Where is the safest place to have money if the U.S. Treasury defaults on its debt? (2024)

Where is the safest place to have money if the U.S. Treasury defaults on its debt?

Where is the safest place to have money if the U.S. Treasury defaults on its debt?

By John H. Robinson, May 24, 2023

I cannot believe we are actually having this conversation, but we are. Over the past few months, the topic of the debt debt-ceiling has increasingly come up in client communications. Over the past week or so, it has been the topic of nearly every client conversation.

In February, I posted an article to our blog titled, “What if the U.S. Treasury Defaults on its Debt?”. In the article, I expressed my view that, while the current juvenile political brinksmanship does nothing but harm the credibility of the U.S. and unnerve its citizens, at the end of the day, there is very little concern because, “even the most dysfunctional Congress will not be foolish enough to let our cachet as the world’s safest investment haven evaporate.” Although the potential cost of default is difficult to quantify, whatever that cost may be, it is widely accepted that it would be “catastrophic.” As President Biden expressed in a speech last week, “Every leader in the room understands the consequences if we fail to pay our bills. The nation has never defaulted on its debt, and it never will.”

The Stupidest Game of Chicken Ever

Fast-forward to today, and I confess that my confidence that rational minds will prevail is waning. Both political parties appear to be controlled by their respective extremes. In a rational world governed by leaders with an emotional maturity level above that of a toddler, there would simply be an unencumbered, unrestricted bill to raise the debt ceiling (as in other countries) that would unanimously pass in the House and Senate. Instead, we have one party fixated on attaching spending cuts to the agreement and the other fixated on raising taxes.

Both parties are effectively threatening the other by holding a gun to their own heads. It truly is the stupidest game of chicken ever, but the more I listen to the rhetoric coming out of both parties, the more it seems that our congressmen may really be that stupidly partisan. If the U.S. really does default, even temporarily, even the most optimistic projections of the fallout are dire. It is difficult to imagine how ANY of the clowns in office during this fiasco could escape with their political lives, but, as anyone who has ever tried to calm an angry 3-year-old can attest, rationality does not always prevail.

What Should Investors Do to Protect Against the Possibility of a Default?

How’s this for unambiguous guidance? -

If you have money in U.S. government money market funds, U.S. Treasury money market funds, or treasury bills maturing in June or July SELL those securities and hold cash deposits or perhaps even prime money market funds until the debt ceiling crisis is over.

The views expressed in my February blog post were well-reasoned, and I still believe that the possibility of a default is low. Anyone who has taken a college-level finance or macro-economic economics course may recall that the yield on treasury bills is referred to as the “risk-free” rate. R-I-S-K F-R-E-E. My guidance has always been driven by the presumed truism that there is no safer asset on the planet. Similarly, the corollary of this truism is that if treasury bills default, there is no other asset class that would provide shelter.

Given that the treasury market is the largest debt market (by far) in the world and that it is the backbone of the global financial system, I have never had any reason to think that the “full faith and credit of the U.S. government” was anything less risk-free. For as long as I have been around any time there has been an exogenous shock the to global economy or financial markets, the term “flight to safety” is consistently used to describe the rush by panicking investors to buy treasuries.

However, something strange has been going on in the bond markets over the past couple of weeks that has caused me to put on my critical thinking cap. First, there has been a dramatic spike in the yield of treasury bills maturing from June through August that cannot be explained merely by an inverted yield curve. The only logical explanation for this is that investors perceive there is at least some real possibility of default and that the yield differential represents current the risk premium.

Although these T-bills are far from trading like junk bonds, another peculiar consideration is that the yields on certain short-term AAA-rated corporate bonds are lower than T-bills of the same maturities. It seems that investors perceive there to be less risk in these bonds than in treasuries. That is shocking. But it is a real phenomenon, and it would be foolish to ignore it.

