go best for the recipe so I’m going to I’m going to take some venos home the sausages were packed with flavor and a far cray from the simple hot dog on the street these are delicious and perfect to use in my recipes [Music] smoked sausage stroganov is a classic Swedish comfort food that can be made up in a jiffy you need to get a pot of boiling water on the go with plenty of salt really important to Salt your water to cook your pasta traditionally stroganov isn’t served with pasta It’s usually served with rice but I like it with pasta in the meantime I’m going to chop up an onion onion chopped up I’m going to add some butter to my pan get the pan nice and hot pop the onions [Music] in so I’ve got a smoked sausage here you could use a Frank furter well these are kind of like Frank FS but smoked sausage works the best so the Swedish drov is nothing like the strogov I used to grow up with so my mom used to make a beef strogov the creamy sauce mushrooms this one has a creamy sauce but there’s tomato paste and Paprika in it so it’s rather red in color for a vegetarian version replace a sausage with 350 G of finely chopped oine and one tpoon of smoked paprika instead of plain paprika going to check on the water get great it’s boiling so I can add my pasta I’m using padella but you could use tagi even pen or like I said if you want the traditional version serve it with rice once you’ve got a lovely caramelization going on you can add your other ingredients which is going to be a tablespoon of Dijon mustard tomato puree some paprika fabulous for the color add some single creas [Music] plenty of black [Music] pepper now if you find your pan is really hot and the sauce is drying out switch it off at this point and what we’re going to do is add a bit of the pasta water to loosen it up that’s why it’s very important to Salt your water cuz you’re going to actually use some of that water also it flavors the pasta I’m going to add some Capers if it’s not what you normally do but I really like that little Zing little pop you get so these are quite big Capers going to chop them up a little bit Caper’s [Music] going the starch from the pasta water will add a slight glossiness and Sheen to the sauce [Music] add your pasta to your pan and toss it together you want the sauce to coat the pasta I don’t like putting sauce on pasta like serving it like that I think you should do it the way the Italians do it tastes much better all that’s left to do is to chop up some chives a generous handful [Music] sprinkle the chives on and that’s my smoked sausage [Music] strogov it’s often The Humble ingredients that get overlooked but I love the fact that in Sweden the modest sausage is celebrated in all forms whether in a hot dog with lots of additional top things or in a homecooked dish it’s hard not to admire the way Swedish Cuisines celebrates simple ingredients whether it be a sausage or an apple and turning them into delicious [Music] dishes it takes only a 10-minute drive from Stockholm before you hit the vast Swedish Forest Sweden is the fifth largest country in Europe and half of it is covered by trees SP spending time out in nature is part of the culture and mushroom picking is what every swed does at the end of the summer or Early Autumn ah I think I’ve got lucky look two little golden dots that looks like a Chantel to me it’s not going to make much of a meal they’re very small look at that tiny oh well it’s a start growing up mushroom foraging means that most sweds know which mushrooms are able otherwise the old rule applies don’t pick it if you don’t know if it’s safe to eat the few mushrooms I found will be the base for my main dish mushroom rotto time for a little break I brought some pea super long typical Swedish pea soup not forget the Swedish mustard essential a good squeeze I’m using a sweet Swedish mustard which isn’t very spicy trust me it tastes really good you might not always be successful in the forest but you can always just enjoy just being here [Music] [Music] to take the time to enjoy nature or stay a few days in a Countryside cabin is very Scandinavian and mushroom picking is just as much about being outdoors as it is about finding anything edible a full basket or an empty one really doesn’t matter in Sweden pea soup isn’t the bright green kind it uses yellow dry peas to make a heartwarming and comforting soup I’ve soaked some peas overnight in some water with some salt it’s a very simple soup start off with just frying off some mustard seeds you want to toast them nicely to release all those lovely flavors and when they start popping you know they’re ready I can hear some pops oh all right so going to add water and then all the peas go in in there as well and then it’s just about popping all the other things in a little onion powder four bay leaves and really important some good quality smoked bacon I’m using smoked bacon that is uncut a piece of smoked pork belly would also work that’s going to flavor the soup lovely Smokey flavor and then all you need to do is let it simmer for about an hour and a half to 2 hours just until the peas are [Music] tender M it’s starting to smell good just check whether the peas are tender they are perfect just going to fish out the Bailey and the bacon we’ll set that aside for later cuz we can use that we’re not going to waste that give it a quick blitz so you can make it as smooth or as chunky as you like it I kind of like it in [Music] between think that’s just about right check for seasoning if they need any extra salt a little if you find the soups a little too thick you can add some stock let’s not forget this lovely bacon I’m just going to shred it watch your fingers it might be a little hot the first time I had this soup I was in the south of Sweden and it we’d gone for this wintry walk we’d come back and we were like runny noses cold hands and it’s the perfect soup to warm your hands and your stomach with okay this soup is a great one to make in advance have in the fridge and warm up you can even freeze it a little bit of the shredded bacon put that on top and then if you’re really Swedish you have to have a squeeze of mustard on top this was a revelation to me never tasted this before need a good generous squeeze it’s not pea soup without the mustard last little touch a bit of time that’s it my Swedish pea soup [Music] this recipe is Loosely inspired by a northern Swedish dish called Pulsa I don’t know if I’m saying that right um it’s a pearl barley porridge topped with Crispy mins and beetroot and a fried egg so I’ve taken a little bit of inspiration by using pearl barley which I’m going to toast and you’re just toasting it to release the lovely nutty flavors meantime I’m going to chop up onion [Music] this is the bit where I get emotional over cooking now for the [Music] carrot the carrot and the onion is going to form the base for your [Music] risoto it’s definitely smoking and you can actually see the PE barley is starting to toast really nicely you just want a light brown color and then you can also smell it smells a bit like popcorn you only want to soften your onions at this point it’s not about caramelizing them and once the onions are soft you can add your carrots they go in a generous amount of all spice give it a little stir M you can smell the all spice PE Bley goes into too give that a good stir then we’re going to add some stock you can use vegetable stock or chicken stock give it a very gentle stir to check there’s nothing sticking on the bottom and then you can just leave it to sim away the pearl barley will absorb the stock you don’t have to do any stirring it’s a bit of a lazy risotto well actually don’t tell the Italians it’s not even Roto leave to simmer for 20 minutes until the pearl barley is tender and top with extra stock if it dries up [Music] so my risotto is actually finished the stock has been absorbed can see it’s got like this lovely creamy texture before I finish it off I need to fry some Chantel while that’s cooking I’m going to finish off the risoto little little sour cream adds the extra level of richness but also a tiny acidic note give it a taste always important ATT T more [Music] salt parley always good with a bit of green and [Music] freshness let’s check on the mushrooms I think the mushrooms are done you don’t want to overcook them otherwise they go mushy soggy right this risotto base is great to top with anything you might have in the fridge so if you had some crispy bacon you could add some roasted vegetables it’s really very adaptable so this is my favorite Swedish cheese it’s voton kind of similar to mature cheddar a hard cheese it’s got a lot of flavor quite salty delicious and a touch of pasty my little taste of the forest a toasted barley and mushroom rotto we can fly fly away we can go anywhere you want to go [Music] I’m on my way to my friend Sam who according to me makes the best ice cream in Stockholm he loves to experiment with unusual flavors s has also been a great Swedish teacher during my stay in Sweden hey s hey Rachel oh cool cool cool here to taste some of your amazing ice cream all right and see how you make the magic nice nice so what I love about your flavors is well the when I first discovered it I heard the music first uhuh cuz you love hip-hop like old school hip-hop oh yeah and like some of your flavors you’ve named after some hip-hop artists oh yeah yeah like like the the salt and pepper so why is it called salt and pepper cuz it has uh sea salt mhm um and it has um Indonesian pepper called Bak pepper which which tastes sort of like lemong grassy I’ll have to try that thank you m wow bit more citrus super fragrant it’s not what you expect of salt and pepper ice cream no but delicious absolutely delicious tell me about some of the other flavors you’ve got so I’ve got this one which is um Rosemary and blueberry black currs yeah um with crushed graham crackers so blueberries is something you use a lot in Swedish food uh this one which is chocolate ice cream with mud cake chunks and then I’ve like made a salted caramel and mixed it together with peanut butter and um so on the top is like a Swedish clad car as they say exactly wow Cloud K is the Swedish version of a chocolate mud cake so Cloud K is like one of those cakes which appears almost at every celebration yeah I think is is so easy to make CU you just like whip up uh a batch and you put it in the oven for like 20 minutes and then you’re done so you’re kind of marrying American flavors what I always think like chocolate peanut butter with a Swedish flavor ingredient I I don’t really think too much about origin and I’m not too much of a puran either okay you’re just like whatever tastes good whatever feels right you go you go with your emotions I don’t know I want it to be fun go with the flow I mean these are all delicious I’d love to see how you actually make the ice cream oh do you think you could show me for sure oh amazing thank you let’s have a look yeah so this is your ice cream base yeah this is my base cream and milk sugar so what’s important with the ice cream base it’s the balancing if you put five 5 G too much of something or too little of something the texture will be messed up and the sugar cuz obviously the sugar affects how it crystallizes in the ice cream if you put too much sugar then it’ll be like uh milkshake if you put too little it’ll be like an ice cube okay right okay so this is unflavored so what flavor are we going to make I’m thinking we’re going to add a lingonberry and jam to this wow wow that looks gorgeous yeah look at that color then we add some gra crackers which are sweeten crackers yeah all right do you think i’ get a job here yeah for sure you’re higher I think I have to try it I think so too all right this looks delicious it does wow this is like a is this one of your top sellers um I wouldn’t