Swing Trading With A Small Account: Best Practices (2024)

While some people would love to deposit $100,000 into their first trading account, this is rarely the reality for swing traders starting out. When first getting started, you’ll likely want to dip your toes in the water with a smaller account. This is a great way to make your mistakes “smaller” when you’re first learning the ins and outs of this trading strategy.

And while you may start small, you’ll watch your account grow and flourish over time when you employ the right swing trading strategy. This is when trading starts to get really fun.

With that said, swing trading with a small account does have its limitations. There are some things you’ll need to keep in mind to be successful and reach that vision you have of a large, diversified account. Don’t worry – we’re going to unpack everything you need to know before getting started. We’ll talk about the pros and cons of small account trading, and provide you with some advice to set you up for success.

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First things first – what is considered a “small account”?

What Is Considered A “Small Account”?

When talking about capital, what’s “small” to some people may be a lot to others. Similarly, what you deem to be a large amount of capital is pennies to an experienced, veteran trader who has put in the work to grow their account. That’s why it’s tough to put a dollar amount on what is considered a “small account”.

However, we see many new traders start small with just $1,000 in their accounts. This is a pretty good starting place for new traders because your risk is pretty limited. For the purpose of this article, we’ll assume you’re starting with somewhere between $1,000-5,000 in your account. If you’re starting with slightly less or slightly more, the same principles will apply.

Before we proceed: we want to stress the importance of only trading with money you don’t need. If you can’t stomach the thought of watching that $1,000 dwindle away, you might not be ready to start trading. You may need to start even smaller, or you may need to consider paper trading with fake money for a bit until you’re more comfortable.

The Benefits Of Swing Trading With A Small Account

If you’re not familiar with what swing trading is, allow us to give you a quick introduction or refresher. This style involves capitalizing on the “swings” in a stock’s price. It’s a short-term to mid-term trading style where traders get in and out of a position over the course of a few days – or at most, a few weeks. It’s great because it takes up less time than day trading, but allows for quicker results than long-term position trading.

And when it comes to trading with a small account, there are a few benefits worth mentioning.

First and foremost, you’ll watch your account grow fast. While you’re starting small, a few wins early on can make a huge impact on your account size. And with skin in the game – albeit small – you start to gauge whether trading is or is not for you. This is something you cannot replicate with paper trading. The way you feel after winning a trade – and, the way you feel after losing a trade – is something you have to experience with real money. And starting small is a great way to do that.

Secondly, a blowup isn’t damaging. Let’s face it – you’re going to make mistakes starting out, even with ample paper trading experience. You’re not going to go hungry losing a $500 trade, or even a $1000 trade. Sure, it’s no fun – but you can learn from the experience and keep moving. A blowup in a large account is far more damaging. Even small mistakes – like using the wrong type of order – won’t cost you a ton. These are the mistakes you want to learn cheaply.

The third benefit of small account trading is that you’re forced to be ultra-selective with your trades. You don’t have as much ammunition, so the trades you make need to be great opportunities. This creates big wins. And, you’ll learn proper risk management, too.

The Drawbacks Of Swing Trading With A Small Account

As you can see, there are all sorts of advantages to starting with a small account. Make no mistake, though, there are some drawbacks you should be aware of too. First of all, you have less of a buffer from the mistakes you incur. Let’s say you have a $1,000 account, and you identify two great opportunities – you put 20% of your capital into each of them. If neither one pans out how you had hoped, your account could dwindle by up to 40%.

And you also need to factor in the margins required to trade your account. Most brokerage services will require a certain amount in your account at all times. If you take a few losses in a row, your account may become untradeable until you add more funds. This adds a sense of pressure that you wouldn’t feel in a $10,000 account. You’ll also experience limitations in the types of markets you can legally trade – and how you go about trading them. Bigger accounts have fewer restrictions in this regard.

The drawbacks of trading with a small account can more or less be summarized as limitations. You’ll experience far more flexibility in trading with a larger account. But the reality is, most new traders are going to start small just based on resources and risk.