Over the past few weeks, I have read a few articles suggesting that bank accounts are somehow safer than treasuries because “treasuries are not insured” while bank deposits are FDIC. On the surface, that reasoning is naïve and uninformed. The only reason FDIC has any credibility is that its deposits are backed by the “full faith and credit of the U.S. Government” (i.e., the Treasury). Treasury securities don’t need FDIC coverage because they are literally issued by the Treasury. However, as a practical matter, your bank does not necessarily need to rely on FDIC to maintain its daily liquidity so it is entirely possible that a default on treasuries might not have any immediate effect on bank deposits unless the treasury default triggers a run on banks too.

For all of these reasons, my best advice for the last week of May is the sell guidance highlighted above and to temporarily park the proceeds in bank deposits and/or prime money market funds.

Critical Thinking and Accountability

For the record, I am 100% aware that I have been outspoken over the past year in encouraging clients to take money out of low/no interest bank deposits and reallocating to T-bills and/or treasury money market funds with state tax-free yields in the 4.5-5.0% range. I have been encouraging clients to purchase treasury money market funds with their liquid cash as recently as last week.

I learned a long time ago that ego is a horrible and potentially career-ending reason to blindly stand by an investment recommendation. Accountability, on the other hand, is a valid reason for changing course. While I still believe there is a very low probability of a Treasury default, I see very little downside to taking money out of short-term treasuries for a month or two. Conversely, given that nearly all our clients’ money that is in short-term treasuries represents their “safe money,” the cost of not side-stepping this potential calamity is potentially severe. With respect to accountability, I believe FPH clients will appreciate our erring on the side of extreme caution.

It is also worth mentioning that comments yesterday by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen are what inspired me to make this recommendation and write this post. For months, Yellen, along with scores of other esteemed economists have been warning that the fallout from even a temporary default would be “catastrophic” (that is the term that keeps cropping up). Yesterday, when Ms. Yellen was asked to quantify the risk from a default, her response was, “[The]Treasury is not involved in planning with investors for a default.” Translation: “Ask your barber, because I have no freaking clue.”

I do not know if my suggested actions will be sufficient to avoid the fallout from a default, but the change recommendations are based on critical thinking given the conditions and information at hand. For information in support of this guidance, I encourage you to read four articles that helped shape my thinking. Links to the articles along with key excerpts from each are included below as “RELATED READING.”

In closing, there are two other common questions that have come up over the past couple of weeks that I am compelled to address:

Should I/we Sell our stocks and/or mutual funds/ETFs?

That is a hard NO. I do not disagree that the stock market may tank in response to a default. However, stock market timing decisions require getting two very tricky decisions right – when to get out and when to get back in. Given that the market is remarkably efficient at pricing risk at any given moment in time, rarely do investors get both of these decisions right. In my experience, most investors who try their hand at market timing tend to sell on the way down and buy back at a higher price when the recovery is well under way.

Additionally, it is understood that the stock market represents the volatile long-term portion of investors' portfolios. It is not where investors park their short-term safe money. We fully expect and plan for significant downturns in the stock market. Over the past 30 years, I have worked through several major market declines including two prolonged bear markets that saw the S&P 500 Index decline more than 50%. It has always come back because it is made of real companies that earn real profits. If financial Armageddon results in the failure of all publicly traded companies, I submit that our portfolio values will be the least of our worries.

Should I/w Buy Bitcoin, gold, and/or foreign currencies to hedge Treasury default risk?

Again, this is a hard NO. All these assets (though I don’t consider cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin to be a legitimate asset class) are volatile in nature and are not a substitute for a safe, stable fixed-income investment.

John H. Robinson is the owner/founder ofFinancial Planning Hawaii,Fee-Only Planning Hawaii, andParaplanning Hawaii. He is also a co-founder of fintech software-makerNest Egg Guru.


When is cash safer than risk-free? (AXIOS)

In theory, if U.S. government bonds aren't safe, then nothing is safe. Treasuries are what people buy when they want zero risk. However, assets do exist that can be considered safer than Treasury bonds, at least in the short term.