know it’s the first time I make it oh so lingonberry Cardman with grain Craft on the top amazing oh wow thank you so much this will keep me going for my little trip to my next place thank you so much then oh thank you thanks for coming by I will enjoy this all right see you later take care hey [Music] the summer is quickly shifting to Autumn this far north but the light is still here and it’s one of my favorite times of the year a time to relax and let nature prepare for the cold and darkness that will be here soon my Lebanon Dill parfait uses a key Swedish flavor Dill combine that with some lemon and you have a zingy refreshing dessert I’m going to separate my eggs first so the egg yolks are going to cook over bamar it’s just some simmering water bowl on top and I’m going to whisk it with some sugar a little bit of vodka really important to finally chop it D adds a light anosy flavor to the dessert which complements the zestiness of the lemon smells good you want to whisk this until it’s thick and pale now it might be a bit unusual to add a little bit of vodka but what it does it just stops all the ice crystals from forming in your parfait the alcohol lowers the freezing point and prevents larger ice crystals from forming very important not to have boiling water because otherwise your eggs will split and you end up with a sort of scrambled eggs okay so it’s thickened up it’s a little paler I think I’ll take this off the heat cuz it’s done I’m going to whisk up my egg whites and to start whisking and then gradually add the rest of the [Music] sugar so you’re looking for a fairly soft Peak you can see the little beak there or you can always do the test and hold it over your head the famous head test right so the egg whites are whipped up just got a little bit more whipping to do I’m going to whip up some [Music] cream for the cream you want soft peaks don’t overwhip it otherwise you end up with a grainy texture now it’s about bringing everything together we’ve got like three kind of components you’ve got your flavor in your egg yolk and Dill and lemon mix you’ve got some egg whites which add like some volume some air and the cream obviously volume air but also that richness to it ah a little bit of sour cream too make sure your egg yolk mix is well cooled before you add it now I’m going to combine that with the whipped cream gently fold that through make sure you go all the way to the bottom of the bowl so you get the bits at the bottom too and then add half your egg whites and fold that in gently the rest this is such an easy dessert to make for entertaining you can make it ahead of time and just have it in the freezer ready to go okay so that’s all nicely Incorporated don’t overwork the mixture going to add it to my line tin lining your cake tin makes it easier to remove the parfait smooth it out a little bit and then a Finishing Touch I’ve got a bit of lemon curd which I’m going to Ripple through the parfait now I’m just going to Marble it through the mixture fold the cling film over that goes in the freezer for about 6 hours you just want it to set [Music] 20 to 30 minutes before you want to serve your dessert take it out the freezer and pop it in the fridge just makes it a lot easier a slice dip your knife in some boiling water hot knife you get a clean cut a little spring of dill and a touch of lemon zest at the end my lemon and Dill parfait a zingy way to finish your meal [Music] from foraging for mushrooms to slowly stirring the Roto on the stove the slightly slow and gently way of cooking and taking time to reflect captures what I love about living in Sweden [Music] ugab Farm is located right by the coastline in Southwestern Sweden the produce grown on this Farm has a reputation for being unique in flavor and appears on fine dining restaurant menus all over the country you’re right by the Sea here aren’t you yeah rather close yeah does that affect uh the way you have to grow the cabbages or the flavor of the cabbages the salty wind actually I have customers who really want to buy especially kale that will grow very close to the seat because they told me that taste a little salt okay so it picks up the salty air yeah I think so delicious can we pick one of them that’s one maybe yeah that looks great yeah fantastic perfect we’ll pop that in the basket no so you’ve got pointy cabbage what other types of cabbages do you have here are broccoli cauliflower lot of different kind of kale different colors yeah they sound so crunchy the leaves yeah perfect I pop that in there cabbages kale and root vegetables have always played a big role in Swedish cooking and they are ingredients that the sweds take for granted but they can be used for so many good things do you find there’s one particular cabbage that is the most popular one in Sweden uh black Cabbage SWAT Co oh black Cabbage okay so in the UK you call it cavalo Nero by the Italian name yeah it’s become very fashionable yeah very so you say the same fashion in in Sweden um people like enjoy chips out of it fried them in oil yeah yeah so you make cavero crisps crisp yeah slightly healthier [Laughter] yeah look at that color so this is the really dark kale isn’t it yeah and the purple one beautiful unlike myself who doesn’t fare well in cold weather kale actually becomes a more vibrant red color the colder it gets let’s head out so this is uh curly kale yeah this is this curly Kale like this yeah you can eat like just this yeah yeah yeah yeah super crunchy yeah so where did your passion for like growing cabbages and different vegetables come from I actually start when I only 6 years old I remember I was growing Peas I don’t know why yeah it’s growing quick up and it was nice to look at they’re pretty with the flowers aren’t they should we go yeah yeah Sweden has an unspoken law called yamagen it’s a social Norm that says you should not brag about yourself this can at times hinder progress but it also teaches you to be humble and thankful for what you have this is also true in Scandinavian food taking simple products to make something special The Humble cabbage a misunderstood vegetable the best way to cook it I think is to cook it lightly so let’s start cut this into quarters I’ve got this fantastic pointy cabbage here but you can go with any cabbage you like I mean cabbages come in all shapes and forms and sizes key to this recipe is some butter and lots of it make your life easier by using soft butter it won’t work with butter straight out of the fridge right on the tray they go if you don’t have a barbecue or open fire what you can do is just put the Cabbage under the grill same job over to the [Music] fire just have to watch out when you’re cooking these cuz they can cook quite quickly you want to make sure they just charred a little bit I’m going to let those cook and I make my vinegrette [Applause] [Music] now now the vinegret it’s nothing extraordinary it’s a simple mustard vinegarette I’ve got some sweet mustard here some vinegar for the acidity some oil salt very important you want to make sure your cabbage is well seasoned and then you just have to pretend you make co*cktails give it a little shake this is the easiest messy free version of making a vinegret okay the vinegret is done got some hardboiled eggs I’m going to peel just a Finishing Touch to my spring cabbage vinegret ready to Plate up I love cooking cabbage this way it goes all crisp and sweet slightly Smokey very delicious now I always like to double check my vinegret and the easiest way to do it is just to take a little leaf dipping it in the salce and having a little taste just check for the acidity or you need more salt but that tastes pretty spot on to me all you need to do at this point give it a good drizzle [Music] a little bit of hardboard egg grating hardboard eggs is a little retro but it’s coming back into fashion adds a little bit of creaminess and then finishing touches just some chives bit of freshness to cut through all the other different flavors sprinkle that on top and that’s all all you need to do to make a cabbage tasty my cabbage vinegret is not unlike the classic French starter asparagus Mimosa where asparagus is served with a Tangy vinegret and boiled eggs when thinking about Swedish food you don’t often think about tomatoes but actually it’s very common to grow your own when it comes to large scale tomato Farms it is a different Story the weather is too cold and the winters are too long but there is a place in southern Sweden where they manage to grow beautiful and great tasting tomatoes in all kinds of varieties what’s the growing season for tomatoes we actually started tomato growing in in February week seven and then we are get out the first tomatoes in April middle of April and then we are going to the end of October I’m after some Tomatoes which would be good for salad but I think we’re doing well but maybe a few other colors we’re going to go to the next book I think there is some other very beautiful tomato all right let’s do that yeah how many varieties do you have a Tomatoes 83 83 yeah the color size and variety of each tomato will impact the flavor from green tomatoes with a tar floral flavor to the deep red colored ones that are fruity and sweet what kind of tomatoes are these this is Janita okay that is one of my favorite because there’s a lot of taste in that one so all right so we what uh can I pick I go for the red ones yes go for the red ones and is there a particular way you pick them we pick them always from upstairs because you see the red one is there and then go the calorie goes down and get greener and Greener so I always pick the first one up here yeah all right I might try one is that okay M it’s okay sweet sweet lovely taste yeah delicious so now you’re coming to my next block ah all right you could just go around just eating tomato I do that every [Music] day right I have a basket full enough for my salad fantastic thank you very much thank [Music] you I’ve just got one more stop to make to pick up a vital bit of equipment qub has made cast iron cookware since 1906 the work is hard and visiting the factory is like a door into how factory work was like at the turn of the last century I’m here to discover what makes an authentic cast iron pan so durable and to find a traditional Swedish waffle pan so this tradition of making cast iron pans in this region is quite long isn’t it yeah 12 years 112 years yeah and what do you love about cast iron pans they last forever they can take high temperatures many peop would inherit calci iron from their parents so it’s something which is passed on through the family exactly but I mean I love cooking with carine because it really retains the heat it does yeah yeah so it’s great for when you’re doing like stews and this one you can actually pop in the oven yep you can which is great it’s super useful when you want to start off on the hob and then finish it off in the oven and then I love this one this is so Swedish it is Swedish classic waffle iron okay well it sounds perfect for my cooking I’ll definitely be happy cooking with these back in my studio now I’m all set to make my next [Music] dish when it came to trying my first Swedish waffle it was love at first bite my Swedish waffles however have a little twist on them with a butternut squash it’s not what you normally put in a recipe but it tastes delicious and it gives a lovely color too need to struggle with chopping this in half okay I’m just going to scoop out the seeds so you only need half of the butternut squash and that’s going to go in the oven you want to roast it until it’s tender place the squash into a preheated oven at 180° fan it should take roughly 45 to 50 minutes so you know when the butternut squash is done it looks cooked and it is basically tender soft just going to scoop out the Flesh and pop it in my bowl it’s