You may not have the capital to deposit $10k into your account – and even if you do, you may not feel comfortable diving in with this much capital. And that’s ok. There are countless instances of traders who began with under $500 and worked their way up to respectable account sizes.

Want to be next? With our advice and the right tools, you can make your vision a reality.

Our Advice For Those Swing Trading With A Small Account

Swing trading small accounts requires one to practice strict measurement of opportunity cost – by measuring risk and maximizing the opportunity of each trade. You’ll need to leverage the right tools, too. Here are a few pieces of advice we want to offer any new trader getting started with a small account:

Keep Your Capital Working Around The Clock

First and foremost, you need to keep your capital working at all times when market conditions are favorable. When starting out with a smaller account, you want to make sure that $1,000 you have at your disposal is being utilized. With a bigger account, you may have a large chunk of cash sitting around as you wait for an opportunity. But you cannot afford to do this with a smaller account. We recommend you have up to 80-100% of your capital leveraged in positions at any given time.

Don’t Pass Up Profits

Picture this – you found the perfect opportunity to swing trade. You get in at a good time and over the course of a few days, the stock does exactly what you expect it to do – the price swings up. While you may see the potential for another 5-10% profit, we highly encourage you to get out with your profit while you can. There is no worse feeling for small account traders than watching profit potential dwindle away. It won’t just do damage to your account – it will damage your psyche, which is the last thing you want as a new, inexperienced trader.

Better yet, eliminate any human error/emotion from the jump by setting a take-profit order. You can set the target for which you want to close your position at – be it a 5% gain, 10% gain, or more. Whatever you do, take profits!

Avoid Jumping Into Just “Any” Opportunity

Remember – you need to be ultra-strategic with where you disperse the limited capital you have. We’re not looking for “just okay” opportunities. We need big wins to start growing your account. So, set your standards high when following your swing trading indicators. Find opportunities that will actually move the needle for you.

Sure, you can settle for slow, low-risk growth – but you’re going to be stuck in a small account for a long while. Instead, find opportunities that check off all the boxes of your trading strategy and have the potential to yield at least 10% returns.

Make Sure You Have The Right Tools In Your Arsenal

Trading is hard enough as it is – with a smaller account, it will be even harder. You can’t afford much room for error. That’s why you need to set yourself up for success by having the right tools in your arsenal. A stock analysis software is a must. This type of tool will help you effectively time the market so you know when to get in, and when to get out.

And here at VectorVest, we’ve developed the most intuitive software on the market. We tell you when to buy, what to buy, and when to sell – it’s that simple. You can simply take a look at our top-rated stocks for any given day and see if they meet your criteria. We make investing simple by offering a clear buy, sell, or hold recommendation for any given stock. If you want to see what it looks like in action, take a look at our free stock analysis.

With VectorVest in your arsenal, you’ll watch those wins stack up and your account grow. Soon, you’ll be able to invest in confidence knowing you have the best information possible at any given time.

Final Thoughts On Swing Trading With A Small Account

Swing trading with a small account isn’t the ideal situation – but it does come with its own set of advantages. And with the right information, your account won’t stay small for long. So, take action today and get started! Just remember:

  • Keep your capital working
  • Don’t pass up profits
  • Be strategic with the opportunities you open a position in
  • Leverage software to help you make sense of investing – especially as you get started

Take all of the guesswork, emotion, and human error out of trading with VectorVest. We’ve been calling every major market move for the past 20 years, and continue to help our traders stay on the right side of their trades.

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Precision Swing Trading|Midas Touch Swing Trading|Swing Trading Success|Master Candlestick Analysis

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Swing Trading With A Small Account: Best Practices (1)

Swing Trading With A Small Account: Best Practices (2024)


Can you swing trade with a small account? ›

Swing trading with a small account isn't the ideal situation – but it does come with its own set of advantages. And with the right information, your account won't stay small for long. So, take action today and get started!