U.S. money market fund assets hit record highs despite debt-ceiling fears (Reuters)

Money market funds that invest in Treasuries - money funds invest in high-quality, liquid, short-term debt, including Treasuries, government agency debt and corporate securities - are also avoiding exposure to Treasury bills that mature in June, said Crane. "That's the sort of kryptonite that people are staying away from," he said.

What’s the difference between a government shutdown and a failure to raise the debt ceiling? (Bloomberg)

…when this [debt ceiling] issue arose in 2011, the Obama Treasury was planning to make all interest and principal payments and to delay paying all its other bills—including government benefits. The Biden Treasury hasn’t said what it plans to do if Congress doesn’t raise the debt ceiling in time. It is, however, likely to make interest and principal payments on Treasury debt. Whether and how it will prioritize other payments is unclear—but someone will not get paid on time; there simply won’t be enough cash to meet every obligation

What would happen if the U.S. defaulted on its debt? (NY Times)

The $24 trillion U.S. Treasury market is the primary source of financing for the government as well as the largest debt market in the world. The Treasury market is the backbone of the financial system, integral to everything from mortgage rates to the dollar, the most widely used currency in the world. At times, Treasury debt is even treated as the equivalent of cash because of the surety of the government’s creditworthiness. Shattering confidence in such a deeply embedded market would have effects that are hard to quantify. Most agree, however, that a default would be “catastrophic,” said Calvin Norris, a portfolio manager and interest rate strategist at Aegon Asset Management. “That would be a horror scenario.”

These potential costs — unknowable in total but widely thought to be enormous — are what many believe will motivate lawmakers to reach a deal on the debt limit. “Every leader in the room understands the consequences if we fail to pay our bills,” President Biden said in a speech on Wednesday, as negotiations between Democrats and Republicans intensified. “The nation has never defaulted on its debt, and it never will.”


Securities offered through J.W. Cole Financial, Inc. (JWC) member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Financial Planning Hawaii and J.W. Cole Advisors, Inc. (JWCA). Financial Planning Hawaii and JWC/JWCA are unaffiliated entities.

Fee-only financial planning services are provided through Financial Planning Hawaii, Inc. DBA Fee-Only Planning Hawaii, a separate state of Hawaii Registered Investment Advisory firm. Financial Planning Hawaii does not take custody of client assets nor do its advisers take discretionary authority over client accounts.

The information contained herein is general in nature. Neither Financial Planning Hawaii nor J.W. Cole provides client-specific tax or legal advice. All readers should consult with their tax and/or legal advisors for such guidance in advance of making investment or financial planning decisions with tax or legal implications.

Where is the safest place to have money if the U.S. Treasury defaults on its debt? (2024)


Where is the safest place to have money if the U.S. Treasury defaults on its debt? ›

Money market accounts are worth considering as well; they're FDIC-insured, and combine features of checking and savings accounts. U.S. government securities—such as Treasury notes, bills, and bonds—have historically been considered extremely safe because the U.S. government has never defaulted on its debt.

What happens to Treasuries if the US defaults? ›

Investors might panic, leading to a sell-off in Treasury securities, which are typically considered one of the safest assets. This could also result in a sharp decline in bond prices and a spike in interest rates, affecting borrowing costs for the government, businesses and consumers.

Where should I put my money if the US defaults on its debt? ›

If you have money in U.S. government money market funds, U.S. Treasury money market funds, or treasury bills maturing in June or July SELL those securities and hold cash deposits or perhaps even prime money market funds until the debt ceiling crisis is over.

How to protect your money if the government defaults? ›

That means tamping down on excess spending, making a budget, and shoring up emergency savings to cover at least three months of living expenses. Since a debt default would likely send interest rates soaring, any credit card debt you're saddled with may soon cost you more.

What is the safest place for money if the government defaults? ›

“Treasurys paradoxically can perform well, since even when faced with potential default, they remain the relatively safest asset,” he said. Concurring, Brachman says that “Treasurys will be the safe haven of last resort.” If you want to play long-term Treasurys, consider the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT).