all mushy you want it like a a puree no big lumps basically before I forget I’m going to melt my butter now with my butternut squash I’m going to add all my wet ingredients I have my milk it’s going to go in my buttermilk this is where it’s handy to have a really big bowl to make it in otherwise you make a mess and then two eggs all right melted butter I’m going to add almost all of it I need to save a little bit for my waffle pan mix that in right wet ingredients done now it’s just about mixing the dry ingredients together okay so just some plain flour nothing fancy bit of baking powder just help the waffles rise dusting of cinnamon and a generous pinch of salt I’ll just give that a little mix and then we just combine everything together don’t want to over mix the batter cuz if you over mix it then you develop the gluten and then you end up with rubbery waffles and who wants rubbery waffles right I’m going to let this rest for about 20 minutes or so just so the batter settles and makes for a better waffle so while that’s resting I’m going to make a few toppings I’m going to use these amazing Tomatoes I picked up I always think it’s best to work with season or ingredients means you don’t have to do so much work in the kitchen when they’re inseason tasty juicy there’s really not much to do you let the ingredients do the work for you salt a good glug of olive oil some parsley too and we’ll just let that sit until we need them I’m just going to put the waffle iron on the fire so it heats up while the waffle iron is heating up I’m going to do a sweet topping which is literally going to be some whipped cream with cloudberry jam now the trick to whipping cream is make sure your cream’s really cold and have a cold Bowl too this is where I get my daily workout cream contains tiny globules of fat which are solid when the cream is cold and these support the air bubbles resulting in a fluffier and airier cream you just want some soft peaks nothing too stiff otherwise you’ll be making butter I’m going to pop that back in the fridge until I need it and now I can make some waffles little bit of butter so it’s important to butter your waffo in plenty of butter if you don’t have a waffle iron you could use the same batter to make small round pancakes in a frying pan and wait for the magic to happen fingers crossed ah yeah it’s not looking bad you can see the Heat’s a bit uneven cuz it’s a bit darker on the back side couple more minutes and it should be done this is where you can’t be impatient cuz if you’re impatient what happens is the waffle is still sticking in the pan it’s dumb when it doesn’t stick anymore oh I think this Waffle’s done this is where the factory line begins grease up [Music] again okay two waffles ready to go you can really top them with anything you fancy that’s the joy of it sweet Savory or whatever you find in the fridge a little fridge forage is always good crispy bacon can’t go wrong with that just to finish off a touch of parsy there you go waffle one for the sweet one a generous cloud of whipped cream and a little bit of cloudberry jam cloudberry Jam is made from a tart aromatic Berry which looks similar to a small yellow raspberry it’s mainly found in the Swedish Marshland if you can’t get hold of cloudberry jam you can easily replace it with raspberry or any Jam you prefer and there you have it butternut squash waffles with two little toppings [Music] pass Snips in a cake might be rather unusual but they’ll make a delicious addition to my praline and pnip Cake adding a natural sweetness and a subtle nuttiness I’m going to top and tail my parsnips peel off the tough skin finally grating the parsnips help them dissolve into the cake batter going to mix together my dry ingredients now I’m using whole meal flour it’s not what you normally use for baking but I actually like that nutty flavor and some ground powdered hazelnuts cinra salt a little bit of cinnamon and some baking powder just want to mix all your dry ingredients together don’t want any lumps of baking powder in your mixture parsnip goes in mix that all together I’m now going to whisk up some eggs and sugar and then you just want to whisk it until it’s light and fluffy going to add some oil vegetable oil or any non-flavored oil add your dry ingredients and then fold it in gently try not to over mix otherwise you’ll beat all the air out and it goes in the cake tin put the cake in a preheated oven at 180° fan for about half an hour you know the cake is done when you can gently press it and it bounces back cake looks perfect while the cake cools I’m going to make my preing you want to make sure your hauts are blanched without the skin because the skin will add a bitterness to your praline otherwise they’re toasting up nicely you can see they’re getting a little bit of color and they’re releasing the lovely oils and it smells good too I’m going to put them on a tray to cool [Applause] down for the caramel you need some castor sugar and then sprinkle it into the pan in an even layer the easiest way to make caramel is to do it in a light colored pan because you can see the color of the sugar when you’re making caramel they’re two important things don’t leave the caramel unintended and then also you don’t want to stir it so if you stir caramel then you agitate the sugar crystals and that will make your caramel lump up all right I’m going to turn it off the heat now cuz it will continue to cook pop in your hazer nuts and work quickly here cuz the caramel cools down really quickly while this is cooling I’m going to make a simple cream cheese frosting soft butter sugar and cream [Applause] [Music] cheese once the caramel and the hazelnuts have cooled down you can Blitz it up into a coarse kind of [Music] powder I quite like it when it’s kind of a mixture of textures time to assemble the cake I’m going to cut the cake in half tiny bit of icing on the bottom of the plate just to stick the cake down cake top and then the rest of the icing then a little bit of icing on the sides just enough to make the praline stick so just take a handful and sprinkle it on the side I’m going to do a little Swedish nature landscape with my cake little tree in the background and a final dusting of R in sugar okay it’s a little bit cheesy but who doesn’t love a little bit of cheese my prelim pnip [Music] cake I really get to see Sweden from its best side traveling around and visiting wonderful farmers and passionate entrepreneurs who Inspire new ways of cooking traditional Swedish dishes [Music] this is the city of Malmo situated just across the water from Copenhagen and only a 20-minute drive from the Danish Capital despite Malmo being seen by many as copenhagen’s smaller sister Town it has a Cosmopolitan and vibrant feel like any large city around the world mainly due to its Rich immigrant population one of the many benefits to immigration is food ffel may now be sold all over the world but here in Malmo it’s become a cheap favorite with the locals let’s try some f yeah let’s do that can on two Falafel please fantastic at one of the local Falafel stores I’m meeting Linda D who’s actually a f expert but before we get to coffee and cookies we need some Malmo food so I heard in Malmo Falafel is really popular it is it’s um you could say it’s almost like a malus national dish we’re like 77 nationalities living in malmer and regardless of religion regardless of if you’re vegan or a meat eater or if you’re rich or poor you can always have a fufel it’s sort of a unifying dish with the people in malma and I think that’s why it’s been so popular a thank you thank you [Music] [Music] M this is so delicious it’s all about the mixture you have this really crispy fuffle and then you have the balance between the salad and the Pickled cucumber and of course the sauces super crunchy FF yeah you can say that falafal is a kind of vegetarian meatball and that gives me an idea for my next dish the English have fish and chips the French have coova and the swedes have meatballs my versions of vegetarian meatballs just as delicious I’m going to start off by soaking some porini porini is a wild forest mushroom with a Nutty flavor and that’s really going to be the backbone of the flavor while that’s soaking you need to let it soak for about half an hour I’m going to fry an onion and some mushrooms [Music] the button mushrooms are going to add texture to the bean balls so while that’s cooking I’m going to whisk together my other ingredients I’ve got some all spice some ground flax seeds now the flax seeds what they would do they will bind everything so a bit like how you’d use a egg and then black beans they’ve been drained kidney beans they’ve been drained too also got 100 mlit of the liquid you get in the tin of beans that’s got starch in it and that will help bind everything black pepper plenty of it don’t be shy salt then you just want to mash it all together make sure you keep it eye on your mushrooms and onions don’t want them to burn okay so that’s got the consistency I want it’s like a textured kind of paste I’m going to set that [Music] aside now to my bean balls I’m obviously going to serve a mash but it’s not going to be regular potato mash I’m going to make a cauliflower and butter bean Mash just want to get equal size florets so they steam evenly so you want to steam your cauliflower for about 10 minutes until the florit a tender now my bean balls need a few other ingredients some breadcrumbs so I’ve got my mushroom and onion mix which has got a lovely caramel color to it this is going to add a fantastic flavor to my bean [Music] balls and then I’m going to add my porini so with the porini you want to save the liquid it’s been soaking in cuz that’s going to make the base for our [Music] gravy finally chop your Pini you want to mix everything together until it’s all well combined shouldn’t end up with a very sticky kind of [Music] dough get your pan nice and hot a little bit of oil and then you can form your balls I didn’t realize how popular Swedish meatballs were until I moved here pops up everywhere from the nursery school canteens at work at home now I just need to fry the bean balls make sure it’s nice and hot so what you want to do is just caramelize crisp up the bottom you can see it’s turning a lovely golden brown color I’m going to pop them on the baking tray and into a warm oven just to keep warm while I make my gravy and finish off my Mash cover them up before you put them in the oven to make your gravy you’re going to need that Pini liquid from earlier to thicken up my gravy I’m going to need some cornstarch just add a little bit in there to make a paste I’m going to use the same pan as I used to fry my bean balls to make the gravy because it has all that lovely flavor in there stirring the cornstarch a teaspoon of yeast extract this is going to add that depth of flavor finish it off with some black pepper cream and a little bit of lemon juice just a few drops now last thing to do is the butter bean and cauliflower mash and then we have everything cauliflower is done and then I’ve got these already cooked butter beans they go into some cream of course white pepper unlike mashed potato you don’t have to worry about over mashing it [Applause] as always have a little taste M delicious right all I need to do is assemble all the different components together generous dollop of mash Bealls cucumbers you can use good quality store bought pickled cucumbers gravy the linger Berry don’t forget that part if you don’t have lingan berries you can serve it with red currant or cranberry jelly last but not least a sprig of Dill that’s it to my Swedish beanballs [Music] [Music] often the tastiest dishes are the ones that use the simplest ingredients like my stewed spinach eggs or as I like to call them my Swedish green shash Shuka now for my dish I’m going to make