What is the best trading strategy for small accounts? ›

Introduction: The 2% rule is a classic position sizing strategy where a trader risks only 2% of their total trading capital on each trade. For small accounts, it ensures effective capital preservation while allowing room for accountable growth. Features: Limits maximum loss on any single trade to 2%

What is the 1% rule in swing trading? ›

The 1% risk rule means not risking more than 1% of account capital on a single trade. It doesn't mean only putting 1% of your capital into a trade. Put as much capital as you wish, but if the trade is losing more than 1% of your total capital, close the position.

How to swing trade with small capital? ›

Focus on short term price movements, to buy low and sell high within a short timeframe. Emphasis on identifying fundamentally strong businesses expected to grow steadily over time. Stocks are selected based on short term market trends, technical analysis and quick profit opportunities.

Can I swing trade with $10? ›

Newer traders and investors typically have lower opening capital and prefer to start with smaller contributions. It is possible to begin Forex trading with as little as $10 and, in certain cases, even less.

Can I swing trade with $50? ›

$50 is theoretically the least amount of capital you should start day trading with. But, there are some problems with this. If you have a few losing trades, you now have less than $50, yet you still have to risk about $0.50 on a trade. This means you're now risking more than 1% of your account.

What is the best leverage to trade with a small account? ›

Leverage is solely a trader's choice. Most professional traders use the 1:100 ratio as a balance between trading risk and buying power. What is the best leverage level for a beginner? If you are a novice trader and are just starting to trade on the exchange, try using a low leverage first (1:10 or 1:20).

How do I day trade with a small account of $100? ›

How to Start Day Trading
  1. Step 1: Find a Brokerage. If you want to trade successfully with only $100, your broker needs to meet some requirements from your side. ...
  2. Step 2: Choose Securities. ...
  3. Step 3: Determine Strategy. ...
  4. Step 4: Start Trading.
Feb 14, 2024

What are the disadvantages of trading small accounts? ›

You have a smaller margin for error, when trading with smaller amounts. Another disadvantage of trading a small account is that it takes more time to generate worthwhile returns. If you are trading an account with only $500 in it, making a healthy 20% per year is only $100.

What is the 2% rule in swing trading? ›

The 2% rule is a risk management principle that advises investors to limit the amount of capital they risk on any single trade or investment to no more than 2% of their total trading capital. This means that if a trade goes against them, the maximum loss incurred would be 2% of their total trading capital.

What is a realistic profit from swing trading? ›

The Swing Trading strategy can lead to profits in the short term, usually in the range of 10% to 30%. However, as most things investing usually are, it is a risky bet. About 90% of traders report losses during trading.

What are the common swing trading mistakes? ›

Don't have a trading plan (every trade is a mistake). Wrong position size or don't have a position sizing method. Taking too many correlated positions (increases risk…as the correlated trades are essentially the same). Got out of a position before the planned exit.

Can you live off swing trading? ›

Can you make a living swing trading, or is this just another case of “too good to be true”? This trading style is positioned between day trading and long-term investment and demands a strategic approach and a solid understanding of market trends. But, yes – you can absolutely get started swing trading for a living.

Can you start swing trading with $100? ›

Yes, you can technically start trading with $100 but it depends on what you are trying to trade and the strategy you are employing. Depending on that, brokerages may ask for a minimum deposit in your account that could be higher than $100.

What is the gold swing trading strategy? ›

Top Gold trading strategies
  1. Moving average crossover for a short-term trading strategy. ...
  2. Real interest rates for a long-term strategy. ...
  3. Fibonacci Retracements. ...
  4. Buying the support level. ...
  5. Placing stop-losses below the previous low swing.

What is the minimum amount for swing trading? ›

There is no thumb rule for minimum capital required for day trading or swing trading. One can start with Rs. 5000, or 50,000 or 5,00,000 depending on your budget.

What is the minimum needed to swing trade? ›

It's going to very hard to turn a profit when you are already in a decent hole at the start of every trade. So if you want to swing trade stocks, you will need at least $2,000 in your account, and a $10,000 account would be a much safer starting point.

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.