Can US Treasuries lose money? ›

However, CDs and Treasuries are fixed income investments and subject to similar risks as other fixed income investments. For example, if interest rates rise, the price of a CD or Treasury will fall and if you need the investment prior to maturity and have to sell it, you may lose money.

What are the odds of the US Treasury default? ›

The market-implied probability of a U.S.-government default stood at 3.5% on May 23, as investors still viewed the possibility of such a default as a tail event. But the consequences of a default could be severe and long-lasting.

Are CDs safe if the government defaults? ›

In most cases yes, up to a point. CDs are typically insured up to the FDIC limit, though it is possible to buy jumbo CDs above that level. But you could also invest in a US Treasury money market fund, and Treasuries are backed by the full faith and credit of the US government without limits.

What will happen to a 401k if the government defaults? ›

Impact on 401(k)s

If the government is unable to raise the debt ceiling, it may default on its debt obligations, which can lead to a loss of confidence in the U.S. economy. This, in turn, can cause the stock market to drop, leading to a decrease in the value of 401(k)s.

What happens to social security if the debt ceiling isn't raised? ›

Under normal conditions, the Treasury sends Social Security payments one month in arrears. That means the check you receive in June covers your benefits for the month of May. If the debt ceiling isn't raised, the Social Security payments due to be sent to beneficiaries in June would most likely still go out.

Can the government seize your savings? ›

In addition to unpaid taxes, the government can seize funds from your account if you are suspected of involvement in criminal activity, such as money laundering or drug trafficking. In such cases, law enforcement agencies can obtain a court order to freeze your account and seize funds to investigate the matter.

Can the government take money from your bank account in a crisis? ›

They are able to levy up to the total amount you owe in back taxes, and the bank must comply. For many individuals, this might mean seizing everything in their entire bank account. The only way you are able to release a levy due to hardship is if you make a satisfactory resolution.

Which stocks to buy if the US defaults? ›

7 Safe-Haven Stocks to Buy for Protection From a U.S. Debt Default Disaster
JNJJohnson & Johnson$156.81
XOMExxon Mobil$106.40
2 more rows
May 23, 2023

Are money markets safe if the US defaults? ›

Even if the Treasury does default, money market fund experts point to several reasons why a repeat of the Reserve Primary Fund debacle is extremely unlikely. A U.S. debt default would affect only a small number of Treasury securities, namely those that mature on the date that the Treasury's cash runs out.

Can banks seize your money if the economy fails? ›

It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options. Your money is safe in a bank, even during an economic decline like a recession. Up to $250,000 per depositor, per account ownership category, is protected by the FDIC or NCUA at a federally insured financial institution.

Where do millionaires keep their money? ›

Cash equivalents are financial instruments that are almost as liquid as cash and are popular investments for millionaires. Examples of cash equivalents are money market mutual funds, certificates of deposit, commercial paper and Treasury bills. Some millionaires keep their cash in Treasury bills.

Do US Treasury bonds have default risk? ›

There is virtually zero risk that you will lose principal by investing in long-term U.S. government bonds.

Do US Treasury securities have default risk? ›

Because the government stands behind them with its taxing power, investors consider Treasuries to be very safe — virtually the only type of bond that is free of default risk. (Like other bonds, Treasury prices can rise and fall as they are traded.

Are US Treasury bonds default risk free? ›

Treasury bonds are widely considered a risk-free investment because the U.S. government has never defaulted on its debt. However, investors should understand that even U.S. government bonds have interest rate risk. That is, if market interest rates rise, the prices of these bonds will fall, as they did throughout 2022.

Are Treasuries at risk with debt-ceiling? ›

The debt-ceiling standoff has left the TGA uncomfortably low (below $50 billion, compared with a recent balance of more than $500 billion). Replenishing the account could require the Treasury to issue $730 billion in Treasury bills over the next three months and about $1.25 trillion for the rest of the year.

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.