a spicy red garish you can add as little or as much as you like and if you don’t want it as spicy take out the seeds Red Onion if you haven’t had Shuka before it’s a dish originally from Tunisia it’s a rich tomato sauce with onions and spices and you crack eggs into them and you cook it in a pan so instead of tomato sauce I’m using traditional Swedish stewed spinach so that’s why it’s green now to take the bite off the red on onion and the chili I’m going to make a pickle some white wine [Music] vinegar pinch of salt a pinch of sugar and then a couple tablespoons of water give that a little stir and just let that sit while you make the rest of your other ingredients for my stewed spinach I’m going to chop our onion add some butter to your pan and you can add your onions just want to gently fry this you’re softening the onions at this point you’re not caramelizing them what I love about this dish is it’s Main Ingredients you might have in the freezer or in the fridge already nothing too exotic but so simple to put together to my softened onions I’m going to add some frozen [Music] spinach and I’m going to cover that up and let it cook covered for 5 [Music] minutes so you can see the spinach has melted it’s a little bit watery at this point so you need to cook it for about 5 to 10 minutes uncovered to evaporate all the excess water now that the spinach has reduced down and it’s not watery anymore I’m going to add my milk and cream cream lots of white pepper be generous with your seasoning salt and then some nutmeg I really love this flavor so I tend to put quite a bit in don’t be shy be bold give it a gentle stir and you’re ending up with this lovely thick creamy stew spinach so you could eat this just like that but I’m going to add some eggs into it makes it perfect brunch dish or a light dinner great for sharing with friends and family lot EG I’m going to cover that cook it for about five minutes until the egg whites are set while that’s cooking I’m going to toast some [Music] bread need some dill and chives you know when the eggs are done is when the egg whites are set not quite there yet [Music] this looks like it’s done so I’m going to add my chili onion garnish it’s kind of essential you could do it without but if you don’t have this it’s missing that little kick and then few sprigs of Dill on top of a garnish a Sprinkle of salt on your eggs hot toast needs some butter of course and then all that’s left to do is to take a piece of toast and dip it in the egg yolk that’s the best [Music] bit now it’s time for f and I’m meeting up with Linda D again she knows everything about Swedish FEA coffee tea coffee okay coffee well I’m going to be English a cup of tea after the fins sweds drink the most coffee in the world with an average of over 1,200 cups of coffee per person per year I don’t know okay all right what like is it that bad I will order a coffee no no it’s all right to have a cup of tea the concept of f is simple it is the moment that you take a break often with a cup of coffee and a baked treat you can do it alone but most often with friends and family we tend to see Swedish speaker as almost as a human right and F supposed to take time you’re supposed to gossip connect with friends and family the F break is really important it is mandatory so what do you want to begin with I think we should just start with the Dum sug the Hoover the bright green maripan is there a reason why it’s called a vacuum cleaner this is just a no waste cake so you take the the old scrapes of biscuit and you sort of uh you’re really selling it while I’m eating it it tastes great and then we have chocolate ball yeah chocolate Bowl it’s basically just oat butter cocoa powder yeah cocoa powder um and sugar very simple ingredients the one you can make with your kids it’s the first thing that the kids learn here in Sweden to bake I think that is chocolate bowls and then the these are actually one of my favorites I don’t know why it’s called Sarah well I’m not really sure I know who Sarah Berna was she was a French actress but maybe this because the French culture have sort of inspired Sweden a lot during the history as same as British culture well it’s a bit like Pavlova was inspired by a ballerina yeah yeah I don’t know how you broke into it it’s a bit hard I might just bite into it cuz it’s like a macaroon at the bottom with a buttercream and in a like chocolate topping isn’t it yes it is M nice let’s talk about the princess Tor it yeah the famous princess T they even know about it in England now did you yes this is the most famous Swedish apart from Canal bu cinnamon buns kind of cake yeah I can understand that um when uh the Princess Victoria here in Sweden had her first child the Princess Kate sold out that day 70% of every cake that’s that are sold in Baker shops are princess cake it’s really popular I’m going to tuck in yeah do it’s um it’s just so light and fluffy it is it is um sponge cake and then you have this um fluffy whipped cream and you have layers of um crong glair in this version you also have a raspberry marmalade you actually not supposed to have that in the green one you’re allowed to have it in the pink one but being controversial and modern okay I like how sweds like to break the rules oh we’re going to have some Rasberry Mar the green princess cake in Sweden there is morning f after lunch F afternoon F and sometimes even evening F though most sweets might not sit down and relax with a cup of coffee four times a day they do have F once or twice a typical Swedish biscuit has to be havlan oh my goodness I can’t speak Swedish forget it it’s oat cookies basically really simple crunchy very satisfying my version is a little bit different to the traditional version which uses sugar flour oats I’m going to use bananas very ripe ones to sweeten the biscuit the riper they are the better so the bananas you really don’t want to eat anymore they’re perfect pinch of salt teaspoon of ground vanilla and then some oats mix that all together till you have a slightly wet oat dough baking tray line with baking paper and then a cookie cutter roughly about 6 cm wide so just take some of the oat dough and then press it into your cookie cutter to make a round so you want the cookies to be a couple millimet thick and even it’s really important they’re even because then they’ll bake evenly just repeat until you filled the [Music] tray last cookies done I’ve preheated my oven to 220° really hot oven and they’re going to go in for about 10 to 15 minutes and then you need to flip them [Music] over so the biscuits are done you can see they’re done cuz they’ve got lovely golden edges and they sound crisp you could eat them just like they are keep keep them in an airtight container they’ll keep for a couple of days or dip them in some chocolate going to melt some chocolate I’m using dark chocolate but you could use milk chocolate if You’ [Music] like my chocolate has melted I’m just going to give it a little dip like so if you find the chocolate too hot to handle just use a spoon to spread on the chocolate now what I like to do is sprad sprinkle a little bit of finishing salt on my chocolate it just brings out that chocolate flavor makes these biscuits extra special it’s not a traditional touch but it’s extremely delicious five ingredients is all you need for my Oak cookies banana oats chocolate vanilla and a pinch of salt [Music] Malmo with its large immigrant population has a rich and diverse food scene which I thoroughly enjoyed exploring it reflect Sweden of today and potentially Sweden of the [Music] future Gothenburg is the second largest city in Sweden and the only major city with the Atlantic Ocean as its Coastline from here it is open water all the way to the Tia Scotland naturally fishing has always been very important here the Herring is Sweden’s favorite fish lately it has seen its popularity challenged by farmed salmon from Norway but still Herring is the most Swedish of all fish if it’s not pickled it’s usually breaded and fried here in Gothenburg it is sold on the street as fast food hey hey St hem Moss oring yeah so struming is Herring fried Herring okay fried Herring with homemade mashed potatoes and Ling Mar yeah sounds great I’ll have one of those yes yeah [Music] yeah there you go oh wow this looks delicious and look at the Herring it the breadcrumbs look so crispy but it’s not just breadcrumbs it’s that Dill Dill yeah yeah and salt and white pepper M I love the coating on the fish it’s so [Music] crunchy this is fesa sherka which means fish Church in the local dialect it was built in 1874 and served as a fish auction until 1910 the church-like windows gave the building its name on the second floor is a restaurant where according to its owner the best shrimp sandwich in the world can be found I think we’re going to make a traditional Swedish uh Rea re Mak yeah p*rn sandwich so we’ve got our shrimps prawns we’ve got a BAL egg we’ve got some s this is a mayonnaise or yeah mayonnaise and that’s it and uh and there’s some lemon there as well we’re going to make it together yeah super easy take the bread should I butter it yeah yeah butter it more more yeah okay you’re like basically everything and I I I start yeah love Yeah butter is good you know how you put butter on and when you bite in it you see your teeth B I love that yes okay then I I then I understand how much butter you want on there yeah because the butter is is kind of salty and it’s fat and the shrimps as as you felt they’re they’re actually a little bit sweet so this is a very popular sandwich in Sweden isn’t it it is it is the sandwich to order they pop up everywhere they pop up everywhere like I’ve even seen it at like a corner shop like a news agent I never buy a shrimp sandwich this is this is like the shrimp sandwich I would do home what you do is like it’s the perfect couch food you just bring everything you need you can do it as you’re watching TV or whatever and and share a good bottle of wine or two or but the technique and especially this time of the year when they developing the the row yeah the row isn’t under the belly the row is still in the head so I like the taste of the row so what I do is that I take the just the top of the head so I get the row lift and then we take the the beard yeah and up with that yeah and then underneath the belly and then just give it a gently squeeze on the tail and you wow you should amazing I just learned to how to peel Pro yeah okay so we do one layer of mayonnaise on top and then we cover everything up with uh some salad leaves yeah and more mayonnaise yes I like some we don’t want the shrimps to when when you bite it you don’t want the shrimps to just fall off you want them to be a little bit sticked in the they should glue on yeah and I take your egg and the Swedish invention is it Swedish I don’t know maybe you just made out the egg slicer the egg slicer beautiful boil EG Okay so we’ve got bread we’ve got a nice lay of salty butter we got some mayonnaise we’ve got a lettuce leaf and then we’ve got some more mayonnaise and we’ve got some egg shrimps shrimps is the com the comb A’s right on the shrimp sandwich looks lovely does doesn’t it very very appetizing I think once you’ve had one of these shrimp sandwiches you’ll never be able to have like a regular shrimp sandwich will you what do you call this Dill Crown Dill Crown Dill yes cuz it’s like the dill at the top oh the Final Touch how Swedish this looks beautiful M wow that layer of butter makes the difference it’s good huh yeah you are definitely right to be so generous worth all that hard work of peeling well [Music] done though people in gothenberg swear by their prawns and how to eat seafood the right way I suspect that even the holy prawn sandwich can be done slightly differently [Music] seems like everyone in Sweden has their version of p*rn on toast and here’s mine I’m going to do a party version which I’m going to use pumpin nickle bread pumper nickle is a dark slightly sweet rye bread but you can use sourdough or any bread of your preference perfect bite-sized pieces going to toast them while that’s toasting away I’m going to make my topping little bit of mayonnaise crem fresh some salt diesel mustard for a bit of heat you can add as little as much as you like white pepper mix that together frawns already peeled make your life easier a little bit of Dill Dill is a herb I always associate with Sweden comes up so often that goes in save a little bit for later give that a little stir going to check on the toast [Music] now before I top these I need a little bit of [Music] butter I’m putting on slightly less butter as I have a rich dressing on the prawns try and get the prawns on the toast doesn’t need to be too much of a heap people should be able to pop these into their mouth quite easily now I’ve got an extra special touch a little bit of CarX lurum so it’s a fish Row from the North of Sweden looks like little beads that’s a bit of sweetness sweetness and saltiness at the same time now one last thing you’ve got the orange going on but we need a tiny bit more green a few finally chopped chives just makes everything pop a simple little starter for your [Music] party summer in the small village called asiga on the Swedish West Coast is Goodman’s Garden it is a small pig farm started 20 years ago by Ralph and his wife there’s been a increased in interest yes of course years in these 20 years here in Sweden we see that people are more and more interest in food quality and now people want to have local varieties as a local produced with a historical connection it’s fantastic but they look so happy yes yes pigs are very social they are not aggressive they’re like playing and lying in the these Tails normal why industrial farming pigs have no tails you take these Tails because they are so aggressive they eat each other all right but here every Pig has his tail we have responsibility also for these animals here and if these animals are happy it’s also good for me and my family I say we have a good job yeah we must save the family farming in whole Europe this is so important that not everything becomes industrial we do this now in 20 years and it is working so what type of pig are these oh this is a a mixture between Swedish land race and Hampshire old British race Hampshire what do they eat pigs are all eaters like human beings and so they get also a mixture of barley oat and Rye plus beans but they also eat what’s found here yes yes so the meat is kind of some warms insect yeah influenced by the flavor of this land yes that’s right same in Spain with panega ham or in Palama this ham from Italy say oh this is typical Italy this is typical Spain and now we can say this typical Swedish yeah totally I mean what a beautiful countryside and you can see in the pool they are lying in the pool yeah having their Spa time so I need some pork mints yes this we can fix because it’s quite fresh here we have it fantastic and I also get some of the smoked bacon lovely thank you very much thank you happy pigs make good quality meat I’m off back to my cabin to cook up a traditional Swedish dish the valenberg it’s named after one of Sweden’s most well-known industrial families naturally I’ll be putting my own twist on this classic and taking some inspiration from fast food there’s nothing worse than a dry rubbery Burger that’s definitely not the case with my Valen burger at Burgers I’m going to start off by making my burger patties now the key to this burger patty is using really rich indulgent ingredients you need either some pork mints or traditionally you would use ve mints cream four egg yolks the egg yolks and cream are going to add that richness to the Burger the egg whites you can save to make a merang you can even freeze them in an airtight container they’ll keep for a couple months generous pinch of salt and lots of white pepper and then you just want to blend everything [Music] together going to put the mixture in a bowl and that’s going to go into the fridge for about an hour you want mints to absorb the cream and the egg [Music] [Applause] [Music] yolks so my mixture’s been sitting in the fridge it’s a bit easier to form now I’m going to roll it in some breadcrumbs going to add a pinch of salt toss that through and then form this into four patties dip it in the breadcrumbs then flip it over to get the other side and then pop it on a Clean Plate [Music] and the last one right you’ll need a generous dollop of butter in a hot pan to fry your [Music] burgers and when the Butter’s singing you can add your patties you want to fry the patties about four to 5 minutes on each side until they’ve got a Golden Crust see here it’s got a lovely golden color on them crispy too going to put them on a tray they’re rather thick patties so they need to go in a preheated oven at 170° for about 5 to 10 minutes just to cook it all the way through while the burgers are finishing in the oven I’m going to make my pea puree I’m going to add some salt to the boiling water and another pinch just for luck peas go in I’m just using frozen peas this takes about 5 minutes to cook some lettuce lingen Berry jam and I’ve got some Brios Burger buns which I’m going to toast on the fire I think the peas are done let’s have a quick look yeah just going to drain them to finish off my peas I’m going to Blitz them up with some butter that’s always good bit of salt then I have a bit of vegetable stock as well just a little bit then you just need to blend it together that looks spot on give your peas a little taste just check if you need a bit more salt good all that’s left to do is to assemble everything [Music] I’m using iceberg lettuce bit retro but it’s crisp you don’t want fancy rocket it doesn’t work for this some linger marry Jam if you can’t get hold of linger Jam you can use cranberry or red currant Jam it’s definitely not going to be easy to eat a big mouthful but tasty look at that color and then pop that on top my Valen bger Burger a Twist on the Swedish [Music] classic clad caka Swedish chocolate mud cake is super popular at dinner parties cuz it’s easy to make but what do you do when you have friends who have dietary restrictions well you’ll have to make my cake it’s just as tasty and easy to do so I’m using some sticky sweet dates as my base it’s going to add the sweetness put that in the blender some espresso now what the coffee does is bring out that chocolatey flavor you want to Blitz this until you have a smooth paste all right now this cake is super easy because it’s just about adding all your ingredients into the blender so I’ve got some non- tasting vegetable oil you could use coconut butter goes in some ground flax seeds that’s going to bind everything together some black beans not what you expect to have in a chocolate cake but it will give it that muddy texture little bit of The Bean liquid some vanilla bean paste cocoa powder teaspoon of [Music] salt and some baking [Applause] powder okay that’s it we’ve got our cake batter ready I’ve got a baking tin already lined with some paper and you just need to pour in your mix if you wanted to you could do individual ones like in a muffin tin they just take 10 minutes to bake versus a half an hour for the big one spread the mixture out then that goes in the oven preheated at 200° for about half an hour [Music] you know when the cake is done if you pull out a skew it and it should be slightly wet on the tip you don’t want it to be completely dry the cake should feel a little bit muddy let my cake cool down a little bit and while that cools I’m going to make a really easy icing using avocados so normally you’d make make icing with butter but we’re going to do a vegan version just as creamy so the avocados add that creaminess really important you have super soft ripe avocados pop that in your blender so this cake is vegan there no animal products in there it’s also nutree refined sugar-free basically it’s free from many things but not free from Flavor okay to my icing I’m going to add a pinch of salt cocoa powder and then the sweetener is going to be maple syrup you can add as much or as little as you like adjust it to your [Music] liking that’s it make sure your cake has cool down first so you just want to smooth the icing on the top okay I’m going to add some berries for color it’s quite nice to cut the strawberry in half some blueberries and then I’m just going to shave some chocolate on my Swedish chocolate mud cake one to please everyone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to visit people who believe so much in what they doing is truly inspirational whether it’s making the best p*rn sandwich or raising the happiest pigs the more I learn about Swedish food the more intrigued I become it’s simple yet [Music] refined welcome to Smur this beautiful little fishing Village North of gothenberg is the mecca for ocean fishing and partying the summers are filled with tourists enjoying the Finer Things in life like good food and wine as well as a stunning scenery now it is the very end of the tourist season and for many this is the real Smur hey Sion hi welcome thank you so much it’s the first day of this year’s lobster season I’m out on the sea we’re Sion and we’re going to go fish for some lobsters the excitement can be felt as every fisherman dream of catching the Black Gold of the ocean that sell for as much as €8,000 per kilo the start of the lobster season is always 7:00 the first Monday after September the 20th every year what fabulous weather we have today typical sea weather I think I’m used to it I’ve got my yellow Mac so I’m all right let’s hope the lobsters like it too hard work r [Music] oh wow woo I like it I welome lsers first time lucky too small so bye-bye not going in the pot today you live another life bye-bye Lobster here you go all lobsters smaller than 9 cm or approximately 3 and 1/2 in from head to the beginning of its tail as well as all lobsters with r must be thrown back into the ocean the big one massive it’s huge it’s a monster Lobster yes yes really really big and look at the size of those claws yes and you don’t want to put your fingers there oh no no no oh wow it’s pretty good that will make one very tasty Lobster [Music] thank you so much 61 I will take this with me you you can give it a [Music] kiss all right I don’t want to get too attached to the Lobster cuz I’m going to be cooking it [Music] serving Lobster doesn’t mean you have to serve it with a fancy side The Humble cabbage turned into lemon Caray cabbage salad will make a delicious accompaniment this salad’s inspired by a little takeaway salad you often get in Sweden with your pizza it’s citrusy it has a nice kind of vinegar dressing to it simple but quite tasty so you want to take out the core of the Cabbage the tough bit take out the core here and then Finly slize [Music] It season your cabbage with a generous amount of salt and toss it well together you almost want to massage the Cabbage all the slices of cab get coated with the salt and what’s going to happen is the salt draws out like the excess liquid and you end up with a really crunchy salad so I’m going to let that sit for an hour now I’m going to make my dressing I’m going to zest a lemon some olive oil white wine vinegar black pepper and a little bit of of sugar to take the edge [Music] off I’m going to just pour the dressing on top give that a little mix two other things I need I’m going to toast some caraway seeds and while they’re toasting I’m going to cut up my lemon so you want to remove the piff because we’re going to use the lemon flesh take out the White Center and any extra seeds or Pips you might see and then roughly chop this up that gets added to your salad so you know when your caraway seeds are done is when you can actually smell them so they go on top right now for the lobster ask your fish Monga to prepare your lobster for you if you don’t feel confident Doing It Yourself clean it up with a little bit and they’re just going to go straight on the grill if you don’t have a open fire what you could do is put it under the grill in the oven just make sure it’s nice and hot Lustine or large p*rns make a delicious alternative I’m going to brush them with a little bit of butter really don’t need much at this point keep it simple chop up some parsley for your garnish adds a bit of freshness to the dish too a few lemon wedges to serve I’m going to put my salad in the serving Bowl to my salad I’m going to add a little bit of salmon row you don’t have to but I like that salty popping sensation you get from the salmon row right I think the Lobster’s done now I deliberately didn’t turn them over because I didn’t want them to lose their juices so what you’re looking for is the flesh to go from translucent to opaque and then you know it’s done so serve with a little bit of lemon a sprinkling of finishing salt and a tiny bit of Pary and that’s all you need to serve up a delicious Lobster [Music] when it comes to F there’s so many more sweet treats you can choose from than the regular cinnamon bun and one of my favorites is cus topper or coconut macaroon I’m going to melt some butter and to the butter I’m going to add some lemon zest this is just going to bring a little bit of freshness sugar and then half a teaspoon of salt give it a little mix while that’s melting I’m going to toast my coconut this is an important step if you don’t toast your coconut you’re not going to release all those lovely nutty flavors spread it out evenly and you want to toast it until it’s golden brown you release all that lovely nutty aroma once your Butter’s melted take it off the heat and let it cool down time to check on the coconut have a look so the coconut you can see it’s toasted really nicely you’ve got that lovely golden brown color you can smell the toastiness now I’m going to mix together my other ingredients some ground almonds and then a rather unusual addition some sesame seeds I added them because it was a happy accident I didn’t have enough ground almond so I thought I put sesame seeds instead and it actually works really well as another kind of dimension in terms of the Nutty flavor and then your toasted coconut then mix everything together and now I can add my wet ingredients three eggs and I’m just going to roughly incorporate that in before I add the melted butter now when you add the melted butter make sure it’s cooled cuz if it’s not then you might cook the eggs and gently stir that together right all mixed together time to roll up your sleeves gets a bit messy at this point so you need to take a small amount about the size of a golf ball and form it into like little Peaks little mountains obviously you could make them a lot larger but I quite like them when they’re just one or two mouthfuls these are great little biscuits to make if you have friends who have a gluten allergy no gluten in these and they taste good they’re going to go in the oven preheated to 200° for about half an hour I’m going to coat my mountains with some white chocolate just want to roughly chop it up help with the melting if you’re not into white chocolate use dark chocolate it’s really up to you I’ve got a bar Marie here so a little bit of water at the bottom a bowl to sit on top and melt my chocolate be careful you don’t let the water underneath boil because if it’s too hot then what happens with the chocolate is is it [Music] splits they’ve got the perfect golden brown color and then if you turn them over they should be caramelized on the bottom as well okay now the easiest way to coat them in chocolate is to do them while they’re still warm so make sure you’ve got your chocolate all melted and you need to do is dip them in so now they’re starting to look like little mountains got the snow on the top a little Swedish touch with some lingen berries it’s not what you normally put on but I actually like the bright red pop but also the linger berries add a bit of acidity if you don’t have linger mares you can use red currants instead and that’s it my white chocolate berry mountains a little sweet alternative to a traditional cinnamon [Music] bun Smur with its 1300 inhabitants is called the liveliest summer toown in in Sweden it’s hard to imagine on a day like today but if you come here for the food this time of the year is best time for a little break to warm up and what better way than to try a local favorite snack an open fish sandwich tuck time to tuck in I have a gravx sandwich here it was interesting when I first moved to Sweden I was trying to learn Swedish which which I still am today and I use Swedish cookbooks as a way of learning the language and I leared that the words graux comes from grab to bury and you used to bury the salmon in the soil nowadays you just bury it in a bed of salt and sugar and spices and Lux means salmon back to the cabin after another wonderful trip packed with lots of delicious food great for getting new recipe ideas my grax Poke Ball is a swed ified version of this Hawaiian classic it uses gravlax flavors with Swedish garnishes for a delicious twist so I’ve got a piece of salmon filet here you just want to dab off any excess moisture in a clean tea toil cuz that will affect the flavor of the salmon so when when you use a salmon filet try and get a filet which is like even in terms of thickness it just helps to equally distribute the Brine and then for the brine I’m going to do a mixture of flavors I’ve got some white peppercorns lemon zest you’ll notice there’s a bit of a theme with the flavors there always a bit of lemon zest involved some fresh d finally chop that two ingredients you need for the gravx is salt and sugar because that will make your brine slightly sweet and salty at the same time you’re literally going to bury the salmon in the salt and sugar so it’s a sweet and savory Brine and the salt goes into mix it together and then you need a recable food bag and just tip it in there salmon goes in make sure your bag is well sealed and then it’s time for a little massage so this is a fairly quick brine you don’t need to do this overnight just takes a couple hours in total so once the sugar and salt is well massage into the salmon you can set it aside for 40 minutes at room temperature and then you can put it in the fridge you need to turn the salmon over so the brine infuses both sides [Music] while that’s brining I’m going to cook some rice hot stock and the rice goes in cover that up while that’s cooking away I can prepare my garnish I’m using a mandolin but if you don’t have a mandolin a sharp knife will do so I have some beetroot ready cooked if you don’t want to get pink fingers use gloves right so give your mandoline a quick [Music] rinse so same thing with the radishes if you don’t have radishes and beetroot in the fridge you could use other vegetables a carrot would be just as nice some size cabbage it’s really whatever you find in the fridge I need half a lemon for later but I can slice some wedges up now now the important part I need to make my gravx dressing and the dressing is inspired by the dressing you have for gravx which is a sweet mustard bit of honey I like to add some deel mustard just to give it a bit more of a kick and some oil to bring everything together deel mustard a little bit of Honey the runny kind makes it easier so sunflower oil basically oil which doesn’t have a strong taste so extra virgin olive oil is not the oil you want to use in this dressing some lemon juice squeeze that in some salt and don’t forget a little bit of Dill for this as well finally chop it [Music] give your jar a shake to mix all your ingredients together have a little taste always good to taste it on something cuz that’s how you’re going to eat it anyway H perfect right so I’ve got my dressing I have my garnishes just need to peel my horse radish this bit is what I love the most it’s that spiciness you’re going to add to the dish it’s very similar to adding some Wasabi to your Poke Ball going to grate some of this this has been sitting at room temperature for enough time so I’m going to put it in the fridge until I need it [Music] time to get the salmon out the fridge before you can use it you need to give it a little rinse otherwise it’ll be too salty and too sweet so you want to give it a little pat down and remove any excess moisture so you can actually feel how the brine has changed the texture of the fish it’s become a lot firmer denser colors slightly intensified so just want to slice even slices don’t make it too thin don’t make it too thick so I’ve got like about just over half a centimeter there so that usually helps to have a very sharp knife when you’re doing this okay now it’s all about bringing everything together rice we got some of the beetroot some radishes and then I have some of my favorite Swedish pickles from the fridge so I’ve got pink pickled onions and some pickled cucumber they really add that extra Swedish touch to the [Music] dish to make your own pickled cucumbers bring 400 ml water 300 mL of vinegar 100 gam of sugar 30 G of salt and a bunch of fresh dill to the boil stir and leave to cool before adding 750 G of sliced cucumbers store in a sterilized jar don’t forget the salmon give your dressing a little stir before you put it on bit of a spicy note with the horseradish put as much or as little as you like and then one last touch a spri of dill and that’s my SED aied Hawaiian version of a Poké ball [Music] with the open water in the west and the Baltic Sea in the East it’s no wonder that so much Swedish Cuisine includes fish and seafood but to finish it off with a sweet coconut chocolate and Berry mountain is not bad [Music] either the region of small land in the southeast of Sweden is filled with woods and lakes this was a poor area inhabited by hardy people loggers fishermen and farmers during the large immigration to America in the 19th and 20th Century over 20% of all swedes left for the United States many of them from this region in the middle of small land I’m meeting Magnus nean who is taking me cray fishing in the same Lake his father and grandfather caught these delicious lobster-like creatures when did you start cray fishing how old were you actually I’ve been doing this really really long time my grandfather he had this small farm uhhuh and then they planted cray fishes oh wow so I’ve been cray fishing since was really really little yeah I think we’ve got enough fish now to bait don’t we we have certainly right okay this is the cage yeah so the little yellow boxes yes is what we’re going to fill with the fish like one that’s enough half a fish we do fish right let’s do some cray fishing of course [Music] eating crayfish is something the swedes have in common with people from Louisiana in the United States but not with the rest of Scandinavia we have put bait in the crayfish cages and will place them in the shallow part I prepared this one for you oh thank you very much the cages are left in the water overnight before being pulled up luckily Magnus puts them out the day before wow quite a lot yeah loads look at that wow that one’s huge did you see this one here yeah that was a good one a bit angry it is very angry I don’t want to get my fingers in between those claws I think we’ve done pretty well I think so [Music] too in Sweden crayfish are bored in dill and eaten cold everyone has their own special recipe we’re heading back to an inn that magna’s managers where he will show me his recipe okay Magnus we’re going to cook some crayfish how are we going to cook you have this Crown deal we have the dark beer we have some sugar and we have this salt and we will make this magic so it will turn them into red right well let’s get cracking yeah traditionally crayfish are cooked for a couple minutes until they turn red and then removed the brine is cooled before the crayfish is added back to the Brine and left overnight to soak up more of the flavor fabulous let’s go have a taste fantastic I was taught you have to eat it like this yes it’s important that’s where you taste all the delicious dill and the beer from the brine school and Tux thank you for having me m you have to have beer with crayfish I think so yeah and a little glass of schnap sometimes if you like singing okay [Music] crayfish are part and parcel of the Swedish year August and September being the time you fish them one of the best ways to eat them is in form of a soup I’ve got some pre-cooked crayfish here and I’m going to Shell them Lustine or even large p*rns can be substituted for the crayfish I’m going to keep the claws whole because they’ll look really beautiful for the decoration it’s really the tail which is the meaty part don’t SC the shells we’re going to use them for the stock the majority of the flavors in the Shell I think my favorite Swedish celebration has to be a crayfish party going out fishing for the crayfish and then cooking them and then the funit is obviously eating them with friends and family singing drinking schnaps crayfish is all peeled now I’m just going to make my base for the soup need one carrot finally chop your carrot stick of celery same procedure and finally an onion and to get my pot nice and hot little bit of oil in there your carrots your celery and your onion give it a little stir you’re just softening the onions at this point no caramelization pinch of K and pepper some paprika tomato paste you’re basically frying this until the onion’s soft I’m going to add some white wine and then I’m going to add the shells they’ve got all of that lovely crayfish flavor in there give that a good stir some hot fish stock little bit of white pepper couple po bay leaves all you need to do at this point is let it simmer for about half an hour so the stock reduces and intensifies and flavor leave it [Music] [Applause] uncovered so as you can see the stock has simmered down it’s reduced the flavors intens ified and we’ve got this amazing bright red color I’m going to remove the shells and all the little bits in the [Music] soup now you want to put the soup back into the pot and then I’m just draining the last bit of the stock away some double cream save a little bit for the garnish a touch of salt all that’s left to do is stir in the bits of crayfish meat and prep your garnish a few ches time to serve don’t forget the crayfish claws a Sprinkle of chives before I forget a splash of cream that’s all you need for your cream fish [Music] party bestest of Boton cheese has to be my favorite Swedish cheese it’s Hardy packed with flavor great to eat on its own perfect in a pie I’m going to make my pastry for the pie need some plain flour ping of salt a tablespoon of mustard it’s not what you normally put in pastry but this gives it extra flavor cold butter and now you just want to rub the butter and flour through your fingers to make a Sandy texture this is why it’s super important to have cold butter the Butter’s slightly warm it’ll start to melt when you have that crumbly texture I’m going to add some vodka what that does is not add alcoholic flavor but actually keep the pastry flaky vodka will help bring the dough together without developing the gluten unlike water as the alcohol evaporates during the baking process I’m going to roll out my pastry between two sheets of baking paper it’s better to do it this way than flouring your work surface flouring your dough and rolling it out in flour that way you minimize the amount of additional flour you add to your dough also it’s super easy just to move your dough around the pastry should be rolled out so it’s larger than your piein now once you’ve rolled out your pastry to the right size it’s going to go in the fridge for 30 [Music] minutes so my pastry is chilled for half an hour I’m going to put it in my tin make sure you tuck right into the edges there push it down a little bit then I’m going to take the rolling pin just run the rolling pin around the tin break the base this stops air bubbles forming in the pastry base and then put in some baking paper important part and I’m going to use some dried chickpeas as baking weights bake at 160° fan for 20 minutes before removing the baking weights and bake for a further 10 minutes or until till the base is firm and dry I’m going to make my filling for the cheese pie and for that you need lots of cheese best of Bot and cheese you can use mature cheda K or any other flavor packed hard cheese cream and then three eggs generous pinch of salt lots of black pepper mix that all together [Music] I’m going to add an onion not what you normally do but it’s a nice addition just need to get my pie crust Out the Oven pour in your egg mixture top the pie with the onions and then that goes in a preheated oven at 180° for 25 to 30 minutes to my Vesta bottom pie I’m going to do a Chantell topping once the butter is sizzling away you can add your mushrooms we chop the Pary add a pinch of salt to your mushrooms Vesta botton pie usually makes appearances at Midsummer Cay fish parties Christmas but I actually really like having a slice with some fresh green salad don’t need to serve it for special occasions so the easiest way to remove the ring off the pie is to put it on something high and then you can just slide it off like that let’s slide this onto my plate pile your Chantell on top sprinkle on the Pasty I think Vesta Boton Pie has to be one of my favorite Swedish dishes and I’m sure it will be yours too just try and make [Music] it I’m on my way to the Costa border Glass Factory glass has been blown in these parts since the 16th century the dense forest provided perfect fuel for the glass blowing fires the workers used to live at the factories and after A Hard Day’s Work they got together and used the ovens that were still hot to cook their dinners but before I get to taste some traditional Glass Factory food I would try to blow some glass wow look at that Nicholas FR is a master glass blower and will be my teacher in the bucket there you grab one of those blocks yeah shape the glass okay yeah and then you put the the block back and add a little bit of water on the newspaper Swedish newspaper and you put it in your hand like that and yeah you shape the glass oh wow with your hand without getting burnt that’s amazing of course it has to be Swedish newspaper absolutely you will blow and turn at the same time so yeah the more you blow the thinner it gets so it will also cool down quicker woo takes a little bit of practicing yeah but how long have you been blowing glass for about 30 years so yeah but what’s really interesting about this region of Sweden SW and there’s a long history of making glasses yeah the reason why they put the glass factories here was because they they use the wood for firing up the furnaces and you had the the leges with the sand the sand for making the the material through the glass and it’s being really resourceful which I heard you’re also very resourceful of the way you use the heat from the furnaces afterwards to cook food exactly yeah well I think we should go try the food should do that let’s do that the tradition of cooking together at the end of a hard day glass blowing lives on even today the word for it Hil means cabin Herring so we’ve got baked potatoes yeah some bacon and then ah what’s this this is e Bond like pork sausages so this is a a local sausage which is very much from the small and region yeah it it’s starting to look like an English breakfast does just need my fried egg on the side EG what’s this this is the Herring okay so it’s got Herring onions cream I guess cream yeah and some dill goes well with the potato yeah I’m going to try some of the Herring M it’s nice and salty it’s nice and salty now for some of this local sausage it smells delicious really Smoky um flavors M that’s delicious it is M oh yeah oh well look we should have a little sko a little sko yeah it’s good it’s good sorry I can’t down it that would be the Swedish like down it in one not hard enough after standing up for the main food we sat down for dessert smallen is known for its cheesecake which is light and fluffy and served with Jam so Oscar is something I hadn’t heard of before i’ moved to Sweden okay it’s something which doesn’t really travel Beyond Sweden OST is cheese and Caro’s cake so this should be cheesecake cheesecake and and it’s warm it is warm as well so makes it even a little bit more tastier you like it yeah I love it it feels like this is a real grandma dessert yeah thanks Nicholas for letting me come blow some glass and eat some delicious [Music] food the cheesecake is nothing like the traditional cheesecake it has a distinct taste that is uniquely Scandinavian I cannot wait to try my own version of this Swedish classic Osaka Swedish cheesecake from small land it’s rich and creamy with a slight semolina texture and almond Aroma definitely worth trying I’m going to make a fresh cheese base which is very simple some flour and then you want to whisk in a little bit of milk to make a paste now it’s important to put the flour in first and slowly stir in the milk otherwise you’ll get lumps make a sort of wallpaper paste and then you can whisk in the rest of the milk and then I’m going to add some renit now renet is something you can usually find at the chemist or some specialized grocery stores and basically what renet does is make the milk separate into whey and curvs Whey is the liquid remaining when you curd all your milk kurd are the milk solids which strain to make the cheesecake you want to gently stir the mixture and raise the temperature to about 37° 37° C is warm enough that you can put your finger in without burning yourself so the mixture has separated into whe and curds I’m going to let that sit for half an hour to cool down before I drain it off [Music] so my we in curs they’ve separated nicely and I’ve lined a bowl with a clean tea toil I’m going to pour this in gather up the ends and give it a bit of a squeeze [Music] you want to remove as much liquid as possible and then I’m going to use the wooden spoon to wrap the ends around and you just want to let that drip for about an hour means the curd becomes nice and [Music] firm so you can see see we’ve just got the curd left and it’s dried nicely a tablespoon of sugar pin of salt ground almonds and then some bitter almonds for the Almond Aroma if you can’t get hold of bitter almonds you could use almond essence you don’t need to use too much it shouldn’t be overpowering now to bring the mix together I’m going to add an egg single cream and then you just mix it all together all you need to do is spoon it into your rins now preheated oven at 175° fan for roughly 15 to 20 [Music] minutes you know when the Osaka is done cuz it’s slightly golden on the top and it looks set traditional way to eat Osaka is with a good dollop of whipped cream and some cloudberry Jam or you could have raspberry jam or whatever Jammy fancy it’s hard to resist them when they’re [Music] warm couldn’t think of a sweeter way of finishing a [Music] meal my trip through Sweden is over for now I’ve met the most wonderful people and it’s so much about the Swedish history and culture my knowledge of Swedish food and what makes Scandinavian Cuisine so special is vasely greater than when I started on my journey I’ve come to appreciate the Simplicity of the food and the clean and crisp flavors a way of cooking I will keep with me for the rest of my life [Music]


  1. Rachel Khoo: Swedish Kitchen Recipes And Traditional Scandinavian Desserts | Tonic - Dining and Cooking (2)

    @louiseturner9811 2 weeks ago

    I'm enjoying this . Thank you .🤗🙏

  2. Rachel Khoo: Swedish Kitchen Recipes And Traditional Scandinavian Desserts | Tonic - Dining and Cooking (3)

    @kristofferhellstrom 2 weeks ago

    I'm a Swede and I've watched so many BBC documentaries about british history. Love everything that has to do with Ruth Goodman. Wartime- and victorian Farm etc. Your victorian era is fascinating too me. It's interesting to se a brit in Sweden talking about Swedish history 🙂

  3. Rachel Khoo: Swedish Kitchen Recipes And Traditional Scandinavian Desserts | Tonic - Dining and Cooking (5)

    @elizabethfairlie8296 2 weeks ago

    Absolutely love lobster. Haven't had in years. Just so costly now.

  4. Rachel Khoo: Swedish Kitchen Recipes And Traditional Scandinavian Desserts | Tonic - Dining and Cooking (6)

    @fleurdickinson5626 2 weeks ago

    Do the swedes really eat that much ultra processed meat, especially pork ? Seems a bit unhealthy.

  5. Rachel Khoo: Swedish Kitchen Recipes And Traditional Scandinavian Desserts | Tonic - Dining and Cooking (7)

    @reallivebluescat 1 week ago

    Forgot the majoram in the peasoup ! 🙂

  6. Rachel Khoo: Swedish Kitchen Recipes And Traditional Scandinavian Desserts | Tonic - Dining and Cooking (8)

    @reallivebluescat 1 week ago

    Love your Ostkaka! You should try Kalvdans next

  7. Rachel Khoo: Swedish Kitchen Recipes And Traditional Scandinavian Desserts | Tonic - Dining and Cooking (9)

    @mitcheljoseph 6 days ago


  8. Rachel Khoo: Swedish Kitchen Recipes And Traditional Scandinavian Desserts | Tonic - Dining and Cooking (10)

    @kendrai.304 2 days ago

    My goodness this is beautiful and absolutely fantastic. I'm part Swedish and I can see where my love of dill and cheese came from. I wrote down a few of the recipes. Absolutely stunning. I loved the interviews with the locals and the landscape shots too. I'm in awe, so incredible 💞 I hope to go one day before I leave the earth. 😁 P.s. do you have any other cooking shows Rachel Khoo?

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Rachel Khoo: Swedish Kitchen Recipes And Traditional Scandinavian Desserts | Tonic - Dining and Cooking (2